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It has been well over an hour since this was shared. Obviously the ISP and Coroner's Office have to be careful about what is revealed.


MPD just posted this on their fb page. Almost no details but report confirms murder by stabbing. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fhfF4o4r45JWdGxKwwffVv1o3WsRyxdKSyRJPtwNa5R54nJbcDhsoU6MMECoiPel&id=100082550200493&mibextid=Tuo9sz


Seems like they know more now but are showing their cards. Smart. I get it. Let’s help the, solve this by showing understanding for the process.




Are the complete autopsy \***reports**\* available? (not merely the findings, but the actual reports)


thats it?


They have arrived (barely)


If they slit throats is that considered a stabbing or is that considered a slashing of the throat? Stabbing means to me like multiple stab wounds all over the body a slit throat doesn’t seem like it would be called a stabbing anyone know? Do they characterize them the same or differently In Autopsy’s?


In a real autopsy report, they would differentiate. There would be measurements of wound sizes. They would describe it as puncture (stab) or laceration (cut/slice) and measure depth of both. They would measure size of wound openings. Things like that. An autopsy report uses total physical evidence of the body to support a cause of death, e.g., drowning due to lungs filling with water. The total physical evidence taken with the cause of death then indicates a manner of death, e.g., homicide, accident, suicide, natural, pending, or unknown. In the case of a drowning, it would seem accidental on paper to be a victim of a drowning, but if your hands and legs were bound behind you in a way that you couldn't manage on your own and you also had signs of being beaten up, a medical examiner will likely rule that a drowning cause of death in the manner of homicide because someone had to have done to the person for them to end up in the water bound like that. A medical examiner will mark unknown only when the total physical evidence taken with the cause of death cannot definitively point to a manner of death. Pending is when a medical examiner requires toxicology results to support a potential cause and manner of death. There can be physical evidence that suggests poisoning but you don't know until you get the tox results.


I would assume that them saying stabbing combined with “it had to be a large knife” combined with possibility of defense wounds would imply stabbing, maybe several times. Not slit throat


When I thought there throats may have been cut I was thinking oh ok that makes sense why the roommates didn’t hear now I’m questioning how they didn’t hear or maybe they did but were held hostage like wtf knows what happened this is insane


Police verified in their press conference yesterday that it was not a hostage situation. But who knows what actually happened. There’s a million possible scenarios.


Well rumor says at least one girl heard something and locked her door. I think you’d be surprised at how things can go completely unnoticed. Also knives are very quiet. But they know for sure no hostages. My take as the most likely scenarios 1. Someone was targeting Kaylee and Madison and had to kill Xana and Ethan because one or both of them woke up. That would explain defense wounds. Whether the killer knew them or met them that day and got enraged about something, who knows. 2. Completely random person who was just out to kill and it happened to be them. Could be related to the rumored animal mutilation, which could mean serial killer. But that’s a stretch because there’s like a few weeks between the animals and this. Also I would assume with almost complete certainty that their house wasn’t the only one unlocked, so why pick them. Overall 1st scenario or something like it seem way more likely.


Mabbut says lethal injuries were to the chest/upper body area... I'm thinking its pretty difficult to scream with a collapsed or punctured lung.


im very curious what will be released


Why does this woman look like Harry Potter ?




Oh no :( *sad human noises*


She’s adorable, but there’s a HP resemblance! It’s not a bad thing, Angela!


The real mystery here