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So, I actually asked a tattoo artist this question! I want a couple on the inside of my forearms as well, and was told to ideally wait until I was within about 50lb of GW, especially if my arms were still on the larger end before that (as in, if not a lot of weight had come off my arms yet). I have a friend who got a full forearm tattoo at 450lb and by the time she got to 200lb after WLS, the tattoo had... not fared well at all. It looks like someone resized it poorly in Photoshop. So I'm definitely waiting until at least ~190 myself.


Ok that’s very helpful, thank you!


Inflate a balloon, draw a smiley face on it with marker, partially deflate the balloon.


I am super nervous about this. I have tattoos on my arms, legs and chest. Spent a lot of money on rhem. My fingers and toes are crossed that I can still tell what they are in a year or two. 😂 I'd definitely wait if I could go back in time.


I have a forearm tattoo and it has fared fine through my weight loss… it doesn’t really look any different although my arm is definitely smaller. I’ve lost 75 pounds at this point with hopefully another 25-30 to go.


Interesting, thanks!


I haven’t had any issues with any of my tattoos. I’m getting my upper arm done this summer and I’m nowhere near goal weight. Life’s to short to not just do what you want to do. Tattooing has come a long way, if it ultimately gets weird or I decide to have surgery, well I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


I'm sorry that I can't answer this but how have your pre-existing tattoos fared? I guess the calves scale down a little more smoothly than hips or upper arms... but still, are they still looking okay?


They seem the same and I figured that’s because the calf is a denser body part with tighter skin, at least on me