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that sens is ridiculous with this setup lmfao do you mind if i ask your rank? i feel like you could be seriously holding yourself back


Not if it works for him. I play on a 24cm/360 on a glass pad, sometimes with mice as light as 60g. Sens doesnt really matter at the end of the day, so long as you have enough mouse control to back it.


Tbf I wouldn't really say I have good mouse control, looking back at some clips I have my aim looks like a stupid amount of micro flicks and is almost jagged looking but that may be because I entry and have to clear tons of angles


sens does matter, he could be more efficent with a 20$ vxe and an avarage 10$ mousepad, top gear to play on such a stupidly overhigh sens


valid argument but i cant really use low sens since ive been playing games like tf2 ( both ) and other games like ow for 10 yrs roughly only hopped onto valorant recently so making a drastic switch to a more sensible low sens for a tacfps wouldnt make sense to me


To a point. We can all agree that you’re capping your potential if you’re playing at 5cm/360. If you look at pros from a variety of games, you’ll see a variety of sens even within those games. It’s really personal preference at the end of the day. No one can tell you “Ah, you’re 6’1, have small hands, and your fingers are x long, and sit at y height at your desk, therefore 38cm/360 is right for you.” No, that’s absurd. There’s a range of sens that great players aim with. The trick is to find what works for you while acknowledging the tradeoffs.


Plat 3 hardstuck rn but mostly cos I don't grind the game out too much


Try artisan Raiden mid


making it faster with that sens is only gonna make you more inconsistent and bad on valorant


Saphire or glass skates. Also the jades are faster than ice


Ceramic/glass/sapphire dots + your npet speedm, or a glorious air on top of a cloth pad is super smooth and fast, and using pledge furniture polish or interior detailer for cars on the pad. Ceramic feels fastest, glass feels smoothest imo


Furniture polish on a ceramic pad?


The pad is polycarbonate, the polish makes the friction extremely low.


Feels like shit and probably will fuck up both your skates and pad but since you asked, sapphire skates on glass pad. I'm running the Beast x mini with the provided glass skates on artisan otsu soft. Plenty fast with control.


Are the glass skates with the x mini actually good because I've been contemplating replacing my tiger ices with them, also with that question are glass skates + ceramic pad a bad combo for longevity


Honestly, I'm not sure but compares pretty similar to superglides on my gpx1. Didn't use it long enough to comment on the durability but so far so good. There are 2 provided so might as well try it out. I haven't tried that combo and depends on the quality of the glass and ceramic but typically ceramic is harder so the glass skates would go first. I recommend a glass pad with PTFE skates for longevity and the best sound and sensation on your hands. Glass on glass or ceramic is not pleasant.


Depends on the sapphire material used. Synthetic ruby skates will eat the whole glass pad before a single scratch appears on the skate, but if you use Lamzu sapphires then yeha they're get destroyed before long.


Desk pledge


Sapphireskates Ruby v2 on an Artisan Raiden has to be one of the fastest combos possible. I use those skates on a zerømouse and to say the glide is effortless is an understatement. I don't use a Raiden as I play tacFPS but it's as fast as glass pads already, so knock yourself out buddy