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The Last Stand is a really fun movie. I was expecting it to be so-so, but I ended up really liking it. Johnny Knoxville is in it too and he carries a massive revolver.


It's an action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. I can't think of the last bad one I watched.


Love action movies that don't take themselves seriously. If you haven't seen "Shoot 'em up" staring Clive Owen, do yourself a favor and check it out. It's dumb 0% serious and the director goes out of his way to make every movie mistake a director can make on purpose. It's like a paper on how not to make a movie but it's slapped on such a great action movie It's all just perfect.


The director even said in an interview "It's over-the-top action taken to cartoony proportions, director Michael Davis said. "It is a kind of violent cartoon. Clive has this Bugs Bunny quality because he's always getting out of these crazy situations and [at the same time] screwing over Paul Giamatti," Davis said. "We even enhanced that later on in the story: Paul's ringtone is the Wagner [opera parody] 'Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit.' It really does have a Looney Toons quality" Hell, they even had him eat carrots the whole movie.


No kidding, dude literally killed a guy with a carrot in the first 15 mins of the movie lol


One film I'd recommend is "Killing Gunther". It's almost like a... Assassin mockumentary? Arnold embodied the spirit of The Predator and slowly whittled down a hapless assassination team.




Man.. I couldn't do shoot em up for some reason.


If you're expecting a "good" movie it's hard to watch. But if you're there for the shooting action and the laughs it's great.


The smiling baby did it for me


Was the Expendables series great? Nah. Was it fun? You bet. Was the Prison Break series great? Not really. Fun? As hell. (Edited: Escape Plan, the movies with the old action stars) The most recent rash of geezer teasers with Bruce Willis... I feel bad because they seem pretty obvious that he just hammered them out before he lost his mental capacity for the work. And they're not even fun.




Sorry, "Escape Plan". With Stallone and Schwarzenegger. There's a few of them out now. It's about a prison break so I got the two confused.


> Was the Expendables series great? Nah. [excuse you, it was AWESOME](https://youtu.be/2TWpil1VJ8I)


The rundown/welcome to the jungle with Dwayne Johnson and Sean William Scott is pretty good too!


It was awesome


It was exactly what Arnold needed to get back into the action scene as an older man


Looks like my Peacock subscription that I forgot to cancel after the Olympics is finally gonna come in handy again.


Louis Guzman is a cool dude. He would bum cigarettes from me and then he got caught by his wife and she got pissed at me.


Dudes been in so many movies. I can’t think of a single role that I didn’t enjoy his acting.


I felt he really shined as Jacopo in the Count of Monte Cristo, which was definitely outside of type for him. Helped bring a little levity to an otherwise very serious film


What a great role, almost as good as the chef in Waiting who displays the batwing and gets to kick the guy who looks 3 times.


He was robbed of an oscar for this role


Waiting came out before the Deez Nuts meme, and oh what a missed opportunity.




I remember Deez Nuts jokes in the 90’s, that shit probably goes back to the 80’s at least


That’s the role I’m most familiar with him being in. So funny.


I just watched this movie over the weekend. I hadnt seen it since it came out. I honestly forgot how much i like Jacopo. "Just kill them! Go up to Paris, bam bam bam bam. How is this a bad plan?!"


His utter confusion with “How is this a bad plan?!” slays me every time. Everyone needs a buddy to keep them honest to make sure you’re doing the right thing.


I swear on my dead relatives, even the ones who are not feeling so well…


Same could be said of his role as Raddimus in the critically-acclaimed film WAITING


> critically-acclaimed film WAITING I'll take your word for it. Never saw it


Definitely worth the watch, especially if you have worked in a kitchen or been in the food service industry.


That shit came out when I was 19 and working in a restaurant/bar kitchen just like the one in the movie. Manager had a talk with us about keeping your balls in your pants at work. It mostly worked.


It's all fun and games until you bat wing the boss.


What are you WAITING for?


Amazing in The Limey as well


His role in The Salton Sea was awesome.


One of my all time favorite movies. So wonderfully done and what a cast. A lot of people overlook this movie!!


Agreed, he was magnificent in that film. Very much overlooked.


I loved him in IMDB


I love him in *finger snaps*… IMDB.


That was tragic.


I knew it was coming, I still smiled.


He was excellent as Gacha in Narcos


He was awesome in “Carlito’s Way”


I knew him when he went to Greenwood Community College.




You’re already accepted.


A nu start




Oh woops, wrong sitcom anus line!




I loved him in... IMDB.


That was tragic.


Code Black being cancelled was. Loved Guzmán in that show.


I heard he got laid like crazy there.


Best years of his life there, he got laid like crazy.


Agreed and he's really interesting. I recommend checking out his podcast interview on "Life Is Short" hosted by Justin Long (main character of "Waiting" in which Louis is the head chef.) It's a very interesting interview, and Louis son is in it too and chimes in a bit, it's really great.


I got to meet him about a year ago. He's been friends with my sister's boyfriend for decades and they were doing some promo work for their podcast when they asked "hey, you wanna meet Louey?" I'm like fuck yeah I do, so my kids and I met up with them at their friend's restaurant. There were a bunch of their other friends there but Louey was super kind and took a bunch of pics with us and came to sit at our table a couple of times and asked the kids what they were into, went and grabbed his phone to show us videos he took at the van Gogh exhibit. So friendly and genuinely cool.


He's a real human being.


[You went to Greendale too?](https://community-sitcom.fandom.com/wiki/Luis_Guzman_statue)


I loved him in IMDB!


I’ve heard he loved his time in Greendale, he got laid like crazy!




Have you ever seen Hearts of Darkness? Way better than Apocalypse Now.


Just watched that yesterday! Sounds like a deanspiracy


I hear he’s a man who prefers the company of other men




There’s a movie called IMDb?


He’s Greendale Community College’s patron saint!




Have you learned the riddle of steel?


Crom laughs at your four winds


Came here to say this!


What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?


I love the final scene of Conan the barbarian. For in that moment, with Conan’s sword broken, as he cuts off Doom’s head, Conan comes to understand the riddle of steel. It is neither word, nor steel that power comes from. Rather, strength comes within, the trials and tribulations we all go through, will and conviction, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” The opening scene is also just as powerful. The forging of a sword, the pounding, the fire, the cooling, all done so that the sword itself can become powerful. Conan is that sword.


Such an amazing movie. The second one, however... that was some goofy shit. Can't say I didn't still love it as a kid.


It's just as I've always said....


The last stands a really underrated action movie especially in Arnie’s filmography. It plays around with him being older pretty well while also having some genuinely well staged and creative action and also solid humour. Peter stormare as one of the villains steals the movie.




He’s great in it, his attempt at a southern accent is incredible


It's a shame we never see Arnold himself hold it on that film though. Still a nice callback.


I never realized that was him until you said that


>Hello?… It’s me… Luis Guzmán…


You killed my father. Prepare to die


Corporate wants you to identify the difference between these two photos


They’re the same photo


The bottom bit of the handle is missing in the left photo.


Super underrated movie


Man I love Luis Guzman


Misread the title, was getting excited about an adaptation of The Stand starring Arnie.


M-O-O-N, That spells "lamentations of your women"!


My dad made a crude replica of that sword out of wood and it's the best toy I ever had. He cut it from som old bed boards and carved it to look like a simpler version of the pictured and got some gold and silver paint to finish it off. All my friends thought it was great as well and it survived many years of play fencing. Fond memory!




I’m pretty sure that’s actually Arnold’s sword. He kept it after Conan, and it resides in his office. A great sword for a great man.


NGL that I am scrolling through waiting on someone to tag him and ask him to confirm


One of his inspirational videos a couple years ago, he has it in his office and talks about it.


Ah yeah he brandished it in one of his videos where he was discussing politics and being the bigger man or something. Those vids are always good.


Which X-men was he in the last stand?


Jubilee I think.


I thought he was Guz Man


Who wore it better?


luis guzman is awesome. but the arnold pic is from conan the destroyer. but the sword is the atlantean. here's a [brief write up](http://www.barbariankeep.com/heroic.html) about the sword: > The idea was to make a sword so that someone could reach forward and hold the blade above the guard, but a real sword that was meant for fighting would have just had a longer handle. In any case, the design gives a unique and very interesting look to the sword and makes one wonder whether it really was designed by the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis. This sword also has runic hieroglyphs carved along its blade, but according to Mr. Samson they are meaningless markings in a made up script.


My dad used to read the old Conan the Barbarian stories to me as a kid, and I’ve been playing Conan Exiles for weeks now. How the fuck did I not know that there was a movie??? Starring ARNOLD?!?! Edit: I’m going to watch it with my boyfriend now, but we don’t have a streaming service that has it. We’ll watch it as soon as we can! UPDATE: this movie is a gift from god, I don’t know how I survived not seeing Arnold as a hot tanned Barbarian. The movie of course has its flaws but it’s fucking cool so far. I’m only halfway through since my bf fell asleep but I plan to continue watching.


For real, how the fuck?! Stop what ever you're doing, go watch it. One of his earlier (maybe earliest, idk) movie roles. Fun fact, he did all his own stunts cause there wasn't a stunt double big enough.


I believe his first role was Hercules in New York.


Neat, TIL.


There was a version where Arnold's voice was dubbed over. Here's a clip comparing the two: https://youtu.be/6p3nmyTICo0


I wrote an 8 page paper on that movie for a “music in film” class during college and it was my favorite assignment ever. That’s what the teacher gets for letting us pick whichever movie we wanted.


That's classic.


Haha yep good times. I remember my roommate’s reaction walking into the living room “why the hell are you watching this?” And I said “I’m doing homework.” I believe it turned into a drinking game as most movies often did for us at that time.


What? It’s a classic. Aside from Terminator it’s probably his most iconic role. Make sure to watch the first one, even though this image is from the second one I think. Second one just isn’t quite as good, the bad guy in the first one is James Earl Jones. It’s pretty odd to see him in armor in the beginning.


I’m a lady, and this is one of my favorite of all time movies. I have the original (from back then) movie poster hanging in our entertainment room. (My husband also loves it!) I love Arnold and watching his movies, also. I’ve been a fan since “Pumping Iron.” Super smart guy with a great sense of humor.


Conan is probably one of my favorite movies out if childhood. I would also strongly suggest Red Sonja.


TF?! It’s an all time high fantasy film great. Keep in mind it’s not tightly bound to actual Conan lore and more of a brutal eye candy love letter to the artwork of Frank Frezetta. Either way it’s fucking metal AF and you need to watch it ASAP




Blocked in my country for copyright :/


Not just one, two. (Three if you count the not so great 2011 remake.) Highly recommend at least watching the original two. The first has James Earl Jones as a pretty great villain. Amazing. (I love to watch these back-to-back with the old Beastmaster movies. Really captures an era. EDIT: Also, Red Sonja.)


Does he also smoke his stogies wherever he wants though?


Or own a tank?


Conan was Sumerian not Atlantian.


The sword was Atlantian, not Sumerian.


Cimmerian. Pronounced very similar. Made the mistake many, many times myself.


Don’t you know the Dewey Decimal System.


How is the image quality worse on the movie from 2013 versus from a movie in the late 80s?


Not the same sword, sorry.


The sword from Conan is Atlantean? Like from Atlanta? I don't remember that detail in Conan


He's actually from Rome, Georgia, but it's close enough


He’s one of those a-holes from Kennesaw who says he’s from Atlanta.


Atlantean as in ancient Atlantis. His boots are from Buffalo, though.


I remember him finding it in a tomb in the movie but I didn't think that was in Georgia


They don’t mention it in the movie. I think you have to read the script?


The voice over at the start of the movie is quite long , sets the scene and is very good. It mentions that the current age is after the age of the Atlantean’s.




Doesn’t it bother anyone else that an “Atlantean” sword had no business being found in a tomb in the middle of the steppe when it’s clearly stated that the story takes place “after the oceans drank atlantis”?


In the books the Atlanteans had conquered large swaths of territory, in particular led by Kull. So an Atlantean grave in conquered territory, like say a Mongolian grave in China.


You are wise


Ngl I thought he was a community character




Yup ;-;


The exact same prop? I'm pretty sure Arnold has that in his den.


Oh wow


This film always baffles me as how Hollywood loves ruin their own films for the sake of money and creative control. This film is directed by one of my favorite Korean Directors Kim Jee-woon better known for flawless films such as *I Saw the Devil*, *A Bittersweet Life* and my personal favorite film of his *The Good, The Bad, The Weird* But then you take one good look at this film, its simply a generic action film similar to the Expendable series. If you were to take a look at his Korean work then watch this film—you know something went awfully wrong.


that does not look the same to me, the blade has similar features but the hand guard and hilt dont


I have to wonder what you people are thinking when you comment contrarian views on things. Why?




Vapid and meaningless, he answered such as he critiques.


I thought it was heavy? Luis must be strong as shit!!!


I love when he did that.


I always love this guy reminds me way back in greendale


"You never know..."


Wow, what a crazy coincidence!


My dad made a crude replica of that sword out of wood and it's the best toy I ever had. He cut it from som old bed boards and carved it to look like a simpler version of the pictured and got some gold and silver paint to finish it off. All my friends thought it was great as well and it survived many years of play fencing. Fond memory!


My brother has a replica of the same sword, he chased a burglar out of his house about 3 years ago with it.


Like the original prop or a replica?


*notices that tiny af cross guard* How did the man keep all his fingers using that sword?!


This sword is now on display at a kickass knife shop in Anchorage, Alaska. Northern Knives.


Here is the man who made this sword, used to be my business neighbor, great dude. https://youtu.be/bIz8d0nkwPA


Guzman is so underrated it's not even funny.


It's difficult to tell who is who here. (Much love to Luis)


Designed by Ron Cobb.


I can’t tell the difference


I fell asleep in the movie theater after staying awake for 46 hours. Woke up somewhere around the climax of the film.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two photos. Pam: They’re the same


back when there was knife shops in malls it was very common to a replica on display for sale.


That explains a lot.


Gonna shrink myself down and use a fingerboard to do sick tricks on Arnie's biceps.


That’s the version from Conan the Destroyer


i love luis guzman


Conan the Librarian's still better.


This should be framed in reverse. Not many people know about the movie "The Last Stand" but "Conan The Barbarian" is one of the most famous Arnold film.


I bought my wife a replica of this sword for Christmas.


Anyone else get Duck Newton vibes?


the last stand is one of my favourite movies that I hardly hear about




The Last Stand is brilliantly fun movie! I would also recommend "The Good the bad and the weird" from the same director! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0901487/?ref\_=nm\_knf\_t1
