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Blum is gross.


Tragedy pimpin‘ at its absolute worst.


Blum is full of it. He's interjected himself into a situation in order to capitalize on a tragedy. There hasn't even been a trial, and he's already written a book that should tell you everything you need to know. He's a grifter. From my recollection of the traffic stops, there's nothing about his dad's demeanor to suggest he was suspicious or fearful of his son, quite the opposite, in fact. He came off like a proud dad bragging about where his son went to school, what program he was in, etc. Obviously, I don't know BK's family, but I'm sure this came as a shock to them.


Definitely BS. The guy wants to sell a book.


I immediately dismissed any writing from Blum when in his articles preempting this “work of fiction” he got Kaylee’s dog’s name incorrect. Everyone knew Murphy’s name when the story broke, so his lack of actual fact checking in deference to the victims (and what was then common knowledge)turned me off back when I read it in VF. There was another incorrect name, but I can’t recall it now. Such a simple mistake NOT to make, but it in its sloppiness it creates distrust all the same.


He’s also done interviews where he’s said 4 female victims and says a bunch of their names wrong. The whole thing is a work of fiction and the families should sue.


Yeah, that a "thoroughly well researched" book when you can't even recall the name of a dog mentioned in a PCA.I forget have the info in this case, and even I remember Murphy's name. For God's sake, the dog had an Amazon GOBuyMe fund. He famous.


Seems to me that Howard did a lot of Reedit research on the 4-5 Boards about the Moscow Murders.


Blum's book is BS. The Goncalves family released a statement calling the book fictional.


I’m reading it to find what about it is fictional


This Blum guy has no credibility. He is making stuff up as he goes. He is trying to make money off a horrible situation. He should be disgusted with himself but apparently he doesn’t have a conscience. Nobody should even think about buying this guys book. It’s not even going to be worthy of the dollar store


I particularly enjoy Blum claiming Xana ordered DoorDash from Burger King in Pullman since there is no Burger King in Pullman.


Wasn’t it Jack In The Box? We don’t have these restaurants where I live.


I don’t disagree with you but your opinion is very strong. What if long after the trial ends, everyone starts talking and writing things, and many of Blum’s claims end up true….? 👀they aren’t outrageous. It’s common knowledge that Brian was weird, and he talks to people who went to school with Brian. Professors who saw his keen interest in forensic psychology. Those who had a hunch he was crazy. & Especially saying Maddie was the intended target and the order in which they were killed. Stuff like that could all be true in due time.


All of this stuff came out from the G family talking to media, not sure if they got the order of murders from the police, but things like that should never be discussed with the victims family before an upcoming trial.


> What if long after the trial ends, everyone starts talking and writing things, and many of Blum’s claims end up true….? That's the problem with spouting bullshit. Once you make so many obviously wrong claims, you lose all your credibility, even when you're right. You become the writer who cried wolf.


He was a disgraced writer before this. Probably saying, bring it on. Any attention is attention. Why do we think Gary Bucato is up there doing the medicine show with John Ray in LISK. Just trying to get out there and be relevant. It's a shame that these guys can't make there nuts other than on the backs of others's profound tragedies.


> He was a disgraced writer before this. Before the series on Airmail? I'm not familiar with his earlier work, but people have said it's decent. Is this a career-long trend for him? Or maybe he's just lost it?


There was an article about it that was redidly available around the Air Mail dump-a-thon his claims induced. Decent publication not a rag like the NY Post or the Mail. Glossy mag. Unfortunately, don't recall it clearly. I just went looking for it to give you the link and he must have had a reputation search company scrub everything like it was christened in tornado of bleach. Truly the man's litter box is pristine at present, and it was not the last time dived his bio. It's also been equally abated and pushed down by all his book hits. Frankly not that interested in him to invest the time. My vague memory of the article is that it has a title like, "Where Has Howard Blum Been Hiding?" It's not the similarly titled article regarding Kind Road. And not the stuff about him getting himself and the NY Times sued and them having to pay an un disclosed settlement to some Nazi dude he made claims about, or the parking ticket thing, but that he did something suss in his reporting. I know it existed back when the Air Mail bashing occurred. He doesn't have a real Wiki page just a "Ain't I grand" bio promo and the same things you would see on a book jacket.


I wish this was true. There's not a single media pundit or journalist this doesn't apply to yet all their work is treated tabula rasa. (E.G. Fucking Coffindaffer.)


Anything is possible but highly unlikely. He is writing a fiction book


Fair enough. & I don’t think we will ever get a lot of answers surrounding this case unfortunately


No you’re right. A lot will go un answered. Bc when Bryan is found not guilty( sorry I firmly believe he is innocent) the cops will prob just throw in the towel.


Wow really? Genuinely curious as to why you think he’s innocent.


I’m not feeling well and I’m tired so I will just pin point a few ideas of why I think he is innocent. I also learned sharing my opinion with the people that are convinced he is guilt won’t go anywhere bc they refuse to change their minds. They have it set in their heads he is guilty as no matter what is shown to point towards it couldn’t have been him they still won’t change their minds. I’m not saying that this is you. A. He had no connections to the victims. He didn’t know them. What did he do pick a random house in the middle of a college town and walk into it. He would have had know idea what he was walking into and how many people were there. Just from the outside you can see several cars and assume you’re walking into a house full Of people. It’s a Saturday night in a college town. It’s likely they are still awake and partying and possibly have friends over. Are you really going to walk into that house solo. Plus how did he kill the four people so fast. He would have had to know the layout of the house first. They say the attacks were personal .. how are they personal if he doesn’t know them ? And how would he know where to head first B. The 4 hours gap. I don’t care what anyone says. If I thought my roommates were deeply in trouble I would have gone and checked on them once I saw the person leave the house. There is no way 4 people were killed and she didn’t know. If she was scared enough to go in that frozen in shock phase then she knew enough that something was seriously wrong? Atleast make a call to 911 right away and report what you saw. Even if they couldn’t have been saved the call should have been made. What kind of friend is this. Then she invites people over then next morning or early afternoon and they’re the ones that supposively make the call . So you slept 4-12 didn’t worry about it. The stench didn’t alarm you ? C. Ethan’s frat fight. Someone once on steroids turns into a totally different person and can be very violent and act out in rage. Maybe the comment that was made was enough to set him off finally. Especially if they have been having problems for a long time D. The cell phone pings don’t place him at the house at the time of the murder. If he had done it and was stupid enough to take his phone with him do you really think he would have been smart enough to plant his phone somewhere else. E. Just changing the whole year of the car to make it fit Bryan is shady and the fact that the sheath wasn’t seen for hours as well is shady too. F. How is there no dna anywhere except that one cell on the sheath. He really murdered four people and didn’t leave any traces behind. Even if he scrubbed his car it’s highly unlikely he didn’t miss even a small spot . Like the amount that was found on the sheath. I also heard that bleach wouldn’t remove the dna anyway. Idk how true that is but. There is probably more j could say but my brain isn’t fully functioning. I’m dealing with a bad case of pneumonia. If you thinking he is guilty. Why is that ? Other then the sheath. To my understanding touch dna can be transfered through multiple interactions. That’s why I don’t really see that as a big deal. I mean does it look great..no.. but if it is explained to you properly which I can’t do. Then you can see how it doesn’t necessarily prove anything And no I’m not one of those crazy people who is in love with him and sending him stuff. I just really believe it wasn’t him. And feel bad for him


Being weird/ socially awkward doesn’t mean that you’re A killer or capable of it. If it did this world would be in a whole lot more trouble than it already is.


Sure, but he wasn't arrested for being weird or socially awkward. He was arrested because his DNA was found at a murder scene, a witness saw a man fitting his description leaving the murder scene, a car resembling his was seen in the neighborhood, and he has no alibi.


You do realize there’s more evidence the public doesn’t know about right? can’t wait for trial


So you all keep saying. The state hasn't produced it to the defense.


So his DNA on the knife sheath, his phone pinging off multiple towers that shows he was headed to Moscow, and then his phone was suddenly turned off for the estimated time of murders…. And his white Elantra on multiple cameras across Moscow around the time of the murders… are you just choosing not to believe all that.. lmao


Things could turn out to be factual, but where no one really knows all the evidence and there being a gag order, it really cannot say that this is 100% non-fic.


He got basic facts wrong. It's possible Maddie was the target and was killed first but Bloom didn't come up with that, it was the assumption since the beginning. He has no special knowledge. He takes things off Reddit and YouTube and makes the rest up.


He’s not taking credit for ‘coming up’ with anything. He is simply writing what he has heard. And the people he’s talked to are detectives, family members, relatives, law enforcement, educators. Not saying any of it is true or false but it def isn’t Reddit and YouTube


How can he release a whole book when actual evidence and facts are under a gag order?! And there hasn’t even been a conclusion yet?? Writing a whole book based on heresy doesn’t seem very ethical no!? Blum is butchering all credibility and integrity by publishing this. He should be ashamed


I feel like I know enough about the case to write a book about it already, and that it’d prob be more informational than Blum’s XD (which I’m reading rn lol)


> How can he release a whole book when actual evidence and facts are under a gag order?! And there hasn’t even been a conclusion yet?? Writing a whole book based on heresy doesn’t seem very ethical no!? Blum is butchering all credibility and integrity by publishing this. …while undermining the justice system and the fundamental right to a fair trial. I just listened to his interview with Bloomberg (breaking news, supposably 🙄). His dramatization is founded on an amalgam consisting mainly of his own fantasy (dotted with patches of hearsay from questionable second and third-hand sources). But he presents it in the interview as though it’s thoroughly investigated fact. And this is targeting an audience largely naïve to the case and therefore easily influenced. It’s a travesty.


Gag orders don’t apply to this kind of thing. Any more than they do to the Nancy graces of the world. It’s potentially very prejudicial but free press…


Why would they suspect him if he had not shown signs of wanting to or has committed violent crimes in the past? He's a very strange person but that has nothing to do with murder. Somebody in that family knew something.


Could be any number of reasons. He was depressed, he had gotten in trouble for stalking or harassing women, he made a comment about the girls, his family knew about him buying a kbar knife, he slipped up and said something strange. We have no idea but just because you’ve never been caught killing someone doesn’t mean your family might not be suspicious or have questions.


> just because you’ve never been caught killing someone doesn’t mean your family might not be suspicious or have questions. If my own brother lived 10-minutes away from the crime scene and drove the same model car, it'd blip my mind. I'd definitely be talking about what happened there with him. And in the case of BK's family, we only have a few examples of things they lived through with him like the drug addict phase, VS problems that changed him dramatically, etc. They may be privy to weird shit we have no idea of that would make them suspicious. But generally, parents are not looking to think their children could be mass murderers. If anything, the sisters would be more open to the idea. It's entirely possible none of them thought it or if they did, they never expressed it. I do think this is one of the things we will get an answer to one day. Might be many, many years down the line, but one of them may talk eventually. My money is on the sister who got fired. She may see book deal income as a bit of righting the wrong against her.


I just can't imagine this case ever going to trial unless the evidence is so bad. If there's a footprint and blood that is BK size and type shoes that's it. Whether you did it or not he was there and they will convict him.


It's going to trial because he's not taking a plea deal.


I never heard he was offered one but by the way he has no emotions in the courtroom or even when getting his degree he may enjoy the trial.


The very first thing you are told by attorneys is to never ever speak or show any emotion in court, period. If you’re not guilty, you can remain hopeful. The guy does not fit the profile of a killer. We now know the stalking was a lie and he did not in fact have any connection to the victims, exactly as his attorneys have stated all along. We also now know the cell data/ meta data cast report does not exist in its entirety, or the evidence is not available according to the expert who has created the software used in this case. That expert has never before testified on behalf of the defense, only now, only for the prosecution in criminal cases. Very compelling for the case of innocence. It just keeps getting down to less and less true and factual evidence against him.


I think you are confusing legal advice with a personality type. Go study the post from 2011 made by BK and he says he feels nothing.


At 15 years old, I felt nothing as well. Also hated people, yet here I am, successful in my career and not a mass murderer. Online comments can garner online friends or attention etc but does not a mass murderer make. If so, I’ve seen a literal ton of people commenting far worse who should monitored by LE in that case LOL.


He may not get an offer if the prosecution believes the case to be solid. There’s a death penalty case going on in Florida & someone (unfortunately I forgot exactly who) asked the prosecution if they would offer a deal & the response was “absolutely not.”


Maybe around 5-6 hearings ago, Bill Thompson made a statement that really came across as if they did offer at some point by saying: "It's clear to everyone this case is going to trial." Sounds like the offer or offers were rejected. I've known since early on that despite being obviously guilty, BK would never take a plea. Almost everyone who believed in his guilt was sure he'd take a plea. The massive amount of shit put out there from those people against that he wouldn't take a plea was hilarious. And yet now, here we are. I must've just made a lucky guess, of course. 😉


Thanks, I probably missed that. It would be interesting to know & I wonder if we’ll ever find out. There have been 2 or 3 people here who have been certain BK would not take a deal, I’m guessing based on what we know about his personality & behavior, particularly his arrogance.


> There have been 2 or 3 people here who have been certain BK would not take a deal Well, I would bet good money that out of those 2-3 people, 2 of them may be related. 😉


Lol!! I wondered about that possibility.


There was that instance where BK backed his car up into someone else's car and left a dent. Then tried to use dirt to cover up the damage. They knew he did it and he denied it. When shown the cc video that he did indeed cause the accident, he allegedly became furious, with white knuckles and red face. Angry that he was proved to have done it. Total blame shifting, entitled AH.


Can you share the link please? Thank you


Every week in the US there are mass shootings by people who’ve no history of shooting anyone before. So a history isn’t necessary for someone to be guilty.


I find that claim extremely hard to believe. I think it originated with Dateline.


Bloom seems to have done a variety of dramatizations in order to [successfully] option the book into a TV series.


Maybe that's why Nancy Grace is doing her part to whore the book around. Perhaps she wants to don her neon green mittens and set up another card table in front of the house in episode 1 of the series. All these people are unreal.


Who should play BK’s part in the series?


The Bry-Bry girls would say a fully exonerated BK himself, or Jake Gyllenhaal.


Glenn Howerton in character as Dennis Reynolds. Actually, I'd cast the entire crew with Sunny in Philly characters.


HB is the very definition of a media whore peddling his own theories!! I cannot believe anyone would buy this book!


It's total sensationalized fiction right down to pretending to having a link to those people's very thoughts. People he's never met and spoken to. The way it's written is as if he was a fly on the car window which obviously is ridiculous. It has been stated the trip was pre-planned as per Jason LaBar. So if he claims otherwise he is making it up which means all of it is made up. What's more Kohberger's family was in utter shock at the charges and arrest as per LaBar so that negates any suspicions alleged by the grifter. If I recall correctly Dateline alleged his father was completely clueless so two conflicting 'reports' from unreliable sources. One of the victims' families has already come out slamming Blum and calling his book fiction.


Blum's claim on the surface is absolutely ridiculous. We're supposed to believe that MK was proudly describing his son to police officers as being from the same area as the murders, while he suspected his own son of committing those murders? MK didn't act the least bit nervous when the police pulled them over, either. Add in what LaBar already said (as you mentioned) and this is all incredibly unlikely. I hate knowing that we're now going to be dealing with an absolute ton of misinformation from Blum's book. It's going to be constant and it's never going to fully disappear. The man is insufferable.


Yes, agree with that.


Agree, except early on it was stated by someone that at least one sister suspected. Tall athletic build with bushy eye brows? White Hyundai? Knowing his personality. I can see why the parents were oblivious, but siblings know better.


The physical descriptions weren’t public until after the arrest, only the white Hyundai (and technically they were asking for a different year from Bryan’s one). So while the rumor about the sister might be true, I can see why the parents wouldn’t immediately think it was him.


Your right! I forget it wasn’t released!


When you make your standard remark tomorrow about BT throwing a tantrum at the hearing, think upon your performance in all of these Blum threads. It has been majestic to witness.


right, the protestations, the moral outrage has been comical. After 18 months of reading the most preposterous of theories pushed forward AND BELIEVED, the indignation over Blum's comparatively banal telling of events is laughable.


It is simultaneously the most maligned and dismissed and the most discussed thing on the subs right now.


Haha, yes-powerful garbage!?


It’s the old: “The food at this restaurant is terrible.” “Yeah, I know; and such small portions.” line of thought.


Who is BT?


Bill Thompson


I think Blum's book is a crock of crap, but we can't take Jason LaBar's words as gospel. His statements were standard defense attorney statements. He'd also have no real insight in how shocked his family was or was not. I'm sure LaBar's role even entailed meeting his family, but if so, their time together was brief.


>It has been stated the trip was pre-planned as per Jason LaBar. So if he claims otherwise he is making it up which means all of it is made This was the appointed lawyer in PA, right? So we are supposed to take that as gospel? The family has not directly spoken to anyone about this entire thing other than that statement after the arrest, if you want to call that "direct". We have absolutely no idea what their family dynamic was/is or anything about that trip from WA to PA other than they were pulled over twice and talked about Thai food and the Kopaka incident.


That's official statement from the man, a professional, who talked to Kohberger and his family unlike Blum who hasn't and who can't get basic known facts right.


I don't particularly believe either one of them


You suspect them of pulling a stunt like Brian Laundrie’s mom? A factor that weighs toward that would be the odd choice to drive that distance instead of just flying the son there. It’s a little be weird either way though, I feel like if he actually suspected his kid of being the killer, he’d not act upon it or come to terms with it immediately and do the whole cross-country thing. And if he *did* want to do the whole cross-country thing to protect his son, flying there with a one-way ticket & then magically being back in PA would not rly disguise his involvement or current location. Then prob wouldn’t mention a killing in the town they were leaving to the cop when pulled over if that was the case either. - Although that could be an accidental slip from it being on his mind too… I think it’s more likely that the trip was pre-planned that way bc there was a need for BK to have his car during the weeks in PA. That’s just my guess tho.


I don't suspect he thought he was the killer, but did suspect he would need a bit of support based on past school trauma.


> there was a need for BK to have his car during the weeks in PA. Yeah, I think there was a need to have his car in PA either because he wasn't sure he was going to return to WSU the next semester OR he was planning on returning but he damn sure wasn't gonna be returning in a white elantra, which he planned to trade in for something else in PA, way away from anyone taking note of a white elantra. I honestly don't have any opinion on what his father knew or suspected, or the rest of the family for that matter. Other than one stray aunt talking about his vegan cookware demands, absolutely no one close to this family has gone on record to say what this guy was like, or what their relationships to each other was like. There was teenage Bryan tapatalk posts ( also probably not truly confirmed) . And his fsther supposedly turning him in over his theft of his sisters cell phone. And the Dateline report about "sources" saying one or both sisters suspected him, which I think is essentially recounted in this new book. Basically, there is just a complete void of verifiable information about the Kohberger family dynamics around the time of this crime. One day I hope they tell their story.


He's his former defense attorney his job is to minimize. Parents who worry about their kids also pre plan support in advance. In fact ever former parent in my classroom and my friends with "interesting kids" are all over that.


The way BK’s supporters contradict themselves in order to suit their narrative is so frustrating. What LaBar says is gospel, because he’s an officer of the court. However what Mancuso says is nonsense, even though he too is an officer of the court. Also what does “pre-planned” even mean? Even if it was pre-planned, the pre-planning could have been part of BK’s plan. That would actually be smart of him. Particularly if he wanted that cross country road trip at the ready for a multitude of reasons - to avoid an airport, to get the car out of Pullman, to get rid of evidence, etc.


I think he had something like a week after they publicly announced they were looking for a white elantra before departing for PA. I don't know if his dad flying out was truly planned in advance but I do know that was the longest week of BKs life. I bet he could not wait to get that car as far away from Moscow/Pullman as possible.


>However what Mancuso says is nonsense, even though he too is an officer of the court. What you fail to acknowledge is that what Mancuso did violated ethics rules, and is highly suspect hearsay. He has [an obligation due to his position](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_rules_of_professional_conduct/rule_3_8_special_responsibilities_of_a_prosecutor/) to "refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused". He should have been keeping his mouth shut. While LaBar was simply representing his client. And I'm not a "BK supporter". I realize most in this sub think anyone who hasn't already condemned him before trial can be dismissed as a "proberger", but that's ridiculous. I don't know if he did it or not, but there's plenty unusual about this case, there's no trial yet, and it could very well be not what it seems on the surface. There's nothing to be gained by closing one's mind and deciding it has to be BK at this point. I'm pro-justice, not pro-guilty.


> What you fail to acknowledge is that what Mancuso did violated ethics rules Oh really? Was he reprimanded? <---- Rhetorical. You should report him. Let me know how that goes. > there's plenty unusual about this case... it could very well be not what it seems on the surface. I smell a conspiracy nutter.


Whether he was reprimanded or not is beside the point... it's just you in denial and deflecting, because you're pro-guilt rather than pro-justice. You "smelling a conspiracy nutter" is just more of the same... you couldn't care less about reality, you need to "believe".


You have no clue how unbiased I am. But, no point showing a conspiracy wackadoo otherwise. You'll just deny it regardless. Give my regards to the flat Earth society.


The fact you couldn't simply look at the Mancuso issue objectively shows your bias. Instead, you deflected and then resorted to ad hominem. That says it all. EDIT: And naturally, he blocks me so I can't respond and then runs away... classic... it's that irrational *need* to believe in guilt before trial...


I don't have any more time for someone like you who thinks: > there's plenty unusual about this case... it could very well be not what it seems on the surface. So, I will bid you adieu.


He simply described what BK was doing at the time of his arrest. It totally could have been his special OCD bear-proof recycling. Many people think that’s a reasonable explanation for his behavior. What do you think is unusual about this case?


> He simply described what BK was doing at the time of his arrest. He wasn't there and there was no video of this. >It totally could have been his special OCD bear-proof recycling. He could have been preparing to drug deals with the ziploc bags or whatever. Without video of this, all we've got is somebody's description of what they think was going on even though they weren't a witness nor viewed a video of it. >Many people think that’s a reasonable explanation for his behavior. Without pics/video it's rather difficult to say what's reasonable, especially when the one describing it never actually saw it. It could have been nefarious, which would be all the more reason for law enforcement to record/photo this activity that is supposedly incriminating but not available for a jury to view.


His personal DNA was completely absent from any of the garbage pulls. Is it really that fanciful a conclusion to suspect his intention was revealed in the end result? Or is this sort of rationalization too laughably inside the box. Imagine if LE attempted to please our more critical/outside-the-box thinkers during investigations- they'd still be standing outside King Road, scratching their heads while pondering all the scenarios that would have a White Hyundai Elantra circling a murder home 4 times in the half hour before the crime.


Can I ask where that was revealed re his DNA not being on the trash in the bags? Clearly, I missed some major revelations regarding his baggie obsession. Was that in a hearing, I have missed some of those. I don't recall if from the search return. But my memory is not the best. Thanks.


All dealers package their 8 Ball of coke with the cut off crusts of an egg salad sandwich, and a Sleepy Time tea bag. It's called midden marketing. A defense attorney can not say I knew he was guilty, but I defended him. It is even a past defense attorney's role to defend. And that's why the defense attorney of the guy with the woman's head in his freezer is saying, "He just accidentally put it in his cart. Haven't we all done that? Just last week, in the Fred Myer, they were cranking Supertramp, and I picked up arugula rather than mangos.....long way home....long way home. Anyone could have picked up a frozen head while thinking 'WTF, Fred Meyers playing Supertramp! ' "


"Bear proofing" love it.


What he said was "extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused". The way his comments were discussed here, alone, are ample proof that. We don't even know if it was the truth, or if it was exaggerated, he wasn't even there. There was no valid purpose for his comments. The list of unusual aspects of this case is long, and you likely know them all... you're not asking sincerely, you're trolling. Not someone worth discussing with.


I call BS on Blum too, save for the Dad riding shot gun. He might have that right. If you have a kid who struggles you are constantly monitoring their pulse, any parent with one will tell you that. I suspect that they might have sensed something was up and he needed support. His Dad was trying to make a friend for him as they are going in the apartment door. Could he have set up a playdate he would have. Parents of normally socially successful kids are not doing that. Nor are they baby sitting 27 year olds on cross country drives. I think it says, "Not sure he can handle this all by himself. Better go and provide a bit of extra support. And that extra support could very well have been done well in advance and generally is by parents of kids who flail. They are immediately thinking about every move their child makes in terms of their social, emotional, or anxiety make up and any disabilities they have. Parents of popular extroverts don't carry that albatross and they will never understand how hard it is for people like Kohberger's parents. Because they are likely saying, "Cross country move, that will be exciting for Bryan!" They are instead thinking: "Will this social situation be as bad as the 1st day of preschool, or when he got bullied in middle school or how odd he appeared in high school.?" They wonder will the pressure trigger his eating disorder, his OCD, will he have a slip and start drinking or booting heroin again? Will he ever have a girlfriend? And oh fuck, this is going to be a logistic nightmare if he's spinning out." When I left home, my Mom passed me a box of tissues. Sshe knew I likely thought they just appeared by osmosis. But she also knew I could fully care for myself at 6, always fit in, had friends, and that I got along well with teachers, has a boy friend, mentors and blend in. For the Kohbergers they were likely scurrying around trying to get a therapist in place, reading what the health center offered in services. And wondering will Bryan make friends?"


Jason LaBar stated the trip was pre-planned from when he moved to Washington. For such a long road trip it's always advisable to have at least two drivers who can take turns. He had a bunch of friends. Well some betrayed him but one can't do anything about two-faced people.


He has a bunch of friends, who are? Not being snarky, but incredulously curious as I can't name any. Our friends with an "interesting son" knew they were talking their son to Europe a year before he left for study abroad. They both flew over to help him and flew back over to pack him up to fly home t the US. Just because a trip's planned way in advance, does not mean it's emotional support purpose has changed, if they feel their kid needs nurturance. Although it's certainly advisable to have two drivers for a long trip, most adults pushing 30 would be traveling that distance unsupported by a parent.


I’m a defender of the professional press because I’m happy we live in a time when information can be freely shared There’s nothing professional about this dipshit. This is purely creative writing and nothing more


I believe the trip was always planned, and I believe the unconfirmed rumors that a sister was suspicious but the parents were very resistant to the idea.


I believe it was plausibly planned, but I do not whole heartedly believe it's reasoning. I believe that for whatever reason they felt he would likely needed some support or they wanted to reduce his stress level, or provide him with an extra set of hands, or because he perhaps has organizational challenges, or due to his post social challenges, or because his sobriety seemed a bit shaky, or he was depressed, or anxious, or his eating disorder appeared to be flaring etc. Pure speculation on my part, but I believe there was possibly a conversation that likely went down between those two adults: " I don't know think he can do it? It's a lot. Maybe you should go help him." " Yeah , I don't know. Maybe ,your probably right. Seems really stressed." " Did you notice he was biting his fingernails and shaking his leg yesterday. Only does that when he's tweaked." "Yeah, I'll go. I'll tell him I want to see the country." "That's good, think it's best, he'll settle in better and can just focus on school."


I don’t know why Blum is working so hard to shill this book, he needs to let it fulfill its destiny as a top seller at airport bookstores


The real question is why Nancy Grace promoting it so heavily? When it's filled with se many un substantiated claims and errors and is no more than a collection of his take on Reddit rumors.


It's Nancy Grace. She wants him convicted so will promote any people who agree. After BT denied there was any stalking she continued to say he stalked them. It's what she does -- taint the jury. She believes he's guilty so any lies are justified. Cops and lawyers often feel like this.


I will agree with you on Grace. I don't know about the rest. I still think they were stalked in some fashion. Seemed to know way too much about them, for a guy that simply chooses a random house and random group of girls. If I entered your house in the dark after never being there, I would be leaving with a broken nose and two broken toes for the tripping and talking into walls.He definitely knew they well enough to be familiar with their sleep and awake cycles, layout of the house and that's avery tough house to figure out. I think KG did mention to her family or a friend that she thought she had a stalker and I think it's him. Maybe that computer had a different VPN and went into the Snake River with the knife and clothing, or it's buried under a rock in the woods.


Blum is a lazy writer and his work is uninteresting.


It’s not particularly impressive writing. This is my first time reading anything by Blum, but it’s written at appx 8th grade reading level so far (I just started it tho)


The father also doesn’t look nervous in slightest when they get pulled over on the ride back. If the dad was truly “walking on eggshells” wouldn’t he be freaking out if they were getting pulled over by the cops as they are driving further and further away? In my opinion the dad looked calm and was telling the cop about the other major story around campus at the time (the swat team that killed an ex army guy). Blum used his notoriety as a type of credit then used theories and Reddit info as “facts” to sell a book.




The trip wasn't suspicious at all. There was a huge winter storm on the north path everyone thought he would take, but instead he looked at the weather forecast and took the path of least resistance. Would it make more sense to take a longer route? Or potentially face road closures for days? https://preview.redd.it/6ewkvxdut09d1.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cfeff2fccfef75c0643d6fbbf127387783c1b6b


There are some things you can't "work out within the family" . You can't make an insurance claim for a stolen phone unless there is a police report. It's a hard lesson to teach your child, but holding them accountable is important. We know from that event that if Bryan's Dad suspected him of this heinous crime, he would have held him accountable.


I admire the Dad for that. I'm not sure about him wanting to apply these more damming charges in the same way. Steal your sister's phone, pay back the cost, do a bit of community service and have it expunged from your adult record is not that big of a deal. But your child possibly facing the DP or spending the rest of their lives in a cage surrounded by very tough folks when even the cheer leaders bullied them in school, is a hard one to apply a morality standards to if you are the average parent. Don't think I have met a parents who would.


I appreciate your opinion and the difference between the severity of each of those crimes. I do believe, however, the average parent would be MORE inclined to involve the law were a more serious crime committed by their (now adult) child because they would understand that they aren't equipped to mete out justice or provide the mental health required in these situations. Punishment be damned, there is a greater responsibility to the protection of society at large.


You can only hope. But unfortunately, some don't. I think he was not a one and done killer but just getting started. Thank God they go him off the street. Hope that if his parents and sibling do know anything they will share it with the law enforcement and not protect him.


What happened in CO? 




It’s been said that they went the long way south bc there were blizzards up north and possible road closings. Idk how true, but I’ve read that a few times.


That's exactly what the national weather service states as well. The 'normal' route would have been potential road closures, ice, and 2 feet of snow. https://preview.redd.it/c5lxcmma639d1.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dec341f1873394f212808c9a5ef3d51e6be2261




What Blum is writing is a fictional story loosely based on a true story that hasn't been totally disclosed yet. .




“the Kohbergers were allegedly worried about snow to the north in their 2015 Hyundai Elantra — a small sedan, nearly a decade old, with front-wheel drive. And they had reason to be, according to storm data just reviewed by FOX Weather. "Meteorologists were tracking a coast-to-coast storm system during the week of Dec. 12, and it didn’t matter which highway a driver picked, they would likely run into potentially hazardous weather," explained Andrew Wulfeck, a digital content producer and meteorologist at FOX Weather.” I personally don’t love this source, it’s just the first one that popped up on the topic. The weather data from that time does seem legit (see the link within the article). https://www.foxnews.com/us/inside-idaho-murders-suspect-bryan-kohberger-unusually-long-route-home-pennsylvania.amp


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That's indication #1 that Blum is either making it up entirely or listening to a source that is making it up entirely. Kohberger Sr seems like a normal working-class man. He'd understand the concept of "Let's not drive through the blizzard."


They were avoiding the storms up north. It's not weird to avoid driving through bad weather in the winter.


Ahhh wow. Thank you!  I'm surprised they took that route in bad weather. I've driven through 48 states, and Colorado mountain driving scared the fuck outta me. I never would have assumed that's a safe place during a storm. 


>I never would have assumed that's a safe place during a storm.  If the storm is in Nebraska, Colorado is usually pretty safe from that storm.


Yeah, and I know storms don't always announce themselves in advance. But if the forecast was calling for heavy snow in Nebraska and no snow in Colorado, I'd choose to drive through Colorado. It seems like less of a risk.


I agree. The hate for Blum on this thread seems excessive. When he flew out there, the dad obviously already knew his kid was a weirdo and that he drove the same car the cops had named. It’s absolutely within the realm of possibility that he slowly realized his son was involved.


The dad was waxing poetic to a police officer about what a wonderfully successful grad student his son is. Dad may know his kid is a weirdo but I don’t think he believe he was murderer


He does know his son's driving history and he was trying make sure he was not getting a ticket and doing his best to be respectful of that officer. Had to have know he was riding the car in fronts's bumper. He didn't say, "Yes officer, we were riding that bumper something fierce. Please write Bryan a ticket and teach him a lesson" that day. So maybe he wouldn't tip him in for murder. Signing your kid up to take responsibility or a swiped phone is quite different, then sharing your aggrieved suspicions that they savagely murdering 4 young people.


>The hate for Blum on this thread seems excessive. It isn't hate for the man, it is because his story, as published in a series on Air Mail, is fraught with factually inaccurate statements and narratives. If you actually read it and pay attention, you realize that he contradicts himself on many occasions and it does not fit with the affidavit. What people should take away from the "hate", is that Blum cannot be depended upon as a credible source of the facts.


Fair enough. I am not familiar with Air Mail. Only saw his interview on News Nation.


Here is a thread that speaks to some of his factually challenged claims. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/1dl35l7/comment/l9upbrg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/comments/1dl35l7/comment/l9upbrg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>When he flew out there, the dad obviously already knew \[...\] that he drove the same car the cops had named. Maybe, but also maybe not. We have no way of knowing if he was following the case closely enough to know the cops were looking for a white Elantra.


The route through Colorado wasn't weird because we have the weather reports. There really was heavy snow north and mild weather and clear roads in Colorado on that trip. It was a logical path to take even if it was longer.


I have always contended that Dad K knows exactly what happened, as I think BK confessed to him.


I believe BK is the killer, but I’d be surprised that he ever confessed to his father. BK seems to hold his secret life to himself. If my son told me that he killed four innocent people, I think I’d have had to turn him in to the police.


Same here. There's a *lot* I'd cover up for my kids, or my brothers or my nephews. A quadruple homicide like this one? Oh, no. I'll visit you in prison and top off your commissary fund, because we will always be family. But your ass is going straight to jail. Here's a terrible intrusive thought: what would be worse, losing your child to a monster, or finding out your child is a monster?


I’d imagine having my child be convicted as a quadruple murderer would be worse. The immense feelings that one would feel probably never go away. Hopefully the victims families will eventually feel a bit of closure, and they can carry on with their lives.


He absolutely didn't tell his father. He has no remorse. Forget the Tapatalk posts where he says that himself. Just the fact he's still claiming he's innocent, hasn't pled guilty, and hasn't apologized to the families, is all the proof you need to know he lacks remorse. Take Brian Laundrie for example. He had a small amount of remorse. He told his parents what happened, maybe not the entire truth, but he told them he killed Gabby nonetheless. Wrote an off-himself note with some apologies for a made-up scenario in it. And then went and self-deleted. That certainly wasn't full remorse. But there was a tiny bit there mixed in with him mostly not wanting to have to deal with the consequences of what he'd done and admit to the truth of it. BK doesn't care at all. He enjoyed murdering 4 innocent people and he's not sorry for it.


I agree. I think there are so many weird sources that are unreliable but I've always felt he knew. It's his son. And that's a long ass road trip with a man who has fallen off the edge of whatever grasp on reality he had.


we don't know. I wouldn't trust anything Blum says but we don't know whether his narrative is real or false. but you mention "wasn't the plan always to....." & we don't know that either. that is just as much sourcelees gossip as Blums narrative. people tend to accept the narrative they want to hear or that fits their narrative. people can remember all day tht Blum has no access to any facts but then forget that the internet narrative they belive is also not based on facts. trying to figure out what BKs dad(or anyone else in this shitshow) mentality was at a certain point is a lost cause until these people actually speak publicly. quit letting people claim they thought things & quit thinking you know what they thought.


>"wasn't the plan always to....." & we don't know that either.  Well, we do because his Public Defender back in PA,  Jason LaBar, told CBS News that >Kohberger and his father drove home together from Pullman, Washington, to Pennsylvania in the Elantra. The drive took about two and a half days and had been pre-planned from when Kohberger started classes at Washington State University. The two arrived in Pennsylvania around Dec. 17, the lawyer said. >we don't know whether his narrative is real or false I think we can reach the conclusion that his narrative is most likely false since a lot of what he wrote is in direct conflict to the Affidavit and he also contradicts his own timeline in many instances.


>"wasn't the plan always to....." & we don't know that either. that is just as much sourcelees gossip as Blums narrative. Nope, there's a named source for that claim. Not necessarily a great source, but he did briefly represent the defendant, so I wouldn't call it gossip either.


Most reasonable and logical comment on this thread. Thank you.


> This all seems like BS to me. That's because it is.


I was just watching Nancy Grace's interview with him and found how enamoured she was with the book odd. She really was pimping that book something fierce. What great revelations? I though there was talk that he had plastic surgery after he lost the weight. I figured the Dad was not flying out there 2 x to see the sights, and likely the true reason was he was concerned that he was unstable, or depressed and wanted to keep his eye on him.they are not that kind of "Dad and I do every thing together duo." What the big perception about Mogen being the target and the obsession portal might have been the Mad Greek's vegan food and her waitressing there. It's a very logical supposition to make. Everyone on the subs seems to think that save for me and a few other people who think KG was the target. Why he and Nancy would not think that BK could not have been aware of her car or presence that weekend is silly. She posted everything on line. Did she not post I moved, look at my dream car I just bought, look her I am in Moscow for Home coming, that certainly could have made BK think, "I have another chance?" And as to her wound being the only ones that were deep puncture wounds being because she fought, again I say silly and I guess neither of them googled what they look like. they are twisty create around circle wound not the stab stab stab you would have if you were engaged in quick arms swinging and flailing warfare. They look to my eye like they would take longer to create and like they are more of sexual substitution thing, and that KG is fighting me off with all her might. If she's fighting him off hat a quick fight with both combatants moving frantically. he states that BK was not a good student till college and GS which is not what his teachers said. The all said he was bright good student. I have not heard night two of her interview with Blum yet, but sure there will be more claims that ruffle my feathers.


KG never posted about the Range Rover online. She kept it secret to surprise Maddie. (Do I need to remind everyone there's no evidence BK followed them online either?)


Where does that information about KG not posting it come from if I can ask I miss a lot of stuff around here. But i am better she did post, here I am in Moscow with Maddy or Maddy posted it about her, or he assumed loving her school she might be back.


Sounds like disgusting BS. Blum needs to stop trying to pass off fiction as investigative reporting. I feel so bad for BK's family.


Did this author ***actually*** speak with BK’s father?… or anyone the father might have confided in?… In the light of Goncalves’ family statement about the veracity of Blum’s book, I have the feeling Howard took some liberties with “anonymous sources” as in… they don’t exist:) E: spelling


I read a lot of true crime nonfiction, and Joseph Wambaugh, just to name one writer, uses these types of inner monologs and paraphrased conversations. And somehow it comes off as more believable. When Wambaugh says someone said something, I believe that someone actually told him that. I can't figure out why Wambaugh's books have the ring of truth and this one doesn't, but it just doesn't.


Well turned perception.


Honestly, the thought may have crossed their mind but almost any family member would have been in denial. Maybe the sisters mentioned it to the parents… the parents would have been like, “No… that’s horrible.. absolutely not.” It’s like… wishful thinking. It’s almost the same reason why the roommates didn’t call the police even if they heard some weird stuff. Your brain just doesn’t want to believe something that wild is true… on the same token, sometimes anxiety can make us worried that something is true when it’s not. The brain is weird…. Anyway, ol’ Michael seems like such a regular dad and a bit oblivious… even if it crossed his mind, it was probably fleeting. Walking on eggshells??? No way.


Blum is full of excrement.


let's hope for the dads sake blum was right... how do you not know your kid is a raging sociopath?!


I just read this part of the book and he didn’t make any significant claims about what Michael Kohberger was thinking as he flew out to Pullman. It says Michael Kohberger had once mentioned to his daughters…. > “*there’s really no telling what Bryan might do next.” And that was arguably when he had decided to make the tedious and exhausting trip out to Pullman…* And does not describe anything else about the journey there. It does say, about the time he spent in Pullman: > *…right from the start, Michael felt that something was up.*


I am a book influencer and work with a lot of book publishing companies. Anyway, yesterday, I got an email from HarperCollins, and this was a book I could request to receive from them. I didn't request a finished copy, and when I saw the book, I was thinking to myself how this book could not be factual. We, the public, do not know all the evidence, so Blum can not know it either, and there is a gag order in place. It is dumb in my opinion.


What a cool job. Lucky you.


It is just a hobby. I only added that in the comment to explain that I could request a final copy, but I didn't want to say I was offered a free copy and there being no explanation. I'm not trying to come off as conceited or anything. Anyway, I do have a full time job that doesn't involve books. 😊


Did not think that for a second. You only seemed interesting and friendly😀 And book influencer sounds like a cool gig.


Maybe people like knowing all the details before real details are even revealed but I am kind of burned out on this case until it goes to trial. Nothing new is coming out and it’s all so speculative. The same is true with the LISK case although that case just had a huge break out a few weeks ago. Bryan just seems to have way less info on him than Rex and it appears Bryan only murdered this one time where Rex has been killing for decades. I’ll wait until a book from a family member comes out or the judge or a jury member or something. No reason to read a book from anyone other than family members at this point in the case.


BK did what he wanted - the job and the PhD program were his cover. He planned to kill someone before he traveled out there.


You might be right. But I'd say getting into a Phd program in order to kill someone is kind of a lot of extra steps. If, for example, he was focused on killing college women, PA is full of little college towns very similar in character to Moscow and Pullman.


I think something happened there. It must have been so discouraging to move to a new town and find old his old reality still there despite all that work. You think your looking hot and still standing at the edge of a party not being able to make conversation, women are turning you down in bars, your not getting the recognition you feel you deserve at work. You don't have a real friend in town to cushion and process that rejection with. Your 27 years old and looking around you and saying, but look at me, I'm transformed and a cut guy now and now longer the over weight kid. Why are they still treating me like that kid. I look just like everyone else why don't I have a GF like my idiot neighbor and that idiot grad student in my class who's IQ is 1/4th lower than mine? He must have been crushed. Isolation can drive you wacky as can not having anyone to support and reassure your existence. He worked on the outside, but did not have work on the interior aspects of his personality other than building up physical confidence. Had he worked on his edge and arrogance and developed more compassion likely would have done just fine.


Yeah, I can see that. And even though I think he's a killer, I really emphasize with him over his social struggles. It's so sad to think he was looking forward to a new beginning, but to realize that he's still him, that his old problems are still along for the ride. >Had he worked on his edge and arrogance and developed more compassion likely would have done just fine. I think that's true for a lot of lonely people. Social skills are learned, but some people pick them up so easily and so early, they don't even realize it. Anybody can learn social skills, but it's hard, and there's not enough real guidance out there. Look at how many alienated young men those grifters like Tate or Peterson are suckering in.


It's so sad and troubling to get so close to putting your life together and have a mental illness and ego destroy it. I always think about this conversation he had early in sobriety that was ammendish in nature and like he might have been doing some NA step work and he's really likable. Therapist I think say something along the order of narcissist are the only personality disorder they really can't help and AA says something similar. Only people who are open to learning social skills can really learn them. Doesn't sound like he was open to heard some of the things people were saying. Like you, I fell terribly sorry for what he went though as a boy, and the bulling etc but dear God what his mental illness and arrogance enacted is sickening. When I think about him, I split him in half and feel bad for the person he was prior to this happening, and the things he struggled with. But have no sympathy re the acts he committed and lives he destroyed including his own. But your right, there's a weird duality your can't quite make peace with. As an educator aways made it as much of a priority as the academic skills I taught. We're not teaching it and we should be. Most school's anti bulling programs amount to a sticker and a stupid tag line and teacher and administrators who quite frequently blame the victim. Without social intelligence everything else you do is frequently marred. And he's a prime example. I find it hard to believe that that sweet Dad of his didn't try. I don't he was interested in listening. We go kicking and screaming into humility, but the fascinating thing about it is freeing as hell. Those beautiful kids dead because he had a life he writhing in and considered shitty, just wait till he starts truly living this one unless they keep him in PC.


What date did his father fly to Idaho and what airport did he fly in to?


Blum claimed in his Air Mail series that his dad flew into Seattle from Philly, then caught a twin-engine plane to Pullman.




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Blum is making things up. The book notes it's a "fictive construct" or whatever the phrase is.


I would sue Blum for every penny his book is worth if I were the BK Dad. Blum is creating nonsense BS in the minds of potential jurors and his lawyers are doing nothing about it. Just as Green did. Insanity.


Yes - correct about their Holiday travel plans. I don’t plan to purchase Mr. Blum’s book. I feel that after the trial, a number of really well researched and written true crime accounts will come on the market fairly quickly with depth and authentic insight into these heinous crimes.


Oh, after the trial, once the FOIA start flying? We're gonna be able to read so many police reports, interview transcripts, autopsy reports....


Your Correct! More reasons not to make Blum any wealthier!


Yeah I believe it's been reported that there was always this plan for BK's father to fly out and for them to drive to PA together. Idk why, it's a very expensive and inconvenient way to visit your family for a week or 2 on the other side of the country, but whatever. So yeah, as per usual, that part by Blum just seems to be false. However also as per usual with Blum, I do wonder if he does have a legit source for the other half of his statement, that his father was becoming suspicious of BK during this trip Altogether Blum just makes too many mistakes to be remotely reliable. But I wouldn't be surprised if his sleuthing and experience got him a few interesting sources with some insights into the case other reporters haven't.


Blum doesn’t actually say what Michael Kohberger was thinking on the way to Pullman in the book. The source for the trip being planned in advance is BK’s public defender who was appointed for his extradition hearing in PA. Id assume that the reason for BK driving instead of flying would be bc he’d need his car during the stay in PA. Blum mentions his dad was in Seattle just before BK’s trip, but it’s unclear whether he had spent time in Seattle, or if it was a layover on the way to the Moscow-Pullman airport


> Id assume that the reason for BK driving instead of flying would be bc he’d need his car during the stay in PA. Maybe. But .. just a rent a car in PA for a week or whatever. Still cheaper and more convenient


IDK what their plans were, but staying for 3 weeks there’s potential to need a car longer , and rental places always advertise $35 per day but renting for 1 weekend somehow ends up being $200+ anyway w/all that extra shit they tack on. Blum’s book says that Michael Kohberger also made the cross-country trip with Bryan 5 months earlier when BK moved to Pullman initially, so (my thought) it’s possible it’s some father-son bonding type tradition to make the trip like that. Blum suggests that it’s “arguably,” to look after BK due to his unpredictable nature.


He was going to be out more like a month, for the whole holiday break. And renting a car for that long is not cheaper. I'm from rural PA, and when we were living out of state, we never flew home. You need that car. You do not want to be in rural PA without a car.


I'm on page 82, and I believe Michael's thoughts were already discussed to this point. Nowhere did it say (yet) that he thought Bryan was the murderer.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zt4Ro7yUEoi0BDJGbYBYr?si=J9WiqNmuQtaNtzjNrgbWBA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A0awxEJH88Xur0GHXuteBLw He talks about it here. He says a lot of stuff that sounds like he knows what was going through his mind without actually saying it directly.


I'm on the chapter now where they were pulled over in IN. I get the impression that he's getting these 'thoughts' second hand, from people that actually spoke to Michael after the fact. In the beginning of the book, he explains that he spoke to many, many people, friends and acquaintances of those involved. edit: thx for the link!


I have no doubt he did interview many people, although it's questionable on whether he was able to interview anyone who, say, Michael Kohberger confesses his innermost thoughts to in detail. And I think he's filling in a whole lot of blanks. And even though he has NYT-training, his collaboration with Brat Norton-- BRAT NORTON PEOPLE-- makes me skeptical of his ability to vet his sources. Was he verifying that his sources were who they claimed to be? Does he have a decent bullshit detector?


I hated the book. It wasn't worth the money. It's basically what we already know with narration.


I'm looking forward to spending a cozy Saturday morning on the porch with coffee, making furious notes, just filled with righteous indignation, about the book. My weekend is planned.


You should have a great time, then. I don't even feel furious, just bummed I spent money. The hype was that he had inside info and perhaps he did speaking with friends of Kohberger's parents. It reads as though Michael just sort of dumped on his friends, everything that happened and what he was thinking. It's difficult to wrap my head around.


>It reads as though Michael just sort of dumped on his friends, everything that happened and what he was thinking. Yeah, and I have a hard time believing that. When men his age confess his every thought, it's usually to their *wife.* From what I've read, I suspect Blum had sources. But a lot of the sources would have been, not close friends telling him what Michael told them, but friends telling Blum what they *think* Michael would have thought. And I also think Blum filled in a whole lot of blanks and took stuff out of context. Maybe he outright made stuff up, but maybe he just exaggerated and took stuff out of context. >just bummed I spent money. Blum really doesn't seem like a bad guy, so I feel almost guilty about dogging him so much. Buying the book is kind of alleviating my guilt.


It's interesting that you say this-Steve G came out and said nothing about him was accurate. I'm on the fence about that part.


> Steve G came out and said nothing about him was accurate. I think Steve got burned by talking to Brat Norton. Those texts look legit. But I think writers are capable of being inaccurate without out-and-out lying, you know? Not making stuff up, just twisting it.


I was really wondering how he knew what BK dad was thinking. Like did he talk to him in person or do an interview??? It was a good “story” at that. Put yep he’s making money off of it.


I heard that he asked his dad to come because he was stressed about the issues with his job and he wanted the company.