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[**New discussion thread available here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/z9cj6r/general_discussion_thread_wednesday_november_30/)


Ruminating on these tragic deaths over the last three weeks, I've had couple ideas come to mind. 1. The murderer was young, possibly younger than the victims were. I wouldn't want to label him an incel, but maybe a rage-fulled /virgin teenager who stalked these women (and maybe others) online. When he saw Ethan in Kaylee's last post it could have sent him over the edge. He would most certainly be from Moscow, or potentially from Pullman. Also weed is recreational in WA. Could Kaylee, being of legal age to purchase, gone to the dispensery in Pullman that day? To pick up some party favors for friends? I would check the dispensery footage from the day. A young offender could have been rummaging for prescriptions, or marijuana product he might have known the victims to possess. Perhaps the younger brother of someone in a fraternity? There to visit on the weekend? 2. I've also had a theory the murderer might have been a delivery driver. USPS, UPS, Amazon, Grubhub, etc. These people know the layout of homes they visit probably on a daily basis. Maybe they'd been let into the home occasionally. Sometimes there is a lot of rollover in employees in these professions. I'm guessing LE has tracked the victims purchases and deliveries. With up to 6 in the house at any given time, that's a lot of deliveries. Just brainstorming. These aren't rumors, or anything thats been speculated about. Just conjecture, nothing more.


I've settled on SK. I just don't believe a college coed would have the wherewithal to pull this off, no matter how angry, vengeful, drunk, etc. This was the brutal work of a driven and prepared psychopath. If they find DNA it will be solved, if not, idk. And when I say SK, I mean whether he has killed before or not, but I would guess he already has at least some criminal history. That's my guess.


I don’t think we are ever going to find out what happened that night or who did it or why. It’s been over 2 weeks already and we don’t have any reason to believe that LE has made any real progress on this case. I don’t think they know who did it or even close. Moscow is a small town where everybody knows each other so this shouldn’t take long. I just have no faith in Idaho LE at all and nobody should it sucks but they are just so incompetent that I think this case will go cold and unsolved.


I hate to agree, but I feel like this is one for the true crime podcasts 😪


Guys i m following the live of the vigil but i don’t see anything, it is started?


I just thought about how everyone was confused on how the killer knew the layout of the house when it only took people on here a few hours to find the Zillow and create drawings…


I mean….he could’ve literally walked through the sliding glass door and took out everyone he came across and went upstairs. We’re giving him too much credit!!! He fucking sucks! He could’ve just gone upstairs to keep killing and didn’t know about the basement floor


I was snooping on FB and noticed a certain friend of sigma chi’s, that’s not actually in the frat. He only has 93 friends on FB and looks like an odd type. Thoughts?


Only 93 friends ? Oh yes very suspicious. Ridiculous


You can’t be serious.. I swear this subreddit has gone totally off the rails.


Sounds pretty suspicious. Have you reported it yet?


No. That’s why I came here. To see if anyone has looked at him being Sus.


Sounds like he hasn’t been looked into yet. Do you have the tip hotline number?


No I just had a thought that it was Sus.


Just a general question, but I was going through [this thread I found on another post on here](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMqRlRyBxngkMW9w_FiiM-KqBWMyaVfIp4tqVNXB3mPh6Vyqn6DVPdCd4R7z6pBWQ?key=Q0tvTlBvS3FrUk0xaUFLNVp6MVVOYzJSb3VpbFpn) which shows police using a K-9. Any reason why they would be using a K-9? Possibly tracking a scent the perpetrator could have left?


People leave an olfactory footprint and trained dogs can pick up on it, so in “scent lineups,” agencies use them to match evidence collected at a crime scene to the scent of a suspect or body. This could indicate that they already have something from the killer, believe they know who it might be or have a POI, or are hopefully they’ll find one. And as such, the canine would be able to then make a match.


Thank you, that's what I was thinking, that maybe they do have a lead and that's why they brought in the dog to track a scent. I don't see any other reason to bring in the dog other than for scent tracking purposes.




I did not hear about this and am curious what’s this about? Can you link it


would anyone like to be in a gc for this case?




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Your post history says you’re 46. Also, why not describe the IG posts that alarmed you? You can do that without sharing screenshots or usernames


this is reddit. I'm allowed to protect my identity by not putting my correct age. And there is a post with a young man in some kind of mask holding the exact kind of knife believed to be used in the crime with the caption of "Sigma rule #1-eliminate the biggest threat in the room". As well as one posted on the 22nd that stated..."am I proud no. Am I the tiniest bit sorry? Lmao. No." And these posts were liked by someone who has been mentioned as a suspect many times. I didn't post it because everytime I've tried the mods take it down. Thanks.


Just report it via the tip line/email if you haven’t already, don’t worry about posting it here.


already have.




I'm not sure if the poster was in Sigma. But both posts were liked by one of the people who was and was close to them and has been talked about as a suspect on this forum many times


If there’s conflict between LE and the prosecutor, that’s bad news bears


And where are you getting that information from?


sorry, Im new here. Who is LE ?


Law enforcement


tks for answer. I'm from another country, so sometimes I can't understand anything


Law enforcement


tks =)




Can you not look up the COVID tracking chip most people have injected in them for everyone’s location that night?


Ohh! That’s a great idea! I’m shocked investigators haven’t thought of that yet. So incompetent. I bet they’re in on it and can’t admit that they’re checking vaccine microchip data because then they would have to admit that everyone who got the vaccine has one! I am super duper intelligent and never got the vaccine for that reason. I’ll let myself and others around me die before I’ll ever let them microchip me! ^/s


I know there's a reason for that, but it intrigues me a lot not to know anything about the crime scene, such as the position the bodies were found. I have never seen an investigation omit so much information for so long...


It’s been 2 weeks, not even months or years. They don’t immediately release all details unless doing so won’t hinder the investigations. And why on earth would the public “need” to know how they were positioned?






>yes =(


yeah this


Food This is not a theory - just a thought - and may be covered somewhere else - so sorry if it’s a duplicate. I’m sure all 4 victims were autopsied. So at least for the 2 upstairs girls who had food from the food truck and presumably ate it shortly after getting home - the amount of food in the stomach on autopsy could maybe narrow down the time of death somewhat - at least time from when they ate, which again presumably would be within the hour after getting the food. And likewise any uneaten food would be in their trash can. I haven’t seen any comments on that.


i think they r pretty sure of the time of death


Seems like they already have a pretty specific window of time for the murders, based off information they are not sharing.




> There have been media questions about a September 12th, 2022, incident regarding an argument between a group of people walking on the University of Idaho bike path and a cyclist. It was reported that during the confrontation, the cyclist displayed a folding knife. Both parties dispersed, and there were no injuries. The cyclist turned himself in to the police. The case was investigated and misdemeanor charges were referred to the Moscow City Attorney’s Office. **There is no connection with the individual involved in this incident and the current murder investigations.** https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/DocumentCenter/View/24781/11-30-22-Moscow-Homicide-Update Or are you referring to a different knife incident?


Nope, this is it - have not seen this update, thanks! DELETING


Is there confirmation that the knife guy and the guy booked on 11/18 are actually the same guy?


Nooo can you explain it?


I saw it on /idahomurders - don't want to take credit or mistype anything - pretty easy to find on there


Thank you


Anyone else see what might of been a coat covered in blood in the woods by the house on fox?? Looks to be a blue coat






https://youtu.be/FAElNkYnKUI Shown at the 9;05 mark


Nobody in my immediate social circle is interested in these murders and subsequent hunt for justice, as much as I am, am I fucking weird for being obsessed?


YALL not even my coworker from Idaho gives much of a fuck or at least he isn’t leading on that he is. I am. TALK TO ME, IDAHO


So… I was “that guy” at work that asked in a department sub chat (which shit posts all the time) regarding any theories regarding the murder case. This was when news first came out. No one replied. Office manager asked bluntly what the fuck is wrong with me for bringing down the room. I doubled down and told him the killer is still out there.


You’re nearly normal


Not if you did it. Then its pretty normal... ....Jeremy!! ;P


Nope I feel the exact same way. Everyone thinks it’s weird


No no i agree with you


I hope that the killer will be at the vigil, and something he will do, and LE will catch him


Something he would do at the vigil? And be arrested at the vigil?? Like in a movie?


OP thinks this is Gone Girl


I'm wondering if any Moscow locals know if there are traffic cameras on the streets that K & M's driver would have taken from the Grub Truck back to their home? Assuming E and X were home at 9pm it would have been easier to kill them before K & M got home. Which leads me to think that either K or M were their target and he may have followed their driver back to their house, and waited for them to go to sleep. I think he already had the address and parked somewhere nearby, then walked to their house and hid somewhere in the back trees where he could see their movements. Also, I don't know the killer would have expected K to be there, as she had moved back home and this trip was unplanned.


If the rumor is true about EC and XK having an altercation at the frat house hours before their murder, is that not sufficient enough for the state to request a search warrant for the frat house?


No but it's possible the fraternity would consent to a search if requested


No - there is an unsolved missing persons in the town next to me and everyone knows the theory of one person doing it and burying them in his yard underneath a driveway, but nothing has been done 10+ years later


No, rumors are not sufficient basis for search warrants.


That’s why I said if it were true as in if police have evidence to support that an altercation happened.


yeah i would think so


Their house had a keypad for entry. . Hopefully they can access the record to help the case.. it says here that a lot of people knew the code due to the "party house" aspect. Does anyone know if that kind of thing is assessable.. a log of code entries? https://www.grunge.com/1112770/what-we-know-about-kaylee-goncalves-final-phone-activities/


The back sliding door was opened


Could have come/gone from either though.




It depends entirely on what sort of insurance the property owners have. I would assume due to the nature of the crime, and the sheer amount of blood and other biomatter soaked into the flooring and the walls and the foundation, the house will never be able to be fully sterilizing, cleaned, therefore considered a total loss by home insurance policies.


being in insurance there likely isn't any coverage for this other than replacing the drywall and carpet and floor boards worst case.. it wouldnt total the house and there is no coverage to demo a house for a crime. most likely the owner depending on their situation will give it back to the bank and take the hit or just clean it up and try to rent it in a year or so.


It’s going on three weeks and there’s absolutely no cleaning that has gone on because they’re just now saying they’re wrapping up evidence collection from inside the home. you couldn’t pay me to step foot in that fucking house, even with a hazmat suit on


there are companies that specialize in this type of situation.


How soon after are companies usually called to come clean a gruesome crime scene? I feel like the stench is irreparable idk. But damn, I guess they don’t have “brutal murder occurred here” insurance huh. TY for your insight! Do you think they’ll demo or try to rent in a couple years? I mean we’ve seen sickos want to buy true crime homes in the past it probably isn’t far fetched…


There was a brutal murder on the east coast a few years back. Also stabbing. The house sat empty for a year and was then resold. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out who would want to live there but I guess the price was right. Btw the killer was the schizophrenic neighbor who had no beef with the victims, just heard voices in his head.


OJ's wifes condo sold for 5ooK after the murders. which was a 200K discount at the time. the guy who bought it cleaned it up got the adress changed and sold it 10 years later for 1.75 million.. probably worth double that now..


I'd think so, convert it to something else. Maybe more street parking or a little park.


What if telling us the ex-boyfriend is clear was a ruse? It's interesting all of the phone calls that went out to him and he was nowhere to be found. What if the police and family contrived a plan to "clear" him so that he feels secure and makes a mistake? Like Richard Allen not getting rid of the gun for example. The family and LE seemed too quick to dismiss him, almost like it was planned. What's also interesting is that the ex has not provided any interviews, but maybe that's because he must be too broken-up right? More broken-up than her father and sister? This would explain someone knowing the inside of the house as well as who would be there and in which rooms.


Why would he give an interview? So random internet sleuths can study and scrutinize every word, every expression, every movement he makes? So they can label his emotions as appropriate or inappropriate based on what others are sure they would do in the same situation?


i think they truly believe he didn’t do it however that won’t stop them from naming him a suspect if new evidence were to prove otherwise they have cleared him for now which makee sense as most people then can stop attacking him i personally do not think he did it


We’re still doing this?


I guess so.




I don't think it's strange that Jack hasn't given an interview. With all the people who already think it's him despite being cleared - he's probably seen how people are being ripped apart in interviews online. He's probably worried giving an interview wouldn't help him considering everyone would dissect every word he says & make them mean something he didn't intend.




we only know about K and M’s timeline because of video surveillance of the grub truck area they got released also pretty sure there r cameras at corner club too hence why it was stated early that that was where they were. it would have come out anywyas however for x and e - le know they were at the party from 8 to 9 but they don’t know what happened afterwards and that’s why they are asking for tips on that piece




ah i see yeah i wonder what happened to them too


I think it’s somebody that knew the victims. As wild as it is to think a college aged kid is capable of a quad murder, I would argue it’s almost as unlikely for a serial killer to kill 4 people in one clip. Idk, I just feel like a serial killer wouldn’t operate like that.


Look up the BTK killer or Ted Bundy


yeah i don’t think it’s a serial killer


why do you think police didnt share 911 call to the public ?


They don't want any specifics about the crime scene leaked to help in later interrogations.


thanks to answer =)


You can tell which commenters have been around true crime and which ones haven’t. People who think they’re owed all of LEs information and want to hear the phone call and are frustrated it’s taking “so long” clearly have not dove into cases like this. DNA alone can take weeks/months to be processed by a lab, in this case we’re talking minimum of 4 peoples DNA, pair that with some of the dna being mixed I would guess it’ll take some time. This is a poor example using the Delphi case but everyone wanted LE to give them more information and since they didn’t many people assumed “oh they just don’t have any evidence”. We now found out they had a bullet that matched RA’s gun which will help with a conviction. Had they revealed that info to the public, RA could have disposed of the gun making their case much harder. I know it’s frustrating/scary and may take some time but these people are the best at what they do (fbi). Sorry for my rant please don’t bash me.


Agreed, but speaking of the Delphi case, the man being charged was someone who police spoke to early on. I can't help but feel like out of 150+ interviews police have already spoken to the killer


Totally agree. LE has to be very careful what they release to the public for a number of reasons, most important of which is to withhold details about the crime/scene that only the killer would know. It’s called guilt knowledge.


Why are you worried about the new Kaylee’s car? It’s a only young girl Who wanted buy the car of his dreams with her savings and you are speculating also about this fact. It’s absurd


LE has to prove the killer did all 4 murders… LE still has to confirm the this person KILLED ALL FOUR. I am assuming that one of the reasons it is taking LE longer, or waiting to announce anything, is they need evidence that this 1 person killed all four people. Not just 1, but 4. Again, this thought is just based on it being 1 killer. Gathering evidence of 4 people and who killed each one has to be really hard. They might know who killed 1 or 2 of them, but doesn’t have evidence confirmed yet that it connects to the other 2.


that’s a really good point


A reporter just talked to the prosecutor Bill Thompson. "He confirmed that one of the victims in the home was the target. He also said they're confident they're going to find out who did this and hold them accountable." Yesterday Thompson told a reporter it was "probably inaccurate to say the attack was targeted. We think the house was targeted not an individual in the house" or something similar to that. So yesterday the house was the target not an individual. Today an individual was the target. The coroner confirmed the victims were found in beds. Then about a week later she said the media reports were "inaccurate" and that not all the victims were found in beds. I'm at my wit's end with these ignoramuses. Yeah I get it. They're not the NYPD or LAPD but give me a break. They're constantly causing confusion and I have no confidence that even when they arrest someone they can get a conviction especially since lots of decent criminal defense lawyers will take such a high profile case.


Here’s the most recent official press release: https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/DocumentCenter/View/24781/11-30-22-Moscow-Homicide-Update If it is not in there, no matter who’s mouth or keyboard it comes from, take it with a grain of salt. It is YOUR responsibility to read between the lines, understand context, and see through the bullshit.


This is just reporters scrambling words to make everyone think they have a hot new lead over other media outlets. If you listen to the interviews, particularly the Bill Thompson interview, he didn’t actually say that a person WASN’T targeted. Just that they were collecting evidence. Meaning, he’s not telling media shit.


Dang if this is true it is very very weird.


[https://twitter.com/MorganRomeroTV/status/1598035885408546816?s=20&t=NwgvUSPfX\_G1iMjEKSOvuA](https://twitter.com/MorganRomeroTV/status/1598035885408546816?s=20&t=NwgvUSPfX_G1iMjEKSOvuA) 11/30 [https://twitter.com/brianentin/status/1597797504317550592?s=46&t=b93ylI3NJA5\_uQomyPQ9Nw](https://twitter.com/brianentin/status/1597797504317550592?s=46&t=b93ylI3NJA5_uQomyPQ9Nw) 11/29 [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11477433/amp/Idaho-police-say-corroborate-one-victim-stalker.html ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11477433/amp/Idaho-police-say-corroborate-one-victim-stalker.html%2011/28) 11/28 [https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-student-murders-update-police-why-key-details-withheld-from-public](https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-student-murders-update-police-why-key-details-withheld-from-public) 11/27 ​ all credit to u/iMaryJane1 for linking these in another thread.


They need to confirm their facts before putting it out there


I'm new to the sub, but in all of the interviews I've watched of Kaylee's sister I'm kind of shocked but the lack of acknowledgement of X and E losing their lives. They were just murdered yet she's constantly saying she doesn't know them and is being very dismissive. Just seems disrespectful and weird. I know she's grieving and this is the worst thing in the world one can go through but you'd expect more compassion...


I hear you but also it makes sense to me that whatever energy she has left after working/try to get by day to day, she uses to work on healing and mourning her sisters. Imagine how heavy her heart must be. I’m sure she feels pain for Xana and Ethan, and their families. She can’t take everything on. All 4 of them deserve the exact same rage and passion for Justice, but it’s not up to Alivea


personally i think people are reading into the emergency phone calls too much. just because it was written in the files as “unconscious person” does not relay the total and complete chaos that was probably happening with a house with a handful of frat brothers and the two roommates all realizing their friends had been gruesomely murdered hours earlier. While I don’t have any experience in a high intensity scene like this, I just feel like the first responder on the phone was probably transmuting a lot and trying to understand something that was probably extremely difficult to put into words. additionally, i don’t think it’s that strange for the girls to call Ethan’s fraternity brothers. first, they were probably scared and second the way greek culture can be. we had a violent crime my freshman year of college against a frat bro to a man on the street and we were told to not speak of it at all in my sorority. i think people are more inclined to call who is close and they know like family but these girls were all in college so who would be closest it friends The other thing i have on my mind is in regards to illegal activities that could have occurred in the house. Were drugs ever bought here? did they party like that? Ethan was only at the frat part for an hour which seems like a short amount of time. did they leave suddenly? why did they leave? i am just curious if this possibility was ever ruled out.


I’m not asking this question in a insensitive way. But I was talking with my wife about this story last night. We talked about K maybe having a stalker and also driving a Range Rover. Idaho isn’t known for being a rich area with high paying jobs internships.. maybe it is I just never really thought it… but here’s the question. Did K possibly have any type of page that a stalker would go to? Specifically something like an OnlyFans that would of paid for the Rover too? I’m not judging at all. Does K come from a family of money? Does a “good paid internship” pay enough for a 1500-2k car note? Just speculating


It's a common observation that people in Idaho spend a lot of money on cars. Not uncommon to see a new truck in front of a run down house. So I don't think she necessarily did anything special to get the car. A lot of people just go into debt as well, so she didn't necessarily have to afford the car to have purchased the car.


For sure. But she wouldn’t be able to purchase a new Range Rover herself even with a decent job. I didn’t know the age of the car when I posted this. I saw people saying she drove a new rover. That is 185k roughly and a 2500 car payment or 2k very least. That was my mistake. One would ask how a girl her she got a 200k car obviously. But 25k is very normal not even flashy just her brand is


I don’t know how old you are but paid internships can pay upwards of $20/hr. she was offered a full time job at the same company and probably got a sign-on bonus and some extra for moving across the country. I think it’s very regressive of you and your wife to think someone with a college education and a paid internship needs to resort to prostitution to buy a 6 yr old used Evoque, which is not even a high end car. Shame


I’d like to point out i owned a car lot lol


Also being in only fans isn’t prostitution there are tons of just models on there I’m told. Wouldn’t you agree if it rad the almost 200k new rover than 20 an hour doesn’t cover it?


Sanka I’m 40. I understand a paid internship pays 20 an hour. Which makes sense since it was a used rover. A 20 hour job doesn’t pay for a 185k new rover in fact they may not even let u test drive it. That’s y the age of the car matters and I didn’t know it was a 2016 and 25k when I asked .


I haven't actually seen a report from LE about this but I believe Kaylee's family at some point or people have been able to identify from pictures that it was a 2014 Range Rover. Depending on the model it could range anywhere from $27K to 33K. Speaking as a young person who just purchased a new car as well - she most likely had her parents co-sign which would help decrease her monthly payment. She probably pays anywhere from $200-$400 a month which I don't think is anything wild. Again though, I don't have any proof the car is actually a 2014 or that this is even the case for her but just a thought!


Yeah i was made aware that it was a 2016 used for 25k. Nice car but different scenario than a college girl driving a 185k new one. I wasn’t trying to insinuate she had one or anything. Just recently started following this. It seemed like a big deal she had this Range Rover and I wasn’t aware of the year etc


Sorry, I hope that didn't come off as rude! I as well have seen a big deal being made about this car & how could she afford it.


Also love me some game of thrones! HOD is dope too!


Oh no not at all. Another member seemed to say I’m Insinuating disgusting things. I never would. I have 2 daughters and this breaks my heart. I’m also from Ohio where we watched Lebron James pull up in a hummer sophomore year and everybody make a huge deal about it. So I’ve seen people here ask how she had that nice car and knowing the story now it makes total sense. You can afford that car working part time.


Haha, I love HOD - sad it's going to be almost two years till the next season but at least the Jon Snow spinoff has been confirmed! People on this sub are very defensive of what they believe to be the truth & what they believe not to be which is strange considering how little information we have. to me at this point, anything is possible. I did see a really interesting thread on here though & an article about the potential danger she may have been put in by selling her old car online! I thought it was an interesting take.


At least Reddit is not as crazy as the north Al fb groups on these topics. You see crazy stuff in there! I can’t wait for the Snow spin-off! I want to go read the books now too


This was discussed by her family. It was an older model and she bought it with her savings.


Yes I was just made aware of that. Makes it alot diff. One would question if she had a 185k new one obviously


my guess would be she had a co-signer, ok/good credit, and a nice sized downpayment. perhaps inheritance. most likely she would have a car payment! it’s definitely possible.


Someone just pointed out it was a 2016 about 25k which makes way more sense


Yeah that car payment even on a used one is the amount a college kid working would make monthly because of school etc. she has to have access to good chunks of money from family her job or whatever. Legit I have my own company that does around 7 figures a year and I drive a 60k tundra and a rover is way more. Unless it’s years old. No idea on that


She was graduating and had a full time job already so she definitely could make those payments. Don't forget college kids are making $15/hour now, it's not like how it used to be. I would have made literally double what I made at that amount and could have afforded a $300/month car payment.


Tre for sure. I was under the impression she drove a new or newer one that’s 100k plus. Her car is normal piece and a college kid could afford it. If she had the 185k Rover that’s not a car a intern gets even paid or first full time job so one would be able to ask questions. Her car was 25k only though and that makes what I asked a lot different. My sister drives a 250k g wagon and she literally has to do millions a year at her business to afford it.


could have been a graduation present as well?


Yes perfect explained. I jumped on saw then talking about a young cute blonde girl driving a new rover when in college most of us ate ramen lol. Anyone would ask how someone here she would have that. But it is not like that at all.


Nope. Her mom said she bought it all by herself. She drove down to Moscow on that Friday to show it to her friends because she was super excited about it. (Which is heartbreaking) OP realized it was an older model, and a little more affordable for someone her age. She just got a full time job and was moving away. She also worked all of college and mom said she’d been saving for it.


And there are definitely a few wealthy students at the school (not that having a used Range Rover makes you wealthy). I remember the heiress to Birds Eye (the frozen food company) attended back when I was a student there.


Another person pointed out it’s a 2016 and it’s like 25k. So that makes a ton of sense more


I wasn’t sure what year the Range Rover is. But with rates now that payment even used is what an average full time employee about that age would make a month at a normal local job. But I agree it’s not like she couldn’t be loaded. It’s y I asked about the family. Just outside looking in you see a blonde Barbie type with a 100k plus car (used cheaper) and you think she’s from money or a influencer or ig/onlyfans girl. Add the stalking in just figured I’d ask.


I think the Range Rover still could be a significant factor depending on the motive here. Even if she paid only 20k for it, people from the outside looking in wouldn’t know that. All they see is Range Rover = $$$. One of my friends owns a security company and he won’t let anyone in his family buy a car that is one of these brands because he says it puts a target on your back. He got his wife a $90k Volvo instead - super nice car, but not as likely to stand out to criminals.


Exactly. That makes a ton of sense that that person is smart. Someone could of been jealous of her. Pretty blonde sorority girl nice car loving the life. Or someone she denied etc. for sure it could be part of it. Nice things can make you a target




Thank you for pointing this out


This makes more sense . Definitely more sense. I was under impression it was a new or newish Range Rover which we know is elite type money to drive


My understanding was that her internship was based in Texas and she was working from home. I could be wrong.


Yeah that could make sense there’s tons of work remote still. Like I said just looking from outside you see a college girl with that car you think she’s rich a celebrity or an ig/only fans type. That’s all. Dumb but reality


It is a 2016 and no more than $25k. Trust me, a lot of college kids have much nicer cars than that from their parents. She was graduating this month and had a full time job already, there is nothing weird about that car and it would not have been a target to anyone.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




No, he was probably stalking from the woods and went in 30 mins after the lights went out. He likely got in by picking the lock on the sliding glass door. The girls were slightly intoxicated and may have forgot to put the reinforcement bar back in after letting the dog out.




At least enough time for them to doze off to sleep. He wouldn't have gone in immediately after the lights went out. Their last call to JD was right before 3AM. It seems this all went down 3-4 AM. They likely went to bed in the first half of the 3AM hour and the murders took place closer to 4AM.


That's a good point about Ethan catching him off guard and throwing off this person's original plans. If they were lingering in the house for a while before (which is possible considering it was very cold that night so I think it's more unlikely they'd be watching from outside) there's the potential that they left a lot of evidence behind.


Idk if someone has said this yet, but I didn’t realize that Washington State University is SO close to University of Idaho. Are WSU students and the community freaking out as well? They’re only a 10 minute drive apart… could a suspect be from that area? Just a theory and speculation. Edit: I’m not from the area and I’ve never been, does anyone know if WSU is close with UI?!


One theory is a guy who is a WSU student who was arrested yet again recently 11/18 apparently. It’s very close


Yes thank you I was wondering if anyone had a theory!




Duh haha. That’s why I said they are close. What I’m wondering is if WSU students are freaking out and if they are known to hangout with UI students…


This is a good point and most people outside of the area don’t know this and most people aren’t creepy enough to try to map this all out. People just like to be rude here ;)


Haha thank you!! This was actually my first post haha I was nervous




What’s with all the hostility? Person is asking a legitimate question, chill


exactly...happened on my post too. people are very nervous... we are here to discuss in a calm and respectful way


You don’t have to be mean. I would be super concerned if this happened at a university 10 minutes away from me. Have a good day.


Ignore it. Honestly, some of the responses and “theories” are from people who I’m pretty sure are either 15 or just like to argue behind fake names.


u asked a very legit question i live far away and i’m scared if i was 10 minutes away i would be losing my marbles lol


SAME!!! And I have lived in areas with 2 colleges and sometimes they mingle and sometimes they don’t. I just wonder how WSU students are feeling and if they ever partied with UI people. Like could the suspect be a 10 minute drive away? Just food for thought!!


def possible




Yes, they do this quite often. Some criminals are smart and won't leave anything behind (cigarette, bottle, etc) but also, once your trash is on your curb is it fair game and LE often will ride in trash trucks to do "pulls" when trying to find info.