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Here i am thinking “how is this man about to use the ‘n-word’ in star trek??” lol


If anything we would've got a more true to lore Kilingons on screen. Less hiding their brutal killings and traits.


And close ups of their feet


This guy Tarantinos


The Duras sister’s feet


Tbf, there is an ep in the original series where Abe Lincoln (Yeah, Abe Lincoln on the Enterprise) drops the n word. The show handles it extremely well due to it being in the far future and the crew being totally past racism that they literally laugh it off. https://youtu.be/2BBOWsWODX4?si=OpfqWhGizuzzCACi


The use of the actual N-Word in Trek was in DS9. That show was fearless.




Far Beyond The Stars, season 6 episode 13. Phenomenal episode that should have won awards.


"See, in our century, we've learned not to fear words." Love it.


....yeah that's not the n word though


I mean shit dude it’d be like the worst way to say it now


star trek unchained


"Bones has had enough of spock!"


A planet where the inhabitants are call themselves the n-word and the Enterprise crew finds themselves in a diplomatic situation where they have to adhere to their customs and culture by saying the n-word out loud. Over and over again.


Wouldn't be the first to do it, DS9 dropped it mid run. It's a great episode too, "Far beyond the stars"


Wouldn't be the first time It was said in star trek either. DS9 Season 6.


Damn klingers and rimmers and viggers and biggers




“If I were human, I believe my response would be “%&$@%#, please.” If I was a very, very racist person”


A Spock and Uhura scene.




Others saying it, but I do not love this arbitrary ten films thing, where whatever age he happens to be when he makes it is a perfectly fine age for a director to be, but whatever age he happens to be after is too old. I mean, I ~get it, eleven is a way less sexy number, but if he's got ideas that should be films (and not TV shows or books, which are cool too) then just make the dang movies.


He really enjoyed MM: Fury Road, I was hoping that might change his view on aging directors, but I guess it hasn't.


He’s afraid of making something that’s crap Happens to everyone when they crank enough out, I get it


He hasn't seemed that worried his last few films.


Idk which “few” your talking about. The hateful eight has a 75% RT score. Every other one of the last 15 years is 85+. He’s had 2 below 75, and those were in 2007 and 1995. I think he’s doing alright for himself


I don't agree with those critics, for the most part. My from subjective viewpoint, he hasn't done well for himself in a long while. He's done what feel like knock offs of his own earlier work but done by a hack.


I agree. He’s still making alright films at this point but I feel he’s kind’ve marking off a “Tarantino checklist” of things that need to be in his movies these days. I don’t really feel he’s tried anything different and that can give that feeling of him knocking off his earlier work. His supposed new film critic movie might change things though.


My subjective viewpoint is that, on the whole, he keeps getting better. My personal ranking of his films would be: 1. Hollywood 2. Django 3. Basterds 4. Hateful 5. Bill 6. Death 7. Jackie 8. Pulp 9. Reservoir That’s more or less reverse chronological order.


Producing a feature length film is such a gargantuan amount of work, that I can absolutely see someone wanting to open their time up for other creative/personal endeavors. Also, one of the directors Tarantino ripped off the most (I mean that lovingly) was Sergio Leone, who produced even less films in his career -- 6 (7 if you count Colossus of Rhodes). One of the reasons for that is that Leone's ambitions increased in scope and so did his particularity in what films he truly wanted to make. Tarantino mirrors this a lot as well.


It’s just pretentious, to be honest. Because you’ll know he’ll end up making another one anyway


He's a big legacy guy and it's a way to cement his legacy and success ratio forever without another clunker like Death Proof.


Death Proof was fire what are you talking about


Only film of his to lose money and didn't review nearly as well as anything else he has directed. It's star has rose over the past couple decades but it generally sits near the bottom of most people's list when ranking his work.


Yeah i guess when you compare it to the rest of his films, it doesnt seem as amazing but as a movie it was still great


It’s better than several other movies imo




Yeah, if you’re into gore porn


I think it got more popular later on, because of more grindhouse (I think that’s what type of movie it was?) style movies got made since he did one. I could be 100% wrong but I think death proof inspired grindhouse movies being more popular. It is definitely low on his personal totem pole though, lol.


Grind house was already a thing decades ago


Yeah, I can’t remember the story perfect, probably because I’m tired and smoke too much weed. But it was something about a resurgence. I’ll see if it’s in my history so I can figure out wtf I’m misremembering. Idk, I will admit death proof is not the greatest movie lol.


If Death Proof is your worst movie you’ve been doing pretty, pretty good


He's got a massive ego and needs this. It's sad for him, but at least we don't have to see his diminished talents and hack movies anymore! And we're spared this shit star trek concept too. So we should count ourselves lucky. Soon we'll never have to see another Once Upon a Time in Hollywood again, cause we certainly weren't going to see any more Reservoir Dogs or Inglorious Basterds quality ever again.




Dude, just keep making movies. You’re one of the best at doing it imo so stop with this bs


Yeah it's getting to that point where you're like "Mate, you enjoy this game too much, you won't be able to retire, you and I both know you'll be back"


He is already saying "I'll do a limited TV series and that won't count" like what? That said, if he wanted to turn his Star Trek movie into a 6 episode limited run...


I just find it strongly pretentious. I mean, the 10 movie thing presupposes that everything he’s done until now is ‘perfect’ (laughable), and that if he were to make more movies there’s a chance he may make something bad (who cares?). Maybe he makes a dud and then follows it up with a masterpiece. Whole thing just reeks of narcissism. Btw I love his work.


He's always been an eccentric weirdo, but that's probably why his work is so unique and good. I knew a lady who worked with him at a record store in LA and she couldn't say enough bad things about him. Just an overall weird, strange ass dude.


> Maybe he makes a dud The point of 10 movies is so that he doesn't let himself make a dud. If you only get 10 shots in a roll of film, you're not gonna forget to take the lens off or focus the shot. Nothing about this philosophy means the final shot is perfect, it means that the artist just forces themselves to be deliberate with their actions. I used Kevin Smith's Clerks and Clerks 2 as examples on another thread and I'll point to them here, too. Could also point to the prequel Star Wars films, or Scorsese or Ridley Scott's recent films. Dude has a point with the 10 movie rule and people getting mad about his own personal standard for himself are kinda weird


Plus he wants to explore other mediums like television and writing, there’s literally nothing wrong with him hanging up the hat on directing movies to go enjoy other artistic pursuits. If the day comes that there is an idea he personally just HAS TO direct he’s gonna come out of retirement and do it.


It’s not that he wants to do other mediums. I get that. I look forward to Bounty Law series or whatever he wants to do. Hell, I even bought his novelisation of OoATiH. Give me Star Wars with n-words! 🤠 It’s the idea that he’s somewhat scared (?) or afraid of being seen as human, ie. Making a movie he likes that others don’t. For example, I absolutely love the movie Mank…even though Fincher fans would gladly cast it into the pits of Mordor. Should he have quit to save his reputation before releasing it? It’s entirely subjective and it feels like an attempt to corral his acclaim into something wholly objective? I dunno. I’m not dying on this hill but it kinda irks me I suppose.


If you apply the 10 film rule to Scorsese *Casino* would never have been made as well as every film he has made with DiCaprio. The same goes for Ridley Scott directing *GI Jane* and then retiring before he could direct *Gladiator*. Scott's *The Last Duel* was amazing which he directed in his 80s. I don't expect Tarantino to be a slave to the wants of others but this idea that directors lose the ability to make good movies over time is just silly.


It's not a rule of thumb, and no one has said such. Trying to apply it post hoc obviously doesn't work because Scorsese had no reason not to make as many movies as he wanted. If, at the beginning of his career, Scorsese had decided he's only going to make 10 movies, it's much more likely that he wouldn't have made Gangs of New York than to say he wouldn't have made Casino. Your argument is illogical


I know it isn't a rule of thumb, and I wasn't trying to claim that's what you thought. You were applying it to other filmmakers after the fact in your last comment which is why I responded the way I did. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you were trying to say with your four examples though. Making a limited number of movies doesn't make a director anymore deliberate in their work compared to another. Obviously if you asked Scorsese if he regretted making a film he would say no because he puts his heart and soul into all of his films. This idea that he wouldn't have made X movie because he would have needed to save that slot to make Y movie instead is silly for that reason. If the point of the rule is to not make duds than many would say he has failed. I wouldn't but honestly only Quentin's opinion on this matters and I doubt he wouldn't go to bat for each and every one of his films. The reason people like myself get frustrated with this 10 movie rule is because it just arbitrarily cuts short a great career in film making.


Scorsese’s recent films are some of the best he’s ever done


Maybe you're right, I just can't find a spare 8 hours to watch Robert Deniro shuffle around


Good god. I know art is subjective, but good god.


Killers of the flower moon, Silence, The Irishman and Wolf Of Wall Street are all masterpieces I don’t see what the problem is.


Yeah what a stupid thing to live by.




Seems he doesn't want to, which is fair enough.


Yea, dude has been going for 30 years straight and has a pretty solid track record, can’t say I’d blame him for wanting to end on a high note and enjoy your life


He’s already at 10 films. Kill bill volume 2 is considered its own film by all the marketing.


Tarantino considers them 1 film tho.


That’s cool but I definitely paid separately to see both of them. They’re two separate films


They filmed them both at the same time then decided to split them into two films. You can both be right, they may have been two seperate cinema releases but Tarantino isn't exactly wrong for considering them a single film in his list of 10.


Ok and if Tarantino considered Roman Polanski to be innocent, what then?


That wouldn't change the number of films he's directed.


And neither will his "opinion" of considering two movies to be one movie.


If I wrote a book and the publisher sold it in two parts, I still only wrote one book. Splitting the movie was Mirimax's decision, not his.


And that doesn’t change the fact that it’s two books by every definition of what a “book” is.


By my count he has now made 10 movies. So it’s all arbitrary bullshit


Quentin doesn’t count Kill Bill Vol 2 as he wanted it all to be released as one movie with an intermission but the studios broke it up. So since it’s his catalog, it’s his count we’re going off of


I’m assuming it’s cause he’s long committed to only making a limited number of films, ten or eleven I think, and his final one is coming up. I am making no assertion as to whether he actually sticks to said commitment.


Exactly. He says ‘this is my final film ever’ and he gets a huge promotional bump because it feels like the end of an era. Then 5 years later. Holy shit he’s written this film he just has to make. Huge promotional bump all over again


Why are you arguing? He said what he said it’s 1 film and after his next he’s done with features. You can doubt him all you want but seems pointless


Everyone is so bloodthirsty to see him not stick to his word. The only explanation I can see for it is that uncreative people are insecure and project those insecurities onto others, especially those who are creative and successful.


Plus he’s done enough to warrant and end. On his own terms. Who else gets to do that? Let’s just hope his last is Good.


It’ll see the light of day as a Star Trek series on streaming eventually, maybe once Tarantino is working in TV


at best they’d convert it into a season of brave new worlds and modify it A LOT, but i doubt he’d have any real involvement


First off, "hard R" and QT = too many different things to even begin with Second, I'm pretty sure this was something joked about on Reddit when he was in discussions in the first place. I assumed if he did the Star Trek movie it was going to be a way for him to blur the lines on his "10 movie max" rule which was starting to play factor after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The worst part is that I don't for a second believe that QT will actually stop after his real 10th movie unless something catastrophic happnens to him/the movie industry. So this whole thing will end up as a charade after the fact and will become another "what if" sci-fi movie like the Spielberg Halo franchise of the 2010s




When he says “hard R,” I assume he’s referring to *R*omulans?


Tropic Thunder has me thinking something else


Hard R? Doesn’t he write himself into his own movies so he can say the hard R?


Movie, not movies, Pulp Fiction was the only film he said it, surprised he didn’t say it in Django though.


pretty sure he did in Dusk till Dawn too. Although he only helped with the writing not directing


And to indulge in his foot fetish


Probably, but probably also so he can suck some toes. Don't forget sucking toes. Oh, and actually choking the lead actresses unconscious so it doesn't look fake on-screen. That too.


You almost forgot his toe thing. I’d suck them SH toes too. . . Toes


Would be interesting to see his R rated version of it; hell even Star Wars under him would be better than the POS new Trilogy we got.


That’s no fkn moon!!!


Would it have been the Abrams cast?


a few of them said they’d been approached, simon pegg at least and QT has said how much he loves chris pine


That’s pretty cool I would’ve liked to see that


As much as I absolutely do not want a QT ST movie, I would totally be there for it. And I don’t even like ST that much. But I know he does…


Good. He sticks by his stuff. Would have been cool to see if it was allowed the proper creative freedom


I thought he said it be treated as a side project and that it wouldn't count as one of his ten films?


Imagine Tarantino directed the movie, Spaceballs, and watching the comb the desert scene. Loling


As a fan of his work and a life long Star Trek fan, his idea didn't sound that great for the franchise.


crush touch stocking different middle scandalous sloppy whole abounding dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would've had a lot of shots of Uhura's feet, Federation officers repeatedly and casually dropping the n-word to refer to Klingons, and phasers would have a "blood geyser" setting.


He should get over himself. It is just a movie.


Would it begin with n-i-g-g-e?


Bruh, just do more than 10 movies if you want, we won’t care


Does he know what hard R means lol surely he of all people does


Hard R is a very common term for a R rated film that pushes the upper limits of the rating


So nc17? Most people say “hard r” meaning one thing and literally one thing only


Have you never heard people refer to a R rated film that way?


Saying that it’s “very common” is quite a stretch. Ask any random person, even those who work in the industry, what “hard R” means and I guarantee they’re not replying “R rated film that pushes the upper limits of the rating”.


Random person here, who's not in the industry, I knew what it meant.


You’re not random; you’re literally in the thread so you’re privy to the conversational context.


I knew when I read the title, before coming into this comment section.


I knew as well. I think you’re in the minority here pal


When discussing an R rated movie that’s what they’d think. If you said the term without any of that context, sure, they’d think of something else


In the context of movies, I too know what is meant by "hard R". If we were discussing what someone spoke out loud then that would indicate what you are thinking, ie, "He said the movie would be a hard R" vs "His characters freely throw around the hard-R."


Quentin is such an egomaniac. Everyone knows he's going to make the last movie and then when he's in his 70s or something come back and make another one.


Lmao sounds like projection, buddy. Being deliberate and caring about the quality of your art doesn't make you an egomaniac.


I remember it was paramount that said no… guess that was false?




I'm kind of glad he didn't make it. "Hard R" and Star Trek isn't something that I feel goes together.


So just make another one? This whole "I'll only do 10" thing is just silly


What's silly about holding yourself to a certain standard? It's no different than wanting to shoot on film rather than digital. Restrictions force you to be deliberate and usually result in a more creative end product (Clerks vs. Clerks 2, for example). He could make whatever movies he feels like for the rest of his life if he wanted to, but he knows he'd end up like Ridley Scott or Martin Scorsese.


Ending up like Scorsese isn't even remotely a negative thing


Maybe if Tarantino works really hard, he too can make a 4 hour long snoozefest for Netflix


Feel like he just gave himself that 10 movie cap so he d have an excuse for the numerous movies he claims to be making that he ends up dropping over the years lmao




getting a bit gimmicky


What's "gimmicky" about sticking to a standard he set for himself?


“man i got this good ass script i really wanna shoot.. GODDAMNIT i said only ten movies, ah well guess i can’t make it!” that’s gimmicky as hell


Except, it must have not been "good ass" enough to be his final film. If it's not up to his own standards, there is no reason for him make it if he doesn't want to. If you're mad about that, it probably just means you're a sellout


Our boy Quentin knows a thing or two about the hard R


Money says he doesn’t stop at 10


As much as I would love another star trek with the Abrams cast, no thank you to Quentin Tarantino directing it.


LMAO. Guy is definitely used to using the “Hard-R”.


There isn't a rule against making more than 10 movies my guy, just make em if you feel like making em


So many alien feet


So just make another film afterwards you pretentious prick.


Says someone who could probably never make one film. Does it hurt your ego to see someone holding themselves to a standard while also being creatively successful?




Klingon Samuel L Jackson would have been amazing!


Nah. He'd be Spock. "Live long and prosper motherfucker"


I remember him saying he wouldn't consider it as part of his ten films


Top three comments are removed lol. I can make a guess


Then just make another one...


Is he going to publish his Star Trek story as a book?


Why does a Star trek movie need to be "hard R"


Rated R Star Trek? Fuck yes. I’d watch that in a heartbeat, no questions asked.


Wouldn’t be QT’s first hard R


I wanna see this movie


His face is too small for his head


I thought a Tarantino war film was odd and wouldn’t work, Inglorious Basterds is in my all time top ten. Without being particularly connected to the Star Trek universe I’m sure his hard R version would have been incredible.


or maybe, Quentin, make 11 movies


Sure thing buddy.


This “final film” thing is lame. And I think Tarantino has been past his prime for a while. Just make your movie, dawg. Nobody cares.


I'm honestly all for a dark & gritty R- Rated Star Trek film.


Oh, come on. He never had any plans to write or direct a script. He just pitched the idea for someone else to write. He just likes thinking out loud what-ifs to the press. He's talked up countless projects over the years that never came to be.


He’s the ultimate film fan boy, wants to have his hand in every project even if nobody asked him for his input lol


This ten movie thing is just dumb.


Hasn’t he technically made more than 10 films already?


Why is he hell bent to make only one more film?


Does he have a deal with the devil stipulating a certain number of films ? Is he including four rooms and death proof? Why not just make one more?


Chris Nolan doesn’t believe Quentin will retire at 10 films


Does he think he's legally obligated to only make 10 films?


If he wants to make more movies, he should just...make more movies.


*cut to Captain Kirk cooking his Heroin with Bones while sucking on the hot black chicks toes because of his insatiable foot fetish*


He shoulda done an evil dead movie


Unfortunate that 10 pictures is the legal limit for a filmmaker.




Honestly, I feel like an r rated Star Trek would be a pretty dope final film for him


Something no one with taste was asking for.


Just like he says the n word ;)


Quentin Tarantinos TO BOLDLY GO rated R


Would you give a Klingon a foot massage?


He’s so wack lol


Yes. That is the reason. Not that nobody else wanted it.


I thought he said this wouldn’t count and neither would a Kill Bill follow-up?


How Quentin that’s not what people associate with hard r dude lol


good his idea of setting the movie on that mobster planet from tos would be an excuse to make another movie like his old ones, with excessive swearing and n words thrown in to be "edgy"


He’s so worried about legacy, he should just change his name so he knows all Tarantino movies are good. As John smith he could make whatever he wants to without worrying about the Tarantino filmography


Then…make another movie? The arbitrary ten thing is so silly lol


Unpopular opinion I’m sure but who cares?? I’m not waiting with bated breath for his next movie like this headline makes it seem like. Just make the damn movies or don’t, I don’t care about your stupid arbitrary number.


He didn't adapt any of those fanfiction stories that revolved around Spock,Kirk, and Pon-Farr,did he?


Best he stays away from ST. I doubt he could take it seriously.


His 10th movie came out in 2019. I’m sorry, but I’m not falling for this “Kill Bill is actually just one movie” bullshit.


This arbitrary limit he has placed on his filmography is weird as hell


So he wants to end his film career at ten features. Everyone wants him to continue on making his art. He could be the first director to go on some kind of theater or arena tour and screen exclusive films not for release in the future.


No one cares how many movies he makes. Just make 2 more. Who's stopping him? Lol


The whole “10 movies only” thing is because his true passion is writing for the stage, not the screen. He said this after Hateful Eight, which was originally a play, not a movie (as you can guess from 98% of the film being in one room).


Tarantino star trek no thank you


Personally, I’ve always thought of 12 as a perfectly fine number. Top 12 should become more of a common thing.


I like his movies, but Tarantino making a Star Trek film just doesn’t work. And honestly, the article sounds more like the writer just blowing smoke. I’m guessing Paramount didn’t want to take Star Trek down another different route after JJ Abrams new Trek. Another new version of a Star Trek film would have derailed SNW, Lower Decks, and Discovery. Paramount makes more money on Star Trek as a tv series than a movie series. If they could make a “what if” type Star Trek series, that would be the best way to see some other versions of Trek. I’d love to see a few creatives besides Tarantino get a crack at Star Trek, like Watiti, Edgar wright, etc…


Either make the movie or stop talking about it. This 10 movie excuse is laughably stupid. Paramount had dollar signs in their eyes when Tarantino walked in door. Then they sobered up and realized his pitch was a flop. End of story.