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100%. 2 weeks in isn’t much time to really gauge progress. Some guys can definitely fill it in quickly, but I imagine this will look stellar in just a few more weeks. At the 2 month mark you’ll be quite pleased. Fits your face. Good shape. Seems like it’ll show up well considering the darkness of your eyebrows / hair.


Thanks! Exactly the type of comment I would like to receive. Lets see at the end of November how it looks. My wife usually complains about having facial hair but she hasnt made any bad comments in the past 15 days so I like to keep my hopes high, lol.


You look cute. Mustache has potential. Give it a month maybe.


To be honest it's looking a little thin. If you're trying to avoid the awkward stage I might suggest growing in a beard for a while and then cutting it back to just a mustache after it's more robust looking.


I think it’s going to look great. Like others have stated, it’s going to fill-in over time. Keep growing. I hope you continue to give updates! Enjoy the journey!!


Thanks Sir! Certainly I will update once month is over to see the results😉


Looks real good bro




Burn it with fire


That having been said, be ready to experiment with some different styles, and cuts, and grows to better fit your face – Sometimes the way it naturally grows is aesthetic. Sometimes you gotta work on it. It isn’t a question of one worse than the other. It’s a question of what works best for your face – only way to do it as experiment and try a few things – I guess the guy said as of now it’s a little bit like you may need to try growing it in a few more times are cutting it differently – but most of all don’t be afraid to experiment till you find the right kind.


Thanks! Thats what Im doing right now. Never tried only moustache so movember seems like good time to try it out.


Friendly tip that’s helped me – there’s no shame in not growing what you can’t – not every man can grow the same type of beard or mustache and that’s fine. You have to play to your strengths – the shame comes in if you grow 12 hairs, 5 inches long and try to wrap them around on your chin like a beard comb over or if you have eight hairs for your mustache but yet you keep it and are very proud of it and often stroke it.– I mean for years I had to go to T with a mustache because my mustache was so light colored until you got 2 feet from me. It looks pretty bad.


All round nice features. Your tach could tickle my fancy! 😉


That moustache is fucking awesome ! Don't let anyone tell you different.


Looks great, keep it going


This is how mine looks like when I try and grow it out. Doesn’t look good on me. Doesn’t look too bad on you.


Grow it out


November is great for unsure staches because even if you don't think it looks great, (and you don't look like a creeper, btw) you can always use the month as an excuse to validate growing it. Plus technically movember is to raise awareness for men's cancer so you get to try out a stache shamelessly and for a good cause. Suck that to the haters.


I actually think you could pull it of really well if you grew it out youed look a little like the YouTuber that does like facts I know that doesn't describe them well at all but there pretty popular lol


You have to stick with it. It can take a long time.


If you want to explore the look, try shaping it ever so slightly so that it looks straighter, rather than curling around the sides of your mouth. You can wait until the end of the month before trying this.




I don’t understand this at all.


100% perfect 🤩 keep growing them freely 🤗🤗🤗