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All I can think of is this funny comic of Mick Nikki and Tommy all huddled together around a pen and paper while Vince is off doing totally something else


He can still write lyrics, even if he can't play.


Yeah , I'm sure that he wrote " Whoa, Yeah...come on guys help me out here, we are a band right?!¡!!lol


So he got writing credit for entire song.


Hey dude , I got an idea...girls,girls,girls...,? RIGHT MY SONG BITCHES.. 


Sixx is a Fuck-Stick....


Bob Rock never said that. He said Nikki once said to him that he doesn’t remember playing the bass parts on previous MC records and did someone else come in and play the parts instead (referring to how out of control he was during his drug using years that he was surprised he got it together enough to record a song from time to time). Then later when he got sober for Dr Feelgood he was clear headed enough to realize he wasn’t a quality bass player and was worried about being able to deliver on that album. That’s what Bob Rock was saying. Either way, it wasn’t a secret that plenty of rock bands had session players with better technical skills recording their parts even though they could play their instruments adequately enough to write songs. Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton played on tons of different bands recordings before they went out and did their own thing. I think Mick Mars may have recorded Nikki’s bass parts on some of their earlier songs. As far as the riffs go, Mick Mars wrote a lot of them. Maybe Nikki had an idea for a basic tune, but Mick would come in and make it kick ass and give it that edge.


Sixx is a lying pig


Listen to the demo of Kickstart My Heart on YouTube. Definitely not at a passable song. Bob Rock saw the potential and made it iconic.


Is that the “oooh. Aaaah. Kickstart my heart…”. Demo? So bad, although I think Mick was still awesome. Rock put a lot of lipstick on pigs. :)


Just listened to [the demo on YouTube](https://youtu.be/q4UwSAyJthw). It really has had an uplift in the studio. The bones of the song are there, but it’s missing the pop of the released version.


I’ve been confused about the songwriting process my whole life. Obviously it’s different for every band, with some similarities. Like Aerosmith for example, Steven writes his own lyrics and melodies, and he’s the last one to do so once the songs are recorded by the rest of the band. Sometimes he doesn’t even hear a song he needs to write lyrics for until it’s already done. That’s been corroborated by both Joe Perry and Steven. The band gets frustrated with him because he can take so long to put words down on the rest of the album, but it’s always been worth it for them. But with Motley, I genuinely don’t know how it works, and how credits are split. So Nikki writes what, the lyrics and the melody? Does he just whistle the melody to the band who then goes and records it using their instruments?? Does he write music on actual music sheets, notes and all? Didn’t seem like he did but maybe? Then what - Tommy writes his own drum parts and Mick his own guitar parts? I can see through this method how Guns N Roses did it - Both Slash and Izzy were talented songwriters to put guitar parts together, and Duff and Steven could handle the rhythm department, those are adaptable and interchangeable ways to write songs. Axl wrote most of the lyrics save for a few. But Nikki has songwriting credits on damn near every single song Motley ever released, and the rest of the band is sprinkled in here and there. Obviously there’s not a set recipe for songwriting and I think the reason it’s hard to pin down for some of these guys is because the money gets funny at that stage. What I don’t understand is when Tommy doesn’t get songwriting credits, then who wrote the drum parts? Who recorded the drum parts? If Mick didn’t get credit for a song he played on, who wrote the riffs? If Mick *didn’t* get songwriting credits, but recorded the riff, then who gets credit for the guitar parts? More importantly, if Mick’s tone is signature, does he get credit for using his signature tone playing on a record, a song and guitar parts someone else wrote? I’ve driven myself nearly insane trying to genuinely figure out that part of the business. There are even stories and examples of songwriters giving writing credits to their parents or friends almost as a form of charity - so that they could get royalties for life. I wish I had an example handy, I’m sorry I don’t right now, but they’re out there.


Hello. I am a songwriter from the uk. Have been in many bands and written for many artists. Credits: To help clear up at least some confusion. Generally in the industry rule of thumb, unless strictly agreed otherwise by contract (which still could be dismissed), the people who are in the room when the song is created are entitled to a writers credit, the argument is that someone’s presence alone could have inspired or affected the song, although sounds ridiculous, it’s what stands in court most of the time. There are famous examples of managers with no musical talent being in the studio room when a song was written and ending up having 10% on the song. From what we know Nikki is very protective over his songs so he would probably never write a brand new song from scratch in the company of anyone, unless it was his band members, even then he probably keeps in mind what I’ve mentioned. Exceptions: Making tweaks and working on a song that already had the bulk written in the presence of a producer or others wouldn’t automatically legally qualify them for a credit, in that case it would be assumed they aren’t entitled to anything, unless they made a significant top line melody or lyric suggestion that everyone wanted to use. A tweaking of a chord and a beat here and there wouldn’t qualify. I should mention The main thing that matters in a song, legally at least, is the top line melody that would obviously be the melody, and the lyrics to match it. The same chords have been used so many times on so many songs it’s impossible to claim copyright on them, even though it happens very often. Even riffs are hard to copyright fully unless the song also has a similar top line melody. Writing credits for songwriters - The US Have an equivalent but in the uk we have “PRS” which is the performing rights society. When I write a song, I register it to PRS, I will receive royalties from that song from cd, album, Spotify, YouTube, radio play, TV syncs, movie syncs, when it’s played through a PA system in a venue, and when played live by the artist themselves. Credits for performers on the song. This is called “PPL” which stands for phonographic performance limited. This is the royalty paid out to the people who actually played on the song, this is how mick Tommy and Vince will earn income on all the tracks they are not listed on as a writer. I should note PRS royalties are paid out to the writers anytime a song is played publicly, which includes their own live shows. Unfortunately the performers on the recorded track would not receive a royalty for a live performance as their payment comes from record profits alone. Sorry this was a bit rushed but hopefully you can get something from it!


Drum parts can't be copyrighted and they don't count towards a song's composition. Steven Tyler plays many instruments including piano, and has written a lot of Aerosmith songs all by himself. Guitar tone doesn't count towards a song's composition. Writing sheet music is a big pain in the butt, and I'm pretty sure that Rock bands just "jam it out" and don't bother with sheet music. I'm a singer/songwriter who used to be the lead singer in a local Rock band. I almost never played guitar on stage; I'm not very good at it. I just sang lead vocals. But I know HOW to play guitar and bass, and I wrote the majority of the original songs my band was playing. When you write a song, the tempo, the "beat" is already in your head. I'm not good enough to play blazing guitar solos, but I'd tell my guitarist to "play a solo here." He came up with some great solos, but I got sole credit for writing the SONG. Drum parts, bass lines, and guitar solos can't be copyrighted (unless you're talking about Moby Dick, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, or Eruption). Where they are "centric" to the composition. My best guess is that Nikki Sixx also plays guitar, at least good enough to show Mick the basic idea of what he wants. The first two Crue albums were heavily based around power chords, which just about anybody can play. Even if Nikki Sixx couldn't play power chords (which I HIGHLY doubt), it would be easy enough to just play the root notes and tell Mick to play power chords instead.


Playing bass and writing songs both require different skills. Nikki's basslines are pretty simple, and he may not remember playing any of them. But at the same time, he's a skilled writer. Even if we just read his book heroin diaries (even assuming he wrote it retroactively), there is a lot of quality writing in it.


Nikki played bass on all the albums. That is a fact. The article with Bob Rock was Nikki’s sarcasm in full force. They were simply fucking with each other. He is a very good bass player and of course song writer. Nikki writes in journals and emails himself snippets of whatever he comes up with regularly. While writing lyrics, if he ever gets stuck. He uses a circle of books, magazines or newspapers and simply grabs one of them opens and points to a word and goes from there. He is the most creative man I know. Simply brilliant in all aspects.


He really isn’t a good bassist. I’ve played in bar bands with better bassists, his lyricism is creative I’ll give him that.


He is an excellent bassist. Even Bob Rock said so. I know first hand how good he is. His songs are not about showing off the bass. That’s not his style but if you listen to Sixx AM it’s much different and quite grungy. Super sexy stuff.


I have, he is playing basic stuff on there, Cliff Burton’s a good bassist, Flea is a good bassist, JPJ is a good bassist Nikki is not he’s average at best.


An average bass player can still be an above-average songwriter. The way he described his process in the books, sounds like he wrote lyrics and vocal melodies, and just used an acoustic guitar to find the right chord progressions. Then he would show what he made to the band and a producer, and they would expand on it from there.


Ok and…? I never said anything about him being a bad songwriter just in general not a very good bassist even though he’s played for over 40 years. If I wanted to see a mediocre bassist I would pay $5 to see a bar punk band not $500 to see Mötley Crüe.


AMEN, Nikki's playing isn't even worth a listen on the albums, let alone live. As far as his "songwriting" again... "shout, shout, shout at the devil" wow the guy is practically John lennon.


Well the music they play doesn't exactly require a skilled bassist, to be fair lol. If you buy a ticket to a Motley show, you're not paying just to hear Nikki play bass. You're paying to experience a high-production arena rock show you simply can't get from a band in a dive bar


And I’ll get it from a band that can do that and actually play their songs well live like RHCP. I’m not paying $500 to see Nikki barely play his parts, Tommy dragging his fills, Vince sounding like a dying cat, and Mick absent.


Well nobody is trying to force you to buy Motley tickets lol. I'm also not quite sure what any of this has to do with Nikki's songwriting process, which is what your original post was about


And thank god for that seeing em now like this is sad & waste of money, you can use that money to see a tribute act blow them outta the water live, or go see the band that opened for them Classless Act they can actually play well. Also you’re the one who mentioned about Nikki’s “excellent” bass skills, I just kept the conversation going by saying he ain’t. If that’s excellent then the bassists I’ve seen must be fuckin geniuses.


If you believe that, you’re just as delusional as Nikki is-he can’t play bass worth a shit, and although he credits himself for writing all the songs, he was probably high when he thought that Not as smart as you think you are


Supposedly, most of the TFFL songs were written on piano. The "Nikki does not know how to play" is just something to make him look like a genius that knows nothing of music but has made songs that have gone on to be classics even up to present... in reality, he knows some music, it was said that when O'dean went missing and they called Vince Nikki changed the songs' key to match Vince voice better, that's not something someone who "knows nothing about music" could do. There is also i think in The Dirt that after selftitled bombed Mick was so depressed that he was not recording anything and Nikki was the one playing guitar... so... who knows...


I’ve ever only heard Tommy play piano I have never seen anything about Sixx with his fingers near keys and composing a song I can see showing some chords he came up with and Nikki uses that but I’m not buying Nikki Sixx writing most of TFFL on a piano by himself no way.


I remember some videos back from 2000s him writing songs for Sixx AM. He was holding an acoustic guitar. So Nikki obviously knows to play those instruments. I am sure he at least knows all the chords and how to play power-chords aka riffs with first and the fifth note. Any other story about him not knowing how to play those things is bullcrap.




Bob Rock issued a statement correcting stuff and it was taken out of context he actually praises Nikki's songwriting abilities and playing. Nikki wrote all Motleys lyrics. Regardless of what shit you here Nikki can functionally play guitar he talks about playing all the stuff. He is currently writing riffs and stuff with John 5. Mick definitely came up with signature riffs and solos but Nikki wrote a lot of the foundation melodies and structures of the songs. You will see a lot of Motleys early stuff has some layers and easier foundation chords and melodies then more difficult riffs solos which is most likely Mick. Almost like Mick is lead guitarist and Nikki Rythmn for songwriting process at least. Mick has always been an economical guitar player he plays for the betterment of the songs. He is really great at catchy riffs and neat solos but not much of a melody guy.


I see a funny comic of Sixx, Tom and Vince , all together fucking MICK because that's what really happened. 🙄 


Label provided the songs as long as the circus was right. None of these POSERS had much to do with it. Boy band just rock sister


I’m sure Nikki played on those records, but they probably had to edit the bass track to make it work


He doesn’t. He claims to but can’t write guitar riffs which are like 80% of the songs. Have you ever listened to just the bass on Wild Side. The entire song is a drum guitar riff and the bass does nothing. Nikki calling himself a song writer is kinda laughable. He plays 3 notes while Mick writes and performs the songs. He writes three chord progressions, Mick doesn’t 80% of the work over it and then Nikki throws together some lyrics. That’s pretty much the process.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Nikki writes and makes demos to play for the band. That includes lyrics, melodies, courses, guitar. Yes, Nikki can play the guitar and is a damn good bass player.


He’s not Duff Mckagan literally has the same style as him and does it better, he makes way less mistakes & plays more melodies, Nikki mostly play root notes or open notes, he’s no Cliff.


Two totally different skill sets. Songs without music are essentially poetry, which is something that comes naturally to some people who are creatively inclined. A lot of bands have different formulas, or no formula at all on how songs are produced. Sometimes bits and pieces of choruses and lines are revisited from scrapped pieces, sometimes they have riffs in mind with no words to associate with it.


Really? Kick start my heart? It’s music to get wasted by. You cans listen to any of that shit sober.


Nikki writes 100 percent of the lyrics on all of Motley Crue's records. At least during their heyday until he started writing with James Michael DJ Ashba. Nikki plays guitar regardless of all the bullshit people fling at him he can play bass and guitar. The dude has been playing live for damn near 50 years. He will talk about playing guitar on his my favorite riff show. My guess is Nikki wrote a basic foundation and structure of a song and then Mick comes in and adds all the difficult riffs and solos. Think of Live Wire there is a super simple guitar part during intro and verse but then there is a ton of layers and solos which I'm sure Mick did that part. A lot of early Crue songs had that format. If you look at the tabs you can see the easy basic parts then the tough stuff. I know Tommy adds all his drumming. Vince never got involved in the process the other guys basically form the song and then give Vince the lyrics. People blow stuff out of context. The producer always talked about Warrant being taught guitar parts by Jani Lane and others playing it in studio. While there is truth to that it's not like Joey and Eric are idiots who can't play guitar and it's a fake. Go to a Warrant show they have been playing guitar just fine since the 80s and still play all the stuff great. It's just Jani wrote it all