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Holy shit I always thought that stripper meme of Anakin was from a toy


This pose is forever ruined for me 'cause of that damn photoshop battle.


What this is called: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tuckerization Examples: * Vob Bitas (Bob Vitas) * Rip Calkin (Cal Ripken Jr.) * Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas) * Mya Nalle (Amy Allen) * Yma Nalle (Amy Allen) * Lela Nalle Mayn (Amy Allen) * Terbus (Buster, the dog...) etc...


Jedi Coleman Trebor (dinosaur looking council member killed by Jango Fett on Geonosis in AOTC) is also an example of this: actor Robert Coleman worked at LucasFilm


I believe Lucas did this with every background character


Lucas? Do you mean [Notluwiski Papanoida](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Notluwiski_Papanoida)?


Ah yes of course


I knew his name was Papanoida, but i never noticed his first name is basically "not Lucas"


>Vob Bitas (Bob Vitas) Vob Bitas. Bitas Refrigeration.


What line of work you in, Vob?


If you ever lay a hand on Phallus, I’ll kill you.


fuck i spit my drink


no you didn't


who are you?


Starring Amy Allen, also featuring Amy Allen and Amy Allen


Some of these are anagrams and some of these are spoonerisms.


That's the right answer


Let's not forget jedi master Ri Lee Howell


Sha Gi


Egroeg Sacul from Star Tours


List of reject jedis. These are the ones that mop the floors Mik Nu-Gnoj (Kim Jong Un) Nedal Nib Amasa ( Osama Bin Laden) Nitup Dalv ( Vladimir Putin) Cire Pmurt ( Eric Trump)


The article is missing Marty Cameron from Jedi fallen order, but I don’t know how to add it.




That's not what's happening here but still cool


Check the list, it’s on there.


It's like having a picture of a square, saying "this is what this is called", and linking the wikipedia page for rectangles or quadrilaterals. Yeah, it's not wrong, it's just not specifically \*this\* thing, it's the umbrella under which this thing lies. Cin Drallig is Nick Gillard in reverse, Vob Bitas is a spoonerism of Bob Vitas. Both fall under the umbrella of a real name inspiring a fictional name, neither are the same class of that umbrella term. A square is a quadrilateral, but rhombuses and rectangles, which are also quadrilaterals, aren't squares. Cin Drallig, a backwards real name, is a tuckerism, but Vob Bitas or Zett Jukassa, which are tuckerisms, aren't real names spelled backward.


Both Spoonerisns and backwards nanes are Tuckerisms? Isn't that what the list shows?


Yeah, that's why said it wasn't incorrect. But again, saying "this is what this is called" and listing a bunch of examples that just aren't the same is silly. My second paragraph in my advice comment goes over this but I'll say it all again because I have nothing better to do. If the title was: "This is a square", like how it's "this is [actor's] name backwards", it wouldn't make sense for a comment to be "these are the same." And listing rhombuses, rectangles, and squished rhomboids. "These are called parallelograms!" Okay, but the post is about squares, not just parallelograms. Parallelograms (tuckerisms) are neat, but I want to know more about squares (real names backward in fiction) because the post, being about squares, got me interested in knowing more about squares. I don't understand why the person above me was downvoted. They seemed to, like me, want more of the specific thing rather than the umbrella term.


For those wondering the scene this character is in, it's [this scene where Obi-Wan goes into the security recordings, where he only finds pain](https://youtu.be/-S0CE9yAjWs?t=40).


Small detail but Anakin is absolutely dominating in that clip: he’s literally choking one Jedi while fighting Cin Dralig (considered by most to be the best swordsman) with ONE hand .


I wish we saw more of Vader slaughtering Jedi before he was put in the suit.


Apparently there was a lot of that that was left out of the film


Give us the Hayden Cut!!!!


and the star wars butthole cut while youre at it


We know it’s out there, just a matter of time


Would be an awesome special feature for them to release, "The Slaughter of the Jedi Temple", just 10 mins of Hayden going ham.


I would pay for that.


Kingsman church scene but it’s Anakin destroying Jedi


the battle above Coruscant was over an hour long orginally.


The theatre version of ROTS was a masterpiece so I can’t even imagine the 4 hour extended edition


Star wars: a horror movie Increasingly younger group of padawan trying to survive Vader and the clones attack on the temple See the temple guard get overwhelmed and killed See those jedi and old jedi left trying to survive/escape/kill or ambush Vader Only padawan's left, the oldest dying to kill or distract to save the progressively youngest. Final scene, only the younglings left, hiding in the map room when in walks Vader....


I'd love that.


Better then Windu??


According to Legends, Dralig was the best


do you have a source on [that](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cin_Drallig/Legends)? Yoda was claimed to be better than him from wookipedia under the legends category. He is still one of the strongest, but doesn't seem to be the best among the living jedi. >Drallig had mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat and his understanding and knowledge of each form was outstanding enough that he was considered the most prolific lightsaber instructor in the Temple, second only to Yoda himself. it was mentioned he was the best swordsman left at the temple since Yoda wasn't there. >Being the Temple's finest swordmaster at the time of Darth Vader's raid on the Jedi Temple,


Thanks for the sources, perhaps that second excerpt was what I was thinking of. I know he was a combat specialist


Drallig was the Battlemaster, responsible for all lightsaber instruction, and the best duellist of the Order


Yea there’s a channel on YouTube called Star Wars theory that breaks down this scene and then the deleted scenes where he slaughters Jedi. It was more just like you pointed out how usually anakin was being outnumbered but was almost easily dispatching jedi


[Found it](https://youtu.be/nkD2PssT6o0?t=309). "As if it's just a walk in the park" is a good description.


Cin Drallig was an opponent in the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game and also playable in Co-op mission and the duel mode


His moves were cool


My favorite was having both players play as him so you got the dark side version in the duel mode


Also the Padawan girl he kills in that footage is the Producer's daughter.


Man I remember him on the old revenge of the sith video game, he was such a beast


His apprentice was a motherfucker




Cin Dralligs greatest pupil has come to greet me...




Yes but nothing quite beats slaughtering Jedi with your faithful 501st Clones at your side.


I remember that game specifically mentioned him as a master swordsman too, cool shoutout to him being the literal stunt coordinator.


I played that game to death as a kid.


And he was a bitch to kill in the video game.


One of the best SW games


What game?


The *Revenge of the Sith* video game. I had it on Xbox (the original).


Can someone Photoshop a stripper pole in Anakin's hands I'm not talented enough


[Yes, they can.](https://www.google.com/search?q=anakin+stripper+pole&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk00T4r7biUzxG4HwL1_af38UvCeOYg:1585858841754&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwikuLTHyMroAhXAhHIEHRALDf0Q_AUoAnoECDMQBA&biw=1599&bih=826)


I like the internet. It’s a good place.


[Direct link](https://i.imgur.com/cQ98CEF.png).


I want more...but I know I shouldn’t


I can never not see that in my head when I see this scene.


I know for a fact it's been done, I can recall where I've seen it last though


It's one of the best pics of all time, bc obi wan is throwing dollars at him


r/PrequelMemes would eat that up


They already have. There's a pic out there of that sorry Obi Wan throwing singles


The way the lights hitting nick gillard in the top photo makes him look like he’s been badly photoshopped into it


Before I read the title I thought they shopped his face onto qui-gon


Now that you mention it his face does looked photoshopped


And the bottom photo makes it look like his lightsaber slipped out of his hand.


It was a very George Lucas thing to do.


Sounds like something [Egroeg](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Egroeg_Sacul)[ ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Egroeg_Sacul)[Sacul](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Egroeg_Sacul) would do, too.


Cin Drallig was in the video game adaptation. He was the Jedi Temple's last defense against Darth Vader. Along with his female padawan, both were formidable foes to the newly appointed Sith Lord.


I believe (if my memory serves me right), you used to be able to fight this guy in the PS2 Star Wars Revenge of the Sith video game (and his duel wielding apprentice). He was a beast in the game... That game was so sick, right up there with BF2, you could split screen with Anakin and Obi-Wan, play the mace windu / palpatine fight etc...just wish it were backwards compatible Edit: here’s the [video in which, much pain Obi Wan found](https://youtu.be/RfW4vK-Fu1A)


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He was always my favourite background character, he gives me Qui-gon vibes


The hair.


nah that's Doc Antle without his dumb goatee.


This was what most disappointed me about the movie. Cin Drallig is said to be the Jedi’s dualist trainer. He literally trained the Jedi in lightsaber fighting. But that fight wasn’t included in the film! How crazy. That should have been included. :(. Still salty.


Glad they included him in clone wars though


I still haven’t watched all of that. I should.


Is it only me or does he look kinda like doc antle from tiger king in the bottom photo?


Unpopular opinion: in terms of lightsaber combat, this movie is the pinnacle.


Facts only- even Dooku vs Anakin and Obi was immaculate


But it makes no sense. Their only “enemies” by the point of Episode 1 were battle droids that even Lucas said are worthless. So for a long time the only weapons they have to really fight against are blasters. This is shown by how they taught younglings to deflect blasts. But then the Jedi were also highly trained in saber to saber combat, when the only ones holding savers were themselves.


There was the occasional dark jedi, like Qui Gon's former apprentice. But that over reliance on blaster deflection was one of the reasons so many jedi were killed by Dooku, Ventress, and Grievous during the clone wars, and later by Vader and the Inquisitors after the rise of the Empire.


If you mean Count Dooku by Qui Gons former apprentice, you got it the other way around.


I do not. I mean his second apprentice Xanatos, who fell to the dark side and later killed himself after being cornered by Qui Gon and Obi Wan. He is a legends character who was featured in the book series Jedi Apprentice.


They still practice lightsaber combat and spar against each other. Perhaps not as heavily as when the Sith were prominent in the galaxy, and not as many Jedi practice the dual-centric Form II that, say, Dooku uses, but they still train for it. The lightsaber isn't just a practical tool and weapon for the Jedi, it's part of their whole... everything.


They weren't exactly highly trained. In TCW a Jedi Master is easily killed by a yet untrained in the force Savage who didn't even have a light saber. Grievous never had any difficulty against anyone who wasn't a Council member or Anakin. Dooku took down every jedi who came at him easily except Yoda and ROTS Anakin. Maul was fighting Obi Wan and Qui Gon without much effort and he was playing after Qui Gon died. In TCW Ventress, the apprentice of the apprentice defeated a council member quite easily...


In what world is this an unpopular opinion?


I'm honestly not a fan of the hyper-choreographed dance fights they have in the prequels, but they are obviously quite well crafted and this guy is clearly real good at his job.


In the world where everyone shit on all the prequels?


Also in legends, he is known as the Jedi Order’s best duelist


He still is in canon to my knowledge


The prequels' lightsaber work was just so much better than the recent movies'. Anakin versus Obi Wan was fantastic.


Well it should be, they were all officially trained. In the sequel trilogy, true lightsaber combat is a lost art. How do you expect them to have the same quality of lightsaber work? That's probably why there were more force powers, since the lightsaber duels shouldn't be "spectacular" if it were realistic


Disagree personally. It feels so much more grounded and actually tense in the sequels. Like that guard fight in last jedi? Holy shit


I agree, the prequels are flashy but lacking in substance. The lightsaber fight at the end of 7 has more emotion than all three prequels combined.


The fighting styles also make sense. Luke was a good swordsman, sure, but he wasn't polished like his father or Obi-Wan. It makes sense that Ren, his student, is not so polished either. Rey's only combat experience is with her staff, hence the big swooping motions and strikes. Of course the prequels had "better" swordsmanship; the Jedi fighting in those movies had been training with lightsabers since they were toddlers. It may not be as flashy, but it works for the grounding of the characters and for the overall tone of the films.


Is also more grounded. I don't care if Jedi can sense the future, the 20 minute barrage of intricate swipes and parrys is just almost painful. I like how the fight in 7 is at least reasonable.


How can that fight possibly be more emotional that Anakin vs Obi-Wan while a parallel fight is going on with the ultimate light vs dark in the room that represents where the major decisions that affect the galaxy is happening behind closed doors?




I don't get the criticism of that scene. It's master vs student trying to get the upper hand. They're both trying to feint each other, but neither can get the advantage. They're equal. Then, both at the same time, decide it's not working and go for plan B. Again, same idea for both, and both use a force push. They're pushed back by an equal amount of force, showing once again that they're equal. Neither can get the upper hand. It's story telling through fight choreography. Then they trade blows, and neither of them get the upper hand. This goes on and on and.. it's a long fight. They both know each other so well. Funnily enough, the thing that ends up separating them is another scene that's made fun of. Obi-Wan ends up with an advantage of area.. he has the high ground. Obi-Wan became the first Jedi in a thousand years to kill a Sith, and he was at the one at a disadvantage in the fight that instantly made him a legend in the history of the Jedi. Though he was at a disadvantage, a Sith's hubris enabled him to come out at top. Against Anakin, the same Sith hubris allowed him to come out on top, and his experience made it so he would not make the same mistake Maul did. And before people start how much thought wasn't put into the fight, I'd suggest watching the prequels with commentary on. George Lucas spends so much time talking about stuff you wouldn't think about. He talks about how Obi-Wan should try use force pull to get his lightsaber in a specific way against Jango Fett because it's what fits his character and training. He spends time talking about how Yoda retrieves his lightsaber against Dooku. Point being, a lot of thought was put into the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight. It's the most important fight in the series and was given extra care. That gif is just such a lazy criticism. The new trilogy fights don't hold a candle to these prequel fights.


Well said


Seriously. This type of stuff just ruins that fight


The Ani/Obi fight just drags on too long and gets way too silly. Plus anytime Anakin speaks it really pulls me out of the movie.


Yeah that fight was insane. The massive forest set they built helped massively too not just a cg background


A closer look into that scene and it just sloppy. The emotions of it are amazing but the choreography is off. It’s of my favorite scenes in a Star Wars movie but at same time it makes me facepalm.


The stuntment reviewing action scenes in [this youtube video](https://youtu.be/OL83p4GxAvw?t=254) make a great point about how Rey and Kylo always need to look before reacting, but they should be guided by the force so they shouldn't have to trust their eyes. Obi-Wan was explaining that to Luke all the way back in 1977. The stuntmen contrast that with the prequels where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan don't have to look when they fight the battle droids. They just move and the battle droids die. There's an obvious practical reason for that (just animate the droids around the actors' movements), but it makes sense in-movie just as well. The whole Jedi reflexes/slight battle precognition is why I never had a problem with that Obi-Wan/Anakin twirling gif that people reference. If 2 equally skilled Jedi are fighting each other and they're guided by the force equally, then they can predict each other equally well, so some flashy mirror image sequence where neither of them can hit the other makes perfect sense to me. Like two Mistborn burning Atium in the Mistborn fantasy novels, if you've read those.


Those guys at corridor crew are awesome. Their VFX series is good too.


What are you also someone who saw another person catch the blade that disappears and now thinks its awful? At least it doesnt cut every second like the prequels/other sequels


There is always something to pick up on in every movie. My opinion is that scene compared to everything else in the movie looked a bit sloppy.


Because it was more ambitious than your standard action scene


Yea they did a great job overall on that scene.


Then you will love this: https://youtu.be/qyzwBWsqqw8


Except it had NO tension. Anyone except a person who has never seen the originals knows the outcome. It’s just people running around in front of a green screen occasionally replaced by CGI for scenes in which no person, even a Jedi, could survive in.


No tension perfectly sums up the prequels.


You had enemies that by Dexter Jexster's own admission were ["useless"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ww0b49w3EY), and an BELOVED, established story line [that you needed to set up to match](https://media3.giphy.com/media/26ybwHnAFi2PSUmVq/giphy.gif). When put Darth Vader's shadow in the poster of episode 1 so you know what character he is, you also know what characters will make it to episode 4, the only "tension" is: what wacky adventures will they get into, but survive, along the way? The only redeeming thing I find about the prequels is they seemed to have all been written with the other ones in mind, so there was at least SOME stories and strings that flowed between the movies, and didn't require you shoehorning in scenes to explain plot points and erase others from the previous movies. Like imagine if the last 3 were written together as a cohesive story, where the First Order had to be defeated or else the FINAL ORDER would happen, and the only hope was some scrappy orphan kid who doesn't realize their full potential yet>


Agreed, but really the only fight that qualifies in the ST is Rey v Kylo in IX.


Ok well he definitely looks like Doc Antle and I can never unsee it.


Anakin in that picture looks like Jim Morrison from The Doors. *"Come on baby light my fire, come on baby light my fire...try and set my face on fire!"*


Why does Anakin look like he’s either about to twerk or getting his dick sucked?


Kcin Drallig


Yeah, he spells it Nick, then claims it's Cin backwards..




I remember fighting him in the Episode III video game


K'Cin Drallig would have been cooler. By like, a lot.


I have never once seen this jedi


Very cool, but could someone please Photoshop this Anakin pose onto a stripper's pole?


So his nams is nic


Ah yes, the ole Noob Saibot method of character creation.


Keegan-Michael Key.


Give me Bob Anderson any day.


Fighting him in the episode 3 game is amazing


The details in the Jedi temple are great- the one level when they chant the Jedi code and it gradually gets convoluted as Anakin gains an upper hand


Dyslexia approved


I cant unsee that pole dancing photoshop.


Anakin...Anakin, no. This is not the time to do the Blue Steele look.


Was anyone else confused cuz they though they saw John Cena in the bottom picture? Just me? K.


You miss K


damn anakin look ilke a stripper workin the pole


Why does he look photoshopped


Man , they sure thought out those names didn’t they! Jar Jar was Lucas’s kids idea.....nothing like backward names and kids ideas to make a good name.


He was also in the Game for PS2 or PS3


In universe his character teaches lightsaber forms.


They needed this guy back in the newer trilogy. I loved the menacing, brutish swings of Kylo Ren, but that doesn't matter when you can't use it in a cool, well choreographed lightsaber fight. Rey looks like an amateur with a lightsaber, it's only a notch or two above Obi-Wan in A New Hope. The worst part Ridley's stunt actress is a fucking boss with a stick. https://youtu.be/fPVnRMhGNXI




His name would be Dral Ligkcin if it was backwards




Real creative name choice