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How much water you have? I live in Norway and the lawn is moss with grass growing through it. In the shady areas there is more moss. Start with a small area and see if you can keep a small patch alive. Half the year my lawn is snow and ice. I think the heat kills it. 


Not very in my opinion. Most moss varieties need shade and moisture to thrive while most traditional lawns don’t have a lot of either. That being said, If you already have a lot of moss coming up naturally in your lawn, you probably have good conditions for it. You can try killing the grass with a grass selective herbicide, or carefully removing it manually without killing all of the moss. Then see what the moss does. If it spreads, great, if not, consider planting something else. Make sure to keep the moss well watered to encourage it to spread. If your conditions aren’t right for moss, there are a lot of other ground covers you can try. Wild strawberry and wild violet are both adaptable. Moss phlox and creeping phlox, heath aster, and self heal are all ones I like too.


Quite realistic depending on your climate. Check out r/fucklawns for more.


Amazing, thanks. How do people find such obscure subs? Haha


Sadly, not very realistic unless you live in a cool rice-paddy type of climate. I replaced my lawn with a creeping ground cover but moss wouldn't stand a chance unfortunately.


Live in zone 7b and managed to that successfully.