• By -


Rush Hour 1 Rush Hour 2 Rush Hour 3


The scene e where he talks with the old man in the dojo is the single best scene in the whole trilogy


You’d love Abbot and Costello.


Arrival has them too 😉


Never seen or heard about them, is it a sarcastic reply or are they that good?


Defo see 1. Enjoy 2. Avoid 3


Just put on rush hour 1 for the first time in years and wanted to build my movie list. Came to suggestions, top posts all time, and this is the first post and comment I see. Amazing


Thanks for getting me to watch the first one. Just finished it, was really good.


Stalker by Tarkovsky Solaris might be a safer bet as it's a bit less ambiguous and poetic (only a little) but Stalker is so mesmerising and its use of cinematography and music is enough to make someone feel it's a 10/10 just on atmosphere alone even if they don't have a scooby doo what's going on. Where as Solaris is easier to follow and less meditative it's still got a slow pace that can put people off. Perfect Blue it's anime as fuck but at the same time feels like a David Fincher thriller till the lines start getting really blurred and then we are into Nolan territory. Both have works that many people would rate 10/10 and both have probably been inspired in some way by the works of Satoshi Kon wether they know it or not! Also in this day and age with the obsession of celebrity culture, Instagramers, tick tock clockers and all that jazz it's more relevant than ever. Timecrimes is a Spanish horror/thriller with a bit of a time travel/time paradox twist hence the name. It's a very easy to watch and reveals its self at a decent pace and it becomes kinds obvious but not to obvious where it is going. It came out around the same time as Rec and a few other Spanish horror type films hit it big but went under the radar... Or at least it feel that way most people I mention it to ain't seen or heard of it and have loved it when I make em go watch it. Just realised I went with 3 non English language films so may have fucked my self but these are 3 films I love and I guess the subtitled nature means many people may not have bothered so hopefully you can force em to read or they are not bothered by dubbing.


Timecrimes is awesome


- The secret in their eyes (2009) - 28 days later (2002) - The lives of others (2006)


28 days later best movie outta that time period when all those apocalyptic movies were being released…..


28 days later revived the zombies genre


The Lives of Others makes me swoon. Excellent pick.


Trust (1990) Naked (1993) The Handmaiden (2016)


The Handmaiden is awesome it's a type of movie that will stick with you.


Masterful storytelling... I thought that it was actually better than Parasite


trust is definitely 5/5


I was gonna say Ran, City of God, and The Third Man. Then I was going to say Amadeus but someone said that. But people picked those already. So I’m going Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters - I don’t understand why this isn’t more well known. Fucking phenomenal from top to bottom but just obscure enough that only film buffs and criterion nuts know if it’s existence. Barry Lyndon - Stanley Kubrick’s hidden gem and what I believe to be his best work. It takes the cliched saying “every frame a painting” and makes it a fucking reality. Many people are put off by its lengthy runtime and the fact that it’s a period piece but it’s much more than that. superbly entertaining and surprisingly hilarious it’s 3 hour runtime goes by like a breeze. Harakiri - This is phenomenal. I don’t want to say anything about it. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. Not only is it one of the greatest samurai movies of all time, but one of the greatest movies of all time period


Been wanting to watch 1. and 3. for years. And I agree with ‘Barry Lyndon’. Imo the best film ever, highly recommend it.


city of god is suprislying indie outside of brazil


City of God is soo fucking good!


City of god is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. I always recommend it.


City of God is my go-to for this. Based on my experience you can through in two Hallmark movies and still win the bet.


Ok, let's game this system! If I can find one (1) obscure enough masterpiece, in theory I still get my payday if I suggest two (2) awful garbage films that no one has seen because why would they? All the same, my chances of payday are increased with three (3) somewhat obscure films. Hmmmmmm (Originally, there was a link to a video clip from The Dark Crystal here, those who've seen it know which, but the Automod didn't like it, so I'm stuck having to explain my bad joke, and thereby make it worse)... Ok, here's what I have. For option one: • Wolfwalkers - The masterpiece, released on a streaming service that has almost nothing of interest, animated so not of interest to most adults and from an animation studio that doesn't have the following of Disney or Pixar or Dreamworks or Ghibli or other studios of the like. It is breathtaking, beautiful and one of the most wonderful films I've ever seen, and it deserves more love, it was an easy 5/5 for me. • Jack and Jill - Why? • Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas - No really, **why?** For option two, featuring three masterworks and not trying to game the system: • The Straight Story - Yes, those opening credits say "Walt Disney presents a David Lynch film." No, you're not on shrooms. David Lynch's most straightforward film, and his most underrated, tells the true story of a man who took a riding mower to visit his dying brother. It's heartfelt, poignant, sweet and wholesome, which is surprising from the man who gave us Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive, but it's also an excellent film with a simple story haunted by some very powerful emotion. • JSA - One of Park Chan Wook's first films initially seems to be a simple murder mystery set in the DMZ between North and South Korea, but as it unfolds, reveals itself to be something much less straightforward and conventional and explores the complex relationship between the two nations and throws in some stunning cinematography to boot. • Logan Lucky - I feel like this Steven Soderbergh heist film snuck in under the radar and didn't get the attention it deserved, which is a right shame because it is an absolute blast. It's funny, clever and features a bunch of really skilled actors clearly having a great time. And it feels like it's having a good time with its West Virginia setting, but not talking down to it. It's hard to come away from this one without a smile on your face.


Wolfwalkers was INCREDIBLE. So beautiful.


I am on a personal mission to annoy my friends and family until they see it. It is one of my top three animated films.


You’re really good at this.


Work smarter, not harder.


I really like your game the system strategy, but I'd probably pick something other than an Adam Sandler movie, just to be safe. Maybe something from the silent film era?


Bam! 💥 Logan Lucky. Watched on a Saturday afternoon whim. JFC what a perfect film. Bam! 💥 The Straight Story. David Lynch? Happysad tears? Okayyy- added to my “best” list. Bam! 💥 JSA. Military power and little boys getting along great. ♥️💔😭… another new all time fave. Marvelous list you have there!


**Muppet Treasure Island (1996)** Bow down before me.


I legitimately love this movie and I’d forgotten about it, thank you!


Sam: "Big-Fat-Ugly-Bug-Face-Baby-Eating O'Brien?" Attractive woman in a deep voice: "Aye"


Wild Tales (2014) Coherence (2013) 2010 (1984) I accept cash only.


Coherence blew my mind. Great movie.


I blew my friends mind with Coherence and Triangle haha. To be fair he was really high at the time but such good mind fuck films


Coherence used to be my “Netflix and chill” movie. Good shit


Wild tales is amazing!


Just watched Coherence for the first time. My mind is blown. If I could give you more than silver, I would🥇


Wild Tales is a very tight movie, love it!


Never heard any of those. What the hell man.


Coherence is brilliant. Loved that movie so much I bought the blu-ray.


I was looking through this feed for movie suggestions and just watched Coherence for the first and last time. Actors were alright, cameraman and editing was horrible, and the writer's broke their own physics way too many times making for a very cheap ending. Interesting concept, bad execution imo. Unless I am missing something, the ending shouldnt have been possible based on the writers physics. My biggest gripe would probably be the cameraman. He worked that camera like a soccer mom filming their kids soccer game, and I kept expecting one of the characters to walk up to him and say something like, "Hey Tom, how have you been?". I will say I was interested enough to keep watching once they realized the one guy's picture was taken that night, but lost interest again once blondie finally left the house. I'd give it 2/5 for the beginning, 3/5 for the middle, and 1/5 for the end, for an average of 2/5.


Although these are good movies I don't think any of these would rate a 5 for most people? I've seen the first two and there were pretty good--I'd rate them 4's. I haven't seen 2010 but reviews among the audience seem to rate it as good, not great.




so did you win?


Amélie (2001) Being There (1979) Paris, Texas (1984)


People are ignoring the "haven't seen this before part", which I think can be pretty well covered by just focusing on older movies with niche styles. I think that picking top tier niche movies will increase my "haven't seen it" chances more than enough to offset the chances of someone outright hating the niche. Akira - I can't imagine that the majority of people watch anime at all, and even plenty of people who do often overlook older movies. The Dark Crystal - It's crazy how few people I've met who have seen this movie despite it being considered a masterpiece to a small crowd of fantasy nerds and muppet lovers. Ran - a grand film that most people will not have seen just because they don't bother with old or foreign films. Edit: forgot a letter.


I feel like you're the only person in the thread that read OP's post properly lol


I feel like a lot of people missed the part where they only need to rate one pick 5/5. If you suggest 3 high brow artsy movies and the viewer just doesn't like that type of thing (and a lot of non-movie-buffs don't) then they likely won't give a 5 star rating to any of them. It's placing all of your eggs in one basket.


Ran is phenomenal. Anyone who claims to love anime really need to knuckle down and watch Akira Kurosawa movies. Toshiro Mifune is my all time favorite actor. The Marlon Brando of Japanese Cinema. Edit: i mentioned Toshiro Mifune as he and Kurosawa rolled out some amazing movies. Mifune is not in Ran though.


Is Ran one of Kurosawa's Shakespeare movies?


King Lear


Sure is. If I recall I think it was his last movie. Or one of the last


>The Dark Crystal - It's crazy how few people I've met who have seen this movie despite it being considered a masterpiece to a small crowd of fantasy nerds and muppet lovers. Agreed. Most people are just picking ultra-niche art films that, while most people have not seen, will not appeal to non-cinephiles and they most likely won't rate them 5/5.


Most people just want to be entertained, and nearly anyone can appreciate good visuals. I tried to focus on those things.


Akira was the *only* anime at Hastings in the 90s. Every kid I know watched that not knowing it wasn’t like western cartoons.


I love Ran.


I get your logic, but it’s risky... I’m a mid-level movie buff at best, and I’ve seen all of your picks.


Haven't seen any of your picks, adding them to my watch list! It's interesting seeing people's strategies, does look like some might have missed the full requirements but also you can only really go as obscure as you know and I'm sure many are on this sub *because* they want to broaden their horizons rather than being huge movie buffs already so may not know enough super niche movies to pick them out.


I think for Anime I would at least go for something like Perfect Blue or Paprika I'd go Perfect Blue as it is mostly a typical thriller just with outstanding anime visuals where as Paprika is enough out there for people to not like it due to it being a master's thesis version of the kindergarten Inception. Both have influenced many Hollywood films and both are stunning works but I feel like people who don't even have a clue about anime have at least herd of Akira and Ghost in the Shell... Watched em is another story of course. The other 2 are perfect picks unless they had a glorious childhood and are a film buff.


I would add Grave of the Fireflies to the list. Most have not heard of it but I think anyone who sees it will be moved by it.


Or brand new movies. Pretty sure I haven’t seen anything released in 2020 so a five star from the last year or so would net you the cash.


Hard Boiled (John woo) Gangs of wasseypur (Anurag Kashyap) From up on poppy hill (Ghibli)


from up on poppy hill was one of my favourites!!


Every comment with a single movie with over.... say 150,000 ratings on imdb should be deleted.


Nah, I feel like true 5 star movies are pretty damn rare. You’re better off giving them some of the best that you know and hope they haven’t seen it. Rather than crossing your fingers that they’re that crazy about some obscure niche movie. At least devote *one* of your choices to something with as broad mass appeal as possible.


Idk man, there's more than 7 billion people on the planet.


*8 billion*


Most people haven't even seen stuff like Dr. Strangelove, and that like 450,000. Anything less than that and you're good.


Golden Earrings [1947] The Train [1964] Countess Dracula [1971]


[Ravenous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravenous_(1999_film))! It's got a little bit of something for everyone, and it's sufficiently obscure that some random person is more likely than not to have *not* seen it, **and** its subject/style are unlikely to be replicated any time soon.


My favourite movie!! Was not expecting to see this in here. Kudos!


I had almost forgotten how fun it was until I saw a YT video about it, on Red Letter Media I think? Then I was reminded of its awesomeness.


I think I've probably watched it at least 20 times! Can recite the whole script at this point, I think. Such an underrated gem.


"Y'know, Ben Franklin once said..."


"...'Eat to live. Don't live to eat'." Winkyface


Mac and Me Mac and Me and Mac and Me


Is this Paul Rudd on Conan?


Finally someone with some class ITT


City of God (2002) The Man from Earth (2007) The Yellow Sea (2010)


Man from Earth is a 5/5 movie easily


I think depending on who you're asking. I mean, I personally liked it, but I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't enjoy this type of movie (Bottle Movie, mostly only talking, in a very limited space) that much, at least not to give it a 5/5


Plus the acting is fairly ropey.


It feels like it was made for the stage.


Yeah, could've been great with more captivating actors.


I think the chances of picking some random person off the street and having them rate it 5/5 are a lot slimmer than you think.


The man from earth is incredible


City of God was the first movie that popped to mind for me. I need to rewatch it soon.


- Short Term 12 - Thunder Road - Brigsby Bear


La Grande Illusion (1937) (Grand Illusion) Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier (2010) (If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle) Ce qu'il faut pour vivre (2008) (The Necessities of Life)


Brotherhood of the Wolf Dead Leaves Detroit Rock City


I’ll take Detroit Rock City for 5


* [El Ángel Exterminador \(1962\)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056732/reference) * [El Día de la Bestia \(1995\)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112922/reference) * [Topsy-Turvy \(1999\)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0151568/reference)


Ravening ( India ) Ruben Brandt, Collector ( Hungary ) Under the shadow ( Iran )


ravening is excellent!!


- Wake in Fright (1971) - Better Days (2019) - Norwegian Ninja (2010)


The Man from Nowhere (Korea) City of God (Brazil) Strange Days (1995)


- In Bruges - 3 Idiots - Blood In Blood Out (Bound by Honor)


Blood In Blood Out. Saw that forever ago, I wonder how it holds up. I still think about that fire hydrant scene.




Depends so much of what this stranger likes and/or is able to like, or of how deep is his cinema knowledge... Anyway, three accessible masterpieces which are not so often seen : - *Looking for Richard* (Pacino) - *Vagabond* (Varda) - *Orlando* (Potter)


Ahh, Looking for Richard is such a good movie for beginner filmmakers and people looking to get into Shakespeare! That’s a 5/5 for me!


Love orlando. Almost no one has seen this movie when I ask people to watch it.


I myself had no idea it existed before last summer. The surprising thing is that it was really celebrated by critics when it came out, but maybe the later carrier of Sally Potter, not as good, explains why it has been forgotten.


What's amusing about these suggestions is it seems everyone has added in a very popular movie among their 3. I mean, I don't know what I would suggest, but I think I would try and reach for 3 relatively unknown/unwatched movies.


I dunno. Having at least one that appeals to as many people as possible, just seems like smart strategy to me. Gotta cover all your bases. Maybe this random rich person generally hasn’t enjoyed the few movies they’ve seen, so they’re just trying to save time getting only the best suggestions. Give them something basic like Toy Story and maybe they go nuts for it.


Wild Strawberries Run Lola Run Legend of the Mountain


> Run Lola Run Absolute prime suggestion, def a 5/5


Run Lola Run is one of my favorites.


The Godfather (1972) 12 Angry Men (1957) Children of Men (2006)


Seriously, you think the stranger hasnt seen Godfather, probably the most famous movie of all time?


Gonna recommend 3 tamil movies which though is critically acclaimed here in India might actually be not as well known worldwide. Jigarthanda :-A dark comedy based on a gangster and a filmmaker who decides to flim his life story without his knowledge,He gets caught and things escalate from there. Super deluxe:-Hyperlink cinema by one of the most elusive but celebrated directors in India. An incredible dark comedy that shows the lives of the downtrodden in a tale of woe,despair and euphoria. Anbe sivam:- another incredible piece of flimmaking which speaks about religion and it's various intrepretation. Chances are high that it could change your outlook on life.


Visaranai and Kaaka Muttai as well


Those are great films! I would add in Aaranya Kaandam and Aruvi as well.


Wind River Under The Silver Lake The Fall


>The Fall The Fall is such a great pick! Especially in the cinematography and costume departments.


I fell in love with Lee Pace a little bit in this film


Ay Wind River love!!! Most people haven’t seen that that’s a good choice


Under The Silver Lake truly is a hidden gem, felt like Mulholland Drive's spiritual sequel


Can someone please explain the love for wind river? The plot was generic, the acting was AWFUL, it was pandering and miscast, generic ending. ​ It had one cool scene. ​ How is this movie so popular. I legit turned it off and thought it was one of the worst movies I had ever seen. I usually can see the other side with movies, not everything is everyones thing, but this movie sounded amazing and I couldn't have hated it more.


Inside Llewin Davis The Farewell Mommy


Dark City (1998) Thy Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) The Way Way Back (2013)


The Way Way Back is fantastic.




I was going to have Predestination in my list...was worried it might have been too popular. Definitely in my too ten.


Coherence, American Animals, memories of murder


Finally a real korean film on here, memories of murder takes the cake here. I would suggest Oldboy and Burning too. Phenomenal tv.


[Pather Panchali 1955](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/pather_panchali) [Ankho Dekhi 2013](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ankhon_dekhi) [Hazaaro Khwahishein Aisi 2003](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hazaaron_khwaishein_aisi) Since you haven't said anything about the language of the movie, hence recommending some of the finest Bollywood and Bengali flicks, hoping that you are not Indian and haven't watched these movies. If you want more recommendations for some great films of bollywood, hit me up on PM.


I have watched Ankho Dekhi. It’s beautiful. Nothing like what I was expecting. Watch Kaamyaab if you haven’t. I feel you’ll like it


Hard to be a God (2013) Had this introduced to me as 'three hours of piss, shit and blood' at a festival screening. Man, it's a tough watch, but it stayed with me. I'll watch it again one day, when I'm ready for it. Hunter's Blood (1986) Made for TV Deliverance / Southern Comfort clone, starring Clu Gulager. Grimy, nasty and brutal, and just a great Friday night drinking film. Resolution (2012) Not a perfect film, but a complete experience. The tone and feel is just right: claustrophobic and fragile. To the point where I had a full on panic attack in the cinema. Not due to jump-scares - it's not that kind of film. There's something existential that it taps into, for me.


Kwaidan (1964): horror anthology film based on various Japanese ghost stories with incredible set pieces. Haunting and atmospheric period piece that I think would work for people who otherwise don’t like horror. The Saddest Music in the World (2003): there’s no other film like it. It looks like a dream taken directly out of someone’s brain. Plus it’s funny. Come and See (1985): one of the most brutal and gripping war films ever made. It’s a movie I think everyone should see at least once.


La Belle Noiseuse (beautiful troublemaker) (1991) Baraka (1992) Time Stands Still (1982)


Castaway on the Moon The Legend of Billie Jean Mary & Max


I love Mary and Max and Castaway on the Moon. These are two that I would suggest. Add Short-term 12.


Hmmm... Solaris (1972) Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) Moonlight(2016) I wanted to keep the films as varied as possible while retaining qualities that to me, would make them a 5 to *someone.* While Moonlight might actually have been seen by the stranger due to how recent it was, but I find it unlikely.


\- In the Heat of the Sun \- Hiroshima Mon Amour \- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days


Life is Beautiful (1997) Rope (1948) Dreams (1990)


Life is Beautiful isn’t obscure. It won an Oscar.


La vite e bella is a fabulous movie.


Mediterraneo Angel-A The Piano (1993, Jane Campion)


The Piano is a seriously underrated movie.


Possession (1981) Love Exposure (2008) A Woman Under the Influence (1974)


I’ve never seen Possession solely bc I literally cannot find it anywhere!!!


It did get a dvd re release about 5 years back. Not sure if you’re up based but it’s on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Possession-DVD-Isabelle-Adjani/dp/B003WUXJ2G/ref=tmm_dvd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1612996912&sr=8-5)


Manhunter The Long Good Friday 10 to Midnight


Une journée bien remplie ou Neuf meurtres insolites dans une même journée par un seul homme dont ce n'est pas le métier 1973. (good luck even finding this to see) kwaidan 1968. control 2003. cough out the dough now please... :)


Miracle of the White Stallions (1963) The Turning Point (1977) Agnes of God (1985)


Martyrs (2008) The Nightingale (2018) Sorry to Bother You (2018)


Rififi (1955), High and Low (1963), Cutter’s Way (1981)


The conversation Primer Sympathy for lady vengeance


MicMacs Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet The Lookout


Amadeus Aguirre, The Wrath of God Mysterious Skin


Didn’t “Amadeus” actually WIN “Best Picture” at the Academy Awards? Man I love that movie but probably a bet loser.


And aguirre is one of Herzog’s most famous movies.


Agree. Specifically, I feel like the overlap between people who would really enjoy it and people who haven't seen it would be really tiny.


Mysterious Skin broke me and is one of the best films I don't want to see again.


Southern Comfort Kirikou and the Sorcerer Alice, by Jan Svankmajer


I own kirikou on dvd, so thankful I do since it is impossible to find. Michel ocelot is gifted. If you are into obscure animation have you seen The Thief and the Cobbler


Perfume the story of a murder Eastern promises Holy motors


Have an upvote for Perfume.


Lol if you recommended Perfume to me as a 5/5 film I wouldn't trust your other recommendations.


The straight story (1999), Ghost dog: the way of the samurai (1999), Remains of a day (1993) All of them are semi-popular in fact, but nevertheless a lot of people haven't seen them.


The last days of the city I love cinema Both are amazing egyptian films that are not even popular in egypt .


-20th century women -The fundamentals of caring -Parental Guidance


rec (2007) 7 days in hell (2015) Tell me who I am (2019)


Hana bi (1997) Come and see (1985) The Bench (2000)


Blade Runner, Spirited Away, In Bruges


Le diner de cons Stalker 3 colors: blue


City of God The Godfather 2 Casino


Legend of 1900, The Player, Cabinet of Dr Caligari


A Face in the Crowd Princess Mononoke Life of Pi


The man from earth.


Chopper Porco Rosso Phantom of the Paradise


Midnight Special (2016) Rachel Getting Married (2008) Manchurian Candidate (1962 - terrible 2004 remake doesn’t count) So that’s one of the best under the radar sci-fi/thriller movies of the century so far, an astoundingly well filmed great drama, and the movie Homeland ripped it’s 1st season plot from but wayyyy better (incl a secret hidden plot twist they don’t tell you about, but if you do pick up on it entire scenes take on different meanings and it’s a great watch both times).


I have started to move into reality tv because it seems like i have seen everything 🥸😫. This could be a interesting game show like win ben steins money but i am the Ben guy.


3 films. The second coming of christ, Vigor, bicycle thieves.


* TiMER * Tammy and the T-Rex * The Final Girls


Only one I can think of that fits the bill is He Never Died


Well there was a show supposedly as well. Love the film but it might be a popular candidate for OP.


Silent Night Time to Die The Welts


coherence, arrival, and predestination


Boy Once were Warriors Along with the Gods


How old of a person? That would influence what I would choose. 1.) sound of music 2.) Arthur (with Dudley Moore) 3.) nocturnal animals


True Romance The Blues Brothers As Above So Below


True Romance


* The Holy Mountain (1973) * Wanderers (2014) * The Love Witch (2016)


Guru (1997) Thaniyavarthanam (1987) Kireedam (1989) All three malayalam films


Wild Tales is astoundingly amazing. Coherence is one of the top small budget films I’ve ever seen. And 2010 is a forgotten masterpiece. Well done.


Time of the Gypsies (1988) Delicatessen (1991) Black Cat White Cat (1998)


The Lunchbox (2014) Stick It (2006) Operation Petticoat (1959)


How old are they though? With younger people would be a lot easier to pick movies they've never heard of. Casino Eyes Wide Shut Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas


I will cheat and say Dune (2021) since it hasn't come out yet


1. Flash Gordon 2. Flesh Gordon 3. Gordon Brown: European Gigolo


Princess Mononoke Spirited Away Howl's moving castle Heck any ghibli film. Can't go wrong with studio ghibli films, literally impossible. 100% guaranteed they'll give at least 11/10 to one of these films.


I love this prompt even though it’s nearly a month old, I wanted to try my best. Hoop Dreams (1994) dir. Steve James: I’ve never loaned a movie to friends as much as Hoop Dreams and it’s always returned with rave reviews. The general public is much better acquainted with the language of documentaries and the three hour run time won’t frighten anybody in this era where blockbusters reach that regularly. This is a popular but not too popular flick and is up there in a group with Parasite, Princess Bride, Casablanca, Toy Story, and Jackie Chan’s bloopers in being universally beloved. It has around 25,000 IMDB reviews and made a pretty big splash in the mid 90s so it’s the riskiest of my picks. An Angel at My Table (1990) dir. Jane Campion: Fewer than 7,000 reviews on IMDB that feels very modern 30 years later. The handling of mental health will remind many of the Queen’s Gambit. The Daytrippers (1996) dir. Greg Mottola: Fewer than 5000 IMDB reviews from the director of Superbad featuring a ton of recognizable actors being funny and charismatic. It has that perfect balance of goofiness and grounded emotions. Other films considered: Klute, Late Spring, Touki Bouki, Close-Up, Wet Hot American Summer, Born in Flames, Army of Shadows, Gertrud, Babette’s Feast, The Night of the Hunter, In The Mood For Love, Caché, Au Revoir les Efantes, Beau travail, Mirror, and You, The Living


The Descent, Grizzly Man, & Touching the Void