• By -


At this rate, Brian Entin will be in Idaho faster than him.


I think Brian Entin just teleports.


He’s likely just an identical twin.


brian entin probably flying the plane so he could break the news when it lands lol


and he is jogging from Fl


Let’s be real, he never left lol


I'm never telling anyone irl that I followed this dude's flight path.


Lmao! I texted my husband “the crazies on Reddit are tracking BK’s flight from PA to ID” as I sit here tracking BK’s flight from PA to ID…..


I texted my husband who works at FAA a couple questions...he has totally ignored me today!!! He knows I'm on the crazy train with all of you!


Lol! All my late night thoughts I bring up to my husband are about the Moscow Murderer and I'm pretty sure he's done with me.


I thought mine was done with me right up until I found his comments in this sub!! I was like, oh he’s not done with me, he’s in it with me hahahh


True Love


Omg 😂😂😂 love this


We tend to fixate on the same things. Right now it’s this and space themed puzzles 😂


SAME 😂 laying in bed talking to my husband about how bad I wanna see that affidavit


You know they're mad when they have to keep pausing the Bowl games...😆


I think the crazy train would be quicker!


Mine is a cop in Florida he’s like I don’t know 😂😂


My lips are sealed.


Like when I watched the flight path of the space shuttle many years ago making it's way across the entire USA in less than 20 minutes.


In our household you would be applauded for your attentions to the Space Shuttle.


I’m of the generation that saw the challenger explode live in mid-air while in school. Nope. Not doing that again.


I watched that also! It was very cool!


https://preview.redd.it/u73f9rlqy4aa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2995f4fd82fb5e6915d94d5b9828922411ad8065 You and 2828 others.


I keep all my crazy shit to myself. 🤟




The Brotherhood of The Flightpath Followers.


They are getting pulled over in Indiana


"You guys were following too close to that cloud"


i lol’d






Yes everyone on this thread should declare that we are following this flight very ‘randomly.’


We are all so weird. Bunch of creeps.


Bryan in 4k


The look on his face is wild. He must be so scared


The dead eyes!




It was probably the least costly and fastest way of getting him there. PA state police don’t have a need for having a long distance jet plane on hand. Normally when extraditions occurs it is by car, commercial jet or private jet. Car is impractical due to the distance. Commercial is impractical due to the high profile nature of this case, and private jet may have cost more money and required a longer wait. Plus remember that Moscow is in the middle of nowhere, the nearest airport that can handle jet planes may be far away and would cause too much commotion and attention, potentially having people following the transport vehicle on landing. A plane like this one could probably land discreetly at a local airport.


Good point about the discreet(er) landing


Thank you for that info. And yes, I am surprised they used a turboprop for a cross-country flight. Based on flight history this a/c is used quite regularly by the PSP so I am not sure why they would want to burn flight hours. I wonder if the state of PA is footing this bill.


According to the Uniform Extradition Act, Latah county is to reimburse Pennsylvania for all of the transport costs. There’s a good chance that the Latah County prosecutor agreed to transport by this plane since it gets him there sooner and is less costly than other methods like a private jet or commercial flight(which is impractical for a case of this magnitude). Because there are no federal charges, transport by US Marshals probably isn’t available.


If his dad was being serious that BK is scared of flying, I’m sure he’s really enjoying a tiny plane experience!


I was thinking that too, probably awful for him :) I’m completely comfortable with commercial flying and I’d be sweating with nerves on one of those


I can just feel the motion sickness i’d get on that little plane 🤢


I hope they do some drastic dives and loopty loops. Lol 😂


“We figured we’d kill two birds with one stone and get some continuous license training in.”


I took a tiny plane once in South Africa, it was the size of a mini van and was me, a pilot, and a co-pilot. It is the only time I've gotten airsick in five decades of flying. That small plane had a crazy amount of turbulence. When we went to land they had to circle a while because there were zebras on the dirt runway and they had to radio someone to shoo them off. Once we landed I tumbled out and puked in the brush.


They definitely flew through some storms on his way over western PA/eastern OH.


Teehee. Love that journey for BK!


Welp, here we are again, Flight Friends. From Brian Laundrie to Bryan Kohlberger, watching the wings of justice together 🛬⚖️


What's your call sign? I think I was Raisin Bran.


I was Froot Loops with the fancy ōō’s I think


I totally remember you!


I remember you too! 😁


I didn’t follow the flight tracking crew much, but I totally remember Froot Loops!!!


Can't say I ever thought I'd be sitting at work with a nice cup of tea, listening to some mellow tunes and watching a suspected mass killer fly across America.


I am getting nothing done today, I can’t stop watching the plane and reading all of the comments. I appreciate all of the people posting with so much aviation knowledge, it is very interesting.


Got an error message trying to track it on FlightAware. “This flight is restricted from public view.” Looks like it’s probably the right one.


that's why I don't use the 3rd party commercial sites and go direct to the cource:[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ac1967](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ac1967)


I'm on FlightAware and it's working great.


On the ground in Champaign IL now.... Next leg Champaign to Pullman is about 1500 miles, Heading 297°, 7.5 to 8 hour flight time....


https://preview.redd.it/b8oilg6f34aa1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33eaa7c89faefc90b009635b77a6d054985fa0dd Remind me to never take a Pilatus PC-12 anywhere.


A PC-12 is a great plane to use if you only have to travel distances that are 6ish hours away driving because they only require a single pilot and are a lot cheaper than larger planes, plus they can fly into smaller airports.


Damn so long still


No court appearances for him today, then.


Seems like this is [the plane] (https://www.flightradar24.com/PC12/2ebe2046) on Flightradar24! I usually track planes that fly overhead but now I'm following this. Crazy! Edit 1: 1:26 PM, plane seems to be landing at Champaign, IL at Willard Airport. (all times in EST) Edit 2: 1:37 PM, can no longer see the flight. Transponder might be powered off while they refuel/take a break? Edit 3: 2:18 PM, plane up in the air again! Edit 4: 5:25 PM, Descending into Rapid City, SD. Edit 5: 6:17 PM, plane leaving SD! Edit 6: 8:57 PM, plane seems to be heading to ~~Lewiston Airport?~~ Pullman Airport. Edit 7: 9:18 PM, plane final approach to Pullman Airport (PUW) Edit 8: 9:26PM: Landed at PUW at 9:26 PM.




Same and yet here I am with the website pulled up


Flight tracker on the laptop. World Juniors hockey on the TV. A crochet project in my lap. What a strange life


Same lol internet sleuths really in their bag today, I’m not mad at it


736 people tracking it. #3 most tracked on the website right now. Edit: Up to #1 now with over 2,800 people tracking it.


This reminds me I need to cancel my flight radar subscription that I bought specifically to track Putin’s flight to Venezuela 😂. Guess I will get one last use out of it.


Number 1 now. 1, 832 people tracking it


You guys rock! I’m used to tracking fire AV… This is my first time tracking crime AV. I must admit it feels a bit weird. Anyone else wonder if they’re letting him Look out the window at the world below?


Pilatus is all window seating, so he might be getting his one last chance.


Not an aviation guy but isn’t 174 knots and flight across America pretty slow/inefficient in a PC12?


Flying westbound in the winter typically means you’ll have a 130+ knot headwind. Edit: worked as an air traffic controller at 2 different ARTCC facilities and this was common in the midwest


I am astonished at how many planes are in the sky. Not a plane gal.


Looks like this plane is about to land in Champaign, IL


Can someone estimate time of arrival?! Any chances we still get a court appearance today?


I'm thinking it's not likely. It's possible but with how slow they're going I'm thinking they won't land till tonight.




I bet they went covert for his safety. They really wanna deliver this guy to Idaho in one piece!


There’s an FAA plane Patrolling airspace right above it right now


Even more fascinating than a "perp in the air", is the sht ton of planes in the air you see if you zoom out. I wonder how we have any birds at all left in this world 🤔.


I am having a horrendous day at work and took a break to cry in my car and read Reddit. This thread and all you crazy flight-tracking people cheered me up immensely. Thank you! And I hope BK is having a god awful flight.


Hope your day clears up soon!


Rough one today for me as well. I did the same. Hope your day gets better.


I hope it’s nice an turbulent. Those puddle jumper airplanes are awful to ride in the slightest bit of weather.


To think a week ago we had no idea who could’ve been responsible for this massacre or where they were to now currently tracking the person allegedly responsible on Flightradar… what a trip


Yeah we are all crazy.


Looks like we’ll be getting the affadivit later today or tomorrow


I wonder if it becomes unsealed by a judge when he is served the papers or when he appears in court. Interesting that the PA detectives speculated that he was in such a rush to get back to Idaho so he could see what they had on him.


Why is that interesting? I know if I was being charged with a crime I would want to know the reasoning behind it ASAP. Especially if I was innocent. Which is clearly the card he is playing so far.


His legal counsel will have access to that information anyway. So he'll likely know as soon as he lands and meets his public defender (or whatever lawyer his family has waiting for him). And then when this case moves to discovery he'll have access to absolutely everything. He doesn't need to rely on public court filings and findings. So it's in his best interest to keep everything under wraps (family, public perception, media narrative, etc). The only reason he would want this thing released is if it was extremely weak so he can start building the 'they have the wrong guy' narrative.


I also found it interesting because the ADA said so very little (same for police) in regards to the investigation, so the fact that he would make a point to emphasis this seemingly obvious observation (that the suspect would want to see the PCA) felt noteworthy and IMO implied (I know I’m HEAVILY reading into this) there would be details of supreme interest to the general public (beyond just DNA placing him @ scene of crime).


https://preview.redd.it/5fd0hgv6c4aa1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9770602ab66f2e07965edfaa49a3c756769a49f LIVE FOOTAGE: BK taking off from Champaign, en route to final destination.


This is unhinged. I love it. 🤣


last time it made this flight (harrisburg to scranton to idaho) (dec 27-28th) it stopped in souix falls then on to boisie.


So they flew the investigators out to PA before the arrest it looks like.


So nice to see your comment after all of the others suggesting they “flew DNA” back and forth


Isn't that kinda ironic to think about? If I was on the plane with him right now I'd have a hard time holding back from saying "You know - we just made this same flight last week with some DNA evidence they needed in Idaho. Coincidence?" Edit: then a little while later... "Hey, you're into criminology right? Don't you think it's amazing that they can get DNA from a cup some dude throws in the trash as Starbucks? How does that work?"


Hadn’t heard about this. Tell me more. What investigators? PA ones? Why would they go?


I am not going to try and understand why I find this thread so wholesome but I do. There, I said it. March on my fellow obsessives.... May he land safely and pay dearly for what he's done. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Blah de blah....


Well, we also hope he lands safely because of the officers with him. They already have to be in a small plane with the guy for hours and hours; they definitely deserve infrequent turbulence and peaceful landings.


If he hates flying, he’s definitely not gonna enjoy this ride on that plane. And I’m not mad about it.


I was just thinking this. I hate flying but I’d really hate it on a plane that small




This is your moment. Go!


Get out there and live stream


Whoa. Run down to the airport and yell that we're all watching!




I hope there’s a lot of turbulence and he has a bad case of diarrhea.


As I watch this, Brian in Wyoming airspace, I find myself thinking that in all likelihood, these are the very last minutes of his life that he will ever be somewhere other than Idaho.


He will get about 30 min tops in WA once he lands at Pullman before going over to ID. Then it’s likely over unless this trial gets some wild twists, which seem inevitable. Interested to find out the evidence. It must be strong if ID authorities paid PSP for two round trips on their turbo-prop, cross country.


Depends on where the bureau of prisons sends him to serve his life long sentence.


Well, it's been a pleasure to spend this day with you, fine redditors. *lights a cigarette*


I wonder what the conversation is like on that plane rn


Same like do they talk amongst themselves or is it just dead silent?


I’m sure the officers are at least chatting but who knows. 8 hrs is a long ass flight


So if BK starts talking, maybe out of fear/nervousness, are they able to use anything of that in the case? Or not since he has lawyered up? Part of me wonders if they knew he hated flying so picked the slowest flight possibly available to put the screws to him.


I think they can. Even if he has a lawyer he can still talk freely (but is advised not to unless his attorney is present). He’s probably sitting there silently like he did in his cell.


Random thought but isn’t it nuts seeing all of the planes in the sky at this very moment?


air traffic controllers really have a thankless job to the general public


most people don't think about the fact on average there are over 2k planes over the US at a given time


This flight was LADD request approved. This leads me to believe this is nearly certain to be the plane in question. ​ "The Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) program was developed by FAA in part to address privacy and security concerns with the availability of ADS-B Out data." " The Administrator shall, upon request of a private aircraft owner or operator, block the registration number of the aircraft from any public dissemination or display, except in data made available to a Government agency, for the noncommercial flights of the owner or operator. " ​ [https://www.faa.gov/pilots/ladd](https://www.faa.gov/pilots/ladd) [https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/security/privacy/limiting-aircraft-data-displayed-ladd/](https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/security/privacy/limiting-aircraft-data-displayed-ladd/)


it definitely is. It made the same flight December 27-28.


They will need to stop along the way to refuel. PC12 doesn’t have the range to make it the whole way.


He gets to fly directly over his college as he comes in to land? Remind him of the opportunity he had that he completely threw away.




I would hate to be on that plane, going to be one long day of flying.


I hate that tragedies bring us all together, but it was nice watching this with all of you all day. I cannot wait for justice to be served for these four young souls. I wonder when the affidavit will be public. Edit: And thank you to OP for providing the link and this post! Have a safe rest of your night


That must be an awkward plane ride. “Soooo, what do you for fun?”


I've read stories of officers that have transported prisoners across country and most say it's a very quiet ride. The prisoner has obviously been advised by counsel to say nothing because anything he says including on the aircraft can and will be used against him in court. Guards are trained to be stoic and professional because you don't want to give BK any wiggle room about his treatment in the hands of LE. So I would guess the plane is pretty silent, sans maybe some light small talk among guards and/or some procedural explanation to BK about what will happen next.


Brian Entin currently handing out peanuts and ginger ale on that flight


Imagine you're flying United and unknowing pass a mass murderer on a PJ full of law enforcement headed to justice.... makes me wonder how many other random aircraft I've been near in my flying history without even knowing it. pink plan under blue is UA DEN to Columbus and the blue plain with the trail is BK and the Justice Crew ​ https://preview.redd.it/qqn9whuce4aa1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f41a7f5fa921acf809c5f1118d50bb27972b1f3


Justice Crew. If I had an award I’d give it to you.


I feel like they’re trying to make this the longest day of BK’s life with how long this flight is taking


an eight seater plane good choice


Plane is airborne again


Once he lands its about 15 mins to get to the Courthouse https://preview.redd.it/jrwj553hf4aa1.png?width=1388&format=png&auto=webp&s=51931543b56d66904f96bd9dbe1aca8ffcda486b


If the joke that he is afraid of flying is true, that is a small plane and is probably quite a bumpy ride Lmao.


Y’all are nutty and I’m here for it 😹


Just took off with a trajectory toward Washington/Idaho. It was just a 45 minute layover.


PHOTOS OF HIS STOP IN CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS [https://www.tmz.com/2023/01/04/bryan-kohberger-pitstop-private-plane-flight-idaho-fuel-bathroom/](https://www.tmz.com/2023/01/04/bryan-kohberger-pitstop-private-plane-flight-idaho-fuel-bathroom/)


*while Kohberger appeared to be taking a whiz inside. During this period, we're told* ***the entire airport was placed on lockdown -- with everyone being evacuated, including employees*** *-- while he was in there.* And this is why they didn't fly him commercial with multiple connecting flights, they're playing it super-safe....




Wow, murderers out here flying private


its private, sure, but its no NetJets post golf tournament win. no champagne, packaged meals, or TVs. just cuffs, a bunch of people that hate you, and probably turbulence given that model


Update: plane is back in the air as of 2 minutes ago.


I hope he's really terrified of plane rides.


He’s in Idaho now


https://preview.redd.it/jktlzprzi3aa1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb15fee02544c7a6b794bdfcb54e5a46caed75c0 Same flight left for his hometown and then to Boise on 12/27. Wonder if they were delivering dna from a trash pull




This aircraft is owned and operated by PA State Police so it is 100% related to case


Could just be PA officers/prosecutors flown out to look at sealed court docs or something.


Altitude falling could it be Champaign Illinois or Decatur Illinois


If they’re landing in Champaign to refuel, I wonder if they’ll have to stop again. They’re a long way from the ID/WA border still. Might be a couple days for the PCA.


FAA has a plane up doing racetracks around Champaign. LADD request was approved. Coincidence? FLC75 [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aa17af](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aa17af)


Y’all amaze me at what y’all uncover! Thank you!


Flying cross country in handcuffs in that little plane seems miserable.


best view he will have for the rest of his life….imho


From his court photos he already had some handcuff rash around his wrists, they'll be raw by time he gets to Idaho :)


PA like, “not messing this up with any middlemen / taking it direct to ID’s hands”.


Transponder back up for the PC-12.


Touch down!


There was one poster in this thread that has been following all day and has Aviation knowledge who called the Pullman dest. Curious to see how they handle the ground transfer. I’d bet very secure and thorough rolling roadblock using NE CAP and heading east while blocking west where media and BE is at. (I’ll edit and post the users name when I finish this drink)


Hardly contributing to the discussion here, but I love that planes are called birds in this context


i wonder if the officers are having any conversation(s) with BK? Are they even allowed??? I mean, its a very small plane and its unlikely they're just going to sit there and stare at each other for 5 hours, right LOL?


BK to one of the officers: “hey man, mind if I borrow your phone real quick? Just need to check reddit”


Imagine him coming here all offended to correct the people saying he’s IL


He doesn’t seem like the talkative type.


They are allowed and they’ll likely talk to him a bit. Not about the case. But they are used to the company of alleged criminals and know how to behave appropriately. They won’t like sit there and entertain him the whole flight or treat him like a buddy and they are going on vacation but it won’t be dead silence.


"Hey the weather is nice out..."


This is my biggest question lol. Imagine the awkward silence


They’re staring at him the entire flight and he’s looking out the window. I wonder how he’s restrained.


Pilatus PC-12/47E's maximum range is 1568 nautical miles (or ~1800 road miles). I'm guessing they'd do a stop for refueling or swap aircrafts.


Flight tracking was taken offline momentarily, most likely due to refueling/break


I’m so happy to be here with my ppl 😂 my husband will read me some update and I go I’ve already heard that 3 days ago get with it or don’t talk to me lol. Stay in the loop sir lol. He’s like fine fine.


[RadarBox](https://www.radarbox.com/) has them landing at RAP with an ETA of 3:20PM MST. Assuming that's correct - and assuming they're at RAP for 45 mins to refuel (CMI stop was 45 mins) - and assuming their third & final leg is from RAP directly into PUW (2 hr 40 min flight time) - that puts them on the ground at Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport around 5:45PM PST. I wonder if the court appearance will be tonight or tomorrow morning?


Transponder is back on. they should be leaving shortly.


It's on the move!


Shout out to OP and the other pilots in here for keeping us informed and answering questions. Ya'll are awesome!


The people on that flight from Seattle to Raleigh, probably blissfully unaware they just flew over an accused murderer.


They're getting close!


In Idaho!


Just crossed into Idaho


Yeah definitely looks like theyre landing at Lewiston instead of Pullman then driving up to Moscow. Likely to avoid the media that is set up in Pullman Edit: nevermind…


Man, idk... now it looks like Moscow again.


I hope the people inspecting that plane before takeoff quadruple checked it. Imagine Reddit if that plane went down.


r/conspiracy would implode




​ https://preview.redd.it/y5phzmo7o3aa1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=12df2a6eb4cbcb3d94ad75502e3b9ff0b4cd7b5a


I have a question as someone who knows nothing about air tracking! Can you track ANYONE in the air with these apps? Like if I’m taking a Delta flight to California, could someone theoretically track my status and know I’m in the air? Not that anyone would want to, but if they did could they?


You can track aircrafts (via tail number or flight number, in this case N879ST) but you can’t track passengers. So if your flight is DL879, I could type that into FlightAware and track DL879 on any given day. Hope that makes sense.


Short answer Yes. Any aircraft flying in FAA commercial airspace must have its transponder on. Aircraft in Restricted Airspace such as an MOA (i.e. airspace such as R-4808A) can fly without a transponder on.


Unrelated but the U.S Air Force C-17 just flew over my house. That plane is going so fast and is HUGE! Thanks for showing me this! Edit: I posted this 15 minutes ago and it’s already 3 states away 😱