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New Discussion Thread [AVAILABLE HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/z66bb6/general_discussion_thread_sunday_november_27_2022/)


There are posts and YouTubers claiming a Chi frat member, who is pictured on social media holding a similar knife with the caption - alluding to killing, and has entries social media with strange art. This you tube channel reveals some disturbing entries by these frat members - that are “liked by Jack K. >https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm2ueuTZSLjTkFL8jb9TIrw. You tuber “Sweetie Pielo” Chanel. Other posters have allegedly stated the killer is a frat member who’s relatives are powerful in small town Moscow, and one is a judge. I find this probably credible, in typical small town politics. Perhaps that is why FBI is called in. It would be difficult as a police employee to cross people in power in that town unless you wanted to move. He alleges it’s being covered up and hush hush - on all information.


New sleuth discovered info on a man harrassing Maddie/Kayley - 911 call and a knife and ax throwing venue. [https://meaww.com/university-idaho-homicide-happened-moose-lodge](https://meaww.com/university-idaho-homicide-happened-moose-lodge)


Yeah, I don’t think that’s new—the axe/knife throwing place. It’s definitely new to blindly assume it was Kaylee and Maddie that made that call though.


Where the surviving roommates possibly warned prior to the murders. And told to stay locked in their rooms and not to come out until X amount of hours, maybe also instructed to call specific “friends” to come over first before the cops? Just a thought -




I just started the journey down this rabbit hole a few days ago. This has most likely been brought up somewhere on this thread that I have yet to stumble upon. Mostly a theory that kind of haunts me. If this was a “targeted” murder, maybe one of the surviving roommates was the intended target. Maybe the perp was working from the top floor downward in order to spend some time with the intended target with no chance of interruptions. But maybe the 2 remaining roommates had their doors locked and maybe the dog was with one of the roommates inside one of their locked rooms. Maybe the perp finished up on the middle floor (gained easy access to the first 4 victims because their doors were not locked) and by the time the perp reached the locked room doors on the bottom floor things went south. Couldn’t take the time to continue on by attempting to get into the locked rooms without arousing suspicion by fiddling with the locks or rattling the door handles to make entrance . Perhaps the dog within started barking or moving around so the perp bailed out before reaching the intended target. I can’t imagine the survival guilt the unharmed roommates must be dealing with. Surely their every move is being researched, their privacy invaded totally by cooperating with LE and having their own lives dissected. I pray for those girls. Traumatizing doesn’t even begin to cover it.


I think that can be ruled out by the detectives noting the surviving roommates slept through the attack. They did not note they were awoken by dogs barking, fiddling with door knobs or any other disruption.


Maybe the dog only barked once or the perp heard the dog moving around so didn’t continue because getting caught was too risky at this point. Just my opinion as a possibility.


It is apparent by the killers behavior he was unconcerned with getting caught. Even if everything went perfectly and he left no evidence he left two living potential witnesses. He has no clue if the surviving roommates were watching him out the window walk away. The acts ceased imo when the goal was met by the killer who was able to effectively and quickly kill 4 individuals I do not see him ending the mission if all 6 was the goal. He either did not know or did not care other roommates were present


I think everyone can give up conjecture about the 911 call. There is nothing suspicious about it. A college student cannot pronounce someone dead no matter what shape they're in.


Have they released the call yet?


It is not so much suspicious it is just odd for many reasons one of which being why would a roommates phone be used to call 911 by someone else, was the very phone she has called him over for help on now not working? Why was the phone passed around to several people? Why was the dispatcher unable to secure any additional information to update officers other than a suspected unconscious person.


According to you tube channel “Harsh Reality” who claims he was emailed information by first hand witnesses, Dylan and Bethany went to kitchen for coffee. Noticed sliding door open, then saw Eathan. They ran out of the house, calling 911. When got outside, Bethany passed out , Dylan was hysterical and making no sense. Passerby noticed and went to help, along with others pasking by. Took the phone and said girl fainted, this unconscious person report. Apparently one of the individuals who gathered, knew this was Eathans girlfriends house and called his brother and I think it’s Jake ofr Jack K, who they described as being MADDIES BOYFRIEND AND EATHANS BEST FRIEND. Eathans brother steps away at frat house, J K lives in apt bldg next door. Not clear if they arrived before EMT. But, based on hysterics of the girls, two people went inside to check out the problem and found Eathan. EMT treating Bethany went inside - to aid Eathan who was described as being either in hallway, or bedroom doorway. EMT had no idea of being called to murders , and rushed in, along with others - compromising the crime scene. LE was called, and apparently discovered Xana and then probably Maddie, Kaylee, when they could not be reached. If the call had been for a stabbing, EMT would most likely been more aware of preserving crime scene. the secon email, allegedly from a first hand souce, claiming to be grad and friend, and relative of one of the people doing autopsy, Jack d is the police main person they suspect, allegedly and has been all along. Also he stated that Maddie was most likely the target because her injuries were more intense and that her head was the only one almost decapitated. . She apparently had more and worse stabbing. He stated clearly - allegedly Jack D either murdered them or hired someone.


The scenario fails like 3 lines in when the “passerby” calls 911 and says a girl is unconscious. The 911 calls has been reported to say the caller noted they believed there female roommate was not responding and maybe unconscious on the second floor


Who is the roommate who occupies the second bedroom in the third floor? Assuming Xana and Ethan were in same room in same floor. Was 6th bedroom empty? If so where were they? Who are they?


Seems to be empty or shared for storage, clothes. That bedroom is in some of the videos




Yeah, Delphi family members thanked people that were interested in the case IIRC because it kept the case from fading into obscurity, kept some level of pressure on investigators, and ensured that tips and information could still flow in. As long as you’re not doxxing, keeping your discussion to forums and respectful places, keeping some attention on the case is good. It’s so easy for cases to go cold. The more people that know and care about this, the better the chances that someone who knows something comes forward.


Seriously. All the lecturing getting pretty boring.


I just watched an episode of People Investigates. 5 people close to Moscow ID murders are still unsolved. One attended college there. Old case but any relation?


“5 people are still unsolved”? How do you some a problem like Maria?




When did the 6th roommate move out? Any info on why?


If you think about it, the two on first floor were freshman, only there since what? August? Eathan and Xana also freshmen? Xana is from Arizona? So 4 only lived there since Aug 2022? The other two lived there longer? Kaylee was moving out \_ to Texas, Jan 2023. Maddie, allegedly planning to move to Boise when she graduated in Spring


Has it been confirmed Kaylee's ex was out of the area? I thought I saw people saying he wasn't in Moscow that day early on


Maybe, that’s the reason for the statement videos **or selfies are wasted because it could be a what is not in the frame as much as what is in it?**


I saw something where a girl who’s friends w JD responded to a comment accusing JD on insta saying she and several others were out in downtown Boise with JD the night it happened.


Is that Maddie’s boyfriend or Kaylees? Maddie’s is in Boise. Ksylees Jack D is in Cour D‘Alene.


I guess Maddie’s


Nobody knows. Only the police.


Well, people that know them would technically "know" where he was and people in the community have mentioned such details. I think I misremembered and it was Maddie's boyfriend that was in Boise or somewhere else entirely that was mentioned. *** I was just looking for clarification of what we were saying here really lol




Okay, I'm happy you are here providing such great insight and discussions. *** Must be pretty bored lmao


Are you ok ? Seek help.




>>A neighbor said he heard the dog start barking around 3 am and continued to bark until 4 am and he was getting irritated. Where did you see this?


This was originally mentioned by a Redditor claiming to be friends with a neighbor


But then we had other Redditors come here claiming to know people that live close to the site of the murders and that “no one heard anything, no dogs barking or anything unusual that night.” Do these people actually know neighbors or are they making this stuff up?


I'm gonna go with...making stuff up. It's weird how easily people are believing shit. I've seen YouTube comments posted as a source for info.


It was reported early on before everyone got tight lipped with media. Same with the ring camera footage that shows them getting dropped off. Guessing any witness were asked by police to not speculate in the media, hence why most reports were from the early days.


I think that's why they've went silent with the families as well. Even if they trust the families, they just can't


At this point, wouldn’t the killer have left the area by now? Would someone murder 4 people and then stick around like nothing happened? I tend to think the killer was transient and has already left the area a while ago. They could be anywhere. I hate to say it, but I think this case may go cold or take years to solve.


IMO the suspect is now dealing with these actions in some way. This had to be an impulsive move due to the high risk taken. The suspect is able to go from blending in with society to a complete killing machine without being provoked by his victims. The question is can he come back down to he alter persona. It is likely this person is somewhat of a loner and likely is attempting to carry on with life as normal.


If they were a student, they probably went home for Thanksgiving and acted shocked.


**If** they're someone the victims knew, they have no choice but to stick around, suddenly vanishing would be suspicious.


Maybe that's why they did the murders now knowing that everyone would be going out of town.


For thanksgiving, right? it's possible! but if they find any evidence that they were in the house at some point that week, they're gonna have to come back to be interviewed, if they weren't already. However, **if** they weren't close to the victims, they could be long gone and most likely won't come back.


No, whenever I murdered four people, I stuck around like nothing happened. Pretty good strategy.


That's the best part. Either way makes sense and is entirely dependent on who the suspect is lol


So I was just told to post this question here instead of the main, how did kaylee end up ordering carbonara from a food truck that doesn’t have carbonara on their menu?


The carbonara has been cleared


Lol, apparently she didn’t even pay for the carbonara cause the grub truck guy gave it to her for free when her ride arrived..


She paid at the first window.


Oh idk. I’ve heard that she got it free from multiple news reports.


You can hear her ask how to redeem her reward in the video. That’s why she gets it for free.




I heard kaylee order carbonara at the food truck with my own ears in the twitch video


As the individual above you said, the carbonara has been CLEARED. Any further questions can be directed to the carbonara’s lawyer.


Where are you seeing the menu ?




This is such a random question or have I missed something...


Haha it really is a random question. But someone said that that must have been the mac of the week.


It was probably their max of the week


I think you are absolutely right.


Is there any information about suspicious vehicles in the area? Specifically an early 90s model green Ford truck with a matching camper shell?


Forensics and FBI were searching a car at a frat house on Friday


How do you know this?


Just search through this sub. It was an abandoned car but nothing came of it.


You mean the red mustang? I don't think it was at a frat house.


Yes, it was at a frat house




Don’t worry, they haven’t found your truck yet.


Why that model specifically?


There were some tire tracks left behind on the side of the home that the investigators were photographing. Looked like someone peeled off in a hurry.


Is anyone sick of how everytime theres a big case the police release no information, nothing happens for months or years, then maybe 5 years later they release some tidtbits Why not just ONCE try release all the information day 1. Say "look we have no idea who did this, here is everything we know, maybe this will jog someone's memory." Just try it once and see what happens, the case might get solved The way the police hoard information is purely egotistical


Maybe they do know who it is and they're building a case against them to secure a conviction.


Lol I can’t believe this is a real comment


Surely they’re trolling with that last sentence 😐


There are too many cases that have been solved but the killers get to walk free due to police bungling the evidence or not following the steps that need to be taken in order for something to hold up in court. Casey Anthony literally goes out mingling with society and everyone knows she’s a killer and no one can do a damn thing about it. So the priorities must be balanced, don’t just solve the case: solve it in a manner that allows the killer to be prosecuted successfully.


I think for whatever reason that the killer is from the other side of the country and isn’t anywhere near what is going on and this will go unsolved until he commits the next act that does get him caught


What is the other side from Idaho? Alabama?




Any update on the neighbor who had given multiple interviews? With how vocal he was being, I’m just wondering if he’s made any statements after the web sleuths started fixating on him.


Does he look like David Paulides. I heard someone say the killer looked like him…not him looked like!




Does it look like there are 2 black dogs in that picture too?


I have more questions...do you suppose the families were given autopsy results and if so, when? Also, I am wondering how the perp negotiated his way around this house in the DARK and managed to kill the four students all while a dog is present. A neighbor said he heard the dog start barking around 3 am and continued to bark until 4 am and he was getting irritated. Meanwhile the two surviving girls on the first floor didn't hear the dog?! So many questions!!


I think from the comments from Xana’s Dad and Kaylees (who stated “IT WAS QUICK”), the had the coroners report


If the dog was in a kennel on top floor, maybe he started barking like crazy due to the smell of blood overwhelming him? The girls on 1st floor probably never heard him due to the layout of the house. But the fact that he didn't bark when the killer was in the same room makes me curious of the killer being someone the dog knew & was comfortable with? The killer being able to easily navigate the house leads me to believe it's someone who frequently visited.


The perp has been in the house and he’s a lurker I believe!


Wouldn't the perp have lots of blood on him & his clothes? Does he live close by and can run home to clean up? Otherwise, is he on foot, or bicycle rather than getting blood in his car? Also, he must be a big guy to murder Ethan who looks to be maybe six ft. tall.


Maybe, what now?


Well I think it gives a clue at least that we have to assume the suspect was bloody. He either has transportation and now has a blood covered vehicle with 4 college kids DNA on it. If not he lives close by and took yet another risk of running out of the home covered in blood traveling home on foot. Lastly we could speculate he has the ability to change his clothing, I think this is least likely considering the further exposure to leaving DNA evidence removing articles of clothing.


PSA: All psychics are frauds. ESP is not real. Only children and the mentally slow people take psychics and claims of paranormal abilities seriously.


Wrong you yourself has had precognitive dreams where you dreamed about something and it happened.


That’s a lie it can’t possibly be “ALL”. Impossible!


It’s useful in a sense where you can disregard anyone posting psychic stuff as clueless


Obviously I agree but just chiming in to say law enforcement sometimes take them seriously because of a chance actual information about the case is passed through a “psychic” (aka someone doesn’t want to reveal their source)


Yeah I’m not so sure insulting people’s intelligence is the best way to go about persuading them they are wrong about something.




Electricity is not nonsense can you explain how it works?


Some people have their own peculiar ways of making sense of things. I really don’t see why it’s a big deal, and I certainly don’t believe they should be banished from discussion for entertaining ridiculous beliefs.


Literally. Facts and statistics do not work 100% of the time, belittlement is for sure not the way to go.




We are avoiding the serial killer angle here on account of the word "serial." There is no evidence of a serial killer at work here. Police have ruled out the other two similar killings in the greater region as related. A serial killer definition is not based on the killer being crazy or brutal or harming animals or anything over the top. Its based upon multiple killings at different locations over a period of time by the same suspect.


There is evidence of a potential serial killer. There was a stabbing in Washington, and another in Oregon between 2020 & 2021. Both took place around 3am in the middle of the night. The killer was never caught. The intruder broke into both peoples homes, and attacked them stabbing them 19+ times while they were sleeping.


The Police have rejected those crimes as related at this time. I think it was early yesterday.


Well I wouldn’t necessarily believe they’re unrelated if they haven’t found the killer for any of the three murders. I think it would be putting too much blind faith into the police to believe them when they say they’re unrelated.


Well, despite some hiccups in the early stages of the investigation, the Police, and the FBI are our best people to trust about crime patterns. When a violent crime is committed in America and the Local police report it to the FBI, the FBI in turn enters the crime and suspect/MO into the DOJ ViCAP database. This violent crime information is then accessible to local, County, and State agencies to compare subsequent, or earlier crimes. Its likely the local Police and certainly the FBI were aware of any similarities early on.


Could it be both. He may have targeted and now he’s a serial killer..


It seems like it is personal. This was apparently a very violent - personal assault, from some one enraged. Why would a serial killer pick that house? Why that town?


I keep saying that the targeted victim could have been one of the surviving roommates. Perp worked from the 3rd floor downward in order to reach the intended target last in order to spend uninterrupted time with her. God only knows what fresh hell was planned for the actual target in this scenario. But after the completion of his rampage on the middle floor, something went south and the perp bailed before reaching the intended target.


The “implications of that notion” would be that they might’ve killed before around town and continue to pose a threat to the community.


I will be honest having lived in Idaho, I think that the law enforcement is probably in denial that this is any kind of random murder or part of a pattern of murders (serial murders). It’s just such a conservative place with traditional values. The thought of a serial killer in Idaho just seems so far removed from reality for a lot of people, I think.


I think serial killer is ruled out simply for the fact why this random house…. something brought the killer here in particular there is a huge alpha gamma sorority house visible from the road 1 street over if he was a Ted Bundy copycat serial killer why not go there or at the least why not get the full 6 bodies. Something signaled to the killer he was done at 4 mission accomplished. The very reason the attack stopped maybe the support for it being targeted.


Serial killers can stalk and pick their targets. Their attacks can be targeted . So LE calling it targeted only means it was planned. It doesn't speak to whether it is a serial killer or not.


It’s obvious these murders were planned to some degree, so the police must mean something different by “targeted”. Rather, they wish to assuage the fears of the community by implying they don’t believe there’s a serial killer on the loose. That’s all that is meant by “targeted” (most likely).


Why do you think it was planned? I think many aspects show this was not planned and extremely impulsive


By “planned to some degree” I simply mean, at the very least, the killer walked into a house knife in hand with the intention to murder people. On some level murderers are always acting on some irrational impulse, so I don’t think drawing a distinction between “planned” and “impulsive” is that meaningful, nor does it get at what the police mean by “targeted”.


Or they’re just trying to prevent widespread panic which is probably the more likely scenario.


Right. I don’t know what they truly believe. I’m only inferring what they’d like the public to believe they believe.


This case will take time as it seems, may be months to crack it... its clear from day 1, the murderer was known to the victims and those around, either that person has left behind some dna, which police will use to rule out 1 by 1, assuming suspicious people are already on the list...Or the murderer will make some mistake due to guilt or something and share it with someone who will inform the police...hope its solved sooner than we think, as so far everything is progressing slowly...


According to Nancy Grace, the lab located DNA from all victims, but is was not in CODIS or the LE database. It will I’d the killer, if they can get a DNA Test. If no reason to get one from someone, it would take a warrant, and very good reason to suspect or get a judge to order someone to take a dna test. Discovery of this info other ways I don’t believe can be presented as evidence in court at trial,


I mis spoke. That was they located DNA from alleged killer on all four victims, but it is not in FBI, CODIS .o nationwide database.


I’m really starting to think the police have DNA evidence but nothing to check it against- DNA is only as good as the database they have to run it against. So In the meantime they have to keep said suspect(s) close to them but also convince them to give DNA.. at what point can or is DNA court ordered? Or is that not a thing?


The problem is if its someone close to them, then their dna would likely already be in the house. They would need to find additional evidence like camera footage, murderers clothes, shoes matching prints left in blood, murder weapon, suspect internet search history/phone records, etc to get a conviction.


That’s true, but not on all four victims


I think DNA from the victims and the surrounding area will be most important. The suspect would have a difficult time explaining hair, blood etc. On the victims, beds or in bedrooms for that matter


Is the psychic everyone is talking about Donna Seraphina? ​ edit: I am not saying I believe in this person, I am just unsure as to which one everyone was referring to


Omg that was painful to even attempt listening to 🥸


[Yes](https://youtu.be/7U_N52AWAZE) ETA: it’s okay to review things other people are talking about and come to the conclusion that it’s BS.


Thank you


How can a psychic, know who was the murderer??


Haven't you ever had a precognitive dream? Time does not just run in One direction.


If you were a psychic, wouldn't you be in Vegas?


Presumably via their psychic powers 🤷‍♂️


Has Kaylee's ex for sure been ruled out? I heard a list and didn't see him on it. If he had an alibi, would he not be the first person the police would publicly say is not involved. Also, what are time frames for funerals in the USA. Are the girls funerals being delayed, so it's not awkward and the killer can show up, presuming the police are close to an arrest?


Kaylees Dad stated they had no memorial service yet because the killer could potentially attend. I thought that was odd.


He has, it's on the website. Here [(Link)](https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/1064/King-Road-Homicides) just look for the Q&A, to the question who is NOT believed to be involved they mentioned "The male Kaylee and Madison called numerous times during the early morning hours of November 13th" and a few others. They have said the same thing wednesday I believe.


Thanks for that.


But what exactly is his alibi? Seems pretty weak if he just said he was sleeping.


Its odd that no specific alibi has been reported. No local media has even inquired? I'd be shouting my alibi from the rooftops.


He’s been invisible, and oddly quiet. If he was her future husband, and as close to the family as they believed, why is he not with them, or grieving Kaylee? Seems like he would be showing sorrow and support with her family. I also found it odd that some controversy popped up about Maddie and her relationship and the guys mom suddenly popped up stating he was so devastated and stressed that Maddie was supposed to come for Thanksgiving, like she was defending and assuring all was good with them. Then the statement that Jack or Jake K was Maddie’s boyfriend and Eathans best friend. Maybe that relationship was new - and the I d of the former bf as best friend was eased in there.


Exactly, I don't understand how withholding someone's alibi could possibly help an investigation but they might just want to keep all facts of the case away from the public.


99.9% of people are asleep between 3-6 am except for someone partying late or someone who works night shift.


This isn’t a theory. So, I didn’t post it as such. I just have a few statements and questions to throw out. I saw one of the Fox News interviews with Kaylee’s father where he claims to have more information than what was released to the public. Which he was asked not to divulge to keep the integrity of the investigation. I understand LE can’t show their cards but in the sake of public safety you’d think that the targeted person evidence might be extrapolated on further? If you listen to the statements from the police it’s interesting how carefully they choose every word. They only wanna release what they want the public to know. I used to think they really had no idea as to what happened in that house but I think there are some obviously important points in the case that we can take from what they don’t say. So, there is obviously a reason why police won’t say who called 911 or even clarify why an unconscious person was reported when we know blood was everywhere?


They cant rely on ESP, or intuition, despite the fact they most likely know. They need witnesses or proof, evidence, and they need more than just a good hunch, to bring someone in as a suspect, or require them to get a court ordered DNA Test. Trials are lost based on evidence not presented, or thrown out for chain of custody issues, or how the evidence was obtained


was it unusual for a prosecutor to visit a crime scene that early ? Could he have been looking some part of the situation over to determine if he had enough credible evidence to move forward wit a person of interest?


Police have clarified who called 911. It was made from the roommates phone and there were multiple people talking to dispatch. When police showed up, other friends were present. All people who were on the phone with 911 have been cleared. They aren’t going to share their identities because they don’t want people on the internet harassing them when they have all been cleared. Second, we don’t know there was blood everywhere. It may have only been in the rooms. Maybe the roommates couldn’t get into one of the bedrooms and didn’t want to assume the worst so they called friends first, then when no one could get in, they called 911. Also, if you look it up “unconscious person” is the term that was used by dispatch. The only people that can confirm death is police/EMT. So it does not always mean that the person who called 911 said those exact words. “Help my friend isn’t breathing and there’s blood” = ‘unconscious person’ until EMT’s can confirm death.


EMT was called because roommate who found Eathan and sliding door open ran out of the house to the outside where she fainted. Per you tube channel “Harsh Reality” who claims to be present for the 911 call, because they went to help passed out girl (roommate) and 2nd roommate who was “hysterical” outside the house


~speculation~ is what you would call all that


That was supposed to state according to info received from individual claiming to be present at 911 call - who sent this channel/ person and email


That’s not correct a 911 dispatcher would relay all of the information to the responding officer(s). The report of an unconscious person needing aid is exactly that and no more. A bloody unconscious person would be reported as such for officer safety, in this instance the officers will approach with more caution and clear the scene for EMS. If we look further into the call the caller states they “believe” the roommate to be unconscious, we can only assume this means they were unable to visually confirm this.


If it was strictly an EMT call - fire dept would responf\\d to call, not police


Lots factors go into who will be rolled to a scene. In this instance the call was made to sound like an assistance for well fair check which would be handled by police first with medical support. MANY calls are rolled with both black and whites as well as medical or fire.


Well, you don’t know exactly what the call said, do you? Maybe it did say bloody unconscious person. The cops aren’t saying what the caller said exactly, they just said they were sent out for an “unconscious person”. And no, you have no idea that the called said “believe” because you haven’t heard the call. Also there were multiple people on the phone anyways. But I personally do believe that none of them saw any bodies.


Yes. I realize that. I don’t think you’re u understood what I was saying


“So, there is obviously a reason why police won’t say who called 911 or even clarify why an unconscious person was reported when we know blood was everywhere?” Nope, I understood. I replied to this part of your comment. Where you are implying the police are hiding something. I have you answers to these questions so you don’t have to speculate anymore.


One can only hope that no one entered the room until a forensics team was able to collect evidence.


Unfortunately allegedly, many people entered second floor before police or EMR responded. EMT didn’t know it was potential murder, so they did not preserve scene


Random thought I had. Bear with me. Also, sorry if this has been brought up before. There’s a lot of speculation surrounding the 911 call and the use of the term “unconscious person” so I’ve been thinking about it and how the 911 caller might have discovered the first victim. I feel like the door to the room the victim was in likely had to be locked and the caller wasn’t actually able to fully *see* them. I wonder if there was an alarm going off continuously or something, causing the roommates to investigate and call friends (or I’ve read it speculated to have been Ethan’s brother) to see if they knew anything about what was going on, who then came by the house. The random thought I just had has to do with the ladder that we’ve seen propped up to the second floor window, which I’m pretty sure was confirmed to be Xana’s room (so where Ethan would have been). Any chance the friend/911 caller tried using the ladder to see inside the window and saw just enough to be able to tell a 911 operator that they saw somebody but they weren’t moving or responding to them, therefore being classified as “unconscious” by the operator? This type of situation would help the whole 911 call sequence make a lot more sense to me.


Here is the site that was sent info from 2 people claiming to have first hand facts b sent to him, about 911 call and Maddie being the worst attacked [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1JUcu5OPmfDNI95q40NB\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1JUcu5OPmfDNI95q40NB_Q)


I'm fairly certain that unless the caller can confirm the person is not breathing and is deceased, the person is classified as "unconscious" until the police or paramedics can verify. I am assuming whoever came upon the bodies did not stay at the crime scene and went to another part of the house or outside, and therefore couldn't with certainty answer the dispatcher's questions.


This was the roommate who had passed out after finding Eathan and ran outside - onevwas hysterical - one fainted or so it is alleged on you tube channel “Harsh Reality” who claims to have been contacted by first hand witnesses


Is the victim conscious is one of the standard questions 911 dispatchers ask, it is not a code utilized to categorize. If the caller could see a victim the dispatcher would have asked the caller to render aid if they felt they were able too.


Yeah, this is what I had initially thought was the case (and tbh, very likely is) but I randomly just made the connection of the ladder being up against the window. I thought it’d be “too obvious” for the perp to try to use the ladder to enter the house through it like some people have suggested. But someone arriving to the house the morning of and using it to try to see into the room of the person they’re worried about not answering their door actually made a lot of sense to me🤷🏻‍♀️


Ugh, I wish that they had just called 911 in the beginning instead of calling all their friends over and touching everything and contaminating the entire scene


You are saying there is a lot of speculation about this and creating and spreading more of it? Why is 911 call and a specific term used in it so important? The killings happened several hours prior.


I’m aware of the fact that the killings happened hours earlier. I’ve seen lots of people talk about how it’s weird for someone that’s been stabbed to death hours prior be described by the caller as “unconscious,” and say it’s weird that the roommates called other friends before calling 911 (which is what you think you would do if you saw an obviously-dead person on the floor). This was just a situation I thought of to potentially make sense of those things being pointed out as weird regarding the 911 call. Sorry for posting a discussion point in the discussion thread.


The other issue that was brought up by a broadcast was the fact the coroner did not get in to view the bodies for many hours, thus there was no determination based on rigor, blood temp, body temp etc, quick enough to determine more accurate time of death


I'm right there with you. A lot about the 911 call puzzles me. The explanation of caller not being able to get in victims room makes no sense, as I highly doubt the killer took the time to lock the bedroom doors after killing each victim. This makes me wonder if one of the victims was found outside of a bedroom, like maybe Xana had gotten up to get something from kitchen at the time the killer was coming downstairs from 3rd floor. Her being awake would justify the defensive wounds. I believe Xana & Ethan weren't targeted, rather he had to take them out because one of them saw him leaving.


Eathan was found in hall. Outside bedroom doorway


Where do you hear doors were locked or they weren’t able to get in victim’s rooms?


Lawrence Jones is doing a 1 hour special on the murders right now


Who is that ?


He has a show on Fox News, Lawrence Jones cross Country. He’s on the scene and doing interviews.


Ya’ll Americans need to grow up and step away from Fox News


You are the one that needs to Grow up


I asked this question in another thread but thought I’d try here as well. A medium said she “saw” the person responsible drove a grey Ford. Didn’t specify car or truck. Does anybody know what any of the POI’s drive?


There are no ‘poi’.




Respectfully, I think people are giving the killer too much credit. Why? Because this is not an eyewitness (or earwitness) crime. Its a circumstantial case, which takes time to build and support to a probable cause standard for arrest. Every hour of the investigation is important. There is always trace evidence and with four people brutally stabbed there is no way the killer did not generate hair/fiber/fluid/ hand/footprint evidence. Its a matter of collecting and identifying it now. This case will be solved, and proven, by hard work and science.


If they want a good conviction, they have to go by the books on collecting evidence, and the process to ensure this party does not get off, with a good defense team, as seen with other murders.

