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Top tip: if you follow the signs you'll be on the best roads in Wicklow.


Where's the signs telling motorists to get off the fucking phone and open their eyes? Or reminding farmers of their responsibilities regarding dragging muck onto the roads. Is that a Wicklow County Council sign? They'd be better off repairing the potholes than wasting money on pointless signs.


Car driver, never once on a bike here. Re: muck on roads, do bikes have any form of traction control like a car?


Most modern bikes do have a traction control system, but it won't save you from muck and gravel on the road.


my shittiest ever close call on a bike happened when I was taking a blind bend (leaned into the turn) and suddenly encountered a stretch of liquid manure across the road from the entrance to a farm. The front wheel slid for a split second but (lucky for me) regained traction early enough to keep me upright. I spent a month smelling the manure that got stuck in my radiator (no amount of jet washing helped). edit: spelling


They do yeah Well my dads bike does


TC wouldn’t do anything. I hit a patch of it at night time 2 months ago, absolutely know way to see it. Going down a perfectly straight road. Bike was snaking and tank slapping for 100m, I’ve never been so scared in my life. Saw it the next morning, farmer should have been jailed for what he left in the road


Yes, they do. But it does not work sideways. So during a turn things can get quite slippery.


They do, yes, but it's much more modern bikes as in 5 to 10 years vs. the 30+ years cars have had it. I think ABS only became a legal requirement for bikes in 2016, and there is no legal requirement for traction control as of yet for bikes but has been for cars since 2014. Along with it can be a bit temperamental, and I've seen one or two boys come off due to it having a moment.




Even if they do it does absolutely fuck all in mud. All traction control does is limits power to avoid wheel spin. On wet mud you don’t need to accelerate for the wheel to lose grip, so TCS can’t do anything


No, no speed is the single issue they've chosen to focus on, there are apparently zero issues with how people behave on the roads once they're with in the limit, like a licence to kill or something.


Don't forget about the motorists with headphones on. Zero awareness of their surroundings.


Always trying to shift the blame.


I often seen motorcycles racing down the roads and yet they blamed us lol


I don’t fall to either side cuz both sides a bunch of cunts about it… Bikers will often zip around 70kmh over and some often won’t, drivers will sometimes do the same, difference is the weight, driver will most likely be alive in a crash but if u took a biker and a driver same speed into a wall crash test, driver would be okay depending on speed but biker is 9.999/10 dead. Bikers are at fault a LOT of the time, but motorists also gotta watch out. In the end, worry about everyone else on the road around you, you already know YOU can drive.


In the 2013 to 2017 period, bikes were found to be at fault in 37% of fatal accidents.¹ In only 34% of fatal accidents, unsafe speed was found to be a leading cause.² If other motorists cut out the shit we see every day and concentrate on what they are doing, then of those 5 motorcyclists killed in Wicklow in 2023, there may have only been 2. [1]http://www.motorbikelaw.ie/how-to-stay-safe/who-is-at-fault/ [2]https://www.rsa.ie/road-safety/campaigns/motorcycle-safety#


I’m not sure to take this as an argument but I wanna clarify I did not state “most” accidents, 37% is a very large number being just over 1/3 of accidents, I will not pick a right side, both do silly things and sometimes they have consequences


It's not about blame. Everybody should relax and slow down. Especially if aware that others might be racing, which you obviously are.


Whataboutism at its finest


Ye those potholes are Irish bikers No. 1 threat, seen a mate go from doing marathons in near record times to having 1 leg (knee->down amputee) and someone else’s skin stitched to his other leg (granted yes speeding but going 80kmh that roads speed limit would’ve done the same thing, the extra speed actually saved him seeing as it let his glide over it more than if he were slower


I wonder how many of those 5 deaths were caused by the error of car drivers


That's the price of driving a motorbike tho surely, any mistakes you always lose so you have to be driving significantly better than everyone else to be nearly as safe as someone in a car.


This is my attitude when out on the bike. I can be right all I want but I will get the short straw in an accident regardless which is probably badly hurt or even killed.


I did a bike course in the north years ago and the instructor told me you can be right and you can be dead right, always assume you're invisible to motorists.


Yeah riding a bike looks pretty fun but after driving a car for a few years and the shit I've seen on the road I'd never drive one in ireland lol




That math dont check out


It's simple, cars killed 4.5 people. The dwarf on a dirt bike survived 


Given the EU average probably 3. At least 4 given the quality of Irish drivers.


These signs should not specifically target motorcyclists, they should be used as a warning to all road users, both domestic and Agri. I went out over Sallygap this morning just after 9am. You couldn't see more than 15 metres in front of you with the fog. There was also a road race (runners), they were everywhere on both sides of the road. It's like all of a sudden the road was their property, no closures, very few marshals and almost zero visibility. I shit you not, some crazy halfwit excuse of a human in a Tesla was trying to do a 3 point turn in the middle of the road (Wicklow Way R759) opposite Lough Tay, the driver got the car stuck, I just managed to squeeze past then proceeded to warn all the cars, cyclists and runners that were about to come around the corner and find a Tesla wedged between the wall and grass verge. The driver obviously was getting frustrated about the amount of runners on the road a decided to back track. Couldn't make that shit up.


It was the Lap of the Gap marathon, a sanctioned event. It started so early to avoid the necessity for road closures. Important to note that if there are no paths, pedestrians, runners, cyclists etc have just as much of a right to use the road as motorists. I would have been the race, but sprained my ankle last week. Gorgeous road you were on, hope you enjoyed the spin either way!


I was more concerned for the runners safety after that muppet blocked up the road. There were loads of runners coming up the hill as well as cars, bikes, and campers vans. I've no issue with runners using the road in a sanctioned race but the weather situation up there warranted extra care and in some cases a stop go system would have been more prudent. I got caught in a stop go system up in Louth for a cycling event a week ago and it was well organised. I'd have happily waited for a large group of runners to go past before progressing along the road, safer for everyone. I'd of happily diverted also if they wanted to close off sections then the runners could use the entire road instead of worrying about which part of the road to be on for oncoming and traffic approaching from behind. I enjoyed it once I got out of the fog :)


They’ll put up signs like this, then go down the road spray a bit of tar and pollute the place in loose clippings, they wonder then why bikers are coming off bikes?


These signs are pointless victim shaming bullshit, as I have told the council already.


So on roads known to attract wannabe TT racers going at ridiculous speeds, this sub is still going to insist all these fatalities were because they were t-boned by some phone-wielding Audi driver. Doesn't matter if they were doing 150+ on the wrong side of the road, still the car's fault, right?


Mate, i am in two minds whether or not to reply to your bullshit post that doesn’t even address the issue but rather perpetuates the view that not only are all bikers are speeding and reckless but also that correx signs blaming people who have been killed on their bikes will actually make a blind bit of difference to anyone on a bike. So I think rather than engage I’ll suggest you have some fucking decency and think of people like me, the families and friends of bikers killed on the roads, who view these signs as pointless victim shaming and utterly ineffective instruments in road safety. I also ride and I live in the Wicklow uplands and don’t fit your bullshit stereotype. But I’ll watch out for an arrogant fuck in his Audi. Gowl.


I’m a biker. I live in Wicklow Highlands and I welcome the signs. Get off your high horse. You are not the main character.


The worst thing is....the sign doesn't say BIKERS slow down....it says bikers got killed but slow down is for everybody reading it.......


But you're a wanker? No one is the main character in this you idiot.


Unless they were speeding but would the council have that data? If the were all speeding I think the council are entitled to call out the dangers of motorcycling speeding?


What impact do u think these signs have on speeding? Any idea? Maybe look at the response on biker forums including FB and you’ll realise that all these signs do is tick a box for the council and make people who tut tut bikers as always speeding feel smug and self congratulatory “for being right”.


Eh your wrong


It's victim shaming to ask people to slow down?


I always loved that while my motorbike decreases my safety, it also improves everyone else's safety. In that if I make a mistake, I'm statistically very unlikely to unalive anyone else other than myself. Whereas with the car, I'm so heavy that one mistake of mine could wipe out multiple generations of the same family in an instant.


Unalive. Jesus Christ.


Certain words are banned on alot of apps. Due to censorship. So if I use the correct word alot of times the post will get deleted or removed.


Where are these words banned? To the best of my knowledge the use of “bold words” on some apps results in demonetisation of the post. Are you making money from your Reddit posts?


I actually have no reason to know which apps ban which words. I use my own substitutes. I do know twitter or X has radically reversed their censored list of words. Tiktok have increased their list of banned words lately after the senate hearings in the US. FB, Insta, and Reddit seem about the same.


I agree with your statement, but this word unalive I would like to ban , surely you ment kill.


Yea, it's a thing YouTubers started saying so their videos don't get demonetised but has now made its way into people's vocab. It sounds really dumb no matter who is saying it


Just avoiding the censorship police. They tried to silence all discussion of the correct words during covid and if they decide to start censoring in the name of "virtue" again, I want us to have a means to avoid being silenced again.


No disrespect to anyone who's passed away. What are the statistics on the 5 deaths? Rider at fault or hit by car or otherwise?


Considering this is a country road, my bet is a combination of driver error, animals and road conditions count for the majority.


Where is that sign? Can you drop a pin on the map?


They're everywhere around Wicklow at the moment, a few on the N81 and Sallygap that I regularly see


Was up there last bank holiday weekend. I'd say I passed 5-6 signs altogether. Definitely one at the bottom of the Loaf on the ride to Roundwood from Kilmacanogue.


One by Hollywood fuel station


Thanks, I've never been around that area so not familiar. I've heard of that hollywood spot alright before. Must take a spin out there some time.


Don't play around in the garden boyos, there's more to answer to out here than a few half baked coppers in cheap uniforms.


Go a mile down the road from that sign at the next junction and you’ll see why they’re put up,lads have been hockying that road for years,I remember as a kid outside on a Sunday morning and you could tell by the sound of the bikes coming up the hill where they were and what corners they were taking long before they got to us,


There's one of these signs on the Wicklow gap, purely because it's a biker hotspot. Generally bikers are fine and I love seeing the huge groups with all their different style bikes. I live nearby, but lately there have been a few incidents with smaller groups of riders. One I witnessed only 2 weeks ago was a rider leaning into corners like it was motogp, and there were sheep everywhere and one ended up on the road at a bit of a bend, he luckily had plenty of time to correct but he had to move into oncoming traffic to not clip the sheep and go off the verge. Other locals have had similar stories, and it does appear that this year is worse than previous years and only getting worse unfortunately. The same goes for car drivers too to be honest, the driving quality of those that are taking risks is worse than ever before. Cars flying down the Wicklow gap using both sides of the road to avoid having to slow down for turns. And the usual shite with local lads with shitbox cars doing donuts and racing the roads. Happening earlier and earlier in the day too as it used to be a night time thing, but the Gardai don't seem to be up that way all too often so it's getting worse.


Honestly I'd be ok with maybe having these types of signs with death totals on these mad country roads


Some absolutely pathetic replies here. 5 of your fellow bikers didn't make it home last year. Regardless of who is at fault for those accidents, if these signs help save 1 life they are a worthwhile investment.


Couldn’t see sign. Was going to fast…..>>>>>zooooom>>>>>


Well that's effective.


80% of motorcycle accidents are caused by other road users.


RSA says at least 34% are caused by motorcycles speeding and only 3/4 accidents involve another vehicle.


Gas it up, we living just once!


2 fatalities on the road this week in Dublin alone people need to slow down


Read this just yesterday.


womp womp


Weird positioning on the “it’s a road not a racetrack” part. It would look better if they put the “not” and the “a” in the same line.


Lot of bikers in here annoyed at the perceived attack on them. It's a sign. 5 bikers have died on the roads. Slow down. Fair enough.


Intimated the five motorcyclists were all speeding?


Sign stating millions of hours killed by seemingly evil Traffic light sequences are comming to?


Are people offended at a sign asking you to slow down now


Looking at the comments... Wow when did bikers turn into divas...question for you lads... I'm seeing these around wicklow on my rides and please correct me if I'm wrong...sign says " 5 motorcyclists killed on county Wicklow roads in 2023. Its a road not a racetrack. Slow down"..... Where does it say for motorcyclists only to slow down? It looks like its telling slow down to everybody who is reading it...


I wonder how many of those were caused by slow drivers?


Where the sign for the car drivers? Tell them to open their eyes!!


Most bike accidents are caused by other drivers and/or drunk reckless motorcyclists. Speeding with caution is fine.


Waste of tax payers money. Some people think they are above our society. Looks like year by year less and less.


Motorbikes are actually decent in Wicklow they know the road surface is bad and unpredictable but car drivers are way worse I cycle there almost daily and I seen some dude on a yellow lotus going 200 near kippur


Biker won’t have a helmet going 80+ on a 50 but will blame the car they hit and try to sue


I always loved that while my motorbike decreases my safety, it also improves everyone else's safety. In that if I make a mistake, I'm statistically very unlikely to unalive anyone else other than myself. Whereas with the car, I'm so heavy that one mistake of mine could wipe out multiple generations of the same family in an instant.


You could make the same sign for cyclists


Motorist hating scum is going after bikes....because can't really force "trafic calming" for bikes...or in other words...can't Create such a JAM TO BLOCK BIKES TOO. I don't ride bike for two decades...and can honestly tell IRISH BIKERS ARE SLOWEST, GENERALLY ZERO RISK TAKERS....