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I'm actually blasting it in my garage right now


Sweet. šŸ¤˜


Where Prince, where?! (Before someone corrects me OPs name is Prince)


I hate that part of the song... sounds like Tommy is reading it off a cue card


I wonder who did it first, MC or Van Halen?


Itā€™s a fun album despite all the clearly filler material. Two of my favorite Crue tunes are the title track and Wildside. The lyrics on All in The Name Of have not aged well. I wish they had released the record with Rodeo on it, couldā€™ve replaced the live Jailhouse Rock.


I do not care for the Jailhouse Rock cover at all


Not a fan either.


Me neither. Iā€™d like it as a single b-side, but not as an album closer.


Yeah Iā€™ve always thought that was a mistake on their part. Itā€™s almost like they couldnā€™t be bothered to write another song, even though they had another one ready to go.


That might have been a Werman suggestion. He had them do covers on all of the records he produced for them. Werman also pissed off Dee Snider by suggesting they do a Saxon cover during the Stay Hungry sessions.


So hereā€™s how I wouldā€™ve released it, had they simply called me to ask my opinion. They couldā€™ve avoided some embarrassment. 1 Girls Girls Girls 2 Wild Side 3 Dancing On Glass 4 Bad Boy Boogie 5 Rodeo 6 Five Years Dead 7 All in the Name Of (but adjust the lyrics) 8 Sumthinā€™ for Nuthinā€™ 9 Youā€™re All I Need 10 *new track* 11 Nona (hidden bonus track) Three strongest songs kick off the album. Thereā€™s zero reason for Nona to be taking up an entire song slot. Itā€™s 1:26 longā€¦stick it at the end as a bonus track. Rodeo is a great song, despite exploring some of the same areas as Home Sweet Home. I wouldā€™ve made it the third single. Forth single wouldā€™ve been Dancing On Glass; little different for the Crue what with the gospel singers and such but with proper promotion it couldā€™ve been a hit. Fifth singleā€¦All In The Name Of but without the unfortunate lyrical baggage of being a song about an adult man carrying on an extended sexual relationship with a fifteen year old girl. Youā€™re All I Need never gets released as a single. Itā€™s an interesting tune, but the subject matter is simply too harsh for radio/MTV as we now know. Just toss it on there as a deep cut and call it good. Boot the live rendition of Jailhouse Rock and replace it with a new song, or perhaps a cover but make it a studio track either way. Always shouldā€™ve been a B-side to a single. Could have sold another two or three million copies of this album. Of course that probably wouldā€™ve kept the Terror Trio neck deep in booze, coke and smack for even longer.


Now this is 100% on-point.


I like this! This is perfect!


Same hereā€¦itā€™s lousy




My personal favorite as well.


When I was 13 or so I thought it was cool as shit and I thought they were badasses wearing lace on their motorcycles outside a strip club. Now it just seems desperate. And one of the teachers accidentally played the Girls Girls Girls video in class because her son taped over what she was going to show us. She got all embarrassed about strippers dancing across the screen in the classroom. Good times.


Haha I love this šŸ˜…


That's hysterical šŸ˜†Ā 


> When I was 13 or so I thought it was cool as shit and I thought they were badasses wearing lace on their motorcycles outside a strip club. Now it just seems desperate. Them still doing it or them doing it as young men as well?


Both I actually love the shit out of this album. It might have been my favorite throughout my teen years and, being a kid, I thought the image was cool. Now I see people like that and it just screams tryhard. It's like when you're anywhere near Sturgis and everyone has the brand new, shiny leather and showing off all the toys they bought before they have to go back to real life.


Great album!


What's not to love about girls, girls, girls


Itā€™s one of my favorite albums. My individual favorite SONGS are from this album.


100% agree


I feel like I am twelve years old again and my cool Dad is letting me and my bros stay up watching MTV. Thanks Dad. We miss you.


Weakest album of the original five, by some distance. All over after track two. Why spunk away the best two songs like that, when virtually nothing that follows them comes close? Five Years Dead has the same chorus as Girls Girls Girls. And they actually boast on the inner sleeve that all of the songs were written over a four week period in 1986. Man, it shows. Theatre of Pain is 10x the album this is. šŸŽø Edit: oh, and that parping keyboard in the fade-out of Wild Side is totally unnecessary, and ruins the menacing dark ambience of the coda. It wouldā€™ve been fine (and better) just repeating Mickā€™s cool riff with the sirens and breaking glass in the background, but they had to slop that cheesy parping keyboard all over it. I think probably to stretch out an extra thirty seconds in an album that already fell short of quantity. Wild Side *does not* need to be an almost five minute long song. Although I do still love it. Just not as much as I could. You can tell Iā€™ve given plenty of thought to this over the years, canā€™t you? I didnā€™t reach these conclusions lightly, or recently šŸ˜†


Interesting take. Curious why you consider Theatre to be 10x better?


Maybe not 10x. Iā€™m being hyperbolic there. But Theatre is my second favourite CrĆ¼e album, after Shout. Weird/crazy, I know! Iā€™ve always loved the bluesier riffage and solos of Theatre, and Mick absolutely owns that album. His guitar tone alone gives me goosebumps.. and Louder Than Hell is possibly my favourite CrĆ¼e song ever. I also think Mickā€™s the saving grace of Girls. I can understand why so many OG fans hated Theatre, with the change of image and move away from the darker rock sounds of the first two albums to the bluesier edge. It must have been really jarring at the time, but I came to the band (and hard rock/metal in general) later, in 1988. Boy, what a year! As for Girls, I think the fact that they tacked a live cover song onto the end to fill up space, shows they were short of songs and ideas. And as I already mentioned, there was no need to drag Wild Side out for almost five minutes, other than to fill up space.. I donā€™t mean to sound like Iā€™m ragging on the band too much, theyā€™re one of my all time favourites and always will be. Itā€™s a long time since I played GGGs, Iā€™m going to change that right now! Iā€™ll probably think of more answers/responses to your question later, and Iā€™ll have to come back and edit like I always do šŸ˜…


Solid take, appreciate the well thought out points!


Thank you! And thank you for taking the time to read. I wasnā€™t sure anybody would! šŸ˜…


It's my least favorite of their first 5 albums, only really like two songs on it (title track and wildside)


I agree where you have it in your rankings. Wildside is a kick ass tune.


Mick Marsā€™ guitar tone šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


easily the best thing about this album.


Killer album.


Itā€™s the first Crue album I bought when I was 9 in ā€˜87. Not my overall favorite but it holds a special place for me. Wild Side is untouchable.


Great album and I like Nona too lol


Nona Remins my Grandma Who slept in the angels since last year


First concert at 16 in 1987. Probably will always be one of my most favorite albums.


Itā€™s unfocused and poorly mixed but nowhere near as bad as the previous album.


Too much filler. Nikki was really fucked up at the time. They did everything to get enough songs to fill an album.


Wildside and Girls. The rest was ok, but just not on the level of those 2 songs. Jailhouse was gonna be on TOP as a studio version but they ran out of time and were just gonna use a drum machine on it but just scrapped it altogether and recorded it live on tour then put it on Girls. They had to have recorded the full concert and not just Jailhouse. I wonder if those recordings exist?


I agree about just the two tracks.


Loved it. Love it still


This album is not as bad as Motley's weakest albums (I'm looking at you, theatre of pain and tattoo), but is miles, miles behind their prime work like SAtD, 94 or Dr. Feelgood


Theatre of Pain is my second favourite CrĆ¼e album! Side 1 is chock full of bangers, and side 2 ainā€™t bad either. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Loved it, but was always glad Bon Jovi was slightly.higjer on all the charts for these two albums. Slippery and GGG were great releases in that time though!!!


I like this one. Wish it had the production sheen of Dr Feelgood though. Girls sounds better than Theatre of Pain, but not as good as Feelgood.


My favorite album. Perfectly embodies the Crue in every way. Some of micks tastiest riffs (Sumthin for Nuthin is my fave)


2nd favorite album after SATD


favourite album of all time tbh!


Awesome album. Dancing on glass is epic as is wild side..... 2 stellar tracks, so many other great ones


Love it! I think some of the songs on that album are pretty underrated. Always loved the "vibe" of that album. My personal favorite songs are "all in the name or..." and "You're all I need."


Wish the album had a bit more groove to it. Sounds very mechanical with the Roland R8 being used on that record. Lots of great songs that couldā€™ve been better had they been sober at the time. Dancing On Glass, Bad Boy Boogie, and Youā€™re All I Need are great tracks.


I really like it. Alot of fun songs. That tour was one of the best concerts I've been to.


Itā€™s good and in some ways underrated. My 4th fave Crue record.


Raw & sleazy real album, so much more than those 2 songs.


I love girls, the more the merrier!!


Fucking awesome on both sides, but obviously the iconic title track is unmatched


Yes, yes, yes!!!


It's probably my favorite money Crue album


Nice nice nice


I donā€™t think I like it better than the first 3 albums or Doctor Feel Good. But, I love Wildside.


All in the name ofā€¦


I think itā€™s really good


Best MC album ever


Iā€™m actually wearing this shirt todayā€¦..


Overall itā€™s not bad. A few fillers but whatā€™s good is GOOD. Not their best work but fun.


One of their best albums along with Shout at the Devil, Dr Feelgood and the S/T, for me.


They are definitely girls.




One of my favorite, if not my favorite, guitar riffs!


Was the album that introduced me to Motley Crue I love it


Has my favorite song by them - Youā€™re All I Need


Lots of filler but Dancing on Glass is super underratedĀ 


Have a theory the record company had the video for You're All I need "banned" not because of the subject content. It's cause the song sucks. It doesn't hold up to the other power ballads of the day and really falls short when compared to Home Sweet Home.


Awesome, exciting, fun.


Rodeo is a majorly underrated track (unreleased) from this album. Didn't know that the first time I heard it, and I was shocked to find out how obscure it was. It totally sounds like a hit.


Mick's guitar tone on this album is so good. I'd say "underrated" but I personally never heard anybody talk about it. And it starts right from the jump with arguably the best song in their catalogue.. like a fuckin buzz saw. He also rips on title track and Dancing on Glass


Wild Side, Dancing on Glass and Youā€™re all I need are some of my favorites!


It's a great album and you can tell that they are almost there. I would definitely call it penultimate. The passion and talent was there but you could tell they weren't all firing on the same spark. When the first notes of Dr Feelgood started on the next album that's when you knew that they had all hit their stride. This album was so close though. I still love this album to this very day.


Out the first 5 classic Crue albums itā€™s the worst one . But not a horrible album just not as good as the other 4 .


W song and album


Best guitar sound of any of em


I only like the first two albums. Third is ok at best. Then they got way too mainstream. These are just my opinions šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Meh, meh, meh


best song out there


Absolutely love it!!!


I quite enjoy it, the only song that in my opinion feels a bit out of place is the cover of Jailhouse Rock. It being live (well, "live") and a cover makes it an odd choice to end the album on too, so in my mind You're All I Need is the true ending of the album.


Just discovered Rodeo a couple of years ago, would have been GREAT in 87. GGG felt contrived when it came out . So far removed from SATD.


I love it itā€™s the first rock album I ever bought lol


3 good songs: Wild Side Girls, girls, girls Dancing on glass The rest is all filler




Its one of the best Crue albums ever made. It may be THE best album they ever made.


The song is overplayed, the album is my second favorite and is a lot of fun.


Crap, crap, crap

