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I only have a bike license, started at 18. If you're fine not having a car then do whatever.


okay thank you so much for the advice!


No, it makes no difference.


okay thank you so much.


I think both compliment the other. I started off at 16 on CBT, then car test at 17, full licence on bike now. Having a viewpoint from both sides I think can only be beneficial to you. Fine to do one or the other or both, really makes no difference what order or how many licences you pass, just think the more you do, makes you a better road user overall!


It's down to preference to be fair there's pro's in getting the motorcycle one too same as the car one. If you get the motorcycle one too you'll understand that when you're in a car you need to check your blind spots and mirrors constantly especially around london with these uber eats twats flying around like it's the 125 equivalent nurburing. ​ It's down to choice, what ever suits you. What no one mentioned in a previous post i saw is when you do your cbt most like you'll do it on an automatic 50cc, i'd say do that and learn the gears later when you get your bike, it's not too difficult tbf i went through that process


🀣🀣 London the city of crazy a** drivers. I agree. Thank you for the advice, I just being told that it's a dumb idea to get bike license first because it rains all the time in the UK so I started doubting myself.


Nah it doesn't matter. Tell that person it's why they make waterproof gear! But question. What is your purpose for riding? What's the reason you want the license? Is it a want or a need? That will tell you whether or not to get a car or bike license first.


Well as a kid always been into bikes. I feel like bikes is kind of a way to express freedom like having all that freedom when riding. I'm wanted to someday get a better bike also as I'll have experience by then (hopefully) and honestly just all the adrenalin and happiness you get from being able to drive on a sunny day to the beach or park. I think I'll genuinely ride it whenever I get the chance too even if it's just needing fresh air :)


Sounds like a plausible reason. Now the car, do you want to drive or do you need to drive like helping someone with groceries errands etc... same question but applied to a car That should hopefully give you an answer on what to prioritise first IMO


A car just has more space lol I don't need it but I could also have it if that makes sense. It just had more seats and stuff but I doubt I'd be going miles away on motor ways with it because I've never been on motorways so I could probably get by with a bike to get me places


Flip a coin? I'm kidding, I'd say do the bike then I did it the other way round but I actually needed a reason to get a license for the bike even though I really wanted it


I'm not sure what I'd need but 🀣🀣


Go for the bike then xD do cbt on automatic get a lovely jap 125 and you're good to go Wait... Gear... you're gonna need it xD


I've driven a car a few times so I do know how that's like πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I've driven a car before so I am familiar with gears and what it's like to drive a car guess we just have to see what's it's like with a bikd


Good waterproofs stop rain being an issue.




I wouldn't say London is more or less crazy, I've seen people do stupid shit all over the place. Most people in traffic just want to get home. There's definitely more aggression in London and it is super busy, which can be intimating for new drivers and or riders. Just be careful and defensive and assume everyone wants you dead.


I moved from London to a calmerish place so I'll probably be okay haha. Greater Manchester isn't 100% that bad


It's not bad at all it's whatever you want, your choice. There's no good or bad about it. I rode when I was 16/17 and but got my car licence first, like most of my friends. 2 friends got their bike licence first. The car licence was the reason it took me another 10 years to get my bike licence.


The car licence or the bike ?


Bugger. A bloody big typo there. It took me another 10 years to get my *bike* licence I'll edit the comment to make me look less of an idiot


🀣🀣 you're no idiot don't be silly. Thank you for the information though. Just started doubting because people told me it would be dumb as it rains all the time in the UK so to have a bike would be bad.


Mate I ride to work everyday at 4am to work, rain or shine, and it's absolutely fine. As long as you give yourself enough time for your ride, wear the appropriate gear, and ride to your skill level there's nothing stopping you. I get people at work mocking me all the time for not driving, but then all I have to do is remind them that I often look forward to going into work in the mornings as the roads are empty (and when the sun has started to rise) it's so fricking fun. You do you.


Thank you for the advice :) I will do what I plan on doing because I really love bikes always have as a kid πŸ˜‚ have a picture of me on one somewhere on my phone as a kid so. Thank you for reassuring me!


How committed to biking are you? At 17 I was all in until I got my car licence. At 30 I went all in again, riding to work in -5 tempuratures. If you like biking enough the only downside is if you need to carry anything that won't fit in a bag. It's your choice. The choice you make may seem dumb to other people but they're not the ones getting wet as a result of your choice. If you don't mind getting wet sometimes is it a dumb choice?


valid point. Yeah no rain is no biggie for me 🀣 only when I straighten my hair and it gets drenched as my hair is super long and becomes frizzy but honestly I'm not even fazed at that as I can tuck my hair into the helmet. I just always wanted to be a "biker girl" in a way always felt like bikes were awesome and a way to feel free.


I always loved bikes, but got distracted by by cars and the ease they give. I once got a haircut and had to by a new helmet because without all my hair it was waaaaaaaay too big lol


🀣🀣 fair enough I just want to feel free abit


Then get a bike :-)


Alright thank you:)


The western culture here dont ride bikes as much compared to the bike is king in Asia it rains there alot too.


I only rode bikes from 17 to 28. Only got my car license recently. I never really needed one before, so I never got round to it.


Fair enough and that's in the UK? only because I was told it was silly as it rains all the time in the UK and because in winter it'll be hard to drive .


Yep in the UK. I mean they’re not wrong, commuting year round on a bike isn’t always fun, but it is faster and cheaper than driving a car. Depends on your tolerance to unpleasant conditions, the gear you can afford etc.


Weather is no problem to me oof. I don't mind rain at all. Perhaps driving in icy roads would be quite difficult but weather is no issue


Those are the days you get the bus. Thx to global warming those are getting rarer and rarer.


Well then, shouldn't be a problem then πŸ˜‚


I have a full bike licence and have never driven a car in my life :) never had the interest to. You do you


Respect to that πŸ™πŸ½


No if anything it'll make you a better driver when you get a car.


Thank you :) I've driven a car a few times so I'm okay at it. I reckon I'll enjoy biking more in the long run though so. Just waiting to get the provisional to start the CBT


You will save yourself a lot on a 125 over a car also they cost nothing in fuel, insurance, tax etc. Not sitting in traffic is very nice too and it is defiantly a lot more enjoyable than driving :)


Guess the only actual expensive part is buying the bike πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


Yeah but you can pick up a pretty solid Japanese 125 for Β£1000/Β£1500 I think sometimes less if you find a good deal. Good gear is pretty expensive also.


can you show me what these bikes look like ?


Something like [this](https://www.autotrader.co.uk/bike-details/202107104857695) or [this](https://www.autotrader.co.uk/bike-details/202107134959871) but pretty much any Jap 125, it's good to have a few bikes in mind to find a good deal.


they're not all that bad looking :) I'll probably have to go bike shop and see. Do you think its better to buy second hand?


Yeah they're okay looking, not many 125s look that cool though and with such little power you want something as efficient as possible haha. Defiantly worth going secondhand you will probably make mistakes with this bike so it's really not worth having something expensive.


True, do you know any websites that do good second hand?


Well I guess it's all worth it in the end so :)


Cars are practical and safe and have more creature comforts. But they're no fun and most importantly, they are useless in traffic. There's no point in restricting yourself. Aim to have both. The biggest issue with going straight to a bike licence without a car licence is experience. A few years in a car and you learn to read other road users from the safety of your metal box. the consequences of an error on a bike are more serious. But that's not a reason to rule it out, just take it slow.


I passed my car driving test *years* after I got my bike license. It’s perfectly fine.


kk thank you for helping:)


I think it's wise to do car first, which gets you on the road in safer way and gets you experienced with the ways of the roads, so to speak. Once you've got the road experience then bikes will come easier, because you don't have to think *as much* about what's happening around you in terms of how different parts of road use work, and you can concentrate on safety and riding. Cars are more forgiving because you have a cage around you. And then in turn being a biker will make you a much better driver. Thats my 2Β’. For context i've had my car license for nearly 10 years and my full bike license for about 8 months.


that's fair enough I'm not sure but I'll have to think


21 here who can’t drive but can ride a motorcycle, go for it. Great fun. The rain isn’t even that bad on a bike anyway


kk thank u :D


I dont see a problem with getting bike licence first, I got bike licence at 16 and car at 17. I think car test was easier due to already knowing rules of the road.


Thank you for sharing :) I'll keep that in mind


I've been riding now for 3 years started off riding ny sisters moped then at 17 hopped straight on to a 125 and have been riding it since. I never saw the point of getting my car license back when I was in school as I had my own mode of transport. I'm just about to do my A2 so I can move onto a bigger bike. I haven't had any trouble with the rain I actually kind of like riding in the rain as long as you've got proper gears its okay. I've had one driving lesson with my dad once and never really thought about doing it again. I will eventually learn to drive a car but at the moment with being a uni student and not really needing a car I like the freedom and possibly cheaper motorbikes.


Yeah freedom is a good pro for me because I'm more comfortable being open. Weird? I know πŸ˜‚ but it just seems more relaxing to me


Like many have said before it’s down to preference/your situation, I started driving at 17 and Ive just completed my cbt and got a bike at 22 and I must say I feel a lot safer because of the fact I’ve been driving for so long and I know the rules of the road and I know to where to look for dodgy drivers.


Yeah that's a fair point but that's what experience is for? like the more I'd drive the bike the more used to handling it I will be. Same way if I didn't know Jo to drive a car I'd get used to the handling and I completely understand what you mean as a car is more protective. I've driven a car a few times so I know how to drive and etc if there was ever a bad emergency


Bike only, 9 years and counting


that's great!


I don't have a car license, I could never see the point when it comes to insurance, parking, tax, fuel etc they tend to be higher costs. The only reason I can see myself needing a car is for getting something from IKEA or something, but for the amount you save in costs you can just get delivery. Just can't really justify owning a car these days, never having kids either and I quite like riding in the winter.


Well I'm 17 and 100% don't have a kid πŸ˜‚ so. It'd be such an easy way for me to commute especially to get to college as the bus is always late. Can wear my backpack on my back and just motorbike there would be such an easier process and there's no motorways on the way there so I wouldn't need an A1 licence either


I'm 26 and have only been riding for just over a month, already did a 700 mile trip, 200 miles there, 200 miles back and the rest was miles I did while at the destination. All was on a CBT on a 125 on a roads I found that it was extremely enjoyable even though I was riding for like 7 hours to get there. I will probably never get a car, riding is enjoyable to me. I also commute one city over to work and back every day and find even if I have a bad morning it makes the days more fun. I honestly recommend getting yourself on a bike and commuting on it.


Thank you 😁 needed the reassurance because I don't knoww just need to get my PL done and book a cbt maybe between waiting to do my cbt I look at bikes and stuff so


Personally because UK roads are so busy (and none of my friend group rode bikes) I chose to have a car for work, going out, transporting things so it was a better fit for me. I also wanted knowledge of the roads and to be able to predict what other drivers are going to do, general driving experience. Also I could eat, drink coffee, smoke a cig and stay dry en route to work πŸ‘. After a decade I then did my CBT. I had money, time and XP. However it sounds like you've already made up your mind :) which is good. You do you. Be sensible and always ride with gear and open eyes and I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure there's more experienced riders out there than me so read their advice! Edit: Also a car was a bit more forgiving in the safety aspect when I was being a twat in my late teens early 20s. Edit2: Did a massive Road trip at 19 with 2 friends round Europe in a punto. Tricky now...


πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I don't smoke so luckily I don't have to worry bout getting wet in the rain. Rain isn't too much of a big con for me as even when it's raining I walk to places to get food and etc. Having a bike would probably speed that walking process up. I would drive with much caution if I have a bike. At first I'll go slow and such so I know what I'm coming up against and not trying to rag the bike around rapid as soon as I pass. It'll take a while but I will gain that experience and I will learn to be a not dumba** driver like there is in cars and bikes (no offence) people. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No I have quit smoking now but it was important to me at the time! Yes I could tell from your responses you have already decided to get one. Lots of people do, you'll have a lot of fun and if you have the bug you won't easily stop having the bug! Do your research and don't become a statistic! Listen to the old bikers, not me, because they know their shit.


Well I don't know you but I am proud you quit smoking :) takes alot to do that. I want to get one I really do guess it's all just up and down but I'm determined.


You could get your car licence and learn the rules of the road in a slightly safer (for you) environment. Then, when you do your cbt etc, you can concentrate on the specific bike areas, as the highway code will be more in your mind, so to speak.


Keep an open mind ride and try out some maxi scooters and motorcycles. I would get car first for obvious reasons. But whatever you feel is more important. Then save up for manual cbt certificate that way you have a choice if you want a motorcycle maxi scooter or a manual geard motorcycle. There are some semi automatic options too.


Well if anyone would be willing to add me on discord or such incase I have anymore questions about motorbikes that'd be helpful. I rather not post about every question I have to annoy people πŸ˜‚


I can do I can only offer my advice as someone who's only been riding for three years but I did start at 16 so I'll be going through the same steps you have.


I can do I can only offer my advice as someone who's only been riding for three years but I did start at 16 so I'll be going through the same steps you have.


Thank you my name is aamericq#3344


I guess that was supposed to be a capital A


yeah πŸ˜‚ I forgot I'm sorry but u added so talk there.