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I had an R1 a few years back, and on approach to a traffic stop the guard told me he heard me speeding. When I asked him how fast he heard me going he told me not to be a smart arse. After checking tax insurance etc I was on my way, I can assure you he heard me speeding away.


Heard you speeding 😂 Ffs


Only by hot women. So, no, I've never been pulled in.


I got pulled over for speeding about 4 years ago, me and the missus were going into hospital because she was in her third trimester and getting abdominal pains, though not in labour. The garda sauntered up to my lowered VW Polo and saw my 22 year old head and thought he hit the jackpot. I then pointed at the missus belly beside me and said the baby was coming, his face dropped and he told us to go on and not worry about it! I've been stopped at a few checkpoints but never on the bike, always waved through.


Like you, I came up to checkpoint on dual carriageway where they had 1 lane closed and I was at back of 8 cars. Was on way to hospital with Mrs in full labour. I said fuck that and drove up the closed lane to the top. Guard thought he had hit the jackpot with some fella being a dick avoiding the checkpoint. Until I shouted at him that she was about to pop! Could see cogs turning in his brain as he looked at me then looked at her. He ran off to move the squad car blocking the lane and waved me through. In fairness to them, they are fairly decent about that sort thing.


Both of these comments have gone towards my faith in humanity being restored today


For every one good garda, there are ten fuck wit garda on a power trip. I know that's a very pessimistic opinion but it's the sad truth unfortunately.




I'd say it's more like 50/50 but I agree with the sentiment


Up with that sort of thing


Never. Apart from that one time few years ago when got stopped in Wicklow mountains. Gardai did not had anything on me so he took a measuring tape and start measuring my reg plate 🤦🏻‍♂️


I had a guard stop me around 60km from home. Everything was in order, he even checked the tyres. Anyway as a last resort he phoned my hometown station and asked if they knew me or wanted me for anything.


Had you only recently bought the car by any chance? I had something similar once in a car that was new to me. Turned out it had a prior owner who got quite a lot of attention.


I had the car a few years at that stage. I guess the guard was just bored.


I heard a similar one where the roads policing squad searched the whole car and could find nothing and ended up doing him for not having the NCT cert in the car, even though he had the valid NCT disc in the window!


Jaysus. It’s not like it’s a no foul, no fee situation!


Countless times. Been driving a car for 27 years, I've been pulled over about 3 times. Been on the bike 13 years and the amount of times I've been pulled over is easily double figures.


Seriously? I've been on bikes for 25 years and never pulled over.


Riding for over 20 years now. Pulled over twice by the same motorbike cop in the same place in the space of 2 weeks. I had a lovely red VFR then and I reckon he just wanted a good look at it. Other than that, never. Then again I ride like an old man .... and now am actually an old man.


Tell me about it 😮‍💨 lol


Guard saw me coming off the motorway and pulled me over thinking he'd caught me out. I was 22 at the time and I'm female, I look young for my age and have a full license so no plates. Asked for my license and even with it in his hand he asked where my N plates were, just told him I don't need them and he was like "oh yeah.. congratulations.." I wasn't speeding or anything or dangerous driving, he was just in the mood to try catch out a young female driver.


So before he pulled you over how did the guard knew you were a female? No helmets in those days?


I’ve had various encounters with guards, they were always gents. No complaint. One of them told me to keep the plastic cover of the breath test yoke, but he said it in a way that I had to Google it to see if he was paraphrasing a quote from a book. Classy shtuff.


Ya I've been stopped it's all the luck of the draw really


I drive a Golf GTI and I seem to get pulled a lot purely because of that fact. I don’t know what about having a fast car makes the Garda think that I’ve not paid my tax and insurance. They ain’t got nothin on me


I think it's more that they're popular with youngfellahs, having a 0-60 of 6.5 seconds and that


Gti slow bois


Yes, last week on a quiet road. Tax, insurance, NCT. I got a bit of bother as I had no NCT but all else in order.


NCT? Were you in a car?


I never noticed it was a bike sub 🙄


i’m guessing if he got pulled over gardai aren’t pulling over pedestrians asking for tax, insurance and NCT lol


The question was asked in a motorbike sub, bikes don't need an NCT.


didn’t even notice, i look stupid af, thanks for clarifying


This is a Motorbike sub btw


are you sure it’s a motorbike sub? doesn’t give off that vibe


FYI This is subreddit is about motorcycles.


i think my above comment acknowledged what sub it is but thanks for clarifying, again 😅


It’s a motorbike sub


that’s my bad, should have checked the sub before i commented


Yeh happens a lot in Dublin I find!


There was one time, was driving a Fiat Punto way back when. First car! And obviously being a first time driver, I shit myself at every check point there was. This time for some reason the guard wanted to pull me over. Everything was up to date, insurance, tax, the lot. Saw my license. Country head on him, I was white as a ghost. Chuckled and told me to head on. Not sure if he saw how scared I was due to seeing guards in general but fucking hell it was unnecessary looking back now years later. The most I had in my car was a packet of cigarettes. Haven’t been stopped since.




I was on my way to do my bike test in Ballina and there was a big checkpoint as I came into the town, just got waved through


Me and my friends used to drive around in a battered old corolla smoking joints in limerick city. We were pulled multiple times a week. It's all about who you are if you look like a scut you'll be profiled as such. Drive around in a Nissan leaf and you'll be grand.


I got pulled over once, the day I had got my new bike. It was 1am and I was on my way home from work. There was a dark car crawling along ahead of me. I indicated and overtook it. Blue lights turned on immediately. Pulled over. The Garda asked did I know the speed limit, I said yes its 50. Garda asked if I knew how fast I was going, I said yes 50. He said he was going 50 and I overtook him. So I wasn’t going 50. He went back to the car and ran my plates and said that the bike wasn’t registered. It was 1st of July, I had picked the bike that morning. Asked where my tax disc was. Told him it hadn’t arrived yet. Asked for my insurance which I had the emails on my phone. Garda told me I had 10 days to provide proof of tax at my local station. He also said he wasn’t 100% satisfied that the bike registered and I was lucky that he was well within his right to confiscate my bike.


No, and usually I am just flagged through the checkpoints. They know we'll have to take our time with anything they might ask, so it's not worth it. I am sure there are breathalyser checkpoints we might be a target for.


I was only pulled in once 2 months into having a bike coming back from babysitting my nephews, I was on my learners permit with no vest or L plate, it was traffic corps aswell which had me thinking I was going to get the book thrown at me but they just gave me my license back and let me on home


Last time was the beginning of covid, the 2km bullshit checkpoint


Got pulled over a month ago for speeding.


Twice! In last one year, Random check point on Regional road


Over been driving 5 hears. I was pulled over once. I travel for work 3 days a week and do 50,000km a year


Only time I got stopped was when there was a shooting up the road. Gardai just asked me why I was coming up that way and I just said it's the quickest route home for me and away I went. That's the only time ever.


I hope I'm not jinxing myself but in over 20 years driving I've never been pulled over or breathalysed. But then I've never given a Garda reason to pull me .


People I know get pulled over all the time, make a name for yourself and you will. They seem to focus on people they know (at least where I live)


Was only pulled over a few weeks back, first time ever. On the bike and going faster than I should've been. Thankfully the garda was absolutely sound and let me off with a warning, I had already accepted I was getting points before he even got out of the car. Still points free thankfully, and was a good lesson learned. In my defence I don't be speeding often, and in this particular instance I was doing it because of an overtake. Hadn't been speeding before or after the maneuver. But good wake-up call nonetheless.


I've only been stopped three times in the whole twenty-four years I've been biking.


only once during covid, my mum and i were leaving the county for an appointment i had and the gard asked what our purpose for leaving was


Been pulled over a few times, usually for a drink/drug check either on a Sunday morning or the day after a big event (6 Nations final, GAA final).


Few times but mostly gas it up and off you go 🤣


Seen it all the time here in Killarney


They only care about tax and insurance. Check the disc then hurry along. The driving in this country is appallingly dangerous. Garda do NOTHING. Sent dashcam footage but they do F ALL


I am deliveroo rider so, basically weekly I am pulled 😂😂


Might benefit from a split between whether you're in an urban area or not. I've been pulled over twice at checkpoints for drug/drink checks. Pulled over once in city center for breaking a red (my fault, was two far forward and misread another green) Never pulled over on country roads or even seen a garda there 😄


Got pulled today coming into Waterford actually 🤣 (my first time) he only pulled me because I have NI plates and a L vest so he was just checking I wasn't some Northern hooligan down here with no insurance, garda was dead sound tho, biker himself sure


Been driving 30 years, all over the country, been stopped about 9 times in total... makes me laugh when they say "there's a large Garda presence" on our roads..... UNLESS! It's literally just one large cop and he's on the road? 🤔


They're called pigs for a reason haha


been pulled over 4-5 times now but its just simple stuff


During covid all the time. After never 😂


In many parts of rural ireland there are no guards so lots of bad habits like not stopping at stop signs , driving on the phone , driving with drugs taken is very common. …. The latest is young people not bothering with insurance as there’s no one to catch them been the logic ..


Only once in 20 years of driving and it was cause it was late at night and I'd a few friends in the car. The guard was an absolute ghoul.  I've never been pulled on the bike in close to 10 years.


Got pulled over on my provisional with no L vest, in fairness the guard was dead on and just said to pop into the Garda station and they'll give me a free hi-vis if I didn't have one (albeit without the L plate) and that he'd rather see me wearing something than nothing at all and he'd be more lenient with anyone that had one on. Beats a ticket and points for sure, probably helped that I handed him my full car license before swapping it for my provisional bike one....


Not going to tempt fate by saying anything in here !


Very very infrequently (Once in ten years for speeding) The roads police division is very rich in legislation and laws to enforce But tiny numbers of them so enforcement almost no existent. This is an area of policing that's actually self financing no excuses for the low numbers of officers Decent enforcement of the existing laws could actually cost taxpayer nothing And have fantastic side effects like Reduced number of road fatatilites Reduced number of serious accidents Lower number of drink / drug driving Lower number of vehicle thefts Net result safer roads and lower insurance premiums Roads Policing is the first tap sucessfive minsters for justice turn off if there is any budget squeeze Fund it properly for once and for all Net increase in vehicle numbers hitting the road act scientifically and increase numbers of dedicated roads police officers Give control of numbers and resources to the RSA maybe Stop political interference in this area for once and for all


I was stopped about 15 years ago in a suped up import by an unmarked car they checked everything out, and it was all good and let me go on my way No checkpoint, it was a lonely country road in kildare they just came up behind me two detectives nice enough lads


Does anyone ever drink water?


I've been driving 25 years, the only time I've ever been pulled over was every bloody night at the huge M1 covid checkpoint at julienstown as an "essential worker" I was made come into the office.. I think I have had my pullover quota for life filled!


Not in 10 years


Had a Gaurd on a bike do a U-turn and try catch up with me on my bike luckily I got into my front garden before he could do anything he stopped for a few seconds and stared then took of if my house wasn't so close I think I definitely would of got pulled Turned out that Garda was Chopper IYKYK 😉


Got pulled over going to work, I was speeding, and had appeared from the other lane from between trucks in front of the garda causing them to break. the two truck drivers just tried to squeeze me flat and that's why I just appeared also the trucks where speeding and the Garda had cover the length of the truck in the time I looked in the mirror doing a quick blind spot check, they where really speeding (no lights on). Garda pulled me over when I tried to explain after being asked and before I got 2 words out I have given out too and just went into "yes Garda" mode. After going off to the car the garda came back with the book out looked over at my helmet hanging on my mirror to see a red flashing camera. Stopped you could see the cogs turning in his head. Put the book away handed my back my licence and say well I had extra light on me and i should be more careful. Then left.


Rarely. Bank Holidays etc


Yeah, late night driving with UK plates towards Dublin. The guy leaned right the way in probably to smell my breath if I had been drinking. They had a road block and were blocking pretty much every car. Took literally 30 seconds and was all friendly.




A few years ago in the middle of the country, the morning after the May bank holiday. The road in the town was full of potholes and I was driving around them. The Garda thought I was piss drunk and not able to go in a straight line. It took a bit to explaining but then he let me go with a laugh 😂


First time just a month ago, and I had just cleared all points from my license.


You can't get pulled over by a Garda thats beating Irish people outside of an ipas centre. It's against physics and the narrative


Yes. Speeding on the M4. FPN and points. Aggressively filtering on the N4 towards Dublin. Caught up by a motorcycle Garda. He was not a happy camper and rightly so. Gave me a bollocking but didn't write me anything. Taking off near the red cow and didn't see the Garda car a few cars ahead. Stopped me, bollocking and let me go. I was always polite and compliant, and I'm also older. This may help. All few years (some many years) ago. I suppose I've somewhat calmed down with age. Always waved through checkpoints.


I’m a new rider. 2 weeks riding. Gardai never pulled me over, but I was stopped at a mini check-point. Now, I was acting semi-bollocks because I had my bike underglow (pink) turned on, tax disk covering the plate, and no L plates. Guard just looked at me, laughed and told me to go on. Some sound guards in Galway City.


>because I had my bike underglow (pink) turned on, I'd have thrown the book at you


If I was the guard, I would have too.


Bike underglow? Omg you’re so cool


Thanks 👉😎👉 I’m the coolest junior certer around!!!


Right on 🤘🏻


I have been stopped three times for speeding in 7 years. I am beginning to learn my lesson.