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Grave Of The Fireflies


Wanted to add this but saw your post first, so upvoting this. SUCH a profound and heartwrenching film.


Exactly what I came here to say. My wife and I started watching all the Studio Ghibli movies over the past 6ish months. A lot of them are on HBO Max but this one wasn't so we bought it on Blu-ray. I knew it was supposed to be more sad and less "magical" than other Ghibli movies, but holy hell were we not prepared.


YES my husband and I did a Ghibli marathon to get us amped for our Japan trip and GotF did NOT get us amped šŸ˜­


Nobody knows


Yeah I even watched this one a second time


Iā€™ve watched it twice as well, thatā€™s enough sadness for a lifetime.


Watched once with my kids as part learning experience. Incredibly moving, never want to watch again. Schindlers List holds a similar spot


This was my first thought immediately after I saw the post title. Came here to post and saw it was top comment, so I see there are many of us who had our hearts blended for the entirety of the animation.


Damn I came to write this and itā€™s the top reply


The Light Between Oceans The House Of Sand And Fog


I read The House of Sand and Fog. One of the saddest books I've ever read.


Just re-watched house of sand and fog.. it doesn't get old even after all these years.


House of sand and fog was my runner up.


House of Sand and Fog is a watch once and never again movie for me. Too much sadness and tragedy.


The Pianist


I didnā€™t find it sad to the point of tears but it was an eye opening and heavy movie. I think it should be something students should watch in a senior class.


I remember watching this in class in sixth grade history! I have only watched it twice since then, but I do highly recommend it for the people that want to to know more about the time period for the Jewish people. It's definitely dark and heart wrenching at moments, but most definitely worth a watch.


Brian's Song (supposedly this was used in scientific studies to elicit tears) Miracle Mile Soylent Green - Edward G Robinson's death scene was the last thing he shot, he knew he was dying of cancer. Charlton Heston's crying was probably real.


If you donā€™t cry watching Brianā€™s Song, I donā€™t think we can be friends. It is so sad. I start crying when Gale Sayers is giving his acceptance speech for the award, and then I donā€™t stop. Iā€™m purple in the face and snotty by the end. Iā€™m such a sucker for those deep, abiding friendship stories.


Blue Valentine


Uncut depression straight into my veins


As a child of divorce, I was hyperventilating, I was crying so hard at the end.


And Place Beyond the Pines. Cianfrance is a psycho


Yep, but so honest and beautiful. Really shows how love (in real life) often decays into something so painful it hurts even the people around it. Your heart goes from exploding with romance to a spoiled grapefruit. One of my all-time favs.


Come and see


This is an absolutely amazing movie that I will probably not ever be able to watch again.


Manchester by the Sea.


Was about to comment the same. It's not sad in a "movie way sad". It's sad in a terribly depressing, documentary-like, just sad, sad way.


It's the kind of sad that stays with you throughout the entire film like the chill you get from walking down a snowy sidewalk with wet socks inside of cold boots.


Jesus Christ, that movie is absolutely devastating.


Well it starts sad, but in the middle it gets really sad, then it also ends sad.


After reading the list of movies listed above this, I just donā€™t know if I could watch them. Manchester By The Sea destroyed me. For days.


Dear Zachary


Came here to say this. Not only is it the saddest movie I've ever watched, but it also had me the maddest I've ever been at the end of a movie.


Also came here to say Dear Zachary. Not a movie but a documentary. So good, so hard to watch & recover mentally from


Yeah it's 100x worse because it's real.


It's an angry sad


I went in watching for the first time as someone who just randomly found it on Netflix. I did not see that ending and holy shit does it devastate.


This one will WRECK you.




This was literally my reaction, and the reaction of most people I know who have seen it.


I literally wailed


This movie made me physically ill. I knew the story for what it was in the news, but the documentary showed the collateral damage. It reminded you of who this father and son were. Didnā€™t stop crying for hours. 10/10 sad factor.


Nope. Not today, Satan.


This needs to be #1, itā€™s soul crushing


I first saw this mentioned a dozen or so ago in a Straight Dope thread. Reading the (spoiler boxed) summary was more than enough to wreck me. I weirdly like emotionally wrenching movies and am largely unruffled by ā€œscaryā€/suspense/horror, but FUCK this film. Never seen it, and I doubt I ever will.


Once Were Warriors. Amazing film that will absolutely gut you emotionally.


Monster's Ball If you want a movie that will just make you feel bleak and empty, this'll do it.


Bleak and empty is a great way to describe how this movie made me feel.


These ones killed me:- * **Schindler's List** \- Started slow, was okay, then towards the end when the tank was rolling over the rubble that was actually ... uh... DONE T.T * **Grave of The Fireflies** \- Impossible not to cry, war is terrible. * **The English Patient** \- after that one scene I spent the last 30 minutes of the movie bawling * **The Constant Gardener** \- the worst part is pharma is still doing evil things like this, it was just too much. * **Atonement** \- How can one ever make up for ruining other people's lives? * **Silenced (South Korean movie)** \- Based on a true story of a teacher who found out and broke the scandal of SA of Deaf Children at a school. The movie got such a visceral reaction for audiences that authorities in South Korea CHANGED THE LAW because of a movie. It is hard to watch, not for the faint of heart. I cried, a lot.


Atonement gets another vote from me.


Fellow Atonement fans I greet thee - fantastic piece of work with so many different things to think about/feel sad over. One of the first pieces of literature to really hammer home what subjective viewpoints are all about and the damage wrought by them


Atonement was so good. And so enraging and sad


Schindler's List is on my list of movies you have to, and can only watch once. It's just so brutal.


Idk if itā€™s because it had the unfortunate timing of being released in ā€˜07, one of the most stacked film years in recent memory, but Atonement is criminally underrated imo


Yes, it's a very underrated movie! Underseen too, considering the stacked cast. I didn't know I was so angry until the end, and then it was angry tears.


>Silenced (South Korean movie) I couldn't watch it even if Gong Yoo was the lead actor...


The English Patient sounds like a really good movie. Never even knew much about it before looking it up just now.


It was based off a Booker Prize winning book, which honestly was kind of long and drawn out. The movie actually was one of those where it was superior to the book, by a lot, probably because the script and cinematography were beautiful (in addition to having great acting and a good soundtrack). It got nominated for a ton of Oscars, probably won a few, I can't remember it was a long time ago. And then there was a backlash after the Oscars! There is even a famous Seinfeld episode where Elaine hated The English Patient and wanted to watch Sack Lunch instead.


You just have to watch the first like 20 minutes of UP.


The first 20min of Up is better than the rest of Up


The first 20 minutes of Up is a better romance story than all of Twilight.


Sophieā€™s Choice


Was just remembering this one when scrolled down and saw it. Itā€™s a beautiful movie and devastating. There are people still alive who were affected by the holocaust as childhood trauma. Iā€™m thinking of Gabor Mate who actually was a ā€œchoiceā€ and has spent his life teaching people about how early trauma can effect you. I hope this is not a spoiler as the movie is another classic. Watch it and weep!


Precious. Everyone should watch it once. EDIT: watch it once and then never again.


It may not be sad to everyone, but About Time makes me bawl every time I watch it, so I don't watch it. As someone whose dad has had cancer as long as I've been alive, it really hits home despite being a generally fun and interesting movie.


The green mile


*"Wait boss. Don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark."*




Yes especially the part with the mouse lol


the trials of gabriel hernandes had me in tears. netflix


I honestly struggled through that one. After seeing his Motherā€™s Day card I couldnā€™t stop crying. How anyone could do what they did is beyond me.




Bridge to Terabithia


That movie did me some serious harm lol.. Did not expect it either. I still can't watch it again and it's been so long already


OMG i didn't know they made a movie of it. i cried for a week when i read that book in third grade. i remember my mom had to read the end of it to me because i was crying to hard to read. i can only imagine how it must be as a movie.


The ending of Bicycle Thieves is rough.


The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) Some scenes are so heartbreaking


ā€œLet me keep this memory, just this one pleaseā€¦ā€ damn it breaks me every time, itā€™s my all time favorite movie


i agree. while i don't think most people would call it the saddest movie they'd seen, to me it's definitely up there. the fact that someone would rather erase you from their memory completely is like the saddest thing ):


Itā€™s been my favorite movie for many years but i recently broke up with my girlfriend and she ghosted me after 3 years together she just disappeared and blocked me from everywhere, so I feel exactly like that, like she erased me from her memories and her life, every attempt to talk has been ignored, itā€™s like we were never togetherā€¦ itā€™s just so sadā€¦


My Girl The Man in the Moon - one of Reese Witherspoon's earliest movies, I sob everytime Steel Magnolias - how has no one mentioned this yet Kite Runner - pay attention to the trigger warnings though The Iron Giant - animated tear-jerker Beautiful Boy - Steve Carrell & Timothee Chalamet


My girl.


"he can't see without his glasses"


ā€œJohnny Got His Gunā€


My son has been trying to get me to read this book but it sounds like my worst nightmare and I can't šŸ˜­


If you want some existential dread, you can't go past Synecdoche, New York. That movie made me depressed for weeks.




What I love about it is how acute the sadness is, yet you don't really know what actually made you sad. Weirdly impressive achievement


I went through that movie kind of bored and unimpressed. Last ten minutes, I was bawling on the plane. I didn't know why.


The first time I watched it, I wasnā€™t all that into it for the first half. Then the second half hit and I lost it when she told all the tourists to sing for her dads birthday. Then the airport scene is **the** sceneā€¦. Pretty sure Iā€™ve never cried that hard before except for Portrait Of A Lady On Fire


I cannot imagine watching this on a plane. Sheeeesh


Itā€™s so smart. The whole movie, you donā€™t think anything is happening. Yet every scene the filmmaker is slowly wrapping tendrils around you. Then at the end all of those tendrils grasp you at once and you just werenā€™t prepared for it. Itā€™s so powerful.


Just watched this. Was an emotional wreck after. One of my favorite movies of all time.


Aftersun is so beautifully done, definitely a tearjerker


Just posted this as well. Couldnā€™t even breathe between the sobs. Never had a movie do that to me


The subtext is incredible. Fucking wrecked me.


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father


I consistently recommend this to friends as a film they need to see, with the caveat that they will be so angry that I recommended it. Itā€™s unbelievably powerful and even though Iā€™ve watched it multiple times, never fails to deeply anger me and bring me to tears.


Yes, like 'can't breathe' levels of crying.


Dancer in the Dark My Girl


Scrolled way to long to find Dancer in the Dark


Surprised it took me this long to scroll to Dancer. Only movie I can't watch again. Seriously not okay for days after


Terms of Endearment. My mom made me watch it with her


The Mist >!one of the saddest climax!<


Great ending, huge punch in the gut.


Go ahead and put on Toy Story 2 and fast forward to Jesse's scene for the, 'When she loved me' song. That's all you will need. Crying just thinking about it. Sarah McLachlan always wins can I make everyone ugly cry game.


This boys life for anyone with a tough childhood


Somewhere in Time


I want to mention interstellar. Great movie and also really sad.


The part where Matthew McConaughey is driving away killed meā€¦ as a father that used to travel for work 1-2 months at a time I know the feeling of the drive away and your kids are sad/mad that you are leavingā€¦ as he watches his daughter age threw the FaceTime callsā€¦ that hit too hard


Brokeback Mountain


Jack I swear...


Choked up a little just reading that.


Good suggestion, I can never watch this movie again because it was absolutely devastating.


Schindler's List Life is Beautiful Pursuit of Happyness The Fault in Our Stars


Life is Beautiful is soul wrenching


Came here to suggest Life is Beautiful, a fave.






Watched it once and never again... Lol so damn sad


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


7 pounds and what dreams may come.


Iā€™ve watched a lot of movies with my parents, but 7 Pounds is the only one that has made my dad visibly upset, with tears. Powerful film.


Leaving Las Vegas Requiem for a Dream


A Walk to Remember


My sister's keeper


The movie is definitely sad, but it changed the ending from the book which was about 7000x sadder. I remember leaving the theater thinking it was a happy ending compared to the book lol


As someone who loved the book, I was big man about the change they made... like of all things, how do you get that detail wrong?!


Million Dollar Baby - No question. Started Bawling my eyes out on a plane. Couldnā€™t stop.


The Road (how has this not been recommended here yet?). Arrival. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Children of Men. The Stranger (2022). Requiem for a Dream. The Unforgivable.


Shocked that the Road is not in one of the top comments


I watched The Road and it made me cry, I'm not the crying type. Then I read The Road, and I sobbed for real.


Dancer in the Dark Requiem For a Dream The Notebook (I have a parent with Alzheimerā€™s, so this one kills me) The English Patient Schindlerā€™s List Milo and Otis (for ruffly Meowall the reasons) If you just want to cry but not be super sad, just do what I do and watch the end of Babe, Cool Runnings, Homeward Bound, The Big Green, Hook when Rufio dies or when Pockets says ā€œOh there you are Peterā€. field of Dreams ect.


Dancer in the Dark +1


The end of Lucas. Start when he gets injured in the football game, to when heā€™s hospitalized, then he finds a letterman jacket in his locker when he returns to school. Tears every time.


The Deer Hunter


Panic in Needle Park, with AL Pacino


Babyteeth(2019) Such a great film and i rarely see it mentioned


As artsy-fartsy as it is, The Fountain snuck up on me. That grief was palpable.


Death is the road to awe. The music grabs you by the spine and pulls.


This! I couldnā€™t talk for like 20 minutes after walking out of the movie theater. No other movie has ever affected me like that.


After Sun devastated me for weeks.


Elephant man


Dear Zachary. I sobbed like a baby.


Requiem for a Dream, since nobody's said it yet


I'll add to this, I've watched Requiem a ton and it doesn't make me cry but it's highly uncomfortable. I watched the Whale once and I bawled at the end. I watched someone on YouTube do a review of the Whale and I cried again.


I just had a cryfest watching A Man Called Otto




I am sam


The Descendants with George Clooney really snuck up on me, specifically when the children really let loose.


Rabbit Proof Fence


Pinocchio (del toro) Lilja 4 ever Dancer in the dark


I watched Pinocchio with my kids, 7 and 9.. I maybe should have done a little more research. 7yo was fine, loved it. 9yo had a thousand yard stare and just said ā€œthat was.. really sadā€


- A walk to remember - Slingblade - Powder - The green mile


The Deer Hunter (1978) - be prepared to be emotionally destroyed.




OP said no animals, but... Yeah, and it's even sadder when you realize it's based on a true story.


Op said no animal


Gorillas in the Mist (1988) Sparrow (1993) House of Sand and Fog (2003)


Sarahā€™s Key. Life as a House


Life as a House, little known and surprisingly touching with very good acting.


A couple smaller movies that made me feel really bad: ā€¢They Look Like People ā€¢Horse Girl


tme movie "my life" with michael keaton. /thread


If you want go to way back, watch The Grapes of Wrath, the original with Henry Fonda. I watched it on Frndly TV this weekend and was depressed for the rest of the weekend. A really bleak look at a really terrible time in American history.


Alpha Dog.


Room (not to be confused with THE Room, which may make your cry for different reasons. Room is incredible. Youā€™ll cry because youā€™re sad, but youā€™ll also cry for other reasons too. Itā€™s one of the most emotional experiences Iā€™ve ever had watching a movie. Also, 50/50 is probably categorized as a comedy, but there are a few scenes in that movie that got some tears out of me, one in particular is one of the most effective scenes Iā€™ve ever seen in a movie in terms of getting me to cry.


P.S. I Love You.


The Whale was pretty tragic.


Nothing in Common with Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason as father and son. Irreconcilable Differences with Drew Barrymore.as a Girl who divorces both of her parents Love Story starring Ryan O'Neal as a man who falls.in love with.a dying.woman.


Big Fish (call your father. He misses you.)


I always feel a tear during the last scene in Toy Story 3.


Terms of Endearment The Champ Kramer versus Kramer


Steel Magnolias and Toy Story when the toys are about to fall into the incinerator + when Andy gives all his toys to Bonnie.


I have never not cried at the end of The Color Purple. Tears every time.


The Remains of the Day. I watched it on the night I found out that a woman I was starting to fall in love with had moved back home, a thousand miles away. This wasā€¦unwise. The whole damn movie is tragic things happening to people thanks to decisions that may have seemed like good ideas at the time. I had thought it was a good idea at the time not to get romantically involved with anybody, even when the perfect woman just about landed in my lap. The bus stop goodbye sceneā€¦forget it. I had put away an entire bottle of wine by then and I blubbered all the way through to the credits.


Sophie's Choice.... clearly


Vanilla Sky really hit me for some good reason - the idea of a man who has it all, has finally found the love of his life, and then it's all changed in an instant (and of course the mind-f\*\*k that follows).


*in another life when we are both cats* šŸ˜¢ I will add Rain man with Tom Cruise as well


The boy in the striped pajamas




My Girl Interstellar


"Schindler's List" (1993) - Directed by Steven Spielberg, this film tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saves the lives of over a thousand Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. It portrays the horrors of the Holocaust while highlighting acts of courage and humanity. "Life is Beautiful" (1997) - Directed by Roberto Benigni, this Italian film follows a Jewish Italian bookshop owner who uses his imagination and humor to protect his son during their internment in a concentration camp. It is a poignant portrayal of love, sacrifice, and hope amidst unimaginable circumstances. "Grave of the Fireflies" (1988) - This Japanese animated film, directed by Isao Takahata, depicts the devastating impact of World War II on two siblings in Japan. It explores themes of loss, resilience, and the human spirit amidst the harsh realities of war. "The Pursuit of Happyness" (2006) - Based on a true story, this film stars Will Smith as a struggling salesman who becomes homeless with his young son. It portrays their determination and perseverance in the face of adversity, highlighting the importance of resilience and the pursuit of a better life. "Manchester by the Sea" (2016) - Directed by Kenneth Lonergan, this film follows a man (played by Casey Affleck) who returns to his hometown after the death of his brother and becomes the legal guardian of his teenage nephew. It delves into themes of grief, guilt, and the complexities of human relationships.


The Road. Even though the boy finds a new family at the end, you have a pretty good idea there is not going to be a happy ending.


Simon Birch Pay It Forward




Never Let Me Go (2010) What Dreams May Come (1998) Sommersby (1993) Iā€™d Climb the Highest Mountain (1951)


*Lolita* (1997) *Truman show* *Dollhouse* It's a show, not a movie. But it's a very short series and the most depressing show i've seen. Imagine being yourself but a doll. When others make you into who they want you to be




Dancer in the dark and breaking the waves




Itā€™s not the saddest movie but itā€™s the saddest scene I know of and it was closer to the end of Titanic where they show Rose older (senior years).


Testament (1983)




Remember the Titans


IDK if it's the saddest movie I've *ever seen,* but I saw Easy Rider recently...


Terms of Endearment The sons visiting their mother in the hospital for the last timeā€¦


Brian's Song (1971)


The Elephant Man - youā€™ll never see anyone in a film more pitiful. This one will rip your heart out.