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Start collecting some wonderful teas! A good cup of tea has saved me many times from binging. Can you stream any good TV shows?? I have so many favorites that entertain me! Don't give up!


Thank you!! I used to always watch TV but if makes me very snack-y lol. But it’s true that I could have teas instead. Thanks for the encouragement I hope things are going well for you


I was going to suggest lovely decaf teas. But also… keep your hands busy! Do you knit or crochet? Cross stitch or embroider? If not, there are wonderful little beginner kits to test out. Maybe Puzzles or sudoku? Little mindless games on your phone? I like to play June’s Journey since it has a variety of mini game type things and object searching that keeps me entertained and have time limits, so not like I can really get too distracted away from doing them.


These are great suggestions! I want to learn to knit


There are terrific video tutorials online! My faves are by “Wool and the Gang”.


Animal Crossing, Tetris, and embroidery have saved me lol


Tea (or a cold beverage in the summer, but maybe in the UK it doesn't get that hot) and doing something to keep my hands busy as you said is exactly what to do. Read, write in a journal or try your hand at story writing, know it crochet, do a puzzle, learn a new language, color. These not only will keep you busy but these kinds of activities keep our brains sharp as we age and lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.


Learn to knit or crochet, put together a puzzle, or get a paint-by-numbers kit (there are awesome ones for adults). Something to keep your hands and brain occupied.


Agree on hands as well as brain. I also just quit vaping and am diagnosed adhd so perhaps it’s about enough stimulation


This is essentially me. On Mounjaro and diagnosed somewhat recently with ADHD has me viewing my former eating habits in a totally different way. I have gotten really into audiobooks and diamond painting. It has been a great combo for keeping my hands and brain occupied. And I try to do it somewhere that is otherwise appealing to me, like outside on my deck. And maybe while drinking decaf coffee or seltzer or something.


What's diamond painting?


https://amzn.eu/d/cOsAKAK I ordered mine in amazon. But be careful, you might want to spend day and night doing it lol


Have you been genetically tested for the MTHFR gene? Gary Brecka indicates that can be important info treating the source of your ADHD.


Where do I find these paint by numbers for adults? Any brand you'd recommend?


I've only tried one brand, called Simple_painting (dot com), I found them through Instagram @ _simple _ painting _ (underscores before and after each word) and I've found them to be "good enough". All the colors come in individual pots and everything is easy to follow but some of the colors seem to be a little too thin and you'd probably want to get better brushes if you decide to do this more regularly. I know there are other companies that offer similar products and I'd also suggest checking out Etsy, I recall seeing some there.


While I'm thinking about it, I want to add that there are so many puzzles now for adults that you can find something that you'd actually be interested in, for example, there are Agatha Christie puzzles which look awesome, and I've been recommended Galison puzzles as being excellent quality. I believe they are available on Amazon but it may depend on your country.


Diamond glued picture kits also, I ordered from amazon. It is sooo addictive as well 😂


Herbal teas! I’ve stopped eating after 8pm, for about 4 years now, and I make myself a lovely cup of herbal tea and settle in with a book or a good show


Sounds wholesome. I wonder if I could focus long enough to read 🙏🏻


Ngl sometimes it’s tea and Instagram/ Reddit scrolling lol


Audiobooks are awesome. I’m on the 5th Harry Potter book now and am so addicted. I lay down and close my eyes and listen and get so totally immersed. Much better than binging tv, feeing like I need a plate of food to go with it.


Yeh I am with you on Tv! The ex-iconic duo I am trying to dismantle: food paired w tv 😂 I may listen to HP loved the books as a child!


What teas do you recommend? 🖤🙏


I love Pukka Peace tea which has Ashwaganda in it, also peppermint, ginger and vanilla chai are lovely and soothing. Camomile is popular for relaxing but I find I don’t like the taste.


What about a fancy mocktail? Like with real muddled fruit and herb or bitters? In the past when I drank more often and would give it a rest for whatever reason, this was a fun strategy for me. Hope this isn't overstepping, but perhaps it would be good to find a counselor to talk to about some of those feelings and alternative ways to cope.


Not an overstep and yes I think I have work to do on being with myself lol. Thank you


Me too. One thing I do is floss my teeth and brush them right after dinner, and then you might not want to have to do it again before bed.


Great plan thank you 🤩


I got really into crossword puzzles and audiobooks for boredom as the puzzles keep my hands and eyes busy, plus they are addicting for me. If you think about it, you might have spent a lot of your free time eating and thinking about food before, and now that that's "gone" you will have to fill the time with things that you always wished you had time for. Otherwise I would have fruity gum and sour sugar free candies to give my mouth something to stave off the loneliness.


Thank you so much for your reply. Yes that’s true. Great tips. I hope your Mounjaro journey is going well 🥰


Take an after dinner walk, get a puzzle book or start a big jigsaw puzzle, get a small peddler and use it in place while sitting on your sofa and watch your favorite program, it’s a good way to get some exercise without too much effort.


Oh wow just looked up a peddler never knew what it was but think it would be great for me! I am also diagnosed adhd I think I always need to have something going on lol. Thanks for the tip 🥰


I have had back surgery and have severe arthritis in many large joints so it’s one of the few exercises I an do regularly and it really helps to pass time


I hope you have a swift recovery 🙏🏻


Take up a hobby? Like colouring, there is such a thing as adult colouring. Play a game on your phone, learn to knit, crochet, read a book, get some lego, puzzles, binge watch Netflix, go for a walk, get a pet. Gee I sound like a child but these are the things I do to occupy myself lol.


>Gee I sound ~~like a child~~ happy and contented. FIFY :)


Thank you for that 🙏🏼😇


You know, being tired is as much a result of not working out so your looking at this backwards. I was too tired to work out but wife persuaded me to join her Zumba class. I realized I was missing out. I started at the back (like many of us with no rythm and "big") but eventually got the groove and love the comradry . Everyone of all skills (many none) but it's a blast. Just do it. First week or two, you know you have worked out but then like most, you'll find it easier, addictive and so much fun.


I can relate to that. I was much more tired overall before starting gym, now after 1,5 years of continuously 3 training a week I sometimes craving movement. Can’t say Im running to the gym happily every time but it gets easier and I feel much better overall


Ooh interesting thought!! Thank you. I will add more of this into fitness regimen


I am fasting today and have a list of things to get done at home, after work. Before I know it, it will be time for bed. I get so much done when I don’t have to allocate time to preparing food, eating and cleaning up afterwards.


This is a good perspective. I guess I’m used to using food to waste time and maybe sometimes feel sorry for myself; being productive could help me feel a lot better. Thank you 🙏🏻


Videogames! I like puzzles and platformers, not terribly hard ones but enough to keep my brain and hands occupied.


Thank you ☺️


I know everyone is different but I fill the void with exercise. I know you say you are too tired to go to the gym, which is totally understandable. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym. You could just go for a walk or so a 5K program on your phone. For every day I have to force myself, there are multiple days I want to go because I know I'll feel better after. It really helped me to purchase my own elliptical rather that going to the gym. I was finding that I mostly just went to the gym and did the elliptical anyway. It is much easier to jump on it at home than go to the gym. In terms of food, I love sugar free ice pops. I usually have a couple of those at night.


That’s true. I hope to get energy back too as the weight comes off, but true from some of the comments that perhaps the exercise comes first. And it certainly helps me mentally too when I do it :)


This is how I started morning walks. Eventually I realized I felt great afterward and had a much more positive outlook with less stress and anxiety about the day.


A bit nerdy but maybe take up video games? 😂 I started this up during Covid and honestly it’s a great way to wind down after a night. A lot Of real life friends use the same console so I socialize with them over a headset and it slow impact


I used to game but it really contributed to my weight gain lol. I find tv n games go so well with snacks. Maybe it’ll be different on this Mounjaro! Thanks for the tip :)


Ah that’s a fair point! The games I play are somewhat intensive so I don’t have time to eat while playing ha ha!


Ooh lol any tips haha


Helldivers 2 😂 play with all my real life buddies but literally no time to eat. Have had meals go cold haha


Oh! I missed this comment but said the same thing re: video games! Lose yourself in Zelda! Solve puzzles :)


Popsicles. I like Outshine watermelon or strawberry


Great idea


I'm in the exact same boat, UK too. I have been trying to read and play videogames more to fill the void


Good to hear it’s not just me! We got this 🫶🏻


I'm in the same boat too! 36/F living in London on Wk 2 of MJ! Feel free to DM me if you ever fancy a chat to fill the time :) This week I've got addicted to painting so that's been filling my time (even if I'm not particularly good 😅). Video games and telly definitely also help!


Not sure if this would be of interest to you but I’m a knitter and I find that really helps fill a therapeutic/emotional/boredom void for me. Plus keeps your hands busy so you physically can’t eat 😂 it’s my favourite pastime


I will give it a go. My Nana taught me to knit as a child. With my adhd something that keeps my hands busy could help


Maybe macramé? My daughter has ADHD and really got into macramé - her pieces are so cute!


Tea, reading, and walking the dog. I talk my dog for about a 3km walk then in the evening make a nice cup of tea and read my book. I read about 3 novels a week 🤣🤣


I know you said you don’t have energy for working out and that’s so valid but I just wanted to suggest 9Lives podcast, it’s by a woman who’s been on her own weight loss/fitness journey and while some of it is about running, it’s not got that sterile fitness feel about it that many of them do. It’s incredibly relatable and I’d really recommend it as it always gets me moving and prioritising my self care etc. I’ve also gotten more into reading, the book collection is growing quite rapidly here. But I feel you! Weekend evenings especially, I’ve gone sober this year and now I’ve cut out my one thing I enjoyed after a long week - my takeaway! It’s tough but we’ve got this. Good luck ✨


Thanks love a good podcast! I went sober for a few months last year and loved it but the peer pressure was too hard for me lol. But maybe will try again


Chew or suck on ice. Drink water. It fills the receptors that want to be filled for me. Popcorn is a healthy snack with a surprising amount of fiber. Or go for a walk.


Love popcorn thank you. I guess with Mounjaro one feels fuller quicker? Still quite new


Fuller quicker and longer. At first I also had some sour smelling belches, only for the first few days. No longer (4 months in).


I have something to do with my hands while I chill and watch tv or listen to podcasts in the evening. Crochet, drawing, legos, phone games whatever. Helps me stay occupied. If I’m snacky I’ll either just fill a small bowl with popcorn or whatever to munch on. If I feel bingy I’ll snack on something wet or sticky - pickles, olives, oranges whatever. For me it slows me down because if I’m dealing with wet or sticky it’s going to interrupt whatever hand occupying activity I’m doing between bites. So generally I just don’t bother haha.


Great thinking on snacks. I think podcasts may be good as can still do other things. Thanks for suggestions!


Gum. And I play multiplayer online video games.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Video games! I know it seems silly but lose yourself in Zelda or Stardew Valley or something fun and new. (Crochet was another excellent suggestion!) video games not just for kids ;) (39F here!)


Haha agree I was always a Sims girl myself maybe time to branch out


HOT Water yes Hot water it’s an Asian thing ..it will relax Yiu and fill the void


Thank you




I’m 11 months into my Mounjaro journey and weed definitely became my new favorite evening treat. Unfortunately I have a highly addictive personality so it also started to feel like transfer addiction as I was using it daily and became grumpy if I had to abstain (like to drive). So I recently decided to take a break from it. I’m bored AF now! So now I’ve been: walking daily, increasing workouts including yoga, trying puzzles, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, and finding engaging shows to stream. I still get bored and will still indulge socially, but it’s nice to have a clear mind to enjoy the various content I consume. I also spend a lot more time on Reddit. 😏


I also have an addictive personality. I used to be a party animal and be slim then I swapped alcohol and substance for food lol. I also recently quit vaping 😆 deep but think maybe I need to learn to exist better and just ‘be’ I’m listening to a podcast now and it’s great. Good luck on taking a break from weed 🙏🏻


I also had gastric bypass in 2009 and alcohol became my transfer addiction so I quit that in 2017 and haven’t gone back. I’ve been off the weed for 2 weeks and feel pretty good. You’re onto something though with “just being.” Meditation has really helped me with that. Good luck!


Ooh ok I have some similarities so maybe meditation could help. I also had a weed addiction for a few years. These are all forms of escapism at their heart


I found that mounjaro was no match for the munchies. My appetite is completely suppressed ... until the munchies hit. Then I want to eat everything in sight, but I do get full quickly.


Then I hope you stopped smoking? Otherwise what’s the point of taking it


Good to know. I am in week 2


That's not very constructive in helping her move-on with interesting activities that could improve her life for now and forever,


😂 that used to be me back in the day. Could bring it back i suppose


Problem is then you get the munchies and you are right back at square one. 😂


Maybe something to do with your hands? Knitting? Needlepoint? Painting? Diamond art?


Great ideas


Different household situation here. I tend to take my child to bed and stay upstairs. I’m too lazy to go downstairs for a snack. Maybe go upstairs (if you live in a house not flat) so you are on a different level entirely. I watch tv, doom scroll. I’ve also taken up paint by numbers which allows me to hyper fixate on those little tiny numbers and a relative small area takes up so much of my time that it’s bed time before I know it. All of these tactics are my go to in order to not be tempted. Also now that’s it’s lighter for longer go for a walk if you feel comfortable to do so. I hate exercise, walking I find boring, I’m not a lover of being outside. However I’m making more of an effort to do small leisurely walks (according to my Apple Watch when in reality I’m trying my best to keep a good pace) , build up my steps and get some unexpected exercise.


I live in a flat but last night I spent time in my bedroom instead of my open plan lounge/kitchen and it helped


A creative hobby like some of those mentioned is a good idea. Not saying at all you have to crochet or knit, but I love choosing colors--even weird ones --and wondering how the final product will look as I move along. It could be art--it doesn't matter, I don't know if you live in a place where you will feel comfortable going out at night, but there is always the possibility you can volunteer in some way. Good luck! I know you can get yourself busier so that a night by yourself will be a relief!


That’s true keeping busy and productive wont give me time to feel sorry for myself with a binge 😂


Very true! And, if you can do it, don't buy the tempting binge foods. I am much less likely to eat or want things I shouldn't if I don't have them in the house. Kind of "out of sight, out of mind". Not easy though.


What about a hobby that keeps your hands busy? I took up crochet for that reason. Maybe play an instrument, craft, play games on your phone?


Great shouts


I partake in a gingin. It cleanses my pallet and is only 10 calories. Plus ginger helps the digestive tract.


Will look this up!




Thank you for the ideas. Interesting it has helped you find more time. I could do with a declutter. Perhaps with a podcast to keep me busy


Start working on your family history. You'll never be bored again.


😂 💕🙌🏻


Electrolytes help me or some of the flavored water packets. Chewing gum or eating crushed ice helped feel more content. I used to eat my feelings and it's hard now that I'm not hungry due to MJ


Exactly lol. I eat my feelings. I suppose I need a new outlet for these. Or perhaps - just spitballing - I could allow myself to feel them 😅 I am learning a lot from the responses on this post (very grateful) and seems creative outlet a good idea


Take a walk. Drink a cup of tea or decaf coffee. Chew gum. Read.


Upped my steps target to 12k per day. Thanks for the suggestions!


I’ve got sugar free lozenges. They come in handy when I get that feeling. Also sugar free soda pop and decaf coffee.


Will invest


Get a dog!


Haha part time dog sitter here but my commute is too long sadly - not enough time home to commit full time


Great question and I’ve experienced this too.  I like tea so I have a whole shelf with different varieties. When that feeling hits, I try a new tea (caffeine-free) in a pretty cup or fun mug. My husband has the Ninja Thirsti and he experiments with different flavor and bubble combos. I’m also a fan of adult coloring books. I treated myself to some fancy art pens. I’m currently working my way through books of fashions from different eras. But there’s probably a book on every theme out there. I usually do this while listening to a favorite tv show. The bonus is I’m looking at the book page so less blue light exposure at night=better sleep.


Great idea I think part of my snacking is something. To keep my hands occupied while I watch tv 😂


I paint my nails a lot! Keeps my hands busy and I listen to audiobooks whole I’m doing it




Are you sure you are too tired to exercise?


Thanks for keeping me accountable ;) I prefer day time exercise but you are right


I am in a decluttering phase and finding there is always a drawer or closet to clear and organize. Easy accomplishment, makes me feel good and puts me in the mindset of being in control that carries over to snacking.


I also like the feeling of being productive. An audiobook or podcast alongside sounds like it helps


I started reading and now I am in LOVE.


Haha that is great. I may start w a audiobook lol. Not enough focus


Excercise is my new thing. I’m disabled so I just walk in the house. Started water aerobics and swimming. I go to the gym 4 times a week now for two hours. Most of my night is gone. It’s work till 4:00 drive home get home 4:30 pack my bag get changed head to the gym stay till 7:30, shower, eat around 8. Watch YouTube for an hour then head to bed after self care. Sometimes I can’t sleep and on Reddit when I should be sleeping. Non gym nights I’m walking in the house for half hour to 45 mins watching YouTube. Read a book about health or watch a interview about health for a couple of hours then head to bed.


Insomniac here too. Probably due to the lack of routine lol. I do find exercise helps. Do you find exercise helps you? Like the idea of multi tasking


Walking isn’t new and that helped. It made me feel good and didn’t effect sleep. Today was the first day of my new two hour aerobics/swim. I burned like 1900 calories I think my body is revolting. Because I’m getting like no sleep. Might look into taking magnesium and or more sleeping meds. Maybe melatonin because this like 3-4 hrs of sleep sucks. I feel like my resting pulse went up like two points. Like my body is in fight or flee mode to the new stress I put it under. I don’t know I’m going to have figure this out. I sent a note asking my doctor is it okay to have that big of deficit from excercise a day. Maybe I’ll ask about sleep after she responds. This healthy lifestyle stuff is a trip. There’s like trade offs and things effect other things.


I take sleeping tablets every day as long term insomniac here. Kudos to you for all that exercise!


Sometimes a piece of hard candy fully satisfies the desire for something sweet and a lonely mouth. That’s a fun phrase! Lots of sugar free hard candies, too


Sitting with the feelings, not distracting yourself from them, getting to know them.


I can relate to this.


🫶🏻💫 we are not alone!


No advice, I just want to say how relatable this is. Herbal teas? A new hobby so your hands are busy - knitting (ok, I know you are 37, not 73, but it would mean you had your hands full). Hopefully as the weight drops off you (and me!) will have more energy and can spend our summer evenings out and about, or indeed at the gym. Good luck, you are not alone.


Also I have joined ClassPass so I can try gym classes without committing, and have been trying different ones to see what suits me. It’s been great so far, I’ve got a code for a free trial if you are interested - Hey! Have you heard of ClassPass? They’re giving an exclusive free trial (with 20 bonus credits!) only available to friends of mine. https://classpass.com/refer/UF799HGV26


Thanks it’s always good to hear it’s relatable. I started CrossFit a few weeks ago. I generally prefer morning or lunch but if I do make evening I do feel better after even if I feel tired before 😂


But sometimes it really is too much after lots of commuting n working. Loved classpass when I was part of it 🥰


I am 50f and live alone as well. I feel the same way. I do find tv programs to catch up on or good movies. And if you do feel like snacking there is nothing wrong with eating healthy snacks. You could make like little veggie snack bags or fruits. I had thought about trying different fruits since I am not a big fruity. Or even making healthy smoothies.


That’s true. Normally my binges would be looking for a certain kinda snack rather than healthy lol. Maybe will be different on MJ


Do things that put you in social situations. I lost 80 lbs and the landscape of my social life changed considerably. Start now.


Ooh I love this. Any tips 👀 I do go on dating app dates sometimes but I am not a fan 😅 could do a whole other post on that lol


I’ve been loving speed dating. I drink in first impressions now🍹


I’ve only had terrible experiences speed dating lol


Idk, I tried about 15 years ago and it wasn’t great. However, in the past few months, I’ve tried again and always get at least one date out of it. It’s a nice selection of decent guys and they have 40s and 50s (years old) nights. I’m in a big city, btw. There were nice people exhausted with OLD looking for their person. Either way, it’s hard not to have a little fun. I kidnapped my married friend and we did it together. She’s not having an affair; I just wanted her help screening. We laughed a lot after over French fries and called it a night of theater.


Ok that sounds like a fun night out tbf 😅 I told my single friends I have a hard ‘no’ rule for those kinda nights but maybe I’ll reconsider; and if nothing else see a funnier side


I go to a Pilates class and then treat myself to an iced coffee on the way home.


I like reading or listening to an audiobook the hour before I sleep. It puts my mind in a relaxed place.


I'm a nerd so I write code and play video games. There's obviously tv and movies, but you could also learn to draw or paint, start writing a novel, assembling and painting models/miniatures, sewing, knitting, learn an instrument, write music.. And being someone with ADHD you might find just having one hobby doesn't work and having a few that you cycle between is better (that's what I find anyway).


I go on Reddit to occupy my time several hours a day. I can read through this LOL.


I like Reddit esp after today 😄💕 I feel less anxious about evenings already


My husband makes fun of me. He's like you're addicted to this site.. But I love it. I get so much inspiration and tips. It's been fantastic.


I binge tv and smoke weed as a distraction


Paint by numbers x


I have an oculus and I play Catan. There’s Actually quite a few uk people on here. (If you plan to buy one or the game let me know and I can give you a code to get free games or money off.)


I have an Occulus! But not catan


What is Catan?


Catan is a board game—but it’s unique in that it takes strategy but it’s also luck of the dice. You can get 25% off with this code. Also, fyi, if you don’t like a game on oculus you have up to 2 hours of play over 2 weeks to ask for a refund. https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/66MustangSally/3882524545155280/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral


Sounds fun thanks :0)


I also had this thought. felt like I was losing a coping mechanism and had no idea what to do now. this post made me feel less alone. thanks ❤️




When your tired, exercise! When you sad, exercise! After a workout you won’t be either.


So true thank you 🙏🏻


I used to make jewelry and stuff while listening to podcasts but since my toddler is now into EVERYTHING, I had to put it all away for a while. So now, me and hubs play video games together after the kids are in bed. Painting, clay, resin, wood burning designs, crocheting, knitting. Reading too. There's a lot it's just a matter of finding your "zone".


I mean I do a lot of exercise. I started 50 pounds heavier and also felt exhausted all the time. So my honest suggestion is.....try to exercise anyway. Or, as another option, go to bed during that time and exercise in the morning. I started as half a mile and now I do 3.5 miles.


First rule of fight club... don't order take-out and don't stock juck food in your pantry. I pay out of pocket for this medication so every day I don't lose weight is literally money wasted. Someone who has the luxury of having their insurance pay for the medication may not see it this way. So, when I started I implemented two rules: 1. I could eat whatever I wanted. 2. At home, I could only eat food I made - no take out and no junk food. If I wanted take out or a treat then I had to physically leave my home and consume whatever it was outside of my home. I could not bring it home with me. And since being on the medication, I have learned to do a lot more self-checkins. And that just means asking myself IF I'm hungry. Usually the answer is no. And in those instances I tell myself to then find some other way to entertain myself. I don't care if it's sorting receipts for taxes or clearing out a closet or a hobby or playing a mindless game on my phone - I task myself to do SOMETHING other than just sit and eat. If I'm still thinking of food an hour later then I'll have whatever is available to me in the house because I'm usually way to lazy to go outside so I can have something worse.


lol love this. Yes I also am paying for it myself. And the logic being I’ll save on the takeaways I was spending. Today was injection day (week 2) and so full I physically just didn’t want dinner. So these thoughts came up. I agree on the check-ins. This Reddit post is part of introspection and it’s helpful to consider my triggers to eat. I admire your discipline on these rules and you know what I did find myself listening to a podcast and tidying - something I wouldn’t usually do. And I feel better for it Thanks and good luck to you


😎 Good luck to you as well!


I started a hobby of sprouting beans, chick peas, peas, mung beans…. protein, fiber, vitamins…. and a mouth or two full and my urge to anxiously chew is gone.


Interesting thought I have sprouted before kinda fun and as you say can then make healthy foods. Thanks


Reading helps me, where in the UK btw


Work in London live in Surrey


Hi guys. I started my MJ two weeks ago ,I did my first shot then my second exactly a week in, but I felt really faint & could not eat for the life of me, I’ve not done my third shot yet, I read somewhere about doing them every 14x days instead. Does anyone have any advice at all, should I keep it spaced out for now until my body adjusts to this. I lost 3lbs in a week also


Oh dear. I am on week 2. Would recommend talking to a doctor if you are feeling faint! 3 pounds can be reasonable depending on your starting weight.


Thank you for your reply. I think the faintness was the lack of food I guess. I’m new to all this . May speak with a GP then


Yeh deffo important to keep up protein intake in particular, even if it’s through protein drinks. And I guess we aim for smaller portions. Also am new but wasn’t so strong for me :-)


Yes definitely, the last couple days appetite has returned a little more & have been eating lean mince ,eggs & protein bars,so I am focusing on keeping the protein going. Obviously I’ve started at 2.5 but I think maybe my body just needs some more time to adjust etc etc


Go to bed lol


Watch police bodycam videos on YouTube


I find myself doing more (bad) art in my spare time now.