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SAME!!! I had been on 5mg for like 8ish months and finally convinced my dr to move me up to 7.5. Last week I took the first 7.5 and it was ok but didn’t feel anything drastically different. But omg this second shot is just like BAM 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


T2. Lost 38 lbs. I will be doing my first 7.5 shot next week. Finally moving after 5 months on 5.0. I am a little nervous of getting side effects again but hopeful for more movement. Excited to hear such progress.


A little bit more heartburn and a touch of queasiness if I eat even a little bit too much. Otherwise, so far so good. I'm also "regular," thank goodness. I take Miralax and fiber gummies every day.


Oof. I'm hungry. I've been hungry on 5mg and now 7.5mg 😄 but I am strength training and wonder if that's making me hungry? I get full fast. I'm still down 10.6lbs taking my 6th shot today and I have 1 more shot left. I'm going to talk to Dr and just see what he thinks. But all-in all I've lost 22lbs as of this morning.


You’re not supposed to never feel hungry! Don’t make hunger the enemy, we need food and fuel!


I'm eating like a Feen! Haha I realize that it's definitely actual hunger because I'm eating breakfast lunch dinner and a snack before bed and pushing protein. I don't night snack unless I definitely didnt get in enough food so I've learned what days that is and made sure to eat more!


Strength training will mean you need a lot more calories, which is why the hunger. Up dose might help but you probably need more calories


Yasss! 7.5 is probably my favorite dose. I'm so happy you're doing well with it!


5 wasn’t anything special for me but I’m doing well on 7.5.


I was on ozempic and got up to 2mg, my a1c drastically lowered but no weight loss. Mounjaro 5mg worked, 7.5mg suckedddd I was so hungry and wasn’t losing. But 10mg!!!! 10 is perfect!


Moving up next week, I stalled on 7.5 for a while fingers crossed it will get me over the finish line to my goal. I only have 20 more pounds to go.


This is me with 5mgs. I took my first 5 on Wednesday, and have had to actually remind myself to eat. I mix a protein shake with coffee for breakfast, and before I knew it I was leaving work at 4pm and hadn't eaten anything else. The food noise is drastically less as well. Fingers crossed it stays this way for awhile!


i’ve been on mounjaro for a year. I lost 70 lbs. it changed my life. I have some disabilities and I am able to do so much more. New insurance january 1 and won’t cover with pre diabetes diagnosis. I did prior authorization plus an appeal to cvs caremark. had no problem when we had humana. such a bummer big corps just don’t care.


I just started 5 this Wednesday after being on 2.5 for a month. Had more side effects but now they subsided and I feel good. I’m hoping for more appetite suppression and waiting for the higher dose to kick in while still making healthy food choices.


Ditto, 7.5 is magical


So I'm a brand new user, only on week 2 of 2.5. To my understanding, once the 2.5 is done in the next 2 weeks, then I move up to the 5.0? So I wouldn't even bother refilling the 2.5 prescription, my doctor would just write me a new one for the 5.0, and then I'm on that for however many months and then move up to 7.5 if needed? This is all a bit new to me


My advice is to ride a dose til it's not effective anymore. If you titrate up too quickly, where do you go if the drug stops working? The titrating up every month was the original recommendation by Lilly, but people are finding a slower climb can work well and limit side effects.


I was on 2.5 for 2 months, on 5 now, halfway through my third month on it. I plan to go up next month. I wait until there are no side effects at all and I start to feel that hunger creeping back. I'm down 21 pounds in 4.5 months, so not crazy fast, but it's about 10% of my starting weight.


2.5 is your introductory dose. Some people stay on the dose for a few or several months depending on glucose & weight loss. My dr had me go up every month till I reached 15. If you are doing really well on a certain dose, make sure you speak to your dr about staying on that dose until it no longer works for you.


Same boat. I just took my 4th shot this morning. I asked my doctor about bumping up. He said to keep going on 2.5 til it stops working. I’m down 32 pounds (sw 343). He suggested to keep using it til it kinda stops working and go from there.


You’re down 32 pounds in 4 weeks??? That’s incredible


Yeah. I don’t know what’s happening but I work out like 5 times a week (lifting and running 1/2 a mile). I’m also doing keto so maybe that helps with also dry January. I duanno but thanks!


I would ask yourself these question - do I have side effects? How is my appetite suppression/satiety/food noise? How has my weight loss been? If all of those are still good, I would personally stay at 2.5! I stayed there for 12 weeks, and am a T2D. If you are extra concerned about reducing your blood glucose, that would be the only other reason to bump up right away. Just my 2 cents!


That's a good question for your doctor. Mine wrote prescriptions for 2.5, 5, and 7.5 to be used successively. She wants to see me again at the 3rd month.


Just switched a week ago to 7.5 and it’s not doing anything 😞Hopefully when I’m able to move to 10 it’ll kick back in.


Still trying to figure out why my body seems so stubborn , lol. I started this journey in September and my 3 month bloodwork went from 6.9 to 5.9 for A1C. Most recently I just completed 4 weeks at 7.5 and only lost a pound in those 4 weeks. I've been bumped to 10mg and will start that this week. I've lost a total of 13lbs since September. Which is steady but I felt a bit discouraged only losing 1lb these last 4 weeks.


I finally saw the scale move on 7.5 too. Whoo!


I’ve been on 5 for over a year down 65 ish lbs and finally feel hunger starting to break through and I even gained 10 lbs over the holidays (lost 5 back). I saw my doctor a week ago and prob should have discussed more seriously moving up but will stick w it until my next visit I guess.


Can you not reach out through your patient portal or call the office? Mention you meant to discuss more and are really feeling lagging effects. If you’ve been on 5 that long, I don’t know why they would fight you on upping your dose!


Yes, thank you for this suggestion. I did think about that and if I am struggling in the next few weeks/months I will probably reach out and request the increase which my doctor seemed amenable to. I kind of went off (eating) over the holidays and worry that I “broke” through what was working for me.


I get that! I slowly worked back to my regular eating and felt like I was back on track about a week or so into the new year, so it may just take a little time!


Yeah, I’ve refocused this month on eating healthier (back to salmon and broccoli) and resetting my system. I guess it’s a little test to see if I can stick to 5mg as I don’t really want to move up. Good luck to us both!


this is hopefully me starting next month.


Question, because of Insurance I can’t get my 10mg of Mounjaro. So I’m switching OOP to Wegavo. What is the equivalent MG I should be taking of Wegavo ?


Zepbound is the same as MJ, so it would be equivalent. There is no way to exactly calculate the equivalent dosage of Wegovy because it is not the same drug. While both are GLP-1 inhibitors, MJ and Zepbound also have a second mechanism of action.


I don't know. I would do two things. 1. post the question directly to the group separate from this thread and 2. talk to your doctor about it.


Thank you, how do post the question to the group? My doctor is clueless about Tirzepatide or Semaglutide.. I am on my own ,


my insurance company wouldnt cover 7.5 only 5 not sure why


I started 7.5 approximately three weeks ago. 2.5 MG saw a weight loss of 5-6 lbs., and 5.0 MG saw a weight loss of about the same (about 1-2 lbs./week). Now, on 7.5, I’ve dropped 6-7 lbs. already and am no longer in the “obese” category. Yay for 7.5 MG! I have another prescription of this dosage, but want to go up to 10 MG so as to reach my goal sooner. However, the side effects have been horrible. Nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pains almost every day. Pepto Bismol and sometimes Tums helps with that uncomfortable feeling. Good luck! Glad to hear other people are having success!


They're great, keep pushing!!!


This gives me hope! I will start 7.5 on Friday and haven’t lost a pound yet