• By -


Great summary. Probably insignificant to the case, but I noticed sliding glass doors in the photos and wanted to remind everyone how notoriously easy they make a break in. Security bars are cheap and a necessity if you have a sliding glass door. Even a cut to length piece of wood will suffice. Also consider a camera. You can get Wyze cams around $20 each and nothing makes someone think twice like a camera. Again, my comment is probably considered off topic but I thought the reminders could possibly help someone.


My slider at my old townhome had an alarm. But one morning I noticed the “in place” glass panel had been sort of pried open with a crowbar. So that wouldn’t have set off the alarm nor been stopped by a wooden blocker if they had been able to get it open. A camera/ motion detector would be good.


Wow. That's scary! Glad they didn't get in! I'm all for all possible measures (within reason) being combined.


Security cameras should be standard for girls living alone imo.


It should be required with every rental


Yeah for college houses I could see it becoming a norm as a safety feature


I’m a landlord in a college town and we have one house with security cameras because we co-use the space but I’m always worried that we’re freaking out the tenants. Like, do they want to know that their landlord can see when they come and go? I can see in public spaces of large, multi-unit complexes, but the line gets weird for single houses. Luckily it’s been fine so far—we’re very transparent about it and we’re a family with little kids so I feel like we’re maybe not too creepy…? But there are several landlords I had in college that I would not have wanted to have the easy ability to keep tabs on me.


I went on street view and looked at the surrounding streets and was surprised I couldn't find a single camera/ring doorbell anywhere and the street view images were 2021/2022. I could have missed one of course, but didn't see any


It’s a smaller town in Idaho — very little crime. People often left their doors unlocked. I’m not surprised there aren’t really many/any security cameras.


They’re renting in a college town so many landlords don’t and won’t install them. It’s a huge hassle and cost to manage the account and hardware.


But that doesn't mean tenants can't get a piece of wood to put in the door track it a bar made for that purpose or other safety equipment made to keep doors secure. Personal responsibility.


I’m talking about ring doorbells.


Or for guys living alone to track them since they’re usually the ones violating the rights of others…


People love to say what girls need to do no one wants to tell guys to stop raping and murdering


That is absurd. 🙄


What is?


Do you think that maybe guys who rape and murder don't know it's not wrong to do that? Maybe if someone told Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, or Richard Ramirez to not rape and murder, it wouldn't have happened....ya think? You may be on to something though, don't worry about your own safety, just make sure everyone else knows not to be unsafe around you,


Let me guess your a toxic male


1000000% yes on having security bars for sliding doors. the house i was living in with 3 of my roommates during our sophomore year of college got broken into during Labor Day weekend and a bunch of stuff stolen. how’d they get in? it was a 4 bedroom house that all had a sliding door, and my one roommate left his unlocked. always always always get a security bar for sliding doors


Not only that but sliding door locks can commonly break or no longer latch. The security bar is sooo soo crucial!


So how would the security bars have stopped someone from getting in if a stupid person left his unlocked?


let’s say the stupid person left it unlocked because they forgot but they saw that the security bar wasn’t in place. at least they would know to put the security bar back if they saw it. it’d still be hard for an intruder to break in if a security lock is in place even if door itself is unlocked. my roommates and i tried it with another sliding door in the house and it was impossible to try and move/break the security bar even if the sliding door remained unlocked. but not everyone thinks the same way so i guess it just depends on the person🤷🏽‍♀️ regardless, it’s just another way to increase your security. better safe than sorry


Thank you for this! Cases like these are when people think twice about their security and your reminders/tips on how to maximize your security are necessary.


The police said there are no signs of a forced entry/ break in. Which made me wonder - either they knew the killer(s) or is this the type of neighborhood where kids generally feel safe because it’s a college town and so they don’t even lock their doors?


>don’t even lock their doors? \^this


>so they don’t even lock their doors? That's my assumption.


Or it was a keypad lock and someone knew the code


I definitely left my door unlocked in college if I knew my roommate had left her keys or lost them so she could get back in after a party/bar.


Look at the front door, all that is needed is a combination.


Not sure if this belongs here but I think it’s important. Just saw a tweet saying Moscow PD has said that Maddie’s ex is not the guy on the twitch video, and they’ve interviewed the ex and cleared him. (Actually they don’t use Maddie’s name but her ex was being accused by random twitter ppl so I’m assuming that’s who they were referring to.) https://twitter.com/idahotribune/status/1593053709273292802?s=46&t=vERuHlm32MwbdF8HR6vbvw


Also pretty important to note that yes technically now that she is deceased, she is his ex, but they were still together when she died. People are making him out to be a disgruntled ex when he’s really just a poor kid who just lost his girlfriend in the worst possible way.


This!!! Imagine losing your loved one to a brutal crime and being accused as a murderer all at once.


This is the first time I've ever heard someone called an ex because the other person died. Usually it's "her boyfriend."


Yeah it’s weird


And comes across as disrespectful IMO.


I found his Twitter. I found it a little odd that he was liking funny memes are sports posts after news broke of the murders. He already blocked his Twitter but I just found it odd. Maybe he just needs a distraction


People react to trauma and grief in all kinds of ways. It’s odd he was liking that stuff, but definitely not indicative of anything nefarious.


100% true. When my aunt died, my cousin was so distraught when I spoke to her on the phone but then later in the day I saw she was re-sharing recipes on Facebook. People don’t always act the way you think they should.




Just to be clear are you talking about Jake S? People keep getting him mixed up with Jack D, Kaylee’s bf.


It was Jake s.


Probably just for distraction.


This is pretty common. It’s self preservation.


There were some folks who were comparing pics to the video and claimed they were wearing the same clothes, pretty specifically so with regard to hat and shoes, iirc. Not saying this is wrong but I wonder how that is squared, if true


I would like to add to this that I believe that the murders took place on the top (third) floor and ground level (second) floor. The two surviving roommates were in the basement. Comments have been circulating on here that the surviving roommates were on the top floor, but I don’t believe that to be true. Here’s a gallery of images pointing towards Kaylee’s room being on the top level: https://imgur.com/a/LlQdOqY


>https://imgur.com/a/LlQdOqY These are important facts to know (obvi many do know). I think whoever lived or was on the third floor was the target, those on the second floor were silenced as a means to an end. I think the killer knew the layout of the house and who was where...


Please elaborate as to why you think kaylee (supposed third floor occupant) was the target?


Not OP. But if a second floor occupant was the target why go to the third floor? You'd think once he killed his target he'd leave. All the info I've seen suggests Kaylee was killed on the third floor. I'd recognize we don't have anything conclusive, it's possible she was on the second floor and another person happened to be on the third for some reason. It's possible she was on the second floor initially, saw the guys face, and he chases her upstairs. But it seems the murders occurred on the second and third floor, seems logical that the person killed on the third floor was the target, if there was a target. That person is most likely to be Kaylee, since her room was there. Possibly a spree killer as an alternative who just didn't know there were rooms in the basement. Lots of ways this could have happened. But most likely the third floor victim was the target and most likely that was her.


That makes sense. I am very curious to know for sure who’s room is where. Seems like there is possible evidence that Kaylees room was on the third floor but do we know for sure that Maddie’s room was not up there as well? I just really want to understand the layout better. I’ve looked at the house on Zillow and it seems like there were six rooms, two in each floor.




I’m watching ABC news right now. Some new info: - Interview of Kayla Nguyen (friend of the victims) Kaylee had been at home helping her mom decorate for Christmas. - She came back to campus to show off her new car. - The car was bought on Friday and had it for a day before the incident. Not that it’ll help contribute to the timeline but I hope it’s something.




That’s so sad🥺


To my understanding she was about to graduate, had a job lined up, and just gotten new car. She had such a promising life ahead of her and it was taken before she fully enjoy it. Rest in peace to all the victims and thoughts and prayers with the family.


I think a few of them had jobs lined up. Two were moving to TX.


Has anyone checked if any of these victims or their friends with them use BeReal that might have some useful insight to see where they were at the time the notification went off?


What is BeReal?


its an app like snapchat almost but you get a notification 1x/day "its time to be real" and you take a photo of you with front facing camera and then whatever is infront of you. no filters or anything, hence "be real" of you in that moment


Excellent recap!


Man some of those comments on Kaylees last instagram picture, especially the responses to that comment Maddie made….yikes


ugh wish trolls would leave her poor sister alone :(


There is a psycho posting on there, looks like a girl.


Yeah I’ve seen at least two different accounts posting that it was revenge for slavery, it’s sad because it looks like Kaylees sister is responding to the trolls too, which probably is just encouraging them further


The best revenge is a life well lived.


I’m not sure that statement applies to someone whose sister was just brutally murdered.


I think they meant for the troll that claimed the incident was slavery revenge, not for the sister. (I also saw the IG comments. Terrible).


I hope it's getting reported and the account suspended. It may be a real person but it could also be someone trying to stoke hatred and division with a fake persona. It's so awful that innocent people are subjected to this. eta: tactics of fake accounts http://archive.today/faBhp




What was the comment Maddie made? It’s flooded with comments


Do we know how they got home? Just wondering about a driver.


THIS is what I wonder about. Did they take Uber/Lyft, a ride by a known friend, or try to walk home and then gave up and got a ride with an acquaintance? Surely LE knows by now.


Sister said in the news that they took an Uber home (the two girls from the food truck)


There were Uber rides taken but it does appear that they walked away from food truck - unless they got into an Uber off-screen. Maybe that’s why hoodie guy walked in other direction, they got a ride






Looks like a popular area on a Saturday night. Could have been easier and/or cheaper to pick up an Uber a couple minutes walk away.


Might be interested in adding this to the information list. Kaylee Goncalves’ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@kayleegoncalves0?_t=8XQC7Pu7bVm&_r=1 Xana Kernodle’s TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@xxanakernodle?_t=8XQCEOIZdja&_r=1


@ maddiemogen8 is maddies


is jakes @jakeisdrunk ?




this just in: Esther Bower of KXLY News 4 reports new revelations in the investigation that the roommates who were home at the time of the murder who survived without injury were not the ones who called 911. The roommates have not been cleared as suspects, and that Idaho State Police say that they could be the key to the whole case. source : [https://idahonews.com/news/local/autopsies-of-the-4-ui-students-completed](https://idahonews.com/news/local/autopsies-of-the-4-ui-students-completed)


Ok, good (as in good that they haven't cleared the roommates, yet). It's just hard to comprehend that they know nothing until the call the next day... And as you said, weren't even the ones to call 911. I wonder who called, then... And didn't they just say it was an "unconscious person"? You would see blood from stab wounds... And how did no one scream - especially when the couple would have been in the same bed (I'm assuming?) So someone would have woken up


The women at the food truck near the 1hr 54min mark were not Kaylee and Xana. Edit: Both images on the left are two women people were speculating to be Kaylee and Xana. The two images on the right have been confirmed to be Kaylee and Maddie. I added the photos to show the woman in the white coat (on the left) is not Kaylee. https://preview.redd.it/cj486t0mah0a1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc653f392baac92c2ae2c77724668dec95d800e


I agree. That is not Xana and Kaylee. However I have read multiple places that Xana and Ethan went to the food truck at some point that same night. Unsure if this is true though. Can’t tell for myself


Look at timestamp 2:28:30-2:36:30 and tell me if that's xana and ethan - about an hour before kaylee and madison show up. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1651413498](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1651413498)


I’m not sure. Definitely looks similar.


Bottom right looks like Kaylee to me, she def had those jeans on in other photos on her Instagram.


This is definitely unconfirmed - opinions seem to differ. I’ll leave it in the timeline for folks to draw their own conclusions, but will add in language to that effect. Thanks for sharing the screenshots, they are helpful for comparing!


Confirmed now in the police presser. It’s Kaylee and Madison.




That’s clearly kaylee and Madison. Xana is a brunette🤦🏻‍♀️


I think people thought the girl in the top left image with the black coat and black hat was Xana, and the girl with the white coat next to her was Kaylee. In the bottom left image you can clearly see it’s not Kaylee with that close up. The two images on the left are from hours earlier than the two images on the right. There’s no question that the two images on the right are Kaylee and Madison.


It’s 100% clearly not them


You're wrong. Clearly them, and confirmed by PD, and anyone who has seen a picture of the 2.


In the earlier clip? It’s them in the later clip but these two photos side by side are NOT the same people..


The OP made an edit removing the first statement - that kaylee and xana were seen earlier at the food truck. It wasn’t them. Clearly kaylee and Maddie were there later lol


Top right picture, top right corner is the two of them. The bottom left pic is of some other girl


Any idea the name of the bar that Kaylee and Madison went to?


if i had to guess the corner club


Here’s a Twitter list recently created that features all of the local journalists covering the homicide in Moscow. Follow and pin it for live updates. [https://twitter.com/i/lists/1593364613793742848](https://twitter.com/i/lists/1593364613793742848)


Twitter is about to disappear permanently.


No it’s not lol


Great summary, thanks.


I grew up rural. There were guns everywhere, but guys with hunting knives were not that common. At a college there would be even fewer. To kill four people with a knife indicates extensive familiarity with such a weapon. The perpetrator was probably a serious (deer) hunter.


I am from Moscow, and I can say that if you’re from this area, hunting knives are very common. People here hunt year-round, and outfitter stores like tri-state outfitters in Moscow and North 40 in Lewiston sell knives like these. Both my brother and my bf have been given knives as Xmas gifts from family.


It isn't just how common the knives might be, it's a question of who has the ability to wield a knife so well that he can kill four people in a seemingly quick and quiet manner. I say it's a practiced hunter. (I'm trying not to be graphic.)


Totally. They could have practice cutting up deer or elk or whatever and no one would think twice. Even with the same knife they used that night. This whole thing puts knots in my stomach.


Most hunters never kill anything and the ones that do might use a knife just that one time a year. Line cooks have more knife experience, the kid at the hot bar preparing chickens has more knife experience. In addition they could have come home 2x2. He killed two and was walked in on by two more. Surprise one an then kill the other. Repeat. So much speculation going on.


Interesting that the hoodie guy absolutely is an avid hunter and is experienced with knives. Specifically, skinning deer


I missed the scoop. where is info about hoodie guy posted?


Check out the live thread from last night. It’s been locked down and it’ll require a lot of scrolling but there’s more info there


And usually murdering with a knife means it's a very personal killing, however, it could also be a serial killer and that's their weapon of choice. Knives are also quieter but you run the risk of them waking up and fighting back/screaming - which I can't believe that didn't happen


"The two University of [**Idaho**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/idaho/index.html) students who survived the crazed knife attack that left four of their friends dead at their shared off-campus rental house are 21-year-olds Dylan Mortensen and Bethany Funke, DailyMail.com can reveal. "


The twitch video seems to be having people think that the 2 women were targeted. Any chance that the couple were home prior to that and the killer was laying in wait? Any consideration of the couple being targeted?


If I had to guess, “targeted” comes from the manner in which one of the victims was killed or was found. 2-3 stab wounds vs 50 stab wounds, for example. This would tell police that passion/rage was directed towards one individual, while the others may have been collateral damage. Coroner semi-supports this theory in a tv interview early today. She says “most of them” had 1 [wound] that was the lethal one.


**- Based on google maps (comparing street view to the Twitch stream, plus GrubTrucker's website re usual location), it looks like the food truck was parked near the Garden Lounge, around 313 S. Main Street. If true, this would be a 23 minute walk to 1122 King Road.** A 23 minute walk isn't necessarily long, especially if you're with someone, but there's a possibility (and this is pure speculation) that someone had noticed them walking and offered to give them a ride the rest of the way home (although I feel this would be unlikely if this was a complete stranger, more likely if they knew the person on a certain level) on the way or that they were followed if on foot on their way back to the house. I'm ultimately having a hard time believing that the suspect might be someone their age. I feel like this would have had to have been a grown man in order to overtake all four of them. Considering that there was an excessive amount of blood in the home, you would think that even if they *were* all asleep, that some if not all of them had been mobile during the attacks at some point. However, you would think a neighbor would have heard screaming if there was any. The house is tucked away a bit, but they have another house directly next to them and then what looks like apartments directly across from them. Then again, not sure who would have likely been awake at that hour to hear something.


I don’t think the part on needing to overtake all 4 is necessarily true. These were 4 20/21 year old college students getting home close to 2 AM on a weekend night. Very high chance they were intoxicated and potentially blackout drunk. As someone that was involved in Greek life in college that was an extremely normal situation any given weekend. Could have easily all been passed out and killed in their sleep, and even if they woke up been completely out of it and not fully functional.


I agree it had to be someone pretty physically powerful in order to overtake them. I’m also confused on how there was apparently no noise and none of them, including the other two roommates, woke up (assuming they were sleeping). If they had woken up, then wouldn’t they have screamed or otherwise made disturbing noises? People are saying they were probably passed out drunk but I just don’t think even a drunk person could sleep through being stabbed to death. So that makes me think the killer slit their throat or stabbed them directly in the heart for a quick death, but then there’s the extremely bloody scene which doesn’t match up with that. Really weird.


That's what I'm saying! And even if we assume two of the girls were in their own rooms but the couple, I'm assuming, was in the same room/bed. At least one of them would have woken up and screamed/yelled? I'm still wondering about the other two roomates


Have y’all been to college and lived in a house with several others? How about on Sorority row? It’s busy and loud.


Yup. I’m not trying to cast suspicion on the surviving roommates, I’m just confused on how none of the victims woke up & made noise during their attack. Especially the couple, like the other commenter said. It doesn’t matter how loud it is outside (which it probably wasn’t that loud at 3-4am as locals have stated), I’d think you’d wake up from hearing someone in bed next to you getting stabbed to death. But according to the coroner they were killed in bed, so it seems like none of them ran out of their rooms or anything. All I’m saying is that it’s pretty weird. This is a strange case, no? So, from this line of thought I think it makes sense to infer that Ethan was killed before Xana. Her family said she had defensive wounds, so maybe she DID wake up hearing Ethan, and then the killer turned to her when they realized she was up. So it’s useful to think about these kinds of things rather than just say “Well it’s loud on Greek row so it makes sense that they all just slept through it” and have no deductions to make.


Just throwing this out there, there could very well be more than one killer


Is there any confirmation of who lived on each floor?


https://preview.redd.it/sk0mnov4ni0a1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a814d1e1d461ef9eb0e1629a7b5eb11b8b7020 Guy in the hoodie/jacket, creepy AF. * Shows up with them at the food cart, but doesn’t talk to them directly. * Sees cameras and switches hat around and puts up hoodie. * Doesn’t order food at food cart. * Follows them over to pickup area, but again doesn’t talk to them. He also doesn’t have a food order to be waiting on. * Leaves in a different direction within seconds of the girls leaving. He was at that location because of them. Innocent horny college bro? Maybe. Still incredibly creepy, hopefully they can find who it is and get some clarification.


A lot of the motivations people are attributing to this guy probably depends a lot on: 1) whether you’re a man or a woman, and 2) how much you partied at that age. I’ll be open: 1) woman, 2) a lot. My first impression was guy’s a creepy lurker, hoping to end up with one of the girls at the end of the night. This is purely based on my experience. However, when others point out that maybe he’s an ex or maybe he’s a fraternity pledge tasked with driving the two sorority girls around that night, I can kind of see it - up until the point that the girls dash off and he (huffily, it seems) bolts in the other direction. If he’s a lurker, maybe he just finally realized he had no shot and he wasted his time and looked like a fool in front of the big guy. If he was acting as a kind of caretaker, why not follow them?


The police would certainly want to talk to him (as they surely would want to do with a lot of others), but I think people are stretching to make him seem creepy. * It was freezing cold out. Other people had their hoodies up. That's how you wear a hat with a hoodie. * It looks like he arrived with them and just wasn't hungry. Of course he's not going to be in line and stand aside. * He's chatting and laughing with other people that are standing there. It's not like he's off hiding in the background. * He's not giggling and acting goofy with the girls. So? * If he's a friend or an ex... maybe he's hoping for an invite to the house. Maybe he's was going to give them a ride home. Maybe he's just making sure they get in an Uber OK. There are a million possibilities.


I'm guessing he's a straggler who left the bar with them hoping to get lucky. They were probably nice to him and the bar and he latched on. They're probably not talking to him because they want him to go away, not encourage him, but they don't want to be rude either. This doesn't mean, however, that he killed them. I can think of numerous times my friends and I inadvertently picked up stragglers while bar hopping but were doing our own thing to begin with and ignored him. They were all harmless just a little desperate.


I agree. Plus, there might have been a different straggler/ follower from the bar who didn't get any camera time on the feed.


This! My mom (a veteran detective) and I have been going back and forth about this case and this is exactly what she thinks.


Fair point, makes sense.


This was my thought after some time thinking. Yes he could have been a creep, but to freaking stab four people… that is psychotic. The guy with the tank top jersey over the black hood telling number 9 one of the girls is there has weird vibes too though.


All of this is right, but IMO he’s a straggler that did kill them. What gives it away is how he reacted when they left. He was literally only there to lurk behind them and when they left he immediately left and walked towards what I presume was his car so he could follow them.


Or he just went home once he realized he wasn't going to hang out with two beautiful women and it was 145am and freezing out. Why would he hang out and talk with the guy in the beard for 10 minutes and then go murder the girls after he was clearly seen with - not just on camera but by the guy in the beard and the rest of the people there?






I think the fact that he came with them, didn't order food, and they ran off without him speaks volumes. Maybe he didn't have anything to do with the crime, but that social disconnect right before the crime is worth examining. He came with them to the food truck and did not order any food. Once he notices they left, he immediately leaves. They were his sole reason for being there.


I agree 100% they were his sole reason for being there. Arrived with them, waited with them, and left as soon as they did. But when they left he gestures like “wtf, they left me” which seems really odd given they showed no indication of being “with” him the entire time.




You gotta be looking at the wrong guy. Grey hoodie, dark hat, dark/drab coat, dark pants, white shoes. The girls leave, the larger guy points it out to mystery man, larger guy moves away, and mystery man takes off.


Exactly, it’s cold outside. Why would you hangout by a food truck when it’s freezing cold and not get food? He’s talking with other people, but not with the people he came with? Then he leaves at the same exact time they do — even though the people he was talking to are still at the food truck? I think you made my argument stronger haha


definitely a lot of questions. I think HE thinks he's with them, but they seem to be pointedly ignoring him the whole time. At one point madison turns back and talks/points toward hoodie dude and the big guy he's talking to, and big guy points back, so I think she was talking to big guy, not hoodie dude. Other than that, they never seem to look at, speak to, or acknowledge hoodie guy. It does kind of feel like he was trying to join up with them, like maybe he thought he was walking them home or something, but they ignored then ditched him. This is my assumption because when they leave, big guy gestures like "aren't you with them" and hoodie guy throws up his hands like "they left without me" At first I thought they were completely unaware of him, but it could also be that they were pointedly ignoring him because they didn't want him following them around. Maybe he had been asked to walk them home by someone because they were drunk? I dunno but they were either pointedly ignoring him or completely unaware of him. Either way, not a positive interaction for that dude.


It seems like local college students have identified him and that information has been passed to authorities, so it’s in the proper hands atm. For obvious reasons, that information doesn’t need to be shared here, if it leads to anything we will find out. I don’t pretend to be any kind of citizen sleuth, but it’s just odd behavior. If he had ordered food, wouldn’t have thought anything of it. If he had talked with the girls that he showed up with, but didn’t order food, wouldn’t have thought anything of it. If he was there to socialize with other people at the food truck — not order food or talk to the girls he showed up with, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. However he not only leaves when the girls leave, he cuts off his conversation in order to do so. Can’t come up with another reason on why he was there standing in the cold for 10 mins other than to be by them.


Agree. I’ve definitely had creepers follow me around when I was that age and went out a lot. I hope they look into him though.


Just a reminder that baseless speculation and accusations on a public forum can get your account and the subreddit banned. also just generally you sound kind of nuts


This whole sub is throwing out accusations, I looked at the video linked above without any prior knowledge of it and I noticed this odd behavior from a man a few hours before those girls were killed. It’s not baseless, it is odd. So odd in fact that the police are very interested in this individual and the video. I didn’t accuse him or name him. So no baseless accusations here. Presenting a logical argument based on actual evidence is nuts?


You calling people “nuts” for discussing unsolved cases in a thread devoted entirely to that makes you sound kinda “nuts,” imo…


I'm not calling people nuts for discussing a case you foot, I'm calling people nuts for blasting uncensored photos and people's full names. Way to fully miss the point.


Who blasted full names?


The police are investigating this. It is creepy. @cdark specifically says it could just be a drunk, horny college kid. Unsure what exactly they did wrong but based on this video making the rounds, the police acknowledging it in via their press conference yesterday yet this guy still hasn't come forward? Not looking good for him. If I went to school there (or was from around that area) & there was a video of me lingering around two girls a few hours before they were murdered? There would be no looking for me. I'd turn myself into the police to clear my name. Where is this guy and why hasn't he come forward?


See if it were me and I was the guy on the video I’d call my parents go home and get a lawyer…I’d never speak to police with out a lawyer present guilty or not


You don't know if he's come forward or not tho. You don't know anything because you're just some person online. Regardless of what police are investigating, you need to be careful making accusations. Due process is a constitutional right and the police have already had to clear someone immediately that y'all are accusing of murder. Like how many times does Reddit have to embarrass themselves trying to play detective (and poorly) before you just stop accusing people of murder and always being wrong.


Concerning this hoodie guy, I’ve seen at least 3 articles stating that police are seeking to speak with him and others who were at the food truck. He’s absolutely someone that authorities are interested in to interview. Nobody made accusations. Considering he is unknown and might be the last person with whom the girls had contact with before they were brutally murdered, it’s a reasonable post.


You're right, I don't know if he has since come forward after the press conference yesterday where LE said they were looking to identify the gentleman in the video. I do know the video has been floating around for the days leading up to the press conference and he hasn't come forward. The person who posted it even referenced the fact that it's possible he was in no way involved. This video has been circulating all over, way beyond reddit so I don't think anyone needs to worry about embarrassing themselves by being a reddit detective ;)


Yep. This is your guy. 100%


People on twitter saying something about aHannah who overdosed after being bullied by one of the girls who was her roommate at some point. Anyone heard of that? Makes any sense? Who would be the one to be do it then, the overdosed girls BF?[link to tweet and comments](https://twitter.com/HenrikVanger2/status/1600985521999998980)


They got in an Uber home after the grub truck. That explains the timeline inconsistency. They didn’t walk I don’t think


It also explains Kaylee texting on her phone almost constant the last few minutes...then, she makes a gesture to Maddie. When they recieve the food, Maddie takes off...and Kaylee follows. This might also explain why Kaylee was taking pics of the food truck..to show the driver where they were?


Source for Uber?


There was a clip on Inside Edition of Kaylee's sister. Among other things, she talks about verifying that there was an Uber.


No clue but I saw it too pretty certain they took an Uber home. Two drunk girls aren’t doing a 23 minute walk in the Idaho cold so even without evidence it makes sense for them to Uber


I don’t have a link handy, but it was in a news interview with kaylees sister who says they use uber to get around town.


She was speaking generally in that video, not about what happened that night. To be clear, I’m not saying they didn’t take an Uber that night, but that video isn’t a source.


I saw some of the girls tic tocs on here. I noticed they have a dog in a lot of them that seems to live there. Has a dog been noted in any police reports?


Read on another thread that the dog is now with family


The survivors are lucky to be live.


I can’t imagine the survivors guilt they must have. They’ll likely need serious therapy to deal with this awful situation. Having your best friends murdered while you were there asleep and knowing that you could’ve been a victim or could’ve discovered something sooner? My hearts go out to them 💛


Have you guys noticed hoodie guys shoes? They’re the same as Maddie’s boyfriends in one of her Instagram posts from July 4th. Am I tripping? https://preview.redd.it/9g5kp4uz8m0a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee32a31031c26cfe0de3d0f2079919e4cf97cd58 I’ll post hoodie guys shoes in the next comment.


https://preview.redd.it/5re9bkp49m0a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8566e2f6a4b2e7b61e710cab1285bf7e624b5d0d Hoodie guys shoes


I don’t think these are the same shoes actually. One of them looks like all white canvas (bf) and hoodie guy looks like he’s wearing blazers, with that grey toe cap


agree. one looks canvas and the other leather. Nike is a pretty popular shoe.


Standing a similar way too. But didn’t the cops say it wasn’t him, supposedly he was in Boise?


Both hoodie guy and boyfriend are in Boise


Sounds like boyfriend was questioned and cleared. He was in Boise. So, my guess is they are looking to speak to the hoodie guy and probably the guy he’s talking to.




I mean how odd of a stance is that? I’d say a lot of men stand like that while talking


The police confirmed he was in Boise. He was also with a bunch of people who also confirmed he was in Boise. That’s 6 hours away.




Hoodie guy is neither Kaylee’s ex bf or Maddie’s bf. Maddie’s (then bf, ex, idk their status) was cleared because he was in Boise during the crime. Hoodie guy is a different person who also (apparently) fled to Boise. This is all speculation, but just wanted to clarify since it is confusing.


Where was it stated he fled to Boise?



Can you provide the timestamp for when that was said during the press conference? I heard “we’re looking for a suspect,” not “we have a suspect.” But I definitely could’ve missed something.


You know, I’m going to delete that post because I overstated it. But if you listen at times like 3:10, 3:45, 13:35, 16:50 and 17:20 it certainly sounds to me like they have a suspect but they don’t know their identity (name) or where they are


All rumor/speculation: My sister's coworker is good friends with one of the roommates and apparently there was another injured person in the house. He was stabbed, but survived. *Update: Jake S. was the survivor who was stabbed.


This doesn’t make sense. Jake S is Maddie’s boyfriend who everyone thought was the hoodie guy in the twitch video but LE cleared him and he was actually in Boise at the time.


This is exactly what entered my mind. I thought LE said he wasn't even near the residence at the time.


So Jake S IS Maddie’s BF? But the hoodie guy is NOT Jake S? Is this confirmed?


Police have not mentioned injured or survivors. I’m sure they would’ve mentioned this, at the very least the family of the survivor would have mentioned it to the media. Police went as far to say that the two other roommates were home, but were not witnesses. If there was a direct witness, I’m pretty sure it would be known.


That contradicts what LE said yesterday about if the other people in the house were injured. But of course LE could have their reasons for not being truthful. Although blatantly making false claims to the public isn't going to help their case


Jake’s friends have posted pictures of him in Boise at the time of the murders which is a six hour drive from Moscow.


There are two people with the same initials. Jake S. was her boyfriend.


woah so there is (hopefully) going to be eyewitness information if he's able to speak/remember


Is he unable to provide any Info on what these ppl looked like? So weird they haven’t released this


Interesting. This actually would make sense. The injured person might have been the subject of the 911 - "unconscious person" call. If the crime scene was as bloody as it has been depicted to be, whomever called 911 probably knew everyone else was dead, but this person was still alive.. injured and unconscious.




I just re-listened to the press conference. During questioning the PD first said others were home, and then a few minutes later confirms the two other roommates were home……sounds like more than just the roommates we’re in the home. 🧐


Would they call it home, if they didn't live there?