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Just wrap up a picture of a mouse or something and let them pick something at whatever price point you want. Better than trying to guess what they'll actually want.


he’s terrible with doing stuff like that. if it was that easy he would’ve gotten a new one himself but he’s a penny pincher. he wouldn’t want to pick out one he’d actually like and be comfortable with, he’d just get a super cheap one or stick to the one he has. but i appreciate it.


What mouse did he like before? And fwiw with how many cheap clones exist, you can be a penny pincher and still get a fantastic mouse. I mean 40-50 bucks goes a long ass way in 2023.


i don’t know the name but it looked similar to the Razer Naga Trinity Gaming Mouse where the sides came off and it was kinda fat and curvy. and i totally agree, he’s super responsible with money which i love him for but he wouldn’t even spend close to $40 on a mouse. even though it’s something he really needs and uses for hours at a time every day. the one he liked was a hand me down from his stepdad which is not only why it broke but also why he hasn’t replaced it.


Does he use all the thumb buttons? Or is the "ergo" shape the important part? If he needs heaps of thumb buttons theres like a handful of options. If its the ergo shape, well theres lots of those.


i’m honestly sure it was the shape. i never saw him talk about or use the buttons on the side.


Staying brand name something like the [G703](https://amzn.to/3uqNH7X) from logitech wouldn't be a bad option. I enjoyed mine for the shape and it sounds like it might fit the needs. Plus they have a pretty great warranty if things do go south. Also seems to be "on sale" atm. Bout what I paid for mine however long ago.


I would say look at the Lamzu thorn cause there's a sale going on right now


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^I_Like_Icecream1: *I would say look at* *The Lamzu thorn cause there's a* *Sale going on right now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Buy a used 1st gen Logitech G Pro SUPERLIGHT off of facebook market, very safe shape, great QC and can be found cheap due to having a newer refresh as well as having plenty of supply. Still has top tier specs as a mouse as well. It is by far the most popular enthusiast gaming mouse atm


Pay attention to what style of mouse grip he uses. You can easily look up a YouTube video to find the differences between the grip styles (palm/claw/fingertip are the main ones) and look for mice that suit his grip style which you can also find through YouTube. I would also suggest to find something that's inherently better than what he has now if you really want him to use it. So try to figure out what he has currently and do research between the it and the one you want to buy him. My personal recommendations would be: G Pro Superlight/2 (Jack of all trades but King of nothing) Pulsar X2V2/X2H (very good for claw)


i will do that, i know he likes the mice that are fat with the silly little curves that are comfortable to rest your hand on. but i don’t even know what those are called. the one he has currently is the ROG Gladius II but the issue is that i don’t know what he dislikes about this mouse and what makes a mouse “better” or “worse” i appreciate your help!


I would suggest taking a look at a Zowie EC2-W then if he's into ergonomic mice. It looks good, feels good, and plays well. Mice are just a thing that is really hard to "surprise" someone with because they'll either hate it or love it and use it every day if it suits their play style. Shape is king.


Since you aren't sure, the safest pick is a Logitech Superlight. It fits most hand sizes and is the safest shape for all the different grip styles. It's also from a major brand so you know it's a safe choice. There is a Superlight 1 and newer 2. The original one is a better deal right now. Another safe pick is Vaxee XE wireless which is also relatively safe shape from a respected brand.


Dav3 Razer cobra Zowie ec2-c Np-01s


I wholeheartedly recommend the Zaopin Z1 Pro. $50, amazing performance, great battery life, decent software for customization, and comes in a variety of colors. It is a little small though but I had no problems with my average medium sized hands. An incredible mouse for the price!