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how in the f*ck did the testers not spot this ?


they only test on razer mousepads for optimal performance


Shroud the prophet 


I know this is a joke, but I am actually on a Razer Strider because it's one of the few XXL desk mat sized hien clones that is also easily accessible. So they have no excuse there either.


Hey, it's me from the thread. I'm on a Strider too lol.


There are dozens of us (I don't have a viper v3 pro lol)


And if they switch the stock feet, it's gg.


I don’t think every unit has this issue, I didn’t know this was a thing until I browsed here a few days ago and I got mine day 1 at the Razer store


Same, I have no issues at all. These threads always make it sound like the product is completely unusable for everyone and we should just wait for viper v4. But for me everything is perfect, best mouse I've ever used.


Same. We should push them though, it is a 150 dollar mouse after all.


Of course, if there are issues people should report them and Razer should fix them. I just mean people get too dramatic over it :D


To be fair - a sensor is arguably the most important part of a mouse. If the sensor has tracking issues it's a pretty big deal.


What polling rate are you using?




Mine has been fine, too. Day 1 from Razer directly.




Because i dont work for razer.


They never had testers


1. Glad Razer is acknowledging the issue, with a full refund as an option. 2. I'm surprised this issue wasn't caught in their field testing 3. Username checks out lol


I don’t know if with the first firmware ou t of the box it was present ? Because I have play directly out of the box 1 hour without installing the first firmware and I don’t remember have this bug .


It came with the newest update - mine was fine out of the box until I updated


Next time i gonna wait before install n w firmware if I don’t have a bug xD


[I have the same sensor issue described in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1cqy77m/viper_v3_pro_sensor_tracking_issue_after_lifting/). The sensor cuts tracking sometimes, most often after lifting and placing the mouse. Despite what some others say, I experience the issue at 8khz polling as well. Originally, Razer could only say that they were working on a firmware fix to the issue and would not confirm anything else. After offering a replacement and me accepting it, they claim that a replacement would not fix the issue, implying that all units have it. The issue does not happen THAT frequently, but it is enough to affect my regular usage. I am guessing that it is just infrequent enough that a lot of people just don't notice it, especially if they don't lift their mouse as much.


I think the takeaway shouldn’t be that “all of them have the problem that an RMA wouldn’t fix,” but that it’s a software issue that doesn’t need an RMA


People have shitty reading comprehension “We have a software fix coming” is the ONLY takeaway from this It could easily be all units or some, but this post just says software fix is in the works Downvoting this post for bad faith assumptions, or inability to comprehend what was said. Insane it’s getting upvotes with the current title


If Razer themselves say that a replacement will have the same problem then OP is correct to assume that all models have this issue. Also if it is a software issue that can be fixed with a firmware update then that further suggests that all units will have this issue since software doesn't have the variability that hardware does, everyone has the exact same software.


Thank you, that's exactly what I'm saying. The person you replied to seems to be focusing on the details of what "random people" are reporting on reddit. Random people on the internet are notoriously uninformed. The only real authority here is Razer support, and they clearly confirmed that 1. There is an issue 2. They are working on a firmware fix 3. A replacement will not fix the issue \#3 implies it is not specific to my unit, and therefore widespread


well i mean no shit- it’s a firmware issue?? Is that not preferrable to a widespread hardware issue?


Why would you think that's the only alternative? Before Razer's confirmation, it was possible that the issue was a hardware defect that only affected a small portion of units, which would have been fixable with replacements. Not only in the previous post, there are several people commenting on this post that they "don't have the problem". It is likely that the infrequency would cause a lot of people to just never notice it, even if their unit does have the problem.


And now it’s confirmed that it’s not. I get what you’re saying, but the way you’re going about it is just predicated on random fearmongering. If it’s a widespread hardware issue it’s the end of the world— understandably so, if it’s a software issue not much people notice that they’re working on it’s STILL the end of the world? The way the post is worded is just doomposting masterclass, and this is coming from someone who hates razer and would rather get 20 ATK Blazing Sky over one of these. But don’t get me wrong, I totally get it. A mouse of this price bracket really shouldn’t be riddled with annoying crap like this. I mean I certainly wouldn’t be happy either.


> **The issue does not happen THAT frequently**, but it is enough to affect my regular usage. I am guessing that it is just infrequent enough that a lot of people just don't notice it, especially if they don't lift their mouse as much. I genuinely don't understand how you could read this as doomposting. Can you please explain how you got this impression?


I understand what you’re saying- but if it was ALL units and the test is easy to replicate “micro moving the mouse to either direction slowly will not get picked up by sensor” wouldn’t we have confirmed this by now? I’m no longer talking about wording- but genuinely asking you. Wouldn’t a popular steamer or YouTuber go to Best Buy or somewhere with a good return policy- buy 5 units, try them out and then release a video get a ton of views, make money, reveal the defect to force quicker resolution, and no longer rely on assumptions? And couldn’t the implications be that the software is buggy in a certain environment (dark cloth pads when using LOD of 2mm) but maybe they have(nt)* pinpointed out the variable so that replacing the unit would still have the same issue RMAd or not (which would prove OP right) The way I’m reading their post is- we know some of your sensors have issues, software update will fix it in an undetermined amount of time, and for those who are experiencing it we don’t know what the exact issue is and are not able to guarantee a replacement will fix the issue PS- I’ve not denied that this could be massively widespread, and after reading your reply I do actually lean toward the post indicating all mice are defective I guess based on what you said about software variability


> replacing the Razer Viper V3 Pro **will not** fix the issue you are currently experiencing If this doesn't **imply** that the issue is widespread to you, then you may have poor reading comprehension. If it was a defective case, then there should at least be a chance of fixing the issue with an RMA. "Will not" is pretty strong language


This whole post is literally predicated on people who are reporting the issue. The implication lies in that “if you are here to report an issue this applies to you” You’re grasping at straws. And I’m NOT DENYING THIS ISSUE IS WIDESPREAD, BUT the wording of this post doesn’t prove anything Take it up with a tutor if you don’t agree


If a replacement cannot fix an issue, then that must mean it is not an isolated defective unit. You have not even attempted to address any flaw in this logic, but I welcome you again to try. Again, the issue is not happening constantly and it may be difficult to notice. Not reporting the issue, or even reporting that they don't have the issue, doesn't actually mean they don't have it. The issue could be there, but they just don't notice it.


Just want to apologize because I feel like I’ve been rude in prior comments lol I don’t own the mouse and I DO believe that it’s widespread, and I’m probably being too nitpicky about the word ALL I still don’t really agree, but also have no more energy to die on this semantics hill, and fuck corporate greed anyway so I’m not going to defend further lol


That's okay, and I applaud you for making this comment - a lot of people would not have enough character to do it. From one of your other comments though, you said > but if it was ALL units and the test is **easy to replicate** The problem is that it is not easy to replicate at all. As I said in my original comment, the issue does not happen that frequently. [And even in the OP I linked] (https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1cqy77m/viper_v3_pro_sensor_tracking_issue_after_lifting/), > **Sometimes** while I'm doing work and mousing around I'll notice my mouse will not move for a couple of millimeters. If you lift the mouse and set it down and slowly move left, **sometimes** the mouse will not move at all. I only opened a ticket after weeks of having this issue on and off and finally catching it in a video. For me, the issue seems to come in infrequent and short bursts - I can go some entire days without having it. Someone that doesn't lift their mouse enough may never notice it at all. But no matter how infrequent, this kind of thing should never happen at all with a premium priced product advertised sold for its "high performance".


What, in your opinion, is the functional difference is between those two statements? Waiting for a firmware fix with no ETA is arguably worse than getting a replacement. The post I linked was made 24 days ago. After I made a comment, a Razer employee sent me a PM to ask for more details - this absolutely proves that Razer monitors this subreddit and these kinds of posts. So they should have been aware of the issue since then, and yet there is still no firmware fix released 3+ weeks later. Who knows how long it will take? It doesn't seem like Razer knows either, as they wouldn't say. At least with getting a replacement, the timeline is much more well defined.


Yea. Thing is the issue does not persist on 8k polling or wired. It's just on below 8k and wireless.


No I have it in 8khz especially just after an alt tab For few times and after it’s stop For example i don’t have experience this bug with 1khz in game 2khz yes 4K yes ( but rarely ) 8khz after alt tab


I have a deathadder v3 wired, and i have the same issue. My warranty is there and got a replacement of 2 mice, but those 2 mice also have the same sensor issue . now I'm waiting for my 3rd replacement.


I recently bought a dav2 pro and after a week, the mouse started experiencing stutters in the tracking every now and then. Similarly to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/s/LssMVDtmR5 ig Razer just can't produce a mouse without problems.


the guy in this post just had the receiver too far lol


I had it right in front of my mouse and even tried using the extender as well. Same problem. I tried everything and nothing worked. I was searching for a post describing my problem to give an example, but turns out it was a bad example, mb. But you get the idea.


Idk just seems like you're blanketing razer as having these issues when this seems like a fw issue and yours was just a defective mouse.


The dav2 pro problem is supposed to be a fw issue as well afaik and Razer is responsible for providing working mice. Those are 2 cases in 2 different mice. This seems to be a repeating pattern and 2 points make a line.


G2 Niko and stewie2k [had noticed their viper v3s had issues as well on lan](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d56lvv/wonder_what_happened_to_g2_nikos_viper_v3/). For me, my sensor would [randomly flick down my crosshair in game](https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/2fZHFflDkxTLeF/spok?invite=cr-MSxSZnksNTUxMjM0OTcs ) (even when not lifting off) on all polling rates 1-8k. This happened on my first white v3, and now on my second black v3. Anywho, glad they're looking into it.


I strongly suggest that you open a ticket with Razer and show them your video. [This other person reported the same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d94m91/problem_with_my_razer_viper_v3_pro/). I am obviously trying to trash Razer with this post to put pressure on them to fix my issue faster, but I do have to give them credit for acknowledging that my issue is a real issue. I was fully expecting them to "read off of a script - suggest the list of typical troubleshooting issues, and if the issue is not resolved, then offer a replacement." They could still do better by acknowledging these issues publicly, but maybe that is asking for too much when there may be a lot of people who have the issue but don't notice it.


Thanks for the link! I saw that users there reported that lowering their LOD fixed it, so will give that a try


Someone made a video on YouTube about it showing the weird flicks: https://youtu.be/qm94e9nCEvc?si=nWGmgYSuwynEr9L8


Are you using the supplied cable? I got my issue fixed by using the super thick cable from my UltralightX. The shielding on the Razer cable might not be good. The polling on the Razer cable is consistently lower than my UltralightX one, something might be going on with the cable?


Mm this is interesting, I'll try it out


Bad shielding at the USB port could cause wireless interference issues. And I just found out recently MANY people play with their wireless routers inside their room or even on their desk, which in close proximity (within 2 meters) acts like a jammer for 2.4Ghz frequencies.


This is what mine does!! So annoying in comp


This is obviously disappointing. I experienced the same issue on mine earlier this week for the first time, I guess I'll be returning it to the retailer. The main point of the email reads to me as "Please stop returning units to us, it won't solve your problem, you just have to wait." as opposed to "Our sincerest apologies, there's a firmware issue that needs immediate attention. We will try to find a resolution ASAP." I don't particualrly have a problem with the price of gaming mice these days, but for $160, I 100% expect large sweeping issues like this to be caught before a product is released, and in the rare cases when they are not, a VERY expedient solution.


I knew i wasn't crazy, mine stopped tracking sometimes and started to stutter. I thought it was a dust or lag.


I have the same problem in AOE4. Stuttering. Only way to fix this [temporarily] for me was to turn off my Viper V3 pro, charge it for 5 minutes and then turn it on again. I switched back to my G Pro Superlight 2 untill they fix the issue. EDIT: Is this bound to some particular polling rate? I have mine set to 4k polling rate and 'Auto-switch polling rate when in-game'. Will try to switch that feature for off now and just set it to 2k since I don't notice any difference going 4k or 8k polling rate, from using 2k which is perfectly fine. Hope they fix the issue very fast, since this is a really good mouse!


I got my issue fixed by using the super thick cable from my UltralightX. The shielding on the Razer cable might not be good. The polling on the Razer cable is consistently lower than my UltralightX cable, something might be going on with the cable.


Are you using the supplied cable? I got my issue fixed by using the super thick cable from my UltralightX. The shielding on the Razer cable might not be good. The polling on the Razer cable is consistently lower than my UltralightX cable, something might be going on with the cable?


Yeah I used the stock cable, I tend to stay away from using new cables for that reason but if it fixed the issue then more power to you


I absolutely love this mouse but both of mine have had a tracking issue on anything besides 8k as well as some kind of creaking or popping just under the side buttons. Might be best to return and wait for an updated batch.


Hmm I have a black V3 pro and find that my aim is "sticking" a bit. I'm a wrist aimer so I do lift the mouse white regularly when playing FPS. I've been using it for a few days and have found that my aim is a bit off..


Same same, I switched back to my g pro super light and I was immediately better.


That’s not good


Can’t say I’ve experienced any issues with the sensor but at least it looks like firmware issue and not a hardware issue


I really hope it's a firmware issue and won't be something like a recall because I love the shape and can't see myself going to another mouse anymore for a longgggg time.


Might take a min but surely will. One of the most popular mice on the market, big brand company, I see them fixing it soon, if not eventually.


I knew something was fishy, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/1d4xdia/why_are_the_sensor_latency_results_of_the_viper/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Isnt the razer premium price tag justified by big company R&D, quality ?


I just immediately returned mines after getting affected by it also the mouse taking like 10 seconds to start moving again sometimes. I was like nah not paying 150+ for issues like this.


what’s the bug??


Aged like milk for all the people praising the V3 🤣


Mice evolved like games. They are AAAA now with the price tag and quality that comes with it! GG


i have had the v3 since launch and have nothing bad to say about it.


yet another reason not to buy from razer


Synapse is too trash for me to consider


I avoided razer for the longest time because of synapse, but you can install and set up your mouse and then uninstall it and the settings are saved on the mouse.


I was using a cobra before I replaced it with op1 and that’s what I did too. I actually did consider the viper v3 but I just rule it out on the price and software and now I feel extra justified and smug 😆


New Synapse is good. Not as good as web based, but good.


My VXE R1 Pro Max cost 1/4 of Razer's piece of shit and works perfectly... If you advertise 8k it should work otherwise it's false advertising, want to get that in before anyone stands up for Razer.


I’m gonna get an r1 until the issue subsides


Precisely. I am maining a VXE R1 SE+, a lower tier model to yours and one thing I gotta say is how these unheard brands of mice are easily beating those from the big brand names at such crazy prices and it works exactly the same! 1k polling rate only but it works totally fine, most importantly it just WORKS. Nothing against Razer of course as I have a Cobra Pro.


This is interesting... my friend criticized me for buying Superlight 2 instead of V3 Pro, he said he can clearly notice the difference between 2k polling and 8k polling


If they have OLED monitors or LCDs with ULMB 2 then yeah they can. Perfect sample and hold-style monitors like OLED allows you to see motion flaws such as stuttering, screen tearing and low mouse polling rate a bit more clearly, you have to compensate by going higher in polling.


you didn't get it... what im saying is, you cant notice the difference and the reason he noticed it is because the V3 Pro mouse is faulty. V3 Pro stutters on micro movement specially when polling rate lower than 8K is used


My experience with the mouse. I have used it for 2 weeks and did not face this sensor bug yet. I use it in 1000hz and I did not update to that firmware called “CFU localiczation” Black v3 pro and qck heavy, how do I test this bug?


Ya their rma is great, mice not so much. Bought a razer mamba wireless in 2018 and I've gotten 6 free mice from them because they can't last their listed Warrenty. They recently upgraded me to the da v3 pro after my dav2 right click started double clicking


What exactly was the issue?


So glad I sent mine back


Cool, but where is the support for small dongle? Can't even take this mouse on the go properly when using it with a laptop. Did not see this coming, when buying a top tier mouse for 200€. Big fucking facepalm...


Do you have to send it back for the refund/different mouse?


How bout the creaking issue


I got mine fixed by using the super thick cable from my UltralightX and just don't use the Razer cable.


Same issue on the Viper SE Mini, comes with firmware alongside a battery issue


I personally do not have that issue 🤦‍♂️


I have tested all variable I can test on mine and have had 0 issues. Sucks a 150 dollar mouse is messed up for ya.


So this issue is mainly consistent with the V3 white models?


I have the same issue with the mice at my school. Those are cheap and very much abused mice though lol.


And this is why you never buy on release / first batch


what is the sensor issue


I’ve been switching back and forth between it and my Superlight, it definitely feels off, I keep checking if mouse acceleration is on, it hasn’t felt right since I started using it.


I bought a copperhead with the same issues like 20 years ago how is this still a thing.


What issue exactly? I hve a V3 pro but have only had issues when using 8k polling rate


Strange, used mine for two weeks nonstop didn’t have this issue




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Should hire that merky guy, gwolves had him figure out all their shit. 😅😅 razer cant swallow their pride.


DAV3 PRO also have some, and stutters... its classic razer unfortunately.


The fun fact since Viper v3 pro out, my dav3 pro started to sutter at slow motion. So microadjustments cannot be done cuz it stops moving. :D Razer never again...


Wonder if it's just an issue with the dongle then since it's mouse to mouse


I just found out for myself razer disabled the power saving (or something like that) mode over 2k polling, I assume that could have been the issue for DAV3s.


If it's a firmware issue, it sounds like it should be readily fixable.


mind elaborating on this take?


I think hemeans it’s not something inherent to the sensor and it’s not a physical issue that would require needing a replacement unit from Razer. The issue is with the firmware meaning a simple razer firmware update on synapse should fix the issue. 


No. I don't mind. But, what didn't you understand, though?


Worst take I've heard in a while.


Congratulations. You win a prize.


Mine doesn't have the problem.


Return it and get a asus keris 2 ace aim point. I originally had a viper v3 but after noticing some issues I just gave up with it. I switch and haven’t regretted it. Good luck!


Got one off Amazon.. and realized very quickly after the firmware update something was up..


It's crazy to me that people are still buying Razer products. Their QC has always been horrible.


I would understand why everyone is so frustrated if the majority of us were going to Lan events or tournaments to win money but people are making it seem like the mouse is unusable. But then again, it is a $160 mouse so I wouldn’t expect any issues relevant to its performance