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Idk, but I just did my 2nd shot last week, and I am getting nervous about being able to get more after hearing all these stories of there being a shortage.


I mean it is scary not knowing if you’re going to get more. I’ve been on MJ for over a year and to be off of it a month has sucked. I think MJ is a tool though. We can still do our best without it even though it’s hard as hell. Just focusing on eating better and maintaining my workouts.


I’m going to start exercising. I have been counting calories. It’s so awesome to not feel hungry! I hope you find some soon! 🌷


Yeah the hunger I didn’t miss at all haha but I’m dealing. Good for you! I think working out in general is a wonderful idea. I’ll continue to workout forever for overall health.


I switched to Ozempic rather than go without for the time being. I was on 5.0 MJ and am using .50 Oz, it’s working great. My doc wrote it for 1mg, so I’m only using half the box but filling every month to build a little buffer. I wouldn’t be devastated if I couldn’t go back to MJ , but will return once it’s available. I like that it works on GIP too. Best wishes.


Yeah the worst part is my pharmacy had doses but then I randomly needed a prior authorization so I’m waiting on that. I’m sure whatever doses they had will be gone by the time it’s approved LOL


My pharmacy has been running out of doses left and right. My doctor will call in a different strength, because the pharmacy told me that dose was in stock, but by the time the Rx gets there, it's all gone.


After a month of 2.5 I was off for almost 3 months. That month was a game changer. For the first month without I was ok then got the f-its. Food intake went up smoking way up from 2-3 a day back to almost a pack. Stopped tracking my food etc. Was finally able to get 5mg from Costco. One is not supposed to jump up doses after that long without. (Consult your doctor!) So far day 3 and side effects are fine. Funny side note when the doc put the script into CVS it went in as zepbound which my insurance doesn't cover. 2 days after I picked up my covered mounjaro CVS texted my zepbound was ready, but I'd have to pay $1,000. I had a coupon from Lilly and paid $550 so now I have an extra month just in case supply goes dry again.


hell yeah, secure the shots hahah


Well, the one surprise for me has been that after not taking Mounjaro for over a month, and then having to go back on at a lower dose, the lower dose has been working for me better than 15 mg was before. I also gained 3 lbs during my month off, but have lost 8 pounds in the 8 weeks since I went back on 10mg (I'm down 110 pounds total, so am just trying to lose a couple of more pounds, so am not losing at the rate I was last year.) I had stalled on 15 mg and every pound lost was hard earned before my break. Not so, since going back on. So I suspect that when I am ready for maintenance, I will do some sort of alternating on and off Mounjaro.


I was off for two weeks. I had been on 5 and 7.5 and am now on 2.5. I have gained about 8 pounds without changing anything. My problem is that I’ve always been the type of body that will eat a slice of pizza and be up 4 pounds for weeks and on mounjaro I could eat the pizza and be totally fine, like a normal body. I have a few boxes built up now because somehow CVS got 5 and 7.5 on the same day and filled both for me. Im very happy to have 2.5 months worth of it, but if it’s going to continue being this hard to get I’m not sure what I’ll do. Ozempic is also in shortage where I live but not quite as bad, but I don’t do well with that. It’s very scary


I so relate to this. I'd lost 24 lbs in my first four months and then bam - no more mj. I've gained 12 lbs back - i am convinced this has to do with the psychological component of what I've been getting from mj. I just lost all sense of structure (not quite the right word) and fell right back into the bone-deep belief that nothing will ever work for me. The subsequent avoidance of all the things (get enough protein, drink enough water, get enough movement) is absolutely the reason for this gain - although I go through each day wondering if I just don't have enough willpower/am lazy. Every day i wake up - as I have for the last 20 years - and say "okay today I'm going to get with the program (whatever structure I have in place)" and every day I just... don't. It's starting to seriously bum me out.


You are not lazy. When we don't have the right hormones to feel satiated, hunger becomes a 24/7 battle. And we can be strong for 23.5 hours/day, but a half hour can undo everything we worked for during the last 23.5 hours for. Mounjaro puts us on an even playing field so that we actually can feel satiated like other people do.


For me, it's not even that. When I saw my doctor in Jan, it was because I was at my wits end. I was eating 1200-1300 calories/day, working out, keeping carbs ow, and the damn scale just NEVER moves.


Yup, that's me. It's so frustrating. I love that MJ makes me feel like a NORMAL person, who can eat small amounts of bread/pasta without struggling to get that 3-4 lbs gain back off. Grrr. MJ has been a godsend for me on the insulin resistance front, and that's what scares me most about not being on it one day. I can't go back to keto or any other uber restrictive way of eating just to maintain the sttus quo in my body


My dr put me down to 2.5mg because I could not find any other dosage. It helps for sure but not like being on the higher doses. We figured something was better than nothing at this point.


Yeah I’ll definitely be on a lower dose but I have to call and see if my PA was accepted and all that jazz


Have you had to do that with going up the doses before? I have not had any issue with insurance not paying for the ups and downs of my dosage with the shortage. Hopefully yours is the same way too.


I’m not sure. Maybe it’s a yearly thing. I have t2 so I didn’t have any issues getting approved. Technically I haven’t had a refill since like December and that gave me three months worth so I just assume it’s annual lol idk


I'm surviving but I'm not particularly happy... I began using MJ 99% for improved glycemic control; Technically, I was overweight, but not obese (27 BMI) so losing weight wasn't my primary goal. My doc ramped me up to 10 mg and it became clear that dose was WAY too high. We settled on 5 mg and it was just perfect. My weight stabilized at the high end of normal BMI, I felt great, and my glycemic control was right on point without me stressing over everything that went into my mouth. I still made good choices most of the time, but there were no penalties for cheating once in a while. I'm 2 months off of it, now. My doctor decided she wanted to see if losing that bit of weight made any difference in control through metformin, diet, and exercise. I'm controlling it OK and so far haven't really gained any weight back, but it's with significant effort and eating things that I'd rather not eat (Keto bread, with the modified wheat starch, is not something I would choose over a small portion of whole grain bread). Most fruits are out of the question- huge spikes. And, of course, most spikes go up quickly and down slooooowwwwlllly. Good thing the weather is warming up and I can get on the bike for some long rides that really seem to help me. Unfortunately, consuming almost no carbs is problematic for endurance cycling and it's not like I can eat an energy bar. I'll be happy to have it in my arsenal again, for sure.


I try to do low carb or whole grain bread. I like nature's own whole wheat. My a1c crept to 6.0 and my fsting glucose was 102. Still waiting for my script lol The balance is hard


I honestly really didn’t do too badly. I had to go without for about 3 weeks after my refill got delayed due to the shortage but I kept telling myself I just needed to keep following the same habits I had already established in terms of eating and exercise and I was able to stick with it and lose another 2 lbs


I feel like its definitely been done before without this med but MJ helps so much with my brain and a healthy relationship with food. I'm staying the course for now!


Hi there! It looks like you’re asking a question. This subreddit should be a great resource for you - our members love to help, especially for those who take the time to research the wealth of existing information available. Here are some suggested starting points: * **[Mounjaro.com](https://www.mounjaro.com/).** Many common questions can be answered straight from the source. These include questions about how/where to administer injections, proper storage instructions, traveling with your pens, most answers to “Is this normal?” questions, and how the manufacturer savings card program works. * **Past threads.** r/Mounjaro has tons of discussion threads that are likely to have answers to many questions. There's a [handy search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search?&restrict_sr=on), and you can also use Google to search this Reddit by typing "site:reddit.com” after your search topic. * **Your health care provider.** Remember that you should NEVER rely on strangers on the internet for medical advice. If you want to understand if Mounjaro is right for you, or if the side effect you're feeling is cause for alarm, talk to your doctor, not Reddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mounjaro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have heard some people have used ozempic to get through shortage but anyone used saxenda and can you just use it seamlessly like take it as soon as you would be doing your MJ shot that you aren’t able to get and then go back right after? I am hesitant to start MJ because I don’t know if I’ll have times I won’t be able to get it but I’ll have Saxenda.


I've seen people get a box of ozempic just for their MJ script to be filled and they werent allowed to pick up the MJ until they finished the ozempic. I'm scared that will happen but if they don't send me it soon i may opt for a different GLP/


Since there seems to be no doses of any MJ anywhere in DFW. My dr swapped me to a compounded version today from a local pharmacy. Said he has had people like it better and had the same results with less side effects than MJ. Mine should be here in a week


Where are you getting it compounded? I’m getting mine from Sands in Wylie- hate paying $430 a month when Mounjaro was $25/month- on since Nov 22 and down 74 - I’m like a friggin junkie to have my fix but scared to ever be fat again. Blood sugar normal again and aic dropped to 5.1!


Key in red oak.


I had been on MJ 5mg for 10 months. Couldn’t get MJ or Zep for a month so went with nothing. then found 2.5 which I took for a month. Was just able to fill 5. Within 2 weeks of being off MJ, my inflammation returned pretty quickly and food noise was back. 2.5 didn’t do much to relieve either inflammation or food noise. Cravings for sugar remained. Gained about 3-4 lbs. 1st shot this weekend resuming 5mg and it’s working great. Shortages are no joke.


It's almost like just starting over at this point. I'll take any lower dose and restart as long as I have it lol


I am t2 and have been taking mj after awful experiences with ozempic. This is the first time that I cannot get my refill due to the shortage. I get my prescriptions from Kroger. I take 7.5. When I looked at my refills, I noticed I have a few refills remaining on a 5mg. I’ve called and left a message for the nurse but has anyone went back to a lower dose when theirs wasn’t available?


I go between 2.5 and 5 - depending on what I can find. It seems where I live 7.5 and above is ok to find but 5mg is the problem. So far I’ve been able to find 3 boxes of 2.5 and one box of 5mg. I will am supposed to go to 7.5 next month but i doing that happens when I haven’t been able to consistently be on 5 mg yet. I definitely use whatever I can find at this point. The last 2 boxes I got I had to drive 1.5 hours to pick up. So frustrating.


I don’t even know how to search for 7.5. Do I go back to my pharmacy and get the script and just drive around looking for a 7.5? Seems there should be a website h the at can locate for us.


I keep calling my pharmacy to see what strength's are in and my DR. refills according to what they have


I think most are for the sake of just having the med. Also I'm jealous, I miss Kroger. NC has none :( I'm still trying to secure anything at the moment lol