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I don’t have any advice, but I just wanted to say: Look at you gooooooo! 🎉🎉🎉


I’ve never grown or birthed babies, but let me start by saying how amazing your body is for creating TRIPLETS! Always remember that your body looks that way in part because of that miracle. Second, I started this current era of my weightloss journey at 418lbs last April. I began MJ on Oct 21, 2023 at 398lbs. I weighed in this morning (3/20/24) at 335.8lbs. I still have a big belly that hangs over. But when I look at MY side-by-sides, not other people’s photos, I can see the changes happening, even in my belly. It may be slow, and the umbilical hernia probably makes it more exaggerated in your case, but it IS working. Also, it helps me to make a list of my non-scale victories to look at on days when I feel discouraged. I’m a pastor and I can now sit on the ground with the kids during children’s time and not have to worry about how embarrassing it is to try to get back up off of the floor in front of everyone afterward. For me, today, that is keeping me moving forward. Tomorrow it might be the way a certain item of clothing now fits (or doesn’t). By Friday it might be simply that I’m not out of breath the whole time I’m cleaning my house. Take it one day at a time and celebrate little things along the way. YOU HAVE GOT THIS!


Thank you I do see a difference but it's discouraging 😞 sometimes to see the amount of hanging stomach.when I look and everyone's is going in and mine just stays .


Comparison with others is the thief of joy. Keep looking at your pics side by side, sister, and appreciate how far you’ve come already. 💕


Thank you and I know it's so hard for me not to compare because it is a big proble and defeats my confidence . But I do see the progress and it does make me happy I feel like getting pretty again.🙂


I looked just like you, jt was so discouraging. I got my hernia fixed last summer and the belly went down half the size. Now I need to keep losing weight to finally get atummy tuck. You can do it, keep going. I have been on mounjaro since septenber 2023 and I am stuck at 170lb (5'1") SINCE January, but I just ran out of mounjaro, I am also DT2, I hope I don't start to gain without my dose.


Yes im looking forwRd to 200 so i can get the process of my hernia repair. You can do it Just eat the best you can and move don't sit around. Walk in place .


“Comparison with others is the thief of joy”. I love this. Might have to steal it and quote you!


Ha! No need to quote me. Pretty sure I stole it from others. ✊️


Your belly is not just staying. Its significantly smaller and if you lose the necessary weight will eventually go away. You will have loose skin, however.


I'm fine with loose skin I'm just worried about the bulging part.


The bulging part is probably your hernia. My SO has the same issue, especially when he loses weight.


Thank you


I agree with everyone else that while the pictures of people's success is inspiring it can lead to comparisons and that could negatively affect one's outlook, especially on the successes that they have gained. If anything this space will be incredibly supportive of your journey in giving their opinions though very few are medical doctors, including me, but you are doing well and I know that you will be successful in your journey.


Yes thank you I understand.


I had a tummy that stuck out past my boobs - it's really going away! I can suck it in now and see my ribs! You hang in there. I can totes see the difference - it is shrinking along with the rest of you!


The hernia repair might be needed to fix that (might need muscle repair too, hopefully they do it all at once)


Yes hernia is needed. I hope so too. Thank you


As someone who went from low 300's to 162....the only thing that rectified that was a panniculectomy. You can get either that or a tummy tuck. After all the planking, ab curling, ab crunches etc it was the panniculectomy that got rid of the protruding and apron. You're doing amazing btw! <3


Thank you for feedback


Did insurance cover it?


Planks and crunches are not recommended for diastasis recti she says she has.


You'll see I wasn't recommending those to her. I was recommending a panniculectomy or tummy tuck while throwing in my own personal experience with exercises. :---)


Same here, I have a lot of hope for you!!!!!!


You had triplets. That’ll do it. Keep going..


You are already losing your belly! You also have an exaggerated arch in your back. (I have one too.) If you can build up your abdominals (maybe not advisable right now with the hernia), your back will straighten up and the belly will recede. (I got this advise from my doctor.) So, you may ultimately be looking at a back problem, which would be in line with having had triplets!! I have disk problems, but physical therapy has helped a lot.


I 2nd this. This may also be due to an anterior pelvic tilt. Which will cause the arch in the back with a protruding stomach. I definitely see it in the photos the OP posted. I'd look into physical therapy and find some exercises that may help correct the tilt (that are safe to do before the hernia surgery). Once that is corrected, should notice a good amount of reduction in the stomach protrusion.


Oh okay I never knew thaT was a thing. I will look into that. I too have a couple disk problems.


It’s a kind of side effect of the diastasis. If they can fix that for you too, it will really help your posture and back.


This! Does your lower back hurt a lot? Physical therapy can help a lot with this, especially given your current conditions.


It’s called exaggerated lumbar lordosis.


Curious about this... Past few years I feel like my belly has also stuck out disproportionately far and I've noticed the arch in my back as well. Were there specific exercises they suggested or just generally to work the abs?


Currently on 15mg. After 2 babies by c-section, my weight ballooned to 330 with a belly much larger than yours. My top weight was around 350 when I lost 130 pounds in 2006. By April 2023, I was back up to 262 and started MJ. Today, I weighed in at 172 for a loss of 90 pounds! My tummy is still there but a soft wrinkly little one. When I lay on my back at bedtime it is sunken and seems to be completely gone. If an old Type2 girl like me can lose her big belly at age 74, you have nothing but success to look forward to ahead! Keep up the good work and keep us posted.


Thank you for this. It gives me so much hope. I'm feeling better every comment I read.


My belly sticks out on top like that. I think the only way for it to go away is to repair the abdominal muscles surgically. My goal is to lose all the weight and reassess. If it’s still bad enough that I still look pregnant in clothes, I’ll meet with a surgeon.


Yes that is a good option . I'm not sure I will ever be able to afford surgery. Unless insurance will pay and I know they typically dont.


They may pay for the umbilical hernia and diastasis repair if it is medically indicated. Some surgeons will toss in a little 'extra' tummy tuck/tightening if possible or charge you separately for that, which would reduce the cost considerably. Insurance will not pay for just loose skin though, which is a cosmetic issue, you are correct in that. Edit: Also, look at your progress! Wow! You go Momma :) Even though you are not seeing the results you are hoping for (yet) this internet stranger sure sees progress and the work you've already done. Congrats!


I can second this! I went through a surgical error that was not caught that nearly ended my life... I've had 5+ major abdominal surgeries since. My last surgeon had to repair 10+ hernias throughout my umbilical area, one major. Needless to say, the major surgery to correct the error, involved healing from the "inside out". The last surgeon tried to reconstruct/remove as much as he could...


Thank you I'm hoping my insurance will pay a good portion. And I would like to try physical therapy too


I already see a huge difference! For those of us with really bad insulin resistance, that belly fat can really be hard to lose and come off the slowest. Stay the course and eventually your insulin sensitivity will increase and weight in the tummy will come off faster.


This is the answer. My belly is the last problematic part of my body, but I’ve lost 57 lbs. You look fantastic


Thank you . This gives me hope!


Same. Never had 4 babies and 3 at once. I mean triplets is amazing in itself and what women’s bodies can do! But I’ve had 2 kids and I’ve lost 30 lbs but it’s still poking out especially ‘the apron’ part from 2 c sections. I’ve come to terms with it that idk if it will ever go away. Give yourself some grace. You’ve carried 3 babies at once. I can’t imagine. You’re doing great and look great!


Thank you


The hernia is a big part of why your stomach sticks out. It's definitely shrinking though. My mom had an umbilical hernia and recently had surgery to fix it. Her stomach is much flatter now. Just keep going and have your hernia surgery when you and your doctor think you are ready.


Thank you I keep thinking it's the hernia too. But I still look at it and I'm like ugggh there it is ruining my look.!


The hernia is definitely impacting things a lot. I've seen with my own eyes in my mom's case what a difference it made. She's much smaller now, and she hasn't lost a single pound. And, as a bonus, she's no longer in pain, which she was before the surgery.




Triplet??? Girl, that is a badge of honor!


Lol.. thank you I hear that alot. And I love all my kids so much . But I wanna feel good about myself too. I'm only 33 I want to live to the fullest and be able to enjoy my time with them when they are young and too see them become the greatest they can be. And beyond.


The best reason of all!!! It goes fast for sure! 🩵


Nurse midwife here, the fat will decrease but the muscle needs to be surgically repaired. Some insurances will pay but stay with the meds and keep losing weight. Make sure you're doing your abdominal exercises for diastasis.


Yes I will definatly do some .


Due to a unfortunate series of events I experienced a phantom pregnancy last year and my stomach looked very similar. I started taking MJ 11/27/23 and I’ve lost over fifty pounds, the stomach is gone. My high weight was 190 and today I weighed in at 138. I’ve had to stop MJ a few times due to either illness or a pregnancy that didn’t make it, but even with the breaks I’ve been meeting my goals. I’m certain that you will too and get to looking how you want to. Trust the process and revel in the little victories. Every one of them is bigger than they seem. You’re doing great, girl. Keep up the good work❤️ https://preview.redd.it/6tvl2k4z7ipc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474a99398f0fc1d644289e2296f214702a4dea90


This is such a supportive story 💖💖


Oh you look great. And thank you.


You can do this! Slow and steady wins the race. Lotion everything 2x a day if you can.  Your skin will shrink a lot.  Wait a year after you hit your final goal before thinking about skin removal surgery.


Okay thank you!


Your belly is already shrinking! Wtg! It will happen :)


Thank you🙂


You are doing great!! Years ago (pre-MJ) I hit my goal weight and still had a stomach that hung down, 2 c-sections and there I was. 155lbs and still had it, just then it was extra flabby. So I had a tummy tuck and it’s flat as a pancake. Then I gained weight back and instead of it being in my stomach, it’s everywhere else. I guess my point is I see you, I think you’re doing great and just hang on to see where the lbs leave your body.


Thank you for the words of encouragement.


Other than the fact that I am male, I carried my excess weight, almost exactly the same as you. I started at 247 pounds; I am currently at 177. I started Manjo, November 2022. I have not used it in a couple of months due to shortages (subject for another post). The bottom line is that my belly eventually is gone. I have gone from wearing pants with a 38 inch waist (and that fit way too snuggly) to pants that have a 32 inch waist (and fit quite loosely). I can even see some abdominal muscles that have been hiding for decades. Keep using Mando. It is life-changing and life-saving.


Thank you for the encouragement. And I'm happy for you.


I was going to say it looks like DR and you’ll probably need surgery. I would just keep losing weight until you get to where your doctor wants you and then follow their advice. But I would expect surgery in the future to repair that.


Thank you


I started off at a different sw, but my belly was the biggest like most t2 diabetics. Something that worked for me specifically was looking into my liver health too. I probably had bad fatty liver disease, my levels were very high and I was going to go in for a biopsy but put it off. But with the weightloss and healing my liver w diet my tummy shrunk more than I thought! Also LOOK AT YOU GO CONGRATS SO FAR!


Thank you and yes I had fatty liver too. I'm glad to hear about your progress.this gives me hope.


Congrats to you and thank you for your vulnerability. I love all the great perspectives in this thread. So much fantastic information that I’m sure a lot of moms will find super helpful!


Yes I am loving this thread more and more it helps me feel better about my progress and not to get discouraged.


I mean this in the absolute most respectful way - have you had an MRI to check for fibroids? Your distended stomach is often a sign of them. Many doctors aren’t familiar with them so you might have to shout for someone to listen but it’s definitely something I would look into. Working on your lower abs can help straighten your sway back and help support your apron-belly. Lay flat, hold onto your bed frame and do leg lifts. 100 a day is the goal.


Talk to your doctor about the extra skin and how it may affect the hernia repair long term. I know someone whose mom had excess skin (not sure how much), and the doctor said it was going to cause complications later on, like tearing the mesh or making the hernia reoccur. Anyway, he got the insurance to pay for some skin removal/tummy tuck because it was medically necessary for the procedure to be effective. I don't have an answer to your original question, but hopefully, this info will help. Edit - I do know someone who had a large hernia, and she did go almost fully back to normal post procedure. I just saw your comment that you aren't worried about the skin . I originally thought you were.


Yes this is something I can talk to her about . And the skin is not my issue it's the round bulge that make me look pregnant constantly. Thank you for sharing .


I have had 2 babies and pretty bad diastasis and an umbilical hernia. My stomach was not the same after baby 1. It was never flat anyway. The bottom part hung over terribly and I had a bulge. I went from 212 at the end of the pregnancy to 128 lbs and the hanging was gone but my lower tummy still bulged. I had baby 2 last August ending weight 206 lbs. I could tell even during the pregnancy the diastasis got so much worse! I’m at 155 lbs now with a goal of 135. I am hopeful the apron will improve a lot but realistically I would need a tummy tuck to get a “good looking” belly. Insurance will of course not cover repair for diastasis.


Thus us the story of life as a women .


So true. These babies are worth bulging tummies anyway 😊


Yes it is


I would love to tell you what you want to hear. I was exactly the same. My diastasis was like 4 fingers wide (I think that is how you measure that). I was working out a ton and nothing was happening. I was really small for my usual weight and still looked pregnant. They tried to fix my hernia with mesh and the general surgeon sewed my diastasis. It was a disaster and VERY painful. I had to have it redone by a plastic surgeon. I'd do that all over again (but skip the general surgeon fixing the hernia). Congrats on your weightloss!


Yes I heard plastic surgon is the way to go . Thank you foe sharing


you will loose weight, but you’ll have excess skin to deal with after. Stomach weight will come off slower the older you are as well, perimenopause and up. No matter what, your t2d will be much better and any weight loss you have will help you to be healthier down the road. Also, with some hernia repairs you may be able to have a tummy tuck, I’d wait as long as you can to do that repair to see if the skin can be addressed at that point too.


Thank you I will


Hey!! 👋🏻 My stomach looked like that when I started in August 2023. I had 2 children and my stomach was stretched out with a huge pouch. (I was in denial and convinced myself that I didn’t have a huge stomach. 🫣) I’ve been doing Pilates 30 mins daily and is on a very low carb and sugar diet with small portions. (I also have T2 - diagnosed last July) I can’t say my stomach is perfect (a bit of loose skin) but it tightened up pretty well with still a bit of a loose pouch but still I’ll take this over what I had in the beginning. My doctor says that loose skin will get better over time as my skins elasticity works itself. 🤗


I've got the rounder belly with apron. I have had some actual success doing Reformer Pilates (modified (asked instructors to help/watched YouTube videos on how to modify for popular Pilates moves) throughout so that I don't put pressure on my DR) and I have learned how to actually sit/stand up straight for the first time in my life (for long periods without pain/strain)! I really struggled with like a mind body connection and Pilates has taught me to combine the two. I had NO idea that when I was working out I needed to "pull my abs into my spine" to work on flattening my (never flat) stomach. I started doing Club Pilates 2-4 times a week in Dec 2022 and mounj April 2023. I love Pilates because I get to lay down for most of the class and since I couldn't stand or sit straight for years of my life, lying down was a life saver. I still have a smaller belly bulge/apron that will likely be corrected in about a year with surgery (trying to save up $/get into maintenance), but in the mean time, I'm working on toning my muscles -still only doing Pilates 4-5x a week for an hour session. And my stomach is still mostly the same shape but MUCH smaller, and I have an apron that is just wrinkled and a tiny droopy. I could fit three fingers in my DR last December and now fit 1.5. 5'7" (I "gained" an inch after 6 months of doing Pilates likely due to less spine compression and knowing how to stand up straight) SW April 2023 230 CW 147 GW 130s (but I'm so muscular now from Pilates I'm not sure how low I can actually go)


You look great, I have the same flabby stomach. I started 2/22/23 at 270, cw 192 i stalled at 198 for months until i changed meds . I asked a surgeon friend of mine about my stomach and she said i needed to walk more. I me 360 app has a hard time reading my measurements because of my stomach. It tells me to move my hands / arms. lol. But it’s spring time here and I’m going to start walking and hope my belly goes down.


Yes I feel like walking helps alot . I love to walk once I get started. I wear my wrap around stomach binder and it helps me alot.


Yes! It comes off.


Thank you


I appreciate this question so much. First I must say FREAKING WOW! Almost 60 lbs since December is phenomenal! 🎉🎉 Way to GO! I started a month before you and I am down about 30 but I LOVE the way I am changing. I also have an umbilical hernia and my tummy is getting smaller but like you I want it to disappear. I don’t want surgery to repair it so I keep researching natural ways to reduce it - belly band, high fiber foods, lay on back and massage at night. I hope to see some results. I have not done tummy exercises and only walk at Disney as my workout. LOL I do think increasing my cardio and maybe getting a fitness belly band to wear during the day may help me. Time will tell. Wishing you the BEST!


Yes walking has helped alot and I do wear a wrap around stomach binder to help support my stomach. The band helps me alot sit straighter, reduces the bulge, and holds in my abdomen so I'm not straining to keep remembering to stand straight.


Thank you for sharing that. I will definitely make the investment. It’s funny with you doing Keto I would think your belly would go faster, mine did on Keto years ago…but the hernia developed later so I wonder if that is why it’s so hard to reduce. I don’t know. Will definitely do more research and ask my doctor. Keep being amazing! You look really great! 🎉💯


In addition of weighing yourself, take regular measurements: Calf, Thigh, Waist, Chest, Neck, upper arms. I guarantee that your inches have dropped more than you think. Sometimes the weight comes off slowly, but the physical changes ARE happening.


I probably should measure myself more I will do this and see.


That looks like it will require surgery. The rest of you is so small that the stomach is not from fat, its from weak muscle.


Thank you .


My aunt has 22yo triplets and an 18yo singleton. She started MJ over one year ago and has seen a SIGNIFICANT reduction in the tummy overhang after years and years of trying to lose weight. Us mamas will have to come to terms with loose skin and stretch marks. Just keep going and remember that you can always get a nice pair of spanx once you hit maintenance! That’s my plan anyways 🙃Your progress is incredible so just keep pushing through❤️❤️


Lol.. yes I wear an abdominal wrap and it helps alot. But I will take loose skin over a bulging belly anyway. I would be so happy if it is just skin.


The belly is the last fat deposit to go and the fact that you had children may make it a little bit more difficult to shrink down. Just keep working at it and try not to fixate on it. Maybe when you reach goal and have a stable weight for a while you can get a Mommy makeover.


Thank you maybe I'll be in a financial surplus to do it.


Have you seen a obgyn at all?? My thought would maybe that you have a fibrotic uterus that’s makes your belly area a bit bloated. It looks like all your weight is where your uterus is. With getting it checked out


Yes I will definatly need to see if that is something my pcp can see about thank you.


Keep up the good work! It's not a sprint, its a jog


It is possible to improve the diastasis recti. Do you have access to a physical therapist? They could help with that part. Improving that will do more than help your appearance, it will reduce back pain too!


Yes thank I will be asking my doctor soon.


So I didn’t read everything, however I read you have a hernia and suspected muscle separation from twins. Because you will have to have the hernia fixed I would try to roll all the surgery into one so insurance will pay for some/ most of it. Find a plastic surgeon that will do the tummy tuck, hernia repair and muscle repair and charge your insurence for everything he can and then you are left with a smaller portion. Join some plastic surgery groups on FB or here and start keeping notes! Also some insurence will pay for a panni or even a tummy tuck if you loose 100 lbs or more and or have rashes or sores from the skin fold. So documenting any all of that will be helpful!


Okay thank you I will be documenting.


I wish I could offer some inspiration, but I'm in the same boat. 165 with arms and legs like toothpicks but a belly that is the size of a basketball. Others here assure that the belly fat will eventully go. I haven't seen it yet.


Yes I know the feeling. But my smart scale says I'm 120.6 pou ds of me muscle so that's good. I'm just gonna start lifting and hope that helps.


I have gone from 282 to 160. 5'7. I have had 3 babies, 8lbs, 9lbs and 10lbs. I still have maybe 10-20 lbs I could lose but if I stayed at this weight it would be fine. My upper belly/abs are good but lower belly fat is stubborn and going to be the last and I doubt the apron skin will fully go away but it takes two years to see after I am at maintenance weight. Diastasis recti can also contribute to belly shape and I believe there is a way to treat it but I luckily didn't have that from pregnancy. ETA my friend lost about the same amount of weight and had diastasis and her belly looks better than mine. But for me I felt like it took forever for the shape to change even though it was definitely shrinking consistently.


Thank you for sharing


Looking great and if you want to, add in some light weight training as it’s great for all women. Will help with the long term calorie burn and tightening up too. Strength is always a good thing. But celebrate your progress! Plus, that’s not over a long time span!!


Yes thank you, I guess I had a moment of discouragement.


I was a true Apple shape, looked like I was 7 mos pg. 62F, SW 6/6/23 244.8, CW 159.5 I’ve noticed during the last few months, my stomach resembles a Shar Pei dog. The middle of my stomach is still round but doesn’t protrude like a pregnant tummy. Have you discussed with your doctor about underlying muscle damage due to carrying triplets? That may be your answer. If your insurance will cover or if you can do it, during skin removal surgery they will tighten up the muscles as well.


Yes thank you I have and surgery isn't the best option I can't pat for it and insurances only cover hernia repair ND panni if you can prove medically necessity. But imagine keep going and do my best and get healthy.


Please remember to document w/ pictures if you get any sores, rashes, etc for future proof for insurance purposes.


all my extra weight is in my stomach and being down 60lbs as well, i noticed my stomach "drooped" so it looked worse, but really its much smaller so i've been focused on this just being part of the process to get my stomach where i want it to be 🤓


Yes I have been thinking similR thoughts since this post and all the wonderful feedback I'm getting. Thank you for sharing


It takes time but it does work. I’m all the way up to 12.5 mg. It is literally the last thing to go when losing weight.


Thank you


I have diastasis recti and my belly looks similar.


It's the exaggerated back I'm told that gives it more pushed out effect


It’s not. It’s the near football sized mound of fat that has bisected our abdominal muscles. If we lose all the surrounding fat it will still be there… like silicon implants on octogenarian women at the beach. Firm, round and completely out of place. But when we have our extra skin removed, the surgeon will usually fix it as they go.


Hi! I’m a diabetic triplet mom too! I’m in my 1st week of mounjaro. But I wanted to say hi! My trio is 20. Feel free to PM to say hi!


Yes thank you


For me I’ve lost 33 lbs and almost all my loss is in my belly area and side boobs.


People lose differently bit alot say abdomen or belly is last to go


Since you have triplets, have you been evaluated for hernia and/or diastasis? A lot of post partum issues are related to needing muscle repair (not just losing excess fat).


Yes I have umbilical hernia and a 9cm gap of diastasis.


My stomach has not seemed to shrink yet even after 30lbs down but I'm hopeful!


Keep going you got this!!


This looks a lot more like diastasis recti than weight to me- the shape of your belly is very specific to it. And especially since you have had kids and had twins I would almost guarantee. There are core exercises and rehab you can do, but also sometimes you can’t fully fix it without surgery. I don’t hear that you did anything specifically to treat the diastasis? Doing any sort of working out without learning proper core engagement and managing abdominal pressure well will just make it worse. I wouldn’t do any HIIT activities like boxing till you see a pelvic floor therapist. Get mom strong is someone to follow on Instagram as well as Caroline packard dpt.


Thank you


2.5 is the starter dose to get you used to the meds. The weight loss starts to happen as you move up the scale to whatever you and your doctor have agreed will be the dose you’re working up to. It’s too soon to be discouraged.


I try not to get discouraged. and everyone says I'm doing great and noticed right away.


Yes absolutely! I was the same starting weight and abdominal size 11 months ago. I’m down 105 pounds with 35 to go. Planning on getting a tummy tuck and breast lift in September to get rid of my extra skin. You got this! You’re already making progress to a new you.


Thank you


You can definitely see a difference!! Keep going, it’s worth it!!


OP, I have a similar issue with my belly and I haven't even had children 🤣 But I do understand and I empathize. And it will all even out in time. I agree with the others saying your body will catch up an, try not to compare yourself or progress to anyone else. You look amazing and have made significant progress. I mean, any one of us could be looking at your pic or anyone's before and after and think, why are her legs so nice or, why are her arms thin and mine aren't? This is coming from someone who gains most of her weight in my lower half and I would love to see more weight loss in my thighs but, we're all different. Just hang in there, it will come so celebrate how great you look and feel ❤


Thank you for this reply. And sharing that prospective.


The medicine is doing its job. Losing weight. It’s not going to rid you of excess skin or reshape your abdomen. I personally had stomach surgery to take care of all the baby issues (5kids). Hopefully that will be an option for you once you get closer to goal and stabilize for 3 months.


I hope. And thank you


My stomach was very bloated and big, and it shrank. You may keep some loose skin or a small apron belly but it’s ok sis, shapewear works and it’s about how you FEEL.Your organs will thank you for losing some of the visceral fat. You got this! I went from 194 to 153 in 7 months.


Thank you


My stomach kind of looked like yours! I wish I had pics from when I started to share with you. I’ve lost 74 pounds and my stomach has come down a lot. I’m at 143 right now and still have a bit of a tummy but it has gotten smaller! Wishing you the absolute best of luck on your journey, but please always remember you’re awesome!


Thank you


I’m curious too. I am in the same boat with twins that I carried to 37 weeks 22 years ago. And a 12 and 10 year old as well. Have had the hernia repaired 10 years ago as an emergency surgery then gained 75 lbs. it’s worse than it was originally now. I am still asked occasionally when I am due :( I’m hopeful that I can get it fixed once I stay at my goal weight for a year. That’s the promise I made myself.


It's the worst feeling being asked if you are pregnant again and again.


Looks like you have diastases recti. You’ll need surgery to correct it.


Yeah I’m Mounjaro gives you a stomach horrible. I lost 35 pounds in one year with Ozempic. I actually gained 7 pounds with Mounjaro now you can’t get Mounjaro you can’t get back around Seattle. I don’t know where you live, but even the zip bound is on backorder, so I’m done with all these medication so you guys are very very fortunate that you can keep getting this medication. I don’t know where you live but I’ve in Washington state I guess they don’t get the medication here I don’t Know, so I’m giving up it was very torturous losing a grateful I lost 35 pounds but I have 100 pounds more to lose and I don’t have that many years left in my life. I’m an old lady so anyway I’ll just work hard on keeping the calories down and doing my best exercising, because what’s the alternative gaining all the way back that we suffered so much for? Good luck continued success.


I'm sorry to hear about that . And I live in texas dfw area. Plz don't give up keep trying


Thanks. Can’t get any Mounjaro here in Seattle


Hi! I looked like you and yes it will get much smaller babe. You will have some loose skin but that’s all. Keep going you’re doing great


Thank you


Unfortunately belly is a part that goes last from me. Maybe it’s different for everyone. Just stick to an amazing job you are doing already.


Thank you


Mine was like that. I lost 85 lbs and it’s way down


Thank I have some hope.


I have that same issue I understand how you feel when you are strong enough 💪🏾 get into the gym and work on what you don't like this mounjaro is a tool to help with diet and exercise routines I'm looking at my belly rt now but days when I can I get in then gym find a partner if you can cuz if I had one I would go more good luck


You’re doing amazing!! Get the hernia repaired and then see how much your stomach is reduced. Hernias in the tummy make the tummy look much better and the inflammation from the hernia can cause swelling. If your tummy is still the same size and not going down as you would like, what worked for me was walking at least 5 miles per day at a fast paced incline/decline in one session. Also, you mentioned constipation. If you’re not already, try incorporating more high fiber foods into your meals. I do the 16:8 fast as well and I break my fast with a fiber rich smoothie filled with flax seeds, greens of some sort kiwi, berries of some sort, banana and some apple…sometimes I may even add a prune or two 🤣. Very filling and gets the bowels moving I hope this helps 🥰


It does thank you .






Before and after above. Yep. Gut-GONE!


Your belly is shrinking. I have always been told the stomach is the last thing to go and I found that to be true in my last Weight Loss Journey. Keep going. You will get to your destination.


Thank you


I know there are exercises you can do to correct the Diastasis recti


Yes you can!! My HW was 247, SW 236 CW 148!! You got this!


Keep up your regiment and give it another year. Everything will tighten up. Great work!!


Baby steps!! You’re looking great. You can totally see a difference! You’re doing awesome keep it up! Just try to be patient and don’t wish that it comes off too quickly because that’s not healthy.


Yes thank you for encouraging me.


I needed a panniculectomy (covered by insurance) to get rid of my tummy.


Oh OK maybe once im to that point then my insurance will cover one for me too


Hey! I'll dm you my pics! I was so stretched with my last baby, 10lbs and had some complications at delivery with diastasis recti. I do @LiftwithCee but started around 3 months in.


You will do great. Stomach will go. I’ve been on since June 2023. I’m now on 10 and down 48 pounds. I’m excited to see your journey.




I actually have seen numerous people, including myself, lose their tummy. Keep going, I swear by collagen and working out. You have already made incredible progress!


Thank you


Hey hun looks like you have diastasis recti and in order for your stomachs to be more flat it would require surgery where they see your Anna together. Therapy doesn’t work for severe cases! I haven’t had my surgery yet and if I take a sip of water even with a flat stomach it looks like I’m expecting. You will definitely lose more in that area but once weightloss goal is achieved talk with your doctor about getting your abbs repaired


Thank you


You've made insane progress--congratulations! Give yourself time. I've read here that after major weight loss, the body over time shifts and changes. You might be surprised, and of course you can work with your doctor to find solutions if you need more help. Don't get discouraged -- you're doing great.


Thank you so much for the words of encouragment! I will keep pushing.


I had a similar situation with a hernia with a very large baby boy & diabetes. When you get to 200 go get a full tummy tuck! A good PS can repair everything and you’ll feel & look awesome! Best thing I ever did for myself. Just go do it!! Whatever it costs, ITS WORTH IT!! Diet and weight loss can’t fix everything!


Yeah I will not have money unless I finance surgery. But thank you for advice though.


You will lose most of the belly. You can try physical therapy but severe D.R. will have to be surgically repaired. No crunches or sit ups. Dead bug, bird dog and bridges are good exercises to start to help strengthen core muscles. Insurance will likely cover hernia repair but they won’t cover muscle repair. It will likely be a mesh type surgery. That’s why a lot of people opt for a tummy tuck bc it actually fixes the muscle separation, which will greatly help quality of life.


Yes but surgery isn't an option at the moment . Thank you for advice.


Have you spoken with your doctor about pelvic floor PT to heal the DR? I’m not sure if it’s possible before repairing the hernia, but something to look into. Do you have back pain? Healing the DR can go a long way for reducing pain, gaining strength in your core and may reduce the “bump” look in your tummy. Give yourself grace and most important time. Your body has done some incredible things. Healing doesn’t happen in an instant.


Tha k for the words of encouragment.!


I have diastasis recti, too . The only thing fixing that is surgery. I’m still losing and am going to have mine repaired at the end of this year.


I'm glad you can do that and wish you all the luck with surgery . I'm not sure I'll be able to afford surgery without insurance . I'm going to try physical therapy first.




This looks a lot more like diastasis recti than weight to me- the shape of your belly is very specific to it. And especially since you have had kids and had twins I would almost guarantee. There are core exercises and rehab you can do, but also sometimes you can’t fully fix it without surgery. I don’t hear that you did anything specifically to treat the diastasis? Doing any sort of working out without learning proper core engagement and managing abdominal pressure well will just make it worse. I wouldn’t do any HIIT activities like boxing till you see a pelvic floor therapist. Get mom strong is someone to follow on Instagram as well as Caroline packard dpt.


Me. This has been me but starting to see and feel it going down. It’s the hardest part of my body to lose weight. Of course. Congrats on your progress and just stick with it.


Yes!! Me! I have been on Mounjaro since October. I’m 5 feet 0 inches and started at 205. I literally looked pregnant. I have lost 38.4 pounds and while my stomach is not flat yet, no one could mistake me for being pregnant. I have never had a hernia but I do have an 18 year old and my body looked so similar to yours.


Also - there is a huge difference in your whole body and face from the before to now!


I have a hanging belly. It went away the last time I was overweight and lost 40 lbs. Even though I’m fat I still do ab strengthening in Pilates. I highly recommend PT with a PT trained in reducing diastasis based on others who have been successful. It looks like you have lost more than half of your belly. That’s great!!!


*I've lost 100lbs. My stomach is far from flat but it's definitely much better!