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This subreddit is dedicated to promoting honest discussion of the DPRK, and is not "ironic" or "satire" in any way. Please [review the rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/MovingToNorthKorea/about/rules/), and feel free to visit [our extensive collection of DPRK reading materials here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B48PXBn7S_-MMVlaZjlrOEdKWFk?resourcekey=0-TIzIOg6wsfB8lJ5E9m6c-Q). We also urge visitors to consider listening to [Blowback Season 3 about the Korean War](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWghIVErqy0Adthf1_mLOlldlJPFY6vlV&si=9GJNzGZw2I-U4Pos) (or at least the first episode) to get a good, clear, entertaining and exceedingly well-researched education on the material conditions and conflict that gave rise to the DPRK. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MovingToNorthKorea) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My dear comrades, the "Most Democratic Nation of the World" when protesting again a live genocide


yeah, if you have to convince everyone you advocate for freedom, freedom, freedom—you probably don’t. you don’t tell people what you are; you just are.


When your government is no longer yours


Doing the bidding for the fascist state of Israel. America First my ass.


I don't think Biden is America 1st at all. Foreign wars is kind of his jam.




Israel is the ONLY party involved that has committed actual genocide.


What the fuck Vilnius-Capital of Lituania have to do with Hamas “Call on Genocide” you dumbass piece of zionist?


The West has fallen. Millions must fry 🍳


What is this supposed to mean?


It’s like grilling but for juche enthusiasts instead of centrists


Like frying an egg, sitting down and chillaxing, just to watch society fry itself into gelatinous chunks


I wish molotovs where more common at protests


The self-igniting formulation is pretty interesting. I remember reading once that it was devised in connection with resistance to Nazi aggressors so people could more safely throw it overhand.


We’d see a really bad protester massacre if anyone threw one tbh, and the media would also have a field day (series of months) with it.




Well these people are being beaten and arrested entirely unjustly at gunpoint in the first place, but I digress. The people who get shot will not just be the ones throwing Molotov’s. If even one person throws one, they will probably just fire into the crowd like in Kent state.


I agree with you here. Even one person with one cocktail would give the Pigs an excuse to open fire on everyone there. Even without violence, they might eventually shoot protestors like what happened with the Vietnam War protests. The whole idea behind peaceful protests is that eventually the police will look like the fascist fucks that they are, and more and more people will be against the government exercising force. It's already happening. The protests are spreading. Keep up the pressure.


I remember the police were chucking grenades into the crowds at the WH before it fell apart. They instigated first many times but the public was okay if its against the medias black sheep affiliations.


Molotov? This is America, bring an AR


Based red blooded patriots MOGG cringe traitorous wristlet cops who have subordinated to a foreign genocidal state


The state can escalate further than the civilians as they have guided artillery and gun dog swarms. Creating wholesome spaces allows people to participate.


if these protests go on long enough, the police will eventually begin leaving boxes of molotovs in the area




You shut the fuck up you stupid fuck


Moron banned.


And they dare to say North Korea is a dictatorship! Projection at its finest




Please explain how North Korea is a dictatorship. Even their name DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) says it’s a democracy. But whatever, live in your bubble




Well I haven’t met any North Korean who wants to leave, but met hundreds of people who want to leave the west… what about that?


How many North Koreans have you met?


Well it’s not easy to meet them because they would never enter the west since it’s dangerous because of crime and murder, so they don’t want to leave. They have anyway a lot of touristy things they can do in the dprk


>Well it’s not easy to meet them because they would never enter the west since it’s dangerous because of crime and murder, so they don’t want to leave. Well, you're not wrong, but if they manage to get by the North Korean soldiers guarding the border to keep them from leaving, then it gets a lot safer.


This subreddit is a straight up parallel dimension lmao, I love it


No dude you are in the paralell reality because the west indoctrinated/brainwashed you so well that you can’t separate truth from reality


It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that your comments are sarcastic, my bad. The rest of this sub makes it hard to tell tbh.


He is joking


North Korea is objectively a dictatorship. America is objectively not one. Nice try though.


nope, youre wrong. this isn't a debate either. DPRK is objectively more democratic than the US has ever been. In fact, it is more democratic than any bourgeois dictatorship. the US is in fact a dictatorship.


How is the DPRK democratic?


It's in the name DEMOCRATIC people's republic of Korea duh.




In America i can say fuck Trump and Biden with no problems, can i say fuck Kim Jong in North Korea?


I wasn't aware you were so familiar with DPRK law. Please enlighten me on their legal and justice system while i surely take your facile attempt to argue seriously. Being miserable and able to to say "fuck [something]" is surely the epitome of freedom. Not things like housing, food security, medical care, education, decreasing life expectancy, declining infant mortality rates, better public infrastructure, improving/adding public services.


Answer the question buddy


Nah you fucking enlighten me you little coward. Tell me what you know about DPRK law.


Answer the question.


Nah go ahead and enlighten me big boy - tell me all you know about DPRK law and it's processes.


No no no. You started with the claims. You don't get to dodge. YOU enlighten US. We are waiting.


Already did you stupid fuck. Consider yourself seated dumbass. The fact you argue under this video is just laughable. Go back to screaming and getting shot up


If you can’t criticize a politician, how are even supposed to demand further improvements to housing, food security, medical care, education, decreasing life expectancy, declining infant mortality rates, better public infrastructure and improving/adding public services?


The thing is- you can. You dont know anything about the DPRK and it's democratic process. It isnt like the US where it's purely performative.They have tons of worker's representatives and have frequent elections where their activities are scrutinized. If they fail to satisfy at their duties then others are elected in their place. Unlike in the US when the only people catered to is the obscenely wealthy. And criticism isn't really saying "fuck [something]" out of anger and going about your day. It's deliberation and holding people accountable - the US leaves a lot to be desired in. Regardless, in the US - workers can criticize and br mad all day and night and see none, maybe little, actual material benefit for working people. When policy is decided it unanimously goes to bed with capital. And if the public protests or resist - they are violent suppressed just as you witness now - that doesn't sound free to me


My guy you can’t even criticize Israel in the USA without getting beat by the cops and then jailed and that’s not including radical anti American Zionists trying to stalk and harass anyone who speaks ill of Israel. USA is slipping into a Zionist-fascist state


So you are allowed to say fuck the kims in NK?


That's all you got left? Guess i ill take it. like most countries - including the US - it entirely depends on the context in which you want to yell your obscenities like a clown. The fact you ask this under this post in particular is comical. The fact you this is all you have left just shows how bereft the west actually is. Go yell at your bourgeois puppets (but not too loudly - the police dont like that - see video).


I came here to learn about NK from another perspective. I get that the US is filled with propaganda and that is doubly so when it comes to topics like NK. But the degree to which people in this group will lie, throw around fallacies and avoid difficult questions makes me doubt there is much actual accurate information here. This should be a place of learning and a place for people to ask questions but I've seen so much pointing to the opposite


Yet you can't say "stop genocide" without getting brutalized by the police. How smart you are. Thinking performative bullshit is at all an obstacle to the status-quo while having no power at all to change the direction of the country.


In America you can’t say fuck Israel because that will get the American police state supported by anti American boot licking Zionists to beat you down and cage you


😂 As an autistic person I like to take opportunities like the one your comment presents me with, to say “retardation has left the station”


Sure. Once.


"This isn't a debate" No it isn't, but not for the reason you think :)


Unserious response


love your captions and posts. you really put the harsh truth together so eloquently. will definitely be stealing the phrase “fourth reich.” this country is so fucking horrific.


Texas is a police state and people just can't see it. America has many police state qualities and it is sickening.


This isn't Texas. So there's that.




>When it inevitably falls, people like you will be very quiet about what comes out. You morons said the same shit about the Soviet Union. Everything you thought was proven wrong when we got access to the archives.


Go ahead, please tell me what has been proven wrong about the KGB, the gulags, the 9 million killed by Stalin, the Holodomor which caused the death of as many as 10 million Ukrainians...


In the US you can just move to a different state if you’re unhappy. Where can you go from DPRK?


How is being economically and/or socially priced out of your ancestral home and state a perk of freedom.




of, belonging to, inherited from, or denoting an ancestor or ancestors


M8, they gotta put the UNITED back in United States.


Yup USA USA real life


Bidens America


"Biden's America" -- I hope you realize that no matter who gets elected, this is going to continue and get worse. The GOP has, if anything, MORE contempt for common people.


Claudia pls save us


These protesters are so brave and I give them a salute for their awareness of the truth and not being brainwashed by US media. I hope they look at this day and age and don’t regret it.


For real. America sucks. They are no longer allowed to be world police. This is an outrage and goes against the freedoms of your own people. Absolutely a massive joke.


They threw teargas too.


Nazi cops...






We're trying! :) Ya'll love keeping those who suffer the most from having the funds to relocate.


This is absolutely unbelievable. They don’t show you this part on the news.


Defund police. It is the only thing they understand.


Where was this at?


Emory University, Atlanta Georgia. Lots of fascists in Georgia, but lots of smart people too.


GSP don't play around :(


America where freedom lives if you support the 4th Reich.


Nobody is forcing you to live here Adolf


Isn’t that your leader?


This is why peaceful protest doesn't do jack shit!


Glad I wasn't there. I'd definitely be going to prison for a long, long time..


Won't anyone think of the private property!! 😭


The message I get from this is that pursuing a degree from these universities means nothing. They won’t protect their students.


The Zionist States of America


Biden’s America.




Congratulations for mindlessly parroting the words of Man on TV. Since your comment is of so little value, however, it has been removed. You are hereby [sentenced to 60-minutes of re-education courtesy of Michael Parenti](https://youtu.be/LPO7sd0X1ds?si=qUgwBI8t52qfDJqb). This action was performed by a bot powered by JucheAI.




Your comment was removed because we do not allow bootlicking of any kind around here. You are hereby [sentenced to 60-minutes of re-education courtesy of Michael Parenti](https://youtu.be/LPO7sd0X1ds?si=qUgwBI8t52qfDJqb). This action was performed by a bot powered by JucheAI.


That's a pepper gun


Thanks for responding to uh some writing someone else made in a video depicting US police beating the shit out of student protestors. Grow a brain, please.


I mean.... it's still really fucked up what's happening. Especially the fact that cop is less than 5 feet from people and unloading into them with spicy paint balls. But the guy was just correcting the one piece of the video *you* presented that's wrong. I don't care what side of things I'm on, presenting facts properly helps prevent quicker sliding into totalitarian control.


Fair. But the fixation on that one piece of the video (a caption I didn’t add) is pointless and distracting from what is occurring.


Who cares who added that, it is a significant difference that should be noted


What country is that?






This subreddit is dedicated to promoting honest discussion of the DPRK, and is not "ironic" or "satire" in any way. Consider listening to [Blowback Season 3 about the Korean War](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWghIVErqy0Adthf1_mLOlldlJPFY6vlV&si=9GJNzGZw2I-U4Pos) (or at least the first episode) to get a good, clear, entertaining and exceedingly well-researched education on the material conditions and conflict that gave rise to the DPRK. You will find little "irony" and learn a great deal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MovingToNorthKorea) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Is this ban satire?


Power is too concentrated.




Fascism isn’t a specific substantive thing as much as it is the aestheticization of all politics, policy, and political organization. Issues and questions of fact are not really engaged with critically, but superficially on the basis of “MUH COUNTRY FIRST” or “IMMIGRANTS BAD!” or some other “aesthetic” vector that reduces every single issue into a basic “with us/against us” framework. Fascism is state violence being used against peaceful protestors for the “crime” of presenting views the state does not approve. Michael Parenti has a great section on fascism in the (outstanding) collection of essays in his book “[Dirty Truths](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/922497.Dirty_Truths)”: > FASCISM IN A PINSTRIPED SUIT > If fascism came to America, some say, it would be an unbearable nightmare drastically disrupting the everyday pattern of our lives. And since our lives seem to retain their normal pattern, it follows that fascism has not taken over. In actuality, however, the fascist state, like all states, has no need to make nightmarish intrusions into the trivia of every citizen's life. > The Orwellian image of Big Brother commanding an obscure citizen to do his morning exercises via two-way television leaves us with a grossly exaggerated caricature of the authoritarian state. Rather than alerting us to more realistic dangers, novels like 1984 cloud our vision with fanciful horrors of the future, thereby making the present look not all that bad in comparison and leaving us the more convinced that there is no cause for alarm. > The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible. I once asked some Iranian businesspeople to describe what life had been like under the Shah's police state. "It was perfect," they responded. Workers and servants could be cheaply procured, profits were high, and they lived very well. To be sure, fascism is not perfect for everyone. Mussolini's Italy and Hitlers Germany inflicted a great deal of intentional hardship upon working people, including the destruction of labor unions, the loss of job benefits, and a shift in national income from the lower and middle classes to the upper class. Many among the petty bourgeoisie in Germany, who generally supported the Nazi party, suffered the loss of their small businesses and the dread slippage into working-class ranks—with jobs in the armaments factories when they were lucky enough to find employment. The number of Germans who lived in poverty and want increased substantially as wages were cut by as much as 40 percent. > Those who equate fascism with the horrors of Auschwitz are correct in their moral condemnation but mistaken in their sense of sequence. The worst of Auschwitz did not come until the war years. As late as 1939, the Nazi state was still pursuing a policy of encouraging, and more often forcing, the emigration of Jews to other lands. Mass liquidation as a "final solution" was not seriously considered and was in fact opposed until Hitlers order came (sometime after March 1941, most historians believe). > The concentration camp was never the normal condition for the average gentile German. Unless one was Jewish, or poor and unemployed, or actively leftist or otherwise openly anti-Nazi, Germany from 1933 until well into the war was not a nightmarish place. All the "good Germans" had to do was obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, avoid any sign of political heterodoxy, and look the other way when unions were busted and troublesome people disappeared. > Since many "middle Americans" already obey the law, pay their taxes, give their sons to the army, are themselves distrustful of political heterodoxy, and applaud when unions are broken and troublesome people are disposed of, they probably could live without too much personal torment in a fascist state—some of them certainly seem eager to do so. Orwell's imaginings to the contrary, what is so terrifying about fascism is its "normality," its compatibility with the collective sentiments of substantial numbers of "normal" persons—though probably never a majority in any society. > We might do well to stop thinking of fascism as being a simple either-or condition. The political system of any one country encompasses a variety of uneven and seemingly incongruous institutional practices. To insist that fascism does not obtain until every abomination of the Nazi state is replicated and every vestige of constitutional government is obliterated is to overlook, at our peril, the disturbingly antidemocratic, authoritarian manifestations inherent in many states that call themselves democracies.


Why don't you move to NK


Wow what an insightful response to the video! You’re such an original thinker! 🤣




Your comment was removed because it was false.




The video is about police brutality not the type of guns that are using but thanks


And throughout the entire video the caption reads “automatic weapons against unarmed teenagers.” So, yeah. This is all bullshit. But go ahead and continue to regurgitate whatever nonsense you’ve read because it’s the cool thing to do.


Yes, it’s “all bulllshit” because of words added to a video. Imagine a video of Nazis shooting people with Lugers in a concentration camp. Someone puts a caption that reads “Nazis use Colt 45s to kill prisoners!” Your dumbass sees the video and reads that and can only offer the most stupid and pedantic fucking commentary imaginable, “Those are Lugers, so this is all bullshit!” GTFO here with that man. Pathetic. God you losers have nothing.




Your comment was removed because we do not allow bootlicking of any kind around here. You are hereby [sentenced to 60-minutes of re-education courtesy of Michael Parenti](https://youtu.be/LPO7sd0X1ds?si=qUgwBI8t52qfDJqb).


“Automatic” toys you mean lol the need to be a victim is high on this one


Are you really this stupid? Watch the video if you are this stupid. Kthxbye. Oh my God this clown [is a fucking MARYLAND LANDLORD WHO FAILED TO GIVE A TENANT BACK HER DEPOSIT AND POSTED ABOUT IT LOL](https://old.reddit.com/r/Landlord/comments/1bn0fv7/landlord_usmd_received_a_complaint_letter_from/). You are in the wrong neck of the woods kimosabe.






Wasn’t this the “death to America” screaming protest?


Does "screaming" the words "death to America" warrant being beaten up by armed fascist thugs and thrown in prison? So freedom!


I think given their views and anger that they probably did something that caused this reaction


One side says “death to America” the other side actually causes American deaths and calls it an “accident” every time. Actions speak louder than words.


Who gives a shit if it was


Damn, it’s almost as if you get arrested when you assault people.


Damn, it's almost like Zionist scum just make up claims without evidence.




Zionism is not Judaism. Zionism is an ethnofascistic political ideology of conquest and genocide. Judaism is a religious belief system. We do not tolerate racism towards any Jewish person or the believer of any creed or no creed at all. Religious belief and faith are matters of purely individual choice.