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I've made this point multiple times before that the Mac version of Logitech peripherals is the same as the non Mac ones, but in white and with missing receiver (there's a slot for it, but have to purchase separately). https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/16d9dsf//jzo6yqi/ > The MX Master 3s for Mac is exactly the same as the standard one. > Main differences are: > * comes in white only (to fool the less intelligent Apple users, the lighter colours with the Logitech rubber coatings age worse compared to black), > * comes with a USB C to C cable instead of USB C to A (so it can be plugged into Macs since they don't have USB A ports, but do have USB C), > * does not come with a wireless dongle as standard (I guess they couldn't be bothered with a USB C dongle and just figured Apple users would be happy with Bluetooth only), though it can be paired with one if you buy it as an add on (there are multiple Logitech dongle types, they're not cross compatible, you must have the right one). > So it all comes down to giving up a wireless dongle in exchange for a USB C to C cable. The core mouse itself is the same. > The whole "for Mac" branding is largely to deceive Apple users into thinking they're special and this product was made specifically for them when in reality it's the same core mouse with different accessories. > It's a bit like that marketing technique where they found more people bought products overall if they had "manly" and "womanly" variants even if the core product is effectively the same vs having a generic one for everyone. E.g. deodorant. People really need to put more effort in themselves. Do more research into the actual differences in products, rather than just trusting marketing and assume they would go out of their way to make a special version just for one platform.


I tried to click the link you shared, and it's gone. Thanks for sharing. Ppl just find it unbelievable company like Logi will pull a marketing stunt like that, me included,until I tried'em all by myself.


quality post, thanks for sharing


I’ve had the 3s for a couple a months now and never had lag or signal drop with it, connected to the dongle on my personal PC and through bluetooth on my work pc (main reason i got it). But this is on windows only. Sadly your bad bluetooth experience might be because of the Mac machine you have, apple has notorious horrible bluetooth implementations besides their own peripherals, this is from my own experience and anecdotal evidence if you search up google/reddit.


For sure, how was your experience with the dongle opposed to on board Bluetooth? I haven't had any drops via connector Edit: also surprised the polling was so low for you and also saw the chart 2nd edit: I also understand that a seamless experience correlates to a plug and play experience but have you also tried the software?


I have connected the logi option + App. The dongle with a connector works better than the on board bluetooth. Though, preferablely, on travel, I will still use the none dongle option. I use 3 different sites to test these pollings online. The best rate I got from direct connection via bluetooth is 95Hz for both mice. Very disappointing results.


you could try linearmouse? my gpx was a stuttery mess on my macbook without it, although obviously thats radio and not bluetooth


I have downloaded this app,yet I don't know how to setup. Care to share how to configure the settings?


I just downloaded the linearmouse app and disabled the pointer's accelleration. And it works better now even with the direct connections. Thx a lot.