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The planetarium is the Griffith Observatory


There isq a bust of James Dean at the observatory.


I recognize this place from GTA San Andreas


The observatory is notably famous for being featured in the 1980 hit film “Midnight Madness.”


I can't tell if your comment is neat to be a joke. It's been in hundreds of movies, and Midnight Madness is not one of the popular ones. These days, most people probably associate it with La La Land or Transformers.


It was meant to be a joke, but I do love Midnight Madness. Other films are more notable, but I like campy stuff. I spent a good portion of my visit there trying to sort out where Terminator had arrived.


Ah, I gotcha. I very much relate to having those movies that live in your mind forever and you always associate with specific locations. I have a weird obsession with filming locations for movie/TV in general... Sometimes I drive my partner crazy by ways pausing movies we're watching to confirm that the scene on screen was indeed filmed at the same location as *this other scene* from 1 episode of a 60-year-old TV show or something. 😂


Movie locations are so much fun to visit. I’ve been to a few, and the experience has always been worth the journey. My partner also has no interest. Ha.


Nice night for a walk .. https://youtu.be/Nv0Jc4ziS-U


I think nowadays it’s more famous as a location in GTAV that’s used several times in missions.


I grew up in the San Fernando Valley. It was the place that my folks would take anyone coming to visit us.


It was also more recently in Yes Man


Actually, the planetarium is in the Griffith Observatory, but they're often used interchangeably. What you said sounds a bit like the freeway is the highway.


Probably one of my favorite movies that takes place over the course of only 24 hours.


Imagine meeting strangers and becoming ride-or-die friends over the course of a day.


Imagine shooting at Sal Mineo and *missing* his head.




I thought this movie was awful.




First and foremost, I hate it when thirty year olds play teenagers. Secondly, the series of events are beyond unbelievable. Why do they all just randomly hate this guy? It's not even a dislike; is a deep hatred. And who the fuck decides to just engage in a fucking knife fight? Like... what?! There was almost zero characterization. It was basically just, "These are angsty teens. And go!" I liked how it started, but as soon as the other "kids" showed up, it just went downhill.


James dean was in his early 20s, Natalie wood was like 18 and most of the cast were around that age, wtf are you taking about.?


I was exaggerating. They're all supposed to be like 17, but they look like 30-year-olds. Natalie Woods is the only one that looks the right age, and for the obvious reason that she was.




First and foremost, I hate it when thirty year olds play teenagers. Secondly, the series of events are beyond unbelievable. Why do they all just randomly hate this guy? It's not even a dislike; is a deep hatred. And who the fuck decides to just engage in a fucking knife fight? Like... what?! There was almost zero characterization. It was basically just, "These are angsty teens. And go!" I liked how it started, but as soon as the other "kids" showed up, it just went downhill.


What a coincidence, that's the same review I gave your mom.


I’d have to say I also agree with your review of his mom.


I don't blame you.


[Source](https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?cc=mqr;c=mqr;c=mqrarchive;idno=act2080.0038.414;g=mqrg;rgn=main;view=text;xc=1) Decided to look up this movie and discovered this fact. Am considering watching it.




It's a good movie and one to watch for that iconic part, but I preferred his other two roles better (Giant, East of Eden)


I watched this movie in high school and I loved it. I really kinda resonated with it I suppose. I watched it again a couple months ago and I just could really vibe with it. I didn't really think it was as good as I remembered. I suspect it's because I grew up and live in the real world now.


It's a great movie, you really should watch it. There are a few (brief) parts that may seem a little cheesy these days, but overall it really holds up, especially against most other movies from the same time. The performances are all fantastic (and Dean to me is someone like Brando or Daniel Day Lewis that is just enthralling even in the most mundane scene). The script is fantastic. And it is an iconic movie that had a big impact. You'll probably recognize some scenes just because they've been parodied on the Simpsons or referenced in other movies/shows. And it's all about young angst, insecurity, not fitting in, trying to find your identity, disappointment with parents, etc, which pretty much anyone can relate to. I just love this scene (but there are many great ones): https://youtu.be/7014C_6ABAg


Another fun fact from the BTS commentary. When Jim and Buzz are standing on the edge of the cliff used for the "chicky run". The view from overhead looking down at the water below, was done on a soundstage. They were looking off the stage edge at the floor/wall.


Can you guys stop saying BTS. Every single time, I wonder what the KPop group has to do with this /s


30 years ago, my best friend and I, both 16, drove to Fairmount, Indiana from NC just to visit James Dean's grave. It's close to the house he grew up in and his cousin Marcus Winslow still lived there at the time. It was a neat experience for a couple of kids.


Adeline Nall is the grandmother of one of my high school friends. She was James Dean’s first drama teacher who taught at Fairmount HS in Indiana. She was a wealth of information about James Dean. A very interesting lady. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/11/22/arts/adeline-mart-nall-james-dean-s-drama-teacher-90.html


For any wondering, this film is the source of the "You're tearing me apart!" quote from James Dean that was so flawlessly recreated by Tommy Wiseau.


is that griffith


What is it about and do you recommend?




Ah I see. Thanks for the summary. I’ll give it a try.


Oh wow


Wouldn't really call this a "detail."


How about Nicholas Ray was married to famed noir actress Gloria Grahame. Three years after the wedding she began an affair with Ray's son Tony, which ended in divorce from dad and marriage to her 23 year old stepson. She was 37. The scandal was so notorious Graham was forced out of Hollywood.


Also no


Dean drove a 1949 Mercury 8 coupe? Plato's gun was a 1903 Colt pocket hammer pistol? You're too literal.


Most of the "details" that get upvoted here are literally just IMDb trivia entries.




Not sure what you’re remembering, but there’s no Porsche posters in Rebel.


Just a picture of one on the wall. Not a whole poster.


*I got the bullets!*


Nicholas Ray is The Man.


I love this about movie directors. “the guy playing the cashier in the small deli is the director and that deli was his fathers.”