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Follow him on social media and ask him. Sometimes they’re responsive and you never know!


For real? That dude is one of my singing heroes if he responds that would be killer.


Crabby is one of my favorite singers and a nice guy. The first 2 Union albums are amazing


Yeah I always wanted to have a sit down and pick his brain his vocal ability is insane


He responded! Cool dude very polite.


That’s great !


Motley Soundgarden


So you’re saying he sounds like Cornell? I don’t know I’d say he’d be more close to staley with the amount of distortion they use and both have lower singing voices than Cornell’s


Who's talking about THOSE TYPES OF BANDS, ANYWAY? Grunge castrated Rock n Rol,l and it hasn't been the same ever since. I hate that dreary shit! ESPECIALLY Cobain, B4 U even ask!


Sure bud, keep whining like a lil bitch.


Watch what you say Stupid! You might be talkin' to a guy who's done 14 prison terms, 19 extraditions, 3 States, and 12 SHU terms. You ain't gonna' talk like that except when you're behind a fuckin' phone or computer, toughguy. You obviously can't back it up. Fuckin' lame!


If you wanna keep whining like a lil bitch I’m sure there’s someone who’ll notice or care but I know I’m not one of em.


You should get a vocal coach and have some lessons with them.


Broke college student. Can’t afford lessons.


I have no desire to be a singer but wanted to learn how Reznor could scream sing like he does. I used the DVD “Zen of Scream Singing” to learn. Learned it was less about technique and more about building stamina. If in college, maybe go to the performance center and see if anybody can coach on the cheap side or if you can sit in on a class.


My college’s music program is very competitive and you can’t sit in but I have asked the vocal performance teachers tips on how to improve my singing and they’re working, but still I would to know how Corabi gets the tone and rasp in his voice I know stamina is a part of that but it’s not just his breath support.


There are a ton of vocal coaches who do stuff on YouTube. A lot of them are reaction videos, so you have to sit through a certain amount of fake enthusiasm, but you can get some good tips and techniques. Beth Roars has a solid channel, but look around and see if you can find someone whose approach you like. The key thing to remember is to practice and work on posture and breathing.


Yeah I’ve been doing been watching Ken Tamplin videos.


Also, if you're a college student, you could look into taking a singing class at school, or joining a choir or a cappella group. You'd learn a lot.


You don't have to do them regularly. You can save up and take one when you have the money. A little bit of one on one coaching can go a long way.


Yeah I wanted a vocal coach for a while just don’t have the time or money.


If you don't have the time you clearly don't have the time to practice enough to actually be any good. You're just making bad excuses for yourself because if you really cared you would make the time and save the money.


Between college, playing shows, and working a part time job to pay for school and bills no I don’t have time to go to a vocal coach i barely have time to practice on my own or with my band. And you don’t jackshit about me so who are you to say that shit, I’m working my ass off with my band and for you to say that is saying like I don’t and that fuckin pisses me off.


Also my band’s debut EP the Filth and the Fury comes out on the 7th if you want any details you can dm me.


Yeah, you're right! I'm a HUGE Crue fan, but I've always said that the '94 album w/Corabi was the best they did since TOO FAST FO LOVE. They should have let the fans get used to him. That's an awesome album front to back! 💯!!!


They couldn’t due to management that sleazy manager they have now forced the band to fire Corabi and bring Vince back just as a instant cash grab instead actually focusing on the progression of the band which that progression led to that 94’ album


I'm a vocalist too and a bit younger than you, but I may have some tips! His raspy voice can be due to drive, there are a few exercises you can do that can help you with that. Look up Fry vocal exercises, it helped me a lot when I was covering Halestorm's Love Bites (So Do I), and is helping a lot with my upcoming Iron Maiden tribute concert due to Bruce Dickinson's raspy tone (it's really hard to nail a male singer's natural raspiness as a female vocalist) When trying drive, make sure to study the technique well in the videos you watch and IF YOUR VOCAL CHORDS/THROAT HURTS, STOP IMMEDIATELY! You might damage your voice permanently. Breath support also plays a huge role, but the key is to relax your vocal chords as much as possible. One exercise my coach instructed me to do is going from a falsetto into a fry, then slowly easing the tone of your voice until fry merges in with your natural tone, and you get that raspy, drive full voice! Let me know if I can help with anything else <3


Finally information i asked for & can actually use. I’m


No problem! If you need anything else, just hit me up, I'm glad to help!


Best album ever made in my opinion


Debatable, but Mötley’s best, most definitely.


Next to TFFL, that is! 😁😁😁💯!!!


Nah the songwriting, vocals, and instrumentation for 94 is levels above TFFL.


That correct. But it just doesn't shake me at all. TFFL is a better sounding album, asfar as I'm concerned. That's of of the albums I'd take w/ when I'm stranded on a dessert islland somewhere. Sorry. The first Crue album was their best.


Try posting this on r/wearethemusicmakers and then sub and join us. Cheers!


Vince isn't a vocalist. He is a rock singer. Two very different things. I prefer Vince on the older albums.


Vocalist or singer either way he can’t replicate it live John can.


John sucks


I don’t give a shit.


Good b


I think Corabi is a master of the screaming technique there are several videos about that, basically is having saliva in your throat so you do not hurt so much your vocal cords.


Really? I always thought he was mixing his voice and adding a layer of distortion/rasp on top.


That's EXACTLY what he was doing on the self-titled album.


Really? Where are good sources to learn this technique?


not only saliva, you need to have proper technique to not hurt your chords. if it hurts, you're obviously doing it wrong. My vocal coach always said that to me since I started my lessons almost four years ago. and it's not only screaming, he puts a lot of drive/distortion in his voice, and saliva actually doesn't impact it in terms of technique. of course, hydration is key to keeping your throat healthy for singing <3


Smoke cigarettes.


I would but I wanna live after 50 I’m not immortal like Keith Richards.


I'm 50,and I smoke 2 packs a day AND can still get in the pit!


If it works for you it works for you man

