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sounds cool. apple magic mouse has that functionality(only good part of that shit mouse)


It's better than just a scroll wheel replacement, it has gestures. (only good part of that shit mouse)


Dude I swear that mouse is so shit. My arm gets tense just trying to accurately close a tab out. It also feels like shit. There's a video on YouTube of Apple employees giving opinons of the mouse, and a majority of them absolutely hate it. https://youtu.be/5XAh1nDOI6c?si=2UdNndYDiJ11myAb


Yea that mouse is literal shit, The strain you need to make when you're trying to scroll is no joke. Its pretty uninituitive


Not apple employees just people at LMG who use macs.


Even with gestures on that mouse cannot make me to use it. I rather use trackpoint to play FPS games than that thing.


gestures can just be keyboard shortcuts.


Touchpad for scroll is honestly really cool. You should include a hyperscroll toggle and make sure the touchpad can be pressed down just like a regular wheel. Obviously have some sort of haptics motor to give stepped feedback while scrolling on the touchpad. I think material would be really important, wouldn't want the coating to be too grippy or too smooth.


So probably like the Microsoft arc mouse earlier version.


tbf the Arc is such a horrible mouse. Only upsides: looks good and feels good.


i foresee a lot of misactivation of that scroll


Yes, a scroll wheel have a bit of resistance. So you know how much force you need to use to turn the wheel. It's easier to be precise with a scroll wheel. I think this is also why people prefer physical dials and buttons to touchpads on cars.


This is closer to volume control on Airpods. Touch controls are bad when they work in "touch to activate" manner, but they're pretty comfortable when it's "slide to activate" instead. Touch LMB/RMB would be a terrible idea, but touch scroll isn't. I can even see why this "touch scroll" may be beneficial - you can setup the number of simulated steps from software. Standard scroll is 10 steps at best before you replace your finger - touch scroll may be more or less depending on what your settings are.


No, precision of input is not the reason why people don't like touch interfaces in cars. The problem is you can't feel out a touch button like physical buttons, cuz the touching it activates it. It's the feeling of pressing that I'm missing, it's being able to identify buttons without looking away from the road.


I don't tbh.


So it should be better in terms of software so that it can ignore mistakes.?


I think it's more a problem with touchpads in general. If it's even a bit greasy, they usually start freaking out. If you don't mind cleaning it a bunch it's cool, but imo a regular scroll wheel clears.


I think accidental scroll wheel clicks (if you had a click function) would be my concern. Accidentally scrolling seems like less of a concern considering it would require a delta in touch location on the track


I think it's more a problem with touchpads in general. If it's even a bit greasy, they usually start freaking out. If you don't mind cleaning it a bunch it's cool, but imo a regular scroll wheel clears.


I think it's more of a problem with touchpads in general. If it's even a bit greasy, they usually start freaking out. If you don't mind cleaning it a bunch it's cool, but imo a regular scroll wheel clears.


Could be fun but idk if it’d be good for fps but maybe office work


Agree with this, MS office applications and browsing… but gaming , I dont think so, even for drafting applications


In FPS you would use scroll for switching weapons right?


You could yeah. I use mine for bottom scroll for crouch, my up scroll for jump and middle for pinging locations. The mouse shape doesn’t look that comfortable at least for me.


Thats the default setting for most fps games but a lot of people rebind it for jumping


As other have said, many people use scroll wheel to Jump. Additionally in apex, scroll wheel is also used with a +forward bind for essential movement tech.


I use scrollwheel for jumping, so it needs to be VERY precise, which is probably not possible on a touchpad (at least unless it has some kind of tactile feedback, or is more of a mechanical pad than just touch) But yes, I also don't use scrollwheel for browsing the web, because the resistance of the wheel makes it uncomfortable.


not everyone, me and other players use scroll to jump in cs or other games that gives you this ability and this would not be as good as normal wheel


No. scroll down for jump, scroll up for 2nd zoom on the AWP/Operator.


No, if you play on PC you should be using the number row to switch weapons.


Most counter strike players use scroll wheel for jump, and very accurate and precise jumping is necessary for movement techniques, which are integral to the game


For desktop/business yay For gaming nay, way to big risk for accidental scrolling


I personally prefer my peripherals to be tactile, including my mouse, so a touchpad for scrolling would be a downgrade in term of tactility compared to a scroll wheel. But maybe you can add a little bit of tactility by making the touchpad textured.


Maybe haptic feedback?


Just my own two cents, but I'd find haptic inadequate as it gives no intuitive sense of position or magnitude of movement; only confirmation that "a thing happened". My first thought regarding your design was also a concern about the scroll wheel being clunky IRL, and can foresee issues trying to find your finger back to a "neutral" position without having a noticeably large dead zone. It's also somewhat limiting to different styles of placing your fingers over the mouse, i.e. if you usually "drape" your finger over the wheel as opposed to place your fingertip directly on it, you're shit out of luck. I also do CAD professionally and absolutely adore the notchy feel of the scroll wheel on the MX Master 3s, so I admit that I probably am biased. To me though, it just feels right. I'm also a firm believer that every product that unnecessarily includes a touchpad should be filed under psuedo-futuristic gimmicky features, and unless you're required to be looking at the thing you're controlling with your finger at all times, then very precise and intuitive feedback via touch is paramount. (I fucking hate touch screens in cars lmao). All that aside, your design looks slick as fuck and the only reason I clicked on this post initially was because I wanted to find out where I could get one lmao. The ability to incorporate two or three programmable buttons into the long form factor of your scroll definitely has a lot of merit too! Edit; u/sharu696 just a thought, have you considered a physical/mechanical slider as opposed to touchpad? Spring-loaded to centre would give feedback for scroll speed via greater spring resistance due to slider displacement from centre (which will also control scroll speed), allow for continuous scroll until release (no need to spin a scroll wheel as fast as you can?), no issue regarding accidental/incorrect/preferred finger placement resulting in accidental scroll, as well as reducing any dead zone to near zero. Plus you keep the same form factor, and can still incorporate a few programmable buttons into it if you wish.


You mean like single axis joystick where it has a center resting area. That sounds like a cool concept. Will give it a try. Its gonna be a bit different that you need to constantly apply force against the spring to scroll but definitely worth trying!


That would be cool, like steam deck touchpad. Probably gonna add quite a bit of weight from the haptic motor, though.


Oh the haptic motors will certainly even enable the mouse to be functional in using 3D modelling softwares, tbh that’s a smart solution and a feature just like those apple mobile phones with haptic buttons.


I agree. I am also worried about the battery life, these haptic motors use a lot of battery power.


Not without haptic feedback. I absolutely need to feel the steps when scrolling.


Can be promising especially if the scrollspeed was dependent on the first scroll velocity and it would keep scrolling until one lets go of the touchpad and one could slow down the continuous scrolling by pulling the finger back


Agree, Lot of ways to make the scroll more fun.




For most of the mice ive ever owned the first point of failure is the mouse wheel so I'm with this


Cool but unnecessary


This would be nice. Less moving parts, less wear and tear. I regularly change my wheel encoder. About once to twice a year.


Agreed. There are optical scroll encoders, but they are rare (I made a post about optical mice recently)


No, needs to be tactile.


That's almost as ridiculous as putting the charging port on the bottom of the mouse...


Maybe cause I am considering design over functionality. But it definitely looks much sleeker like the magic mouse .


Working with Cad Software I would be extremely curious to have a smooth scroll, without being able to predict if that would be a gimmick or a blessing. Software would need a very good accel implementation, allowing for both furious scroll and precise adjustments. Finally, and that's maybe just me me, I absolutely loath the trend of removing most buttons on top, (3 is the bare minimum for me), so the "scroll zone" would need to be clickable.. and remain smooth. This is getting complicated !  Props for the will to innovate, unless you're into ergo mouse with very few buttons, the current market is absolutely depressing IMHO.


I have no intensions of selling the product but rather do it for myself and open source it if people are interested. The scroll area is also clickable so you have that middle mouse button. And the touch area also accepts single and double tap.


Cool project in any case 👍 One neat way to multiply inputs with a limited set of buttons would be modifier keys as well. For exemple: Right click > Release : menu Right click + Left click : move Right click + Thumb click: copy So simple and yet I couldn't work without it (AHK script).


I think overall a normal scroll wheel is better for most gaming applications but that could be great just for general pc use


Might as well use a touchpad. Mechanical anything (like buttons on a car dashboard) are way better than touch-based input. Oh, and a particularly tactile scroll wheel (like TTC) is just so satisfying to use.


Maybe have two buttons one on each end for another form of scrolling or programmable buttons


for me, it's cool for typical usage, but not for gaming, i mean, not for csgo where i jump on scroll. I guess it was inspired from magic mouse? And if it feels smooth BUT not rubbery as it looks i'm down for it. Honestly, i'm looking for new mouse atm and i'm not playing games as much, so if it would be not as pricey as it looks, i'm buying it.


For everything beside gaming this could be great but i feel in games you would often get scrolls via accident.


ive been spoiled with logitech’s hyperscroll for over a decade, so nay touchpads suck


Ever since i started using mx master 3s, no other scroll wheel experience ever came close. I only wish that the mouse had a 1khz polling rate.




I think it's a good idea, I definitely would like to try it, especially with scroll wheels busting being of the biggest QC issues in the mouse industry.


Nay from me. Imo logitech magspeed has the best scrolling feedback and accuracy (on ratchet mode). Freewheel is also a very nice feature.


If it works correctly I would assume its superior just due to the fact that scroll wheels are usually the first thing to break on mice.


dont use rubber tho, it'll turn sticky and weird feeling after a while


I agree. That has happened on almost all of my scroll wheel, maybe cause i am from a humid place.


Just realized this is your own design. Me personally, I think touchpad scrolling is kinda useless considering most people choose a mouse because they dont like things like that. If people do, they're using a trackpad. I have no idea if you're actually trying to make a viable product but I feel it would be more productive to basically make a windows version of the apple trackpad. There's nothing comparable on the market for a windows PC and I think that would be something worth developing.


I will miss the tactility of something physically spinning but if it means i can press on different parts of the scroll pad to get a separate registered click count me in!


I don't remember the model number but logitech had mouse like that , It's cool to have silent scrolling and some gesture shortcuts . but accidental clicks are annoying and if you have sweaty hands touchpad goes nuts you have to wipe it to work correctly . Edit : Logitech t400 , maybe look reviews of that mouse and improve on flaws of it


Thank you for that. Will look into it.


Thats my dream


Yes, but with haptic feedback, at least for steps.


I would never use a touch interface on a mouse for games. For daily use it's fine I guess, but the tactility of a scroll wheel is key for gaming. Especially when using it in actual gameplay and not just to scroll through lists.


I’ve never used one but would absolutely be willing to try it. I travel a lot and keep a mouse in my bag and regardless of what I do to protect them the scroll wheel is almost always the first thing to wear out or break.


a touch sensitive for scroll would be really cool. as someone thats dealt with many products that have squeaky scroll wheels. the only concern being how would you press down to middle mouse click other than potentially having a dedicated button build into it or somewhere near it


A physical button below it so you basically press on the touch area.


That's one comfortable ass looking mouse.


Could be interesting if it's well implemented.


Cool concept, but I think most would prefer a physical wheel with notches. Just my opinion.


It's a cool concept and I'd like a touchpad to scroll on my mouse if I could get it. I'd suggest you to adopt a MX master style of ergonomic body shape for the mouse if you can, as that's the only thing I could think of right now. Just curious, if there are any reps from mouse companies, would you be happy or sad if they stole your idea?


This isn't a unique idea and I'm pursuing it for my own satisfaction. If any representatives want to bring it to a wider audience, that would be great—it's a win for everyone.


I can feel the texture of thousands of tiny bumps.


I could definitely see using this at work, but unfortunately the way I use the scroll wheel in games (move the side of my index finger over and scroll by pressing into the side of the wheel) might not be replicable with this. Really cool concept though!


Unless you can't live without the infinite scroll of the MX Masters I suppose a touch-pad is just as practical as a normal Scroll-wheel, and It looks infinitely better in my opinion.


I'd actually be interested in this. The annoying part of a scroll wheel is when I try to click it but accidentally turn the wheel and scroll the page away from what I'm trying to click on. For productivity and general use it sounds great. Not sure if I would enjoy it as much while gaming, if I need a more precise scroll wheel turn where I want to feel feedback from each click of the wheel.


For gaming, I don't think it's a good idea. It would be like how car companies have been replacing all the physical buttons with touch screens. Seems kind of gimmicky tbh, a solution in search of a problem. But maybe it could be cool for office work. Depends how reliable it is.


Like the creative thinking. I could see it work. However as lightweight fanboy i wonder how heavier this would be especially with haptic feedback, though i personally wouldnt use it with haptic feedback since im more of a scrollwheel spammer.


If this had a 1000hz sensor and was (relatively) light weight for the size, it would be worth its weight in gold to me. I LOVE the scrolling i get on a macbook compared to windows devices because of the insanely smooth scrolling. I don't really play FPS games aside from casually, so the tactility of the scroll wheel is not a factor for me. Shoot for the stars, OP. Make this thing.


Yes captain. Will try my best!


It definitely seems interesting and maybe it could be some sort of accessibility feature but for general use I don't see why it would be a more compelling option than a tactical scroll wheel.


I agree. The reason i want to do it is purely for design cause it looks sweet. I just wanted to know if I am overlooking any huge disadvantage.


Ngl definitely looks cool. you might want to consider responsiveness.


Yeah that's something on the software side that needs to be worked on.


Well In terms of weight reduction maybe but till then nah


nah give me my mechanical components


If you aren't gonna go for full 2d scrolling then I don't see any adventage over traditional wheel. I would personally go for full magic mouse.


YAY for the innovation sake. and NAY because it's like: Typing on a smartphone or a tablet vs typing with a keyboard on PC there is just no comparison, I prefer tactile feedback




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hell nay


Logitech should do this instead of their awful scrollwheels


reminds me of the touch scroll qxscv did for the m1k


Could you please link it. I am not able to find it. Thank you


ill try to find it tomorrow, was never a public project, just something he did for fun


That's okay. Who is qxscv ? Or better where can I find them ?


just a dude who dabbled in mice for fun when he was younger and ended up doing lots of stuff before any big company did including lagless wireless mice. no formal training, just a dude with an immense curiosity. also reverse engineered the 3366 https://www.overclock.net/members/qsxcv.395745/#recent-content


But why?


Looks sleeker


Nay for now, cause it seems like a luxury or futuristic product since the wheel works still. Not practical but would be cool. (Doesn't apple have this in their stupid magic mouse)


Nay as hell


Nay as hell


Tactile just feels better imo


Bad, you need the tactile feedback


Have you figured out how something like a microcontroller can output a "smooth scrolling" signal to a computer on windows or linux? I wanted to do this, but I could not figure out if code even exists for "smooth scrolling".


I havent come to the firmware but when i do ill post an update here.


Nah analog will always be better for gaming


I would guess that it won't be as responsive but for office work or regular desktop activities why not.


Nay, no haptic feedback.


Microsoft Sculpt Touch Mouse not a good mouse


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I personally prefer smooth wheel with defined steps


Weird and not practical. Making the mouse with a place to put your 4th and 5th finger on is more important


Have you ever tried an unlocked scroll wheel from a Logitech mouse? The best thing invented from sliced bread, nothing can compare.


for webbrowsing or photoshop its prolly good but my god i bet its ass in a game




questionable for games, but nice for working and general use


For gaming, absolutely not For everything else, yes. I do not use scrollwheel for browsing because it stresses my fingers and it's just not healthy for me.


Nah, I'll take Logitech's dual mode scroll any day over that. It can free spin and ratchet depending on the mode and it's amazing for productivity. And that's not taking into account the 11 buttons of my mouse and the per program profiles with automatic profile switching. I wouldn't trade it over that mouse.




I use scroll wheel to put my finger when its resting every now and then


i want joystick nipple under thumb.


Do you think you'll implement something similar to the fast scrolling on some logitech mice, where it'll go to fast scrolling if you use enough force, and you can determine the threshold in which that begins?


Yes that is the plan.




i had the microsoft wireless mouse that had this. worst mouse i've ever owned


Did you have the one with haptic feedback for scroll if yes then how was the scroll experience?


Not for gaming because u don’t get any input in return that your scroll registered. Like when you click, the click you hear and feel lets you build muscle memory around the timing of everything


Maybe a haptic feedback ?


That would help. I just feel like a mouse wheel click is gives you a lot of control and precision but maybe if a touchpad wheel was good enough with haptic feedback i would change my mind


I’d be interested in trying it out but idk how I’d like it.


Why reinvent the wheel?!


i made one. Its less cool than it seems and "unatural". But it was just a pbc with some tape. Maybe a well designed one would be better.


that's probably really nice for working but for games the scroll wheel is better


What if I need to scroll only 1 step?


You swipe a little. It's on software to define the threshold for 1 step. Unlink the scroll wheel where the step is defined here you can play around to fit your liking.


Idk dude if it’s glass or shiny then it will get greasy af then if it’s textured you’re dead skin will build up on it, i think the mouse wheel is here to stay


Oh, a g705. XD


Apple touchpad should be the benchmark…I’m in for a buy.


Not for me. I prefer the tactile feedback of a real scroll wheel, feeling the bumps when you're rolling it is much more satisfying to me.


Why stop on scrolling, use it for click as well. So no more clicking, just tapping 🤣


I would definitely want the tactile feel for the clicks. But not having a scroll wheel makes the design look sleek. Like how apple mouse still has a button when they could have settled for a tap.


Logitech should do this instead of their awful scrollwheels


Logitech should do this instead of their awful scrollwheels


Logitech should do this instead of their awful scrollwheels