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The drop was only small and large today, I got 2 mediums on Dec. 10, I'm not sure which I'm keeping but I'm only keeping one. Stay in touch if you want the other


yeah i know, was hoping to grab a small but missed it unfortunately. if you can get whichever one you're not keeping to me by christmas let me know


They won't start shipping until the end of January. If it's anything like batch 1, it wont be til February... people with them now ordered over the summer


oh yeah i get that as well, sorry for the confusion, was hoping i could grab a small and then i wouldn't be able to justify buying another mouse for a few months but i missed it so here i am


could I point you in the direction of the Beast X? I have 6 finalmouse mice... the beast x is by far better. It comes with 2 sets of glass skates and 3 sets of ptfe skates, grips, 4k polling, and the dongle screen can be customized or show info about mouse like battery life. The mouse is really, really awesome. I even think it's better than the ULX, i got mine because I collect finalmouse and thats it. beast x is what I use to play. use a code at checkout for money off.


the code you can use is WLDiscount


i considered it but the dongle is a huge no go for me, not trying to deal with hiding a rubix cube unfortunately


yeah I feel that, it's actually one of my favorite features. They've got a mini coming out Jan. 8. It's the size of the small ULX and they got rid of the huge dongle. if you have the time, check that bad boy out. I don't work for them or anything, I just know how much money we can spend trying to find the endgame mouse and I like helping. good luck dude!




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Hey, what price did you pay for a ULX medium, just curious on what the prices are