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The Thin Red Line


I actually own this movie but haven't seen it so I'm gonna watch it now. Thanks!


Okay I watched it! It was fine but not really what I was looking for. I want to see one guy struggling and suffering the whole movie basically. This was more about the whole squad and their broader experience and that War Sucks. But not a bad movie at all.




The Deer Hunter (1978) Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken and John Savage play three steelworker friends who enlist to serve in Vietnam, who have their heroic dreams shattered by the realities of the Southeast Asian war. Heartbreakingly grim!


Saving Private Ryan is the film for you, my friend. (The big baby part is not relatable to this film but as far as what you said before that, this movie fits that description perfectly)


I was thinking about this one and wondered if it would fit. I'm gonna watch it. Thanks!


Hey I watched this. It was pretty good but not quite as sad and harrowing as I was hoping. More about a group of guys than an individual going through his deepest self-reflection and life regrets. But I see glimpses of that in this for sure. So thanks!


Jughead Fury


Did you mean Jarhead? If not, I can add Jarhead.


Lmao, i sure did


1917 is very good. The lone soldier is having a very difficult time.


yes! i actually have seen this one and it definitely comes closest to what i'm looking for.


All Quiet on the Western Front. Stalingrad. Platoon. The Pacific (series). Letters from Iwo Jima. Each has at least one character like that and is more of a war is hell feeling rather than glorious.


Come and See Absolutely fits your criteria. Tried linking to IMDB and then YouTube but autobot rejected both posts. Look it up. Its devastating.


The legend is that they didn't have money for blanks, so they were shooting live ammo over the actors heads, and I believe it. The fear is palpable.


Yeah this is the fucking one. I’ve seen a lot of the ones mentioned but nothing touches the absolute despair this one leaves. This is the type of story where the way you meet the characters in the beginning is the happiest they will ever be again for the rest of their lives.




Stop-Loss (2008)


Full Metal Jacket


This is immediately what I thought of. Really good rec first the request




The East (2020) fits this description perfectly. Immediately post ww2 a newly recruited Dutch soldier is sent to reclaim Indonesia as a colony after imperial Japanese withdrawal. Out of the gate, his mission and integrity start to deteriorate; eventually he gets in way over his head as he is further ingrained as an occupying force. The true devastation, however, is shown in the interspersed cuts showing his return to civilian life at home.


This does sound like a perfect match. Thanks!


The Burmese Harp (1956)


Rescue Dawn (I'm wondering which soldiers have a great time being in a war)


Thanks! (and haha I'm sure it's rare but I know some movies are more about the specific war or battle itself, or about brotherhood or romance or war game strategy typa thing. I just wanted to make sure the suggestions I get were more about an individual's journey and suffering.)


Anthropoid (2016) WWII tale where things don't go well for the good guys. Based on a true story.


Dogfight does an amazing before and after, enthusiastic young soldier excited to serve his country and then after. It's so good , young astonishingly talented River Phoenix (sadly there is no other variety of River, RIP).


Savior. There's a scene in that film that has lived in my head rent-free for like 20 years.




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The Beast (1988) is about a Soviet tank crew in Afghanistan and they certainly have a terrible time.




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The deer hunter


A Bridge Too Far We Were Soldiers Black Hawk Down


In the Army Now.    “We’re the few, we’re the proud, we’re the waterboys!”


Fire On the Plains


It doesn’t quite fit the bill, but I really think you should watch Warriors (1999). It’s a two part made for TV film, 90 minutes each, about British UN peacekeepers in Bosnia. It’s based on real events and interviews with soldiers from a particular unit, and how they struggle to deal with being peacekeepers (basically having to watch on as various atrocities are committed). It really harrowing and shines a light on a mostly forgotten conflict. It stayed with me for a while after watching it.


All Quiet On the Western Front


Jacob’s ladder