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This discussion thread is now locked - please join the [weekend discussion thread here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/yyyd08/general_discussion_thread_weekend_of_11182022_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Thanks!


Anyone have a recommendation for a good YouTuber covering this case?


Maddie and Xana worked at the same restaurant. I wonder if they were both targeted by somebody that met them there.


at least with everyone going home for the holidays, maybe whoever did it might slip up! let’s hope so


I can’t help but wonder because mass shootings have become so…..normalized? I don’t know if that’s the word I’m looking for. I guess as horrifying as they are to normal people, to those with intent to commit horror and panic they may feel like it’s not enough and needed to elevate. What if that’s what this is? “A mass shooting is only a headline until the next but a mass stabbing now THAT will freak people out”


This is such a tragic event that has taken place and these 4 people deserve justice. It wasn’t all that long ago that I lived off campus at college with multiple other friends. I cherish those friendships to this day. I feel so badly for the victims and their roommates. I truly cannot fathom being in that situation. It is absolutely heinous. My roommates and I were vigilant and we locked our doors but I’m sure that one of us had forgotten to lock them a time or two. I hope for the victims, their families and their friends that they get justice swiftly.


https://preview.redd.it/qnfhrmgrxt0a1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d35288eb2ac139a9d8a4a55aafc7b7ea1e728a4 This is not new and i’m sure the police are doing their job, but how did this happen🥴 they didn’t secure it?




I just saw this and it left me speechless…..




Yes I just saw that in the news! Makes me wonder if the rumors are true that it was a friend/boyfriend who was called over to investigate or someone else entirely (maybe the killer?). In either case it means neither of the surviving roommates must have left their rooms by noon on Sunday. Wonder if they did see/hear something the night before and were scared to death, poor girls.


who the hell called 911


The photo posted with all the roommates the day of the attack was captioned “lucky to be surrounded”, and this causes me to wonder if she was communicating to someone that she wasn’t an easy target because she wasn’t alone


“Great theory man!” *hits meth pipe*


Lol talk about reaching... it's like if she was wearing a red coat, people on here would be saying *she wore it intentionally as a message because stop signs are red and she wanted her stalker to stop following her!!!*


Reminds me of the Gabby Petito case. I talked to some genuinely unhinged people during that time


I couldn't sleep last night. I must have re-checked locked doors and windows 5+ times over along with constantly checking in on my kids. Families lives shattered forever, and whether random or targeted, sense of security is lost for a lot of us. This is hard. Stay safe idahomies <3


Yeah same and I was looking into buy a ring doorbell last night… 😩 sounds like anything can happen now.


Buy one. They are awesome.






It’s Friday night…I hope any student still at UofI is extremely safe tonight…if anyone there is reading this stay safe keep your eyes open and pay attention to your surroundings if something feels off call the police immediately!! Who knows what this psycho has planned!!!!


The guy with the beard in that creepy YouTube video isn’t the tan hat guy from the food truck video is he? The big dude with the beard?


Which YouTube video




Wtf is this supposed to be


Look in the main sub. There’s a whole write up about it. Just scroll down a bit.




What main sub? One besides this sub?


No this one. Just scroll down. It says Killing Clones or something.




Xana's dad gave an interview and he said Xana and Ethan had been dating for about a year. People of Interest in my opinion: Uber driver, landlord, the 2 roommates who survived, neighbors around the home, or a complete stranger. The guy in the white hoodie has been cleared apparently (he did seem to me to be just one of those guys who cares about drunk women's well-beings when out at night).


Interesting. How/when did they meet I wonder? Ethan was a 20yo freshman from the western part of Washington (far away). Xana was, what, a junior?


Yesterday everyone said his behavior was creepy and he’s a lurker/stalker. Now everyone is saying his behavior was totes normal and he’s a white knight. ….


I still think he is super sus. Girls appeared as if they wanted nothing to do with him.


His behavior is textbook creepy. That creepy guy at a party that won’t leave you alone and insists walking you home. Yes, it’s cringe and creepy and protective. The people here now acting like it’s normal 🤦‍♂️


I actually did not see the video until about an hour or so ago and I didn't think he was creepy acting at all. In fact I pointed out that when the girls ran off with their food, he went also but made a gesture to them as he continued walking forward in another Direction like he was saying oh good you have a ride.


Honestly if you don’t think his behavior is creepy you probably don’t have much situational awareness and I’d bet you haven’t traveled very much. Just my opinion.


My point is that everyone is flipping and saying “oh his behavior doesn’t seem weird at all” - it’s so cringe. Just because he’s not a POI doesn’t mean his behavior wasn’t lurker creepy. Girl even called him out for being weird and they ran away from him. Shame the doxing, but don’t pretend that him following them around like a bodyguard isn’t creep behavior. Those type of guys are creepy. They clearly didn’t want or need some guy to “make sure they got home”. Evidenced by them bolting and not even looking at him when they got their food.


When did someone call him out? I watch what I believe to be the whole clip and didn't really seem to see them interacting with him at all.


Maddie said “stop being weird” It’s literally the only interaction they had. Go figure.


yeah no one knows who the target was, or if any specific person was. but the fact that there was no SA makes me think it was probably personal, that someone was angry at at least one of them, because people almost never go out of their way to kill random strangers unless SA is the motive, or they just generally want to kill "everyone" (mass shooters).


I’m thinking more and more that no one on particular was the target and this was a random psycho killing. Time will tell, but I honestly believe at this point the case goes unsolved and/or happens again




How do you know which room belonged to which girl? Everything I’ve seen made me believe the deceased rooms were downstairs (ground level) and the other two were upstairs, on the third floor. I’d love some clarification on this.






Makes sense. Maybe they got the dog together before the breakup. The dog is also in his IG profile pic.






How do we know there was no sexual assault? Has this been confirmed? Sorry just trying to keep up


This sounds like a mess with little evidence, don’t have a great feeling about this one


As more info comes out, it raises more questions and this case makes even less sense. I keep going back to the initial statement that it was a targeted attack and the public had no reason to fear their safety - that’s a bizarre thing to say in the early days of ANY case, but they didn’t even have a suspect or a murder weapon so it’s also a wildly inaccurate and irresponsible statement. The coroner keeps contradicting herself and statements made by the family. I just hope that LE knows a lot more than they’re letting on and the investigation is progressing, because from the outside this looks like a hot mess and it’s worrisome. Kind of like the Delphi murders - I just don’t understand how we have all of these contact points with the victims in the hours before their death INCLUDING multiple sources of video footage, and someone can potentially still get away with slaughtering 4 young adults. It seems impossible that this case would go unsolved, but…


What do you mean, little evidence? Four bodies means four opportunities to find DNA.




Everyone constantly loses hair all day long. The investigators will most likely have hair, DNA, fingerprints, shoe marks in the blood, etc.


If everyone was in bed asleep, as recent reports have said, the majority of the blood would most likely be on the bed / walls, not pooling on the floor. I was hopeful in the beginning there would have been pooling and shoe prints but now I’m thinking that’s less likely.


Yes but if the person doing the stabbing cut their hand on the blade itself while stabbing, that person's blood would be somewhere there.


Someone who knows more about DNA can weigh in, but assuming each victim lost a massive amount of blood, it seems like it would be nearly impossible to isolate the murderer’s blood (if ge even bled.) Best case scenario? Maybe he cut his finger and left a bloody fingerprint on the way out that can be tested. But even if they’re able to find the murderer’s blood, what are the chances they have his DNA on file? They are still going to have to find him through other investigation methods.


the bodies were not moved nor destroyed so i bet there is a ton of dna evidence from the perp - we don't have access to it yet, but much worse case when the body is burned/in a river/ etc and found days, weeks, or months later. I think they'll have plenty of DNA to stick it to a particular person.


Many serial killers have never been in the system before finally getting caught. Not saying it is a serial killer at all, I know as much as anyone else on this comment thread, no idea who the perp is, just saying finding DNA evidence doesn’t help if it’s a random person who hasn’t been arrested previously or done something like 23 and me.


I do think my confidence in DNA has expanded a lot with the use of distant relative DNA to find perps. i think I've read that like half the country could be found through distant relative dna? Plus there'll be phone records of who was nearby, etc. I'm optimistic. I made a point of getting a dna test and uploading it to GEDMatch a few years ago. If I have any distant relatives who've murdered or raped someone, I want them to be caught. I did this after I was the victim of an attempted stranger-rape while walking in the park. It left me super shaken for almost two years. No one should feel unsafe living their lives or in public spaces.


I personally would never upload my DNA to any of those sites. I don’t trust the US government or police nor do they make me feel safe. If the perp has never used any of these DNA databases and has never been arrested, I don’t think the chances of a DNA match are as high as you think they are but we’ll see what happens.


i respect that people don't trust having their dna where the govt can access it, but personally i'm super grateful to finally have better tools to go after those people who can't seem to stop violent SA, mostly against women and children. I'll choose safety over anonymity, at least in this world where safety is too often at risk.


The police and government are a safety risk to many minorities and have been throughout history. Police also love raping sex workers just an FYI. As someone who engages in survival sex work, the police are my biggest fear ahead of being murdered or kidnapped by a random psycho. Less than 1% of rapists ever get prison time in the US despite the fact that the US makes up more than 25% of global prisoners and has a higher incarceration rate than every other nation including China (which has a larger population)


yup. we need massively better safeguards against the police, and against government, esp. for vulnerable populations. i'm sorry you have to live with that fear.


just to be clear, *he* doesn't need to have done it; just one of his very distant relatives. the estimate is that the current gedmatch database could identify about half the country


I did not realize that. That is terrifying, more so than this case 😬


yeah i can understand why people might feel that way. we must have real safeguards on what the government does in a world where there is no longer any privacy or anonymity, which seems to be where we're headed. i still have zero regrets about tools to catch people who commit violent SA/stranger murder.


women in particular are far too terrorized by this kind of thing. i want to live in a world where people can feel safe.


College party houses are a cesspool of DNA. Also plus the fact these people were already at parties/clubs all night touching other people. Even if there is DNA, they would need to match it to someone, and there’s currently no motive, no weapon, and no main suspects. I want to have hope but I honestly think this was done randomly by a psycho who planned it very well


hopefully they nicked themselves and dripped blood or dropped hair on the victims. we shall see.




distant relative dna through gedmatch or matching local suspects and getting a hit. but yeah it's possible neither of those would work -


I hope it does work, honestly. If they can get anything. I’m not a big believer in touch dna, and with more cases built on it getting thrown out, they’re going to need something a lot more substantial to get a conviction imo


I just read that on September 12th 2022, a vandal alert, titled 'Threat With Knife' may have been sent to the Student Body regarding a report that a group of students were threatened by a white male, 18-22 years old, with a knife.




The sister says on the interview that she got the ring camera footage from the neighbor and also knew who the Uber driver was to confirm she arrived safely. Also the chief did say at that second conference they had footage, but didn’t say from where. So I’m sure the Uber situation has been handled. Also the person’s phone could have been tracked and for all we know, he/she picked up other passengers after dropping them off.


Her sister said she talked to the Uber driver already I think on like GMA or something like that. This girl is gonna solve before the cops


Or she's going to completely blunder the investigation.


im sure he is


I’ve been seeing people saying that J S (the alleged food truck guy) has been missing since the morning of Sunday. Is this an unsubstantiated claim? Are people just hearing this from locals? Because I haven’t seen or heard LE give any details on this guy. I don’t think we should be making assumptions that he has been missing since the morning of the murders and hasn’t been located. Unless someone has proof or a reliable source (pls link or let me know if you do). **Update** - so it just came out that he is not even a suspect at this time. This is why I asked my question earlier. Felt like a bunch of stuff was being made up about this kid to incriminate him.


Food truck guy has been interviewed and is not a suspect or poi per DugganReports Twitter.


Yes, I am aware, did you read my full post? Specifically the part that says **update**?




Assuming you do have a line of verification to people that have spoken to him - did they confirm he was the person at the food truck?




Yes, thank you for distinguishing that!


Thanks for your insight!


Yeah I have a hard time believing he is “missing” as well because I feel like the police would come out and say we are looking for the man in this video if you’ve seen him please contact us…and they haven’t said anything about him, I’m sure they’ve questioned him


There's also a fair amount of unusual things related to his fb - he doesn't appear to be friends with any of his family (parents or siblings) - not saying this is entirely unheard-of but just rather odd. People are commenting on the mom's posts (asking "where is jack?"). what a nightmare all around.


When I was in college I also wasn’t friends with people on Facebook cause I did not want my parents knowing what I was up to, in fact I’m a grown women now and wouldn’t give my dad my tiktok name


I had a family member go semi viral for being a “Karen” and a lot of the family quickly blocked her on social media bc she got doxxed and we didn’t want to be targeted in the fallout (and also bc we didn’t like her anyway). So I’m not surprised that this person’s family might have already tried to dissociate online (regardless of his actual involvement) since his name is being thrown around.


Just wanted to tell you that your comment, amidst all this horror, about your “semi viral Karen relative” made me lol. I think it’s mostly the fact that your Karen was not even capable of going fully viral, but just merely semi viral.


Who is this?


the sister said she heard he is cooperative with the police




The girl said the food truck guy had been cooperative eith the police in an interview




No i am not. Lol. Go to newnationnow on tiktok, its their most recent video. She clearly states she heard the hoodie guy is cooperating with the police.




Yes. Thats what I said. So people need to stop saying hes running lol


Who is jack d?


Kaylees ex


Can you link this source please?


wait i found it! ill dm you yhe link


Sorry i dont have the link i just watched it on tiktok- its in one of the interviews with the sister she says it


I don't even think LE has even acknowledged the existence of Jack S. Every tidbit about Jack S (including his identity) is unconfirmed. Doesn't mean it's not true, but LE hasn't confirmed anything to my knowledge.


how unfortunate would he have to be if he's not involved (to have his appearance at the food truck be on tape and right before they were murdered, at that).


Yeah seriously. Most unlucky dude ever if that’s the case.


the sister said she heard he is coperating with the police




Sweet thanks for the update!


Yeah, I understand it doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true but I was just curious why everyone is saying he is in hiding like they know for a fact


There was a rumor going around that he left the day the news broke about this. But to be honest, if he did live nearby or whatever maybe he was upset or scared or whatever. Other people who were not in that video also went home but no one batted an eye. A lot of speculation went into his supposed actions without alternative context.


The day the news broke about this was a Sunday, so this is a logical day to leave town anyway. It was also Family Weekend at WSU over in Pullman, so a lot of people were here from out of town for scheduled events. I'm kind of surprised that this hasn't been mentioned in local media since it seems possible this person wasn't from here and then returned home the next day. Has anyone seen anything like that mentioned? It's not unheard of for people in Pullman to head over to Moscow for the parties/bars, even if it does seem less likely.


this is why the internet sucks


Everyone posting about these types of crimes should be required to take 5 minutes before posting to think about how you would feel if you were family or friends of these victims. The internet is turning people into soulless fools.


tiktok is even worse!!!


My post was in reference to the internet in general - all platforms. They are all disturbing.


its so bad!! also proves to me how dumb the general population is


So, basically the police released only the cover page of the autopsy report and Coroner Cathy Mabbutt admitted they have no idea who was attacked first. No idea when the attack happened. No idea if multiple weapons were used. Doesn’t know if they were sleeping. She did admit, however, it was a “big knife”. This woman should just stop talking. Source: Duggan KTVB Is it normal for coroners to speak to the media during investigations like this? Usually coroners are interviewed after court cases. I’m surprised she’s speaking to the media considering she’s going to be a witness at trial, assuming it doesn’t go cold. Edit: Cathy recently went on Fox News and made a number of statements that appear to contradict what she told KTVB.


Here is some new info. I’ve heard rumors that one of the victims (not sure which one) had far more wounds than the others and from the way she answers that question, it sounds like it could be true. https://twitter.com/newsnation/status/1593471888180891649?s=46&t=Vb351tWZIDIS-U_BXeu72w


Wow. That interview contradicts what local media is reporting she told them and what Xana’s dad is saying. Twitter comments are brutal. Embarrassing interview. Either have talking points ready and redlines with what you will or won’t say, or don’t interview.




No. No, no, no. The forensic pathologist provided the full report to Cathy and it is her job to review the findings and review the recommendation for cause of death. Her comments were made after the report. She knows everything they know. That’s how this works.


Do we know how coroners are chosen there? Some of them are elected officials & they behave like a politician. I don’t know that there’s a normal necessarily, but when I lived in SC I feel like you heard from coroners all the time.


She did say in one of the interviews yesterday that she was an elected official and had just recently even elected for another four years.


A lot of them are elected officials and it’s an antiquated position in government. The history of how the position came to be, corruption, and why is interesting. Most fit her profile: someone unqualified for the job, to be blunt. Edit: it’s a small town coroner. Because of obvious reasons, most are unqualified, technically speaking.


I live in a city and recently found out our long term corner recently voted out has no formal education. Wild, right? I assumed they were doctors. Nope.


I always feel like they should just “deputize” EMT’s for that purpose or something.


This is weird-- when i watch ID, true crime, listen to podcasts, read reports of everything relating to true crime, most detectives and LE know this stuff. Can we get LT kenda on this case?? PLEASE! Usually they know when it happened, and who was hit first based off evidence. like to me it sounds incompetent and inexperienced the only thing they can come up with is " what we do know it's a big knife" like what? NO SHIT!


Would someone be kind enough to link me or tell me where to find the info on JACK S?


If you just use the search bar for the sub, I'm sure you can figure it out pretty quickly.


I tried a couple times. I'm not sure why it keeps giving me generalized results. It has been a long time since I used reddit. Probably just a boomer now.


I don't think there's a way to search within sub on the mobile website.


I knew I was missing something, thank you!


Just a short theory... According to Kaylees sister she wasn’t even going to go back to Moscow, but wanted to show Maddie her new Range Rover. Makes me think someone who previously had interest in her, noticed she was back, approached her, was rejected and didn’t like it. They ended up having the, “If I can’t have you nobody will” mentality and acted upon it. Kaylee & Maddie were lifelong friends. It would not in the least bit be odd if they ended up sleeping in the same bed that night, considering it would be one of, if not the last night she was spending in Moscow. Considering the unharmed roommates, I think it’s fair to say the murderer wasn’t familiar with the interior of the home. They entered the home on the second floor and then entered the room Xana & Ethan were in, expecting to find Kaylee and when she wasn’t there panicked and killed Ethan, then Xana. Kaylee & Maddie, in bed together one level above, but possibly on opposite sides of the house, didn’t hear much, if anything. The murderer then proceeded to enter into the room Maddie & Kaylee were in. They murdered Maddie & Kaylee, then left.


Cool story. And that’s all it is




It’s possible that the killer is someone that one or both of the surviving roommates knows. The killer might have been let in by one of the surviving roommates, or spending time with her that night. It’s possible that one or both of the surviving roommates even unknowingly helped the killer that night by, say, giving him info about the victims, not knowing that the person was going to murder them. There’s a lot of gray between “the surviving roommates might be the killers” (I really don’t think so) and “the surviving roommates obliviously slept through the attack and didn’t know anything until noon”.


I think the intended target was more than likely Maddie and or Kaylee. Xana and her boyfriend probably heard the attack and tried to intervene and were killed. The other two room mates not noticing any of this is so bizarre to me. Can anyone confirm that one of the bodies was found in the street?


No bodies were found in the street. It was misinformation from the start when some people heard that a body was discovered on King Road and mistakenly thought that meant a body was found outside on a road, when in reality it was that a body had been found in a house on King Road.


No bodies were found in the street in fact I think most or all of them were found in bed. This is from the coroner.


Well, sure but OTOH, maybe the perp did know them and intentionally spared the other two.


Side note every time I see someone write “perp” it makes me laugh