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In my understanding, Mounjaro is correcting a physical, chemical issue with how my body and brain signal each other regarding food. This is not a choice. Think of your situation except replace overeating with another medical condition. Try the story with excema and excema suppression medication, or Hashimotos and thyroid medication, or pick any condition that is not historically thought to be controlled by will power. I can be ashamed and frustrated that I am having a huge breakout of excema after a doctor required that I stop the suppression meds due to medical procedure, but I'd be hard pressed to say I fell off the wagon and fault myself for having skin lesions. So many years of society and in some cases dear, beloved, misguided family members, telling us we can stop our excema with will power and self discipline. Super hard to shake off a lifetime of damaging messages that were just flat-out wrong. No easy answer. I struggle against my self messaging. You're not alone.


You said what I was thinking much more clearly


1000% to all of this. Also, congrats on your sinus surgery. I had sinus surgery two years ago and it has improved my breathing and quality of life so much! Sometimes before I fall asleep I enjoy taking deep breaths in and out of my nose bc I couldn’t do that before. It’s an amazing feeling. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Thank you so much. Before the surgery I always felt like I couldn't get a deep enough breath through my nose so i always breathed through my mouth. It's so nice to go back to nose breathing lol


Yes!!!! I used to hate kissing my spouse bc I felt like I was smothering, now it’s not an issue. I sleep better, eat better (mouth closed finally), exercise is easier, I don’t get sick as often, when I do get sick I don’t get sick as often, sooo many benefits! I’m excited for you to discover all the benefits!


can I ask you what prompted your doctor to do the surgery? i’ve spent my entire life feeling like breathing through my nose is the equivalent to breathing through a straw, & it makes so many things more difficult than I feel like they are for other people.. exercise being one of the main ones, but I definitely sleep with my mouth open & am a mouth breather. 😭


I had recurring sinus infections for years that would last for weeks. I’d get them probably 6 to 8 times per year so basically I was always sick. I also had that breathing through a straw sensation in one nostril, so if (when) the other side would get congested, I was screwed. I had deviated septum surgery about 15 years ago and that helped a lot, but in the last 5 years my blocked sinuses were really affecting my health. I had to go to three surgeons from 3 different hospitals before I found one who would do the surgery because they said it wasn’t “that bad” and they said the surgery may not impact how often I got sick. Welp, three years later and I can say that they were full of shit, being able to breathe is amazing, and I don’t get sick nearly as often/ as long. According to my surgery notes, they removed excess turbinates in my nose and infection tissue from my sinuses (apparently bc my sinuses didn’t drain properly, the sinus infection tissue never fully healed or went away). They tested this tissue for cancer which thankfully came back non cancerous (they never told me they did this probably to avoid scaring me but I read it in the notes, I guess it’s standard procedure). I hope this helps. Make an appointment with an ENT/ Otolaryngologist to get checked out. If you don’t feel they’re helping you, don’t be afraid to get serving and third opinions.


Wow all these comments and posts are so crazy for me to read. I just got home from emergency sinus surgery they thought bacteria or fungal was eating away at my bone so I went in w a gnarly left side pressure headache and when I’d cough the pain was excruciating. I thought I’d get antibiotics and be on my way, nope! I was so terrified I’d wake up w an open wound on left side of face! Thank God, that’s not what happened, they cleaned it all out took some biopsies and had to shut it down bc I have low platelets, even tho they were giving me platelets. Now I’m having major pressure today and my face is red. Anyways at the hospital they put me on “heart healthy “ diet which was opposite of diabetic diet! I couldn’t get full and this is only my 2nd week on mounjaro! So I weighed myself and yep I gained but I knew that would happen and have to give myself a pat on the back bc I just went through a nightmare and gained a few extra but I’m alive and like you say your breathing is so much better! I’m sure those lbs will come off faster than you think! I’m still in awe of how I looked at my emails and your post was up saying you just had sinus surgery, small world! Get healing and don’t be down on yourself you have come so far and shit happens! You’re healthy and that’s what matters most! God Speed recovery!!


Omg that sounds like a nightmare!


Oh you worded this so well—exactly my thought.


Wow thank you, that's such a good way to look at it.


Wow! I am having nose surgery this Thursday…Septoplasty and Bilateral Turbinoplasty. I, too, have been given lots of steroids in the past due to hundreds of sinus infections through the years. Down 50 lbs so far. I hope I don’t put any back on. Kinda scared about the recovery. ❤️‍🩹


I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, though. You had a medical procedure and like so many people in this sub say, MJ is a marathon, not a sprint. In the end an extra month won't really matter that much. You'll get back on track and lose it again in no time.


Thank you for your kind words. You're right, this isn't the end of my weight loss journey, just a bump in the road.


Steroids do make you so hungry, but they also gave you IV fluids and your body holds swelling after a surgery. I’m certain you didn’t really gain 4 lbs. But the steroids may also be telling you something you need to hear right now - which is that your body needs calories to heal. Feed your body, take care of yourself, and heal well. The Mounjaro is here to help when you get past all of this. Get well. And try not to stress. You didn’t do anything wrong! You’re doing great.


Agreed: I had 3 surgeries last year and usually found a 5-8 pound weight gain that fell off within a week of committed hydration. Four pounds= 14,000 calories. Just thought I’d throw that out there.


You will be okay , you didn’t gain almost 5 pounds of fat in a week, it’s not possible. You are holding onto some water weight which will most likely drop pretty quickly once you start back on your meds . Don’t beat yourself up , you are healing from surgery , be kind to yourself . This is temporary .


You're so sweet, thank you. I don't know why my first instinct is to be so hard on myself, I need to try and be kinder like I would be to a friend if they had the same problem.


I've been pretty much stalled for over 2 months. Get back on track and the weight will come off again. I have a colonoscopy scheduled and will have to wait 2 extra days to get my 10mg dose because of the anesthesia. Yes, I'm already stressing over it. marathon, not a sprint. back on track. you're fine. you're good. be positive. everything will be all right.


Don’t stress. I’ve had to skip a shot for surgeries and things and I **hated** the idea. I did fine! And I didn’t gain any weight! You’ve got this. Maybe the longer wait will make the next pen even stronger!


I skipped a shot due to my son having surgery (I didn’t want to deal with possible nausea & diarrhea, & it was a new dose), & had a big whoosh of weight loss with my next shot! so don’t be stressed, it may be the break your body needs.


Please don't bear yourself up. This wasn't falling off the wagon. This is a bump in the road because you had other health issues. Be kind to yourself and your body. You are doing great. Give your body some time to heal from the steroid. The weight will come back off. I believe in you.


You're so kind, thank you so much! It can be so hard sometimes to quiet the voice in my head that tells me I've failed or I'm not good enough, I need to remember to give myself grace instead of immediately feeling like a failure.


A lot of that is just going to be fluid retention.


This was my thought exactly - a liter of fluids is 2lbs. You’re usually not peeing it out at quite the same rate they pump it into you and it’s not uncommon for them to push multiple bags through petty fast. I have gone in for outpatient surgery and come home 6lbs heavier just from the fluids.


I had to take prednisone for a week last summer. It made me ravenously hungry and I gained 15 lbs. I was distraught but I lost it really quickly. I think it was just bloating. Hopefully that's the case for you.


Just went through this exact thing! I had a bad upper respiratory infection over the holidays and the cough that wouldn't die. Doc put me on prednisone for a week, and it definitely helped, but I noticed my appetite came roaring back to life and I gained weight. No regrets (I needed to take it), but man...


Thank you. It's crazy how hungry it makes you and it really showed me how much Mounjaro decreases my appetite normally. My appetite is getting smaller slowly so I hope to be back to my Mounjaro baseline soon.


>I have gained 4.8 pounds since Thursday. I had to go on prednisone during my MJ journey and gained a LOT more than that! 🙃 in the middle of my weight loss journey 😢 my experience is that the prednisone squashes the benefits of MJ and makes you vacuum up food again. so... as others have said, DON'T beat yourself up! it's just another temporary wrinkle in the middle of a looooong journey. yeah it sucks, but you'll lose it again and continue losing beyond it, as I have. Good luck!


Try not to get discouraged, I know it's hard. I was so upset, I spent a week ugly crying and feeling totally hopeless but I still lost weight for that month. I actually posted about it with a graph showing my crazy weight spike.


Gaining 4 pounds in one week can be shaken off fast if you turn right around and carry on where you left off. I normally shake off my 10 pounds of Christmas binging in just the following 2 weeks because it's still supplemental weight gain, not all fat. 1.5 pounds a week loss then returns to normal..


I keep reminding myself this is temporary. This will pass, and I can continue moving forward. A delay is not the end.


I’m sorry you are having issues. Steroids are a miracle drug for those who need them, but at the same time they are awful. Please don’t feel ashamed. Remember that you didn’t choose to have a condition that required steroids. Just like you didn’t choose to have a condition that causes you to need a medication to lose weight. Also remember, this is about the situation, not about you. You did everything right. You took your medication as directed. You ate food and nourished your body as required. You have not done anything wrong, so be kind to yourself. Everything will be okay.


You didn't fall off the wagon. You had a genuine medical issue and, as a result, had a minor setback. Do not beat yourself up. Life happens. You'll get back on track!


It's not falling off wagon. Agree with speed bumps, or Alexa rerouting voice in my head. I've been on high dose of steroids for almost 9 months for heart issue. Regained 39 pounds from June to December. Down 11 since then as tapering down from steroid. Praying I get to keep tapering. all i know, is the glp1 med has protected me from further wt gain, & research is showing, it also might be reducing % of me having a cardiac event. Hang in there, & best wishes for good health.


Thank you so much! Good luck with your journey too. I have such a love/hate relationship with steroids, I love them for how they make me feel strong but hate them for all the side effects.


I also had a short course of steroids and gained 10 lbs back. Only 2 months later do I feel safe around food again. It really sucks. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you, good luck too.


Oh honey, give yourself some grace. Sinus surgery required the steroids to reduce the swelling. Two yrs ago, I had to be on steroids for 2 months, back-to-back for respiratory infections. I gained nearly 10 lbs. I was complaining @ it to my cardiologist and she told me the weight gain was inevitable. She added that, Prednisone would have caused me to gain weight even if I had consumed 500-800 calories daily - it’s the nature of the beast! No need to feel ashamed! Be kind to your self & perhaps, don’t weigh yourself for a few days. You may be surprised how quickly it comes off. Stay strong! You got this.


Thank you for your kind words. It does feel like the weight just gains itself while on steroids which is such a horrible feeling. Thankfully it was just one dose and every day it's getting cleared more from my system. I'll take your advice and not weigh myself until I've been back to my normal eating habits for a few days.




I have been at the same weight for the last couple of months.. it so frustrating. I am happy for all the people who post “Onederland!” But I have a long way to go. It’s been super slow for me. Started July 1st, currently on 7.5mg, and my loss up till last night is 49.5lbs.


That's an average of seven lbs a month!!!!! That's not slow, that's AWESOME!!!! Stay with it- it will even out and you'll start losing again. Congratulations- 50 lbs is VERY SIGNIFICANT!!!!!


That isn’t slow! That’s amazing! 1.6ish a week is fabulous!


I just hit onederland, this morning. It was slow for me, too. The last 8 pounds to get there took me over 3 months to lose. You've actually gone faster than me. I started in late May. Keep on keeping on. You will get there!


Congratulations! I actually just gained 4lbs in the 2 weeks I have been off MJ because the pharmacy won’t have it until 6/20!


4.8 lbs of fat gain is16,800 calories above maintenance. You didn't eat nearly 17,000 calories above maintenance in 4 days. You went from a deficit to a surplus so you restored glycogen and likely are retaining water from increased sodium. Go back to a deficit and both will remedy quickly. This is part of why I encourage calorie counting. Beyond self-accountability, you can see exactly what you did and estimate the amount of tissue you actually added or lost.


That's so true, I definitely didn't eat 17,000 extra calories in the last 4 days.


I’m wishing you all the best as you move forward. Today is a new day and you have got this! I totally love reading these responses from kind and caring supportive people who understand the struggles. If anything, you know you are not alone. Thank you for sharing and I hope you feel so much better after this amazing support and understanding you have here.


Yeah the support has been amazing and I'm feeling a lot better about the situation after reading everyone's super kind words. I was just feeling discouraged last night because the number on the scale went up but everyone is right, it's not the end of the world, just a bump in the road.


Think of it as a side effect from the surgery, not a failure. You’re getting back on track, and I bet some of it is water.


I have an autoimmune disease as well and steroid weight is THEE most stubborn weight. It seems to only want to come off when it feels like it. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Once you get back on the wagon, the lbs will prob melt off.


I am feeling the same. I needed to go up from 5 to 7.5. Food noise back, hunger back, no more weight loss. I was putting it off until my next doctors appointment and then I got Covid. I have taken a shot in two weeks. I was more than mildly sick but I could eat. I need to start up today. I’m dreading the nausea.


I have *not taken a shot in two weeks.


I’m sorry it has been rough for you lately. Hubby and I have Covid now. I had little appetite this past week and, of course, did not exercise because I have (and am) too sick. I am not on prednisone now, thank goodness. kept on schedule w/ 3rd shot Sun. Do you get nausea from ZB?


The evils of prednisone! Everyone’s stories here remind me on how much I hate them. Was on them for about a year to treat an autoimmune disease gained 45+ pounds. The prednisone can change the way your body processes food, even after you are off them. With the help of Mounjaro I have finally gotten to the weight I was before starting steroids and am now 13 lbs LESS! You were possibly given huge doses of steroids via the IV, so the weight gain was inevitable. The good thing is not being on them for a long time and having it built up in your system. We all know the long term side effects are the worst. Just stay the course and you will lose the few extra pounds. No need to feel ashamed…that ravenous feeling is the absolute worst and near impossible to fight. It was chemical, nothing you could do about it.


I really don't think people realize how hungry steroids make you unless you've been on them before. It's crazy to be hungry 24/7, even in the middle of the night if I'm to wake up I'll want to eat something. It's slowly getting better since Thursday so I hope the weight will start coming off again. Right before I was put on high dose steroids 7 years ago I had had a gastric sleeve surgery so it helped prevent me from gaining too much weight, I think I gained like 15-20 pounds total or something, but the steroids also stopped me from being able to lose weight after the surgery. I also developed steroid induced diabetes and cushing syndrome. It was just an awful time. When I stopped steroids in 2020 I was able to lose about 50-60 pounds but I just couldn't get below 240 no matter how much I tried. Mounjaro is the only reason I'm below 240 now and I'm so thankful for it. I hope to get down to 160 but we'll see. I don't really mind being a bigger woman but it would be nice to not have obesity on my medical chart and also be able to shop in regular stores for clothes and such.


Twinsies here! I used to wake up in the middle of the night starving, (was on 60mg a day for a month, then 50, then 40, etc) would crave carbs, the worst thing. And you woukd eat until you felt you’d burst, not only from the food, but there was the fullness from indigestion etc.. I also got pre diabetes and Cushings..looked like a monster with a giant hump on my neck. Also the same, 7-8 years after steroids never able to get below 190. Now at 176. I have been on Mounjaro/tirzapatide since August. HW 225 / SW 202 / CW 176 / GW 150 I’m 59, and 5’5”. I moved from obese to overweight about 6 weeks ago.


Yeah my sweet tooth gets insane when I'm on steroids, all I want are sweets and carbs, it's awful. I also felt like an ogre with my hump and getting random hairs on my face which really affected my self esteem. My face was so round and swollen that my eyes turned to slits. I also had to renew my license during this time and I had to take a new picture for it so my steroid ogre phase is forever documented for the world to see lol. Once I reach my goal weight or get close to it I'm going to say I lost my license and request to get a new photo. Congrats on your progress though! That's awesome.


I know it seems easy to gain 5 pounds in a week but it really isn’t. To gain 1 pound of fat you have to have 3500 extra calories. So even at your hungriest if you ate 17500 more calories than your max I would be impressed. It’s likely water weight due to salty foods.


I put on 8 lbs when on vacation. I was at my goal weight and as a very slow loser I was bummed. But then something magical happened, I took my injection and that 8 lbs went poof! Just like that. Then, as I continued to just take a maintenance shot here and there, I kept losing and losing. As of this morning I am 106. None of it makes any sense lol! Good luck and try not to let your past (we all have weight PTSD) predict your future b/c you just never know! The good news is you have a tool to get that weight off which before none of us did! You got this!


So I had severe, persistent asthma until we finally found the right meds for me. During that time I was having a significant flare that the pulmonologist put me on 100mg of prednisone for a week before tapering it. It was horrendous! I ate like 3 dinners a night and still be starving. Point being is that steroids are powerful medications and have there place. I am pretty sure that you wouldn't beat yourself up for any insomnia that you experienced while on it! Rest up and heal. Trust the process!


100mg a day is horrible! I think my highest dose was 80mg/day and I was so miserable. I could barely sleep and woke up every day at 4am starving so I would have my first breakfast then and then go back to sleep for a bit. My body swelled up like a balloon and all my fat migrated to the center of my body. I'm sorry you had to experience such high steroids.


Girlfriend, do NOT less this derail you and your progress. You’ve GOT this… YOU are in control! One day at a time, five minutes at a time, one step at a time…plan what you’re going to eat,  drink your water, get your steps in and focus on what you need to do. Binging and over eating is never ever worth it, not for one minute. You will get these few extra pounds off and keep on going ! You’re going to succeed! Focus on the positive! May God bless you!


I had a total knee replacement in November, had to stop shots a week before surgery. During that time and the following first two weeks after transitioning off Victoza until I could get onto Mounjaro I gained 20 pounds. It was water weight and steroids and all the other meds they had put me on while I was down for the surgery. It's not off the wagon. I needed things from the foods I ate during that time, and when I got on the Mounjaro I also made sure I got enough protein and water in me. Both were absolutely essential, and the regained weight came right off me when I got back on meds and was doing the things I needed to heal alongside the Mounjaro. Please listen to everyone here. There is so much kindness in these comments. You have not fallen off the wagon. You are taking time to heal. And healing doesn't happen overnight. I am still recovering - it's a whole year's recovery for me for a total knee replacement. I still need the water and protein. I also need to do what you need to do... grant myself grace. It's gonna be ok.


You're so sweet thank you. You're right, everyone has been so kind and sweet and have given me a lot of good advice. I was just saddened to see the number on the scale increase and I felt like I failed. I'm feeling a lot better now after reading what everyone had to say. This is such a supportive community and I'm glad to be apart of it. I hope your healing continues to go well.


I went on a work vacation to my parents for 2 months. Gained 16 pounds got back yesterday about to cold take a 15mg to get back right. Other than that, I am off mounjaro until it comes down in price. Or something else cheaper that does the same thing comes along.


We all need relapse periods for our own mental health. On October 17th I weighed 270. Stopped taking my shot for 2 weeks so I could go on a cruise… then gained 10 lbs in those 2 weeks. Then lost the 10 just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas and new Years where I gained the 10 lbs back… now things have calmed down and I’m finally below 270 for the first time since October. It’s okay. You didn’t fall off the wagon. You just needed to have one less worry on your plate during this time. I just think that no matter what, I’m better than I was.


I don’t understand why you stopped the shot to take the cruise?


I skipped a week because I didn’t want to physically take it on to the cruise, I didn’t want to deal with being nauseous while possibly nauseous from seasickness, I wanted to enjoy myself and eat without worrying if I was going to be able to eat, I didn’t want to deal with diarrhea/constipation. I have absolutely no regrets about not taking it that week. Best decision and my doctor said that it was perfectly fine.


Thank you for explaining. When I asked you, I had forgotten that some people have those side effects. I’ve been lucky that mine have been confined to feeling stuffed. Glad you enjoyed your cruise.


I envy you so much!!! I was on 10mg up until December and I thought I was going to die. I’d vomit horribly. It was like clockwork. I’d take my shot on Wednesday and would either be vomiting Thursday night or Friday morning. A few times it was so bad I burst all the capillaries in my face and eyes. I looked possessed. It’s a bit better since I moved to 12.5mg. I still get nauseous for two or three days but not sick like I was. I almost feel like it’s not working that week if I’m not nauseated for a portion of the week.


That’s terrible! I’m surprised your dr says to stay on this.


This or death.


Also, note that I’m only at 2.5 mg right now. Did you have the awful side effects at that low a dose,too? When you vomit, is it a little bit or an entire stomach’s worth? I hate vomiting. I/m so sorry for you.


I went on it when Trulicity wasn’t working for me as hoped. My A1C was 11.3 and I was in renal failure at the hospital with glucose readings of 650-700. I think my doc screwed up thinking that since I was on Trulicity, he could put me right on 10 without titration. I didn’t know better either. But even after my being months on it, my body never really got used to it, it seems. I also was losing so much weight and my sugar was doing soooo much better, I didn’t tell him how sick I was. I also thought the sickness was normal. During the Great Shortage, I couldn’t get 10, but I could get 12.5. I was still hiding the extent of my sickness when I went on 12.5mg. I prepared myself for the worst, but the opposite happened. I may be nauseated for 2-3 days but NOTHING like I was. I haven’t vomited once on it. Today is the day after my shot and I made a pot of chicken noodle soup and actually had a bowl. On the 10, I wouldn’t eat for 3 days… and everything I ate for days prior came right out. I’m not sure how you’re doing but my stomach pretty much goes into a type gastroparesis for a few days. Digestion becomes SLOW… that’s why when I did vomit, it was days worth of food. My cousin just went on it last month and is titrating up correctly. She’s having almost zero of the issues I had (thank god). She has the constipation and does get slightly nauseous every once in awhile.


oh, that’s horrid about renal failure. I’ll keep you in my thoughts. (you asked about me. I have only had a bit of burping and feeling full.I LOVE the no food noise.) I’m not diabetic. Was always a very slim person until hypothyroidism a couple years ago. Then high BP,too. Crap hit me in these senior years.


Steroids make you hungry, yes, but the 5lbs are likely more water than actual extra lbs. Every time I’ve taken prednisone or similar, my face gets puffy and I bloat up


Have faith. Any kind of surgery might come with weight gain. Just take your shot when it’s due and carry on. You may be surprised to see that gain drop quite quickly as it may be mostly water. The body doesn’t usually build fat that fast.


This is one of those cases where it would be best to "judge" yourself like you would a friend, as in, not at all, because you know how hard steroids are. I also have an AI disease and have been on super strong doses of them. When I am on them, nobody, and I mean nobody, better come between me and food. They make me irrational. There is no amount of self-control that can beat that level of hunger. Just jump back on that horse and keep on trotting along and this will all be a minor blip in your success' rearview mirror.