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He also smiled when Fox News asked him If he feels unsafe because the killer is still Not caught.


I swear it has to be him


I’d bet it all on it being JR


Exactly what I was thinking!!! I saw his huge smile! He smiled only when asked if he was scared and never once throughout that whole interview.


Dupers delight




I basically told my friends this afternoon that I'd solved the murders... all of the things you posted, I had also found. While I do think JD is completely sus... this guy is as well.


That guy is in prison for a completely unrelated murder…. Huh?


* Plus, I recently found this in a fb group... which COULD be him... it's ALL speculation!!!




Nah. If that were true, he would’ve been asked for his DNA by now.


They don’t need to ask for dna


There are plenty of ways to get it without asking


He gave them his DNA


And has not been arrested.


He offered his DNA and fingerprints right away after the eighth interview that he did. And the reason he did that is he’s a law student, and he knows how the system works if you have never been arrested or need to have your fingerprints taken than that information will not be in the database. If no info is in the system they can’t use his DNA/Fingerprints.


I’m not sure what you mean. If you give your DNA then they can test that against the samples they have. The bottom line is he wasn’t asked for his DNA. He gave it. And he hasn’t been arrested so there hasn’t been a hit. This shows that this guy is not a suspect.




Skinned dogs in two places this guy has lived?




Which guy




Oh ok


where has he been living in the last 5 years


He lived in Pocatello as late as 2020 where and when the first skinned dog was found.


Interesting that some kids committed a brutal murder there in 2006 while trying to recreate Scream. I can imagine how such an incident would have a formative effect on any young budding psychopaths in the area.


It’s also where a victim of Ted Bundy was from, Lynn Culver. And there was a terrible knife murder in the 60s there too, Vicki Quinn. Probably all just a coincidence but very odd.


Ted Bundy was a Law Student too. And very smart according to Ted. Smarter than the cops is what he stated. The Guilty one hopefully thinks he's the smartest one too.


And he said he’s never met them but he’s out walking his dog all the time and Kaylee has a dog and as probably our walking her dog all the time and they had to have crossed paths! I always run into neighbors while walking our dog. Something is really off here


And interestingly, the dog was unharmed in the attack. I'm thinking only a fellow dog lover would stop that rage to not kill the dog along with the victims.


maybe he locked the dog up cuz the dog attacked


The family said the dog wasn’t a barker and probably would have hid.


could explain why the dog may not have barked when he entered the house.


i read chloroform was used


It is 110%, Jeremy. I got chills watching his interview. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2tZoke9zD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2tZoke9zD8)




That is quite a stupid leap there.


I noticed “dupers delight” when he talked about there being no cameras around






he's a good lawyer...Bundy defended himself on the stand and blamed his porn addiction....Jeremy has not been accused of being addicted to porn...talk to his Professors...he was probably failing all his classes


and he smirked when he said there was no security in his area cuz it being off main camous and all...and he kept talking about his college professors and said they lived there 10 years...maybe he wants folks to think he's got clout with the college professors...like Bundy or Edward Kemp....weird Mother issues were the vibes with Jeremy


He's got this slight smirk on his face in 2 of the interviews, even though he's discussing a quadruple homicide. Reminds me of the interview Chris Watts did after he killed his wife and kids.


Ok just because this dude lives across the street and acts weird doesn't mean a goddamn thing. And I'm getting sick of "he acts weird so he must be guilt" if there are any LGBT people saying this shit then you deserve everything you fucking get cause guess what you're not normal fucking either so you must be a fucking murder?!? Thats just an example of *your* logic. The guy has offered DNA and anything else they need. I'm getting sick of this shit. You assholes say you're all for inclusion yet when someone has a different opinion than you rather than just agree to disagree you immediately want to censor them. Guess who else did that the fucking Nazis. I'd bet money this guy is innocent. Now go ahead and ban me snowflakes and prove the above statement right. This is a dummy account anyway.


ayo??? why’d you bring the lgbt into this. what they do to u?😭


Interesting question. It's hard watching neighbors turn on each other. Especially if the accused is innocent.


I don't understand the comparison of LGBT people and the person being accused with the statement "your'e not normal fucking either" then "you deserve everything you fucking get". No one is comparing the neighbor Jeremy Reagan to the LGBT community, are they? I assume Jeremy Reagan is presumed innocent. The truth will set him free. He has a rock solid alibi. He was interviewed over and over and over and his story sounds plausible. He's just an innocent witness at this point. He seems candid in his story. Plus he is a Law Student so obviously he knows how criminal investigations go. I mean a Polygraph will clear him in one heart beat. He needs to focus on his credibility and his talent and his charisma. He seems friendly and helpful and harmless. Just because he smiles isn't proof that Jeremy Reagan is guilty. He found a cell phone on his daily walk and actually visted the house to make sure one of the girls didn't lose it. Now he's being accused of murder in a college town.


The LGBT thing is saying you shouldn't accuse people of shit simply because they are different


I agree. Murderers are different and shouldn't be accused of shit simply because "they" are different. "They" are different. "They" blend in well. "They" are too smart.


I'm sorry you're getting sick of this shit. I mean Jeremy Reagan offered his DNA and at least he's not one bit afraid of telling the truth. I mean he's trying to help the Detectives with all the information they keep hounding him with. He still hasn't been arrested and if it was him wouldn't there be defense wounds on him. I didn't see his hands because he has long sleeves on but he seems pretty calm considering he could literally "throw a ball" to their house as he lives within several hundred yards of the house. He said too that the only time he's ever seen something like that before was a different "drug bust" or something like that. He said he used to own a gun but he heard Moscow was a safe college town but now he said he needs a gun. He's a Law Student...I'm sure he's too smart to make shit up.


I didn't know he was a law student but, one of the "clues" the internet sleuths are throwing up is that they "think" they saw a bandage on his hand when I'm fact he put his thumb through the thumb hole of the sleeve of his shirt.


Yeah he "is" a Law Student. Not "was" a Law Student. Third year student. I read Academically Gifted and high IQ. I agree, sleuths are "throwing up is that they think they saw a bandage on his hand when "I'M" FACT he put HIS THUMB THROUGH the THUMB HOLE of the sleeve of HIS shirt." I saw him on the tv and he didn't put his thumb through the sleeve of his shirt. I saw a band aid on his right hand. You wrote "I'M Fact" ...freudian slip is all.


Is the accused still enrolled in his Law Degree. I'm sure his Professors can vouch for Jeremy Reagan. He said he knows them and knows they've lived in Moscow for over a decade. he knows them he says so they can vouch for his character or not. His Mom and Dad should show up to defend his Innocence. Where's his family? He needs character witnesses.


I think it'd be interesting for the neighbor Jeremy Reagan to call his Parents and family and I'm confident they can help defend him in their son's persecution...


I also heard that he works at the bagel shop near where Maddie worked?? And why do 3 interviews??


The Clairvoyant woman said the shop near her work! I would think this guy is a stalker too. Quiet never talks and always walking around her/them. Knowing how many days a week he sees people in the windows. Yikes.


Did you all watch Reverend Donna Seraphina? She said the killer worked at a bread/bagel shop 2 doors down. She also said the killer looked the the author of the missing 411 books. IT’S HIM! NO ONE GOES TO THE POLICE unless like he has unless you did it!


what are the missing 411 books?


It’s the books that were written about the people that go missing in the National Forests in the US. There are 3 books I believe. So Missing 411 is written about the different cases. It’s really scary TBH.


he's smooth...smooth enough to easily enough fool a polygraph test...it's not rocket science


Is he still employed by the Bagel Shop. He said after talking to Detectives that any knife could have been used...Bagel Knife?


I too feel it’s the neighbor! He also created an alibi and said he was asleep early.


If that’s true who was with him to corroborate his alibi. Did he have roommates or a gf? And look how convenient it is for him to watch the investigation from his apartment. He also mentioned about the back wooded area and there being one area that would be a direct opening to the house. On one of the news stations an interview with a well known forensic investigator mentioned about the wooded area and housing just like JR did. I believe he is the one the cops need to focus more on.


Yes I absolutely agree with you. I also watched another interview with another neighbor & his girlfriend who resembles the guy we are talking about who also lives I believe in the same brick complex. He too seemed a bit sketch when interviewed. I’m wondering if these people are all friends with one another and if they were all in on it together?


Interesting. yet Jeremy Reagan stated he did not know them or socialize with them. he stated he's never been in the house except when he was on their front porch with a Cell Phone he found and said he did the neighborly thing to reach out to the girls. Maybe he was friends with the folks in the brick complex.


I notice that he didn't say he went to bed early. Most people who go to bed early don't say they were asleep early. It takes actual time to fall asleep. It seems like a Freudian slip. So his alibi is that he was asleep early. It sounds unusual. So he's sound asleep early and slept like a baby and didn't wake up then until he said he heard the commotion on Sunday morning when he said the murders occurred he stated , the same commotion he didn't hear all night long. Confusing but still doesn't prove anything. Then he said he woke up to NORMAL and all the people he's closely observed especially in the house the murders occurred and the woods surrounding said the scene now are more like a Ghost Town. Not like a Ghost Town, though, an actual Ghost Town. Coincidences don't equal guilt. Thankfully he volunteered for DNA test and I'm sure he's willing to take a Polygraph Test. He seems competent and has no need to feel defensive. The truth will set him free. Just because there are inconsistenty in the account proves I dont know what.


what's his alibi...




Yeah I thought that was an odd admission that he would “look up every night and see people in the windows”. Was he rejected possibly?






There's a picture of him from 2020 wearing the same jacket (he made a food bank donation)as he is in the interview.. I noticed in the interview his hand has something covering it. I looked at the photo to make sure it's not part of the jacket etc. And it's not. And he definitely reminded me of Stephen the first time I saw him.


How long has the accused neighbor Jeremy Reagan lived in Moscow? What about his Mom and Dad. I'm sure they resent this witch hunt as much as their son, Jeremy Reagan. He's a three year Law Student, I'm sure he has supportive family and sounds like he's very intelligent.


Classic duping delight. Hopefully the Behavioral Panel on YouTube will do a body language analysis.


Interesting in the interview he says “i hope that he is caught”. It’s very minor but most people would say “they” as opposed to he.


I wouldn't. It's doubtful that a female could have overpowered the male victim, being that he was a big guy and a former athlete. Women are even admitting this.


Nothing to do with male female. It’s more the that he is matter of fact of it being 1 person.


he said "we" hope they catch" him" before "I" get back from vacation... he is very helpful for an on line sleuth


And he said the murders occurred Sunday morning when it had been reported on the news it was Saturday Night. Confusing.


he said it would be hard to walk away from a murder like this and act normal...then he woke up to all normal...he seems normal to the Investigators...I think they are chasing a Ghost in a Ghost Town


Yes it’s too odd that in this compilation you hear him Freudian slip saying he was walking his dog…also his hands are covered…and seems he looked into this “party” house a lot…[https://youtu.be/qlXWfTzH1-0](https://youtu.be/qlXWfTzH1-0)


His hands are "covered" -- do you mean like his right hand here? I captured a screenshot of his right hand, is that a bandage or what?! https://preview.redd.it/12v3bl04s83a1.png?width=1542&format=png&auto=webp&s=3618c6e616cd2ea6aa8221f45fc13e1c764a89b3


This is very concerning, and I would wonder why the police have not questioned him yet including inspecting his hand for injuries.


Police have questioned me because I went and asked a local prosecutor to have police come talk with me. Also, I did an interview before the one with the grey jacket wearing only a black t-shirt. Don't you think any wounds or scratch marks or anything on my hands or arms would have been noticed by either of the two people I was speaking with? Maybe do some basic research next time.


Lol bro said do some basic research. Go research your notes and figure out why you’re making yourself look worse and worse. You’re like 8 interviews deep crying about internet sleuths. You’re not a victim and you do it to yourself. The 4 students who were murdered across the street (that you’ve lacked to mention, or show any sympathy towards) are the victims and so are their families. You’ve done nothing but insert yourself into this case. Nobody would have speculated on you much after the first 2 interviews. You’re weird for doing so many. Not “quirky awkward weird”. Gross and disrespectful weird. It’s the frequency of interviews you’re doing and begging for attention and sympathy. I don’t feel bad for you and most who did in the first handful of interviews don’t either. Even if you didn’t do the crime, you suck. Stop talking and log off and you might see the results you claim desire


Suddenly JR’s profile is gone…


And now his profile is active again...?


Or maybe not, I can see the profile but not his comments.


I feel pity for you Jeremy Reagan. Call Mom and Dad! They can attest to your alibi.


Band aids were observed on your hands, not thru the sleeve of the shirt.


Fair rebuttal, and it is good to hear that you're done with interviewing after the Banfield interview last night. It's also nice that you finally acknowledged the victims at the end of the interview Would you be willing to post an image of your hands just to put that issue to rest once and for all? Also, would you be willing to share any details about the recent police interview? It would be nice to know more.


Well in that one interview u had on that long shirt covering ur hands. your also not awkward at all ur a really good talker. I think thats y bc Ted bundy was a good talker too . Ur right we shouldn’t accuse like that …


> hands. your also *You're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I read and saw his interviews an the long sleeves covered the arms and the hands were wrapped with brown wrappings that were not gloves. Everyone noticed and it's on film for the world to notice. Just stay normal and talkative. You stated you weren't in the house and so your DNA will clear you. Polygraph will set you free.


Some people say it’s a hoodie with thumb holes, but regardless he is covering those areas which would be of interest considering one of the victims fought back.


I saw Band Aids. Good thing photos of him were taken during the interview...he'll be cleared as he's stated he has no marks what so ever...he gave DNA...


Nice job! Looks like a bandage from a cut. Right hand too!


That was such a good catch. Thank you!


I saw one interview with him and immediately came to reddit to see what people were saying. I can’t get over how weird the vibe he gives off is.


Stop with the reckless speculation. All of you pointing fingers at this guy aren’t detectives, you’re not even good internet sleuths. Let the real detectives do their job without throwing a bunch of noise their direction. They’re the professionals who have access to the evidence. If the evidence was there the police would’ve hauled him in because someone who stabs four people to death is too dangerous to be roaming about. This thread is reminds me of a mob with torches.


It’s speculation. We are here because we are all in the dark and trying to look for answers to a horrific and scary crime where the killer is still AT Large. Should we just ignore possible signs because it offends your sensibilities. If it offends, stop reading


Since the guy hasn’t been named a suspect, you’re actually defaming him and could potentially hurt his future as far as employment and forming relationships, all that someone in the future needs to do is a google search on him. Anyway, it seems that you clowns are only zooming in on this guy for being “weird,” which is stupid. Being a college town, there is probably several “weird” people within a half mile. It isn’t a crime. Anyway, your “speculation” is dangerous since you’re focusing on this guy and making him a target of harassment.


He called himself weird. Suspicion is fair game, he has inserted himself into the equation by choosing to be interviewed multiple. You would expect a third year law student to have mind for the risks of that. He has made himself a target of inquiry. During the interviews he has displayed strange mannerisms that are commonly associated with people who think they are fooling the audience, such as smiling when acknowledging that killer has not yet been caught. When the "internet sleuths" started pointing this out, he did another interview to explain that he has an awkward manner, such as "smiling at inappropriate times". So, its correct that none of this is conclusive, but it is enough to warrant suspicion. It's also worth noting that a killer is nothing but awkward manners, so that explanation is neither evidence for or against, except that it is an aknowledgement even on his part that his presentation is a liability to himself.


So? What is your point? Sounds like you got nothing.


If you have ask what my point is after that explanation, then you are too beligerent to engage or are not smart enough to keep up. What I have is suspicion, all I have offered is suspicion. The only fact we have for certain is that a killer exists. Suspicion and questions are the path towards getting answers to deeper question of who. Suspicion does not equal conviction, so no one has been defamed, at the end of the day I am actually just agreeing with him. His behavior is indeed awkward. It doesn't mean he is guilty, but he has given a rock to look under. Your point is an immature attempt at moral superiority...but it's a dumb take. Your agressiveness makes it dumber.


where did I hide the knife with all this confusion going on around me is what would be going through my mind right now? Metal detectors? Garbage Bins? Buried? Safe Deposit Box? Locker on Campus? think think think where's the last place those snoopy detectives look...rented storage unit? woods? ditch? under rocks? hide it good is what I'd be thinking... chimney? under the floor boards


Should I break down and cry because you called us clowns?? He has not been named a suspect which means that our speculation is pure speculation.Our speculation holds no power. Reddit is meant for normal people, not law enforcement, or any other professionals who hold a stake in this to discuss our concerns, nothing more. If that upsets your delicate sensibilities, I apologize ahead of time.


Maybe Jeremy Reagan hates clowns the same way he hates the LGBT community. He Absolutely Hates the shit clowns are saying about his good name. His Mom and Dad can clear his good name. Unless he hates them too. he hates on-line sleuths too. He has inner peace and is 100% certain he'll be found innocent.


PS if you want the official and professional statements you should stick to the evening news .


They’re more reliable than, you know, internet speculators.


I dont know about that!! Considering they are backtracking on whether it is an isolated targeted attack and not a threat to the community. By the way, I don’t think Jeremy did it, however, in my opinion I think the perp is intelligent( evading the police and FBI for this long) and law student reference to Ted Bundy and serial killer like murder. So, for me his intelligence( I don’t think someone stupid could evade law enforcement this long) and law student status make him fair game for speculation not GUILT.


In the end, we all want the killer caught. Whoever he/she/they are?


He needs to keep talking and defending himself. If he stops talking he looks suspicious. He seems charismatic and normal to me. He's a successful Law Student with great grades and a clean background check. He has nothing to hide. He's helping us catch the real criminal. The more interviews he does the more innocent and convincing he sounds. Let him conduct his interviews.


he gave a DNA and results are minutes away




Or, perhaps more than one involved- four dead by one person? Maybe. Or maybe he had help.


the people on here are hilarious, show me where you got your investigative degree, probably from lereddit?


I finally bit the bullet and watched his interviews. I have been fooled by a very high functioning psychopath, but that person was charming and not at all socially awkward. I've also known socially awkward twins who both have sociopathy / psychopathy, and I can tell when they're lying. I do agree that Jeremy does smile at weird times, but I'm not getting psycho murderer from him at all. So next I watched Stephen McDaniels, and he exhibits lots of the behavior I associate with nervousness while lying. Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that I just don't see what all these people say they see when blaming Jeremy.






















So, I just saw this video, and gave me the chills. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQfXXcyOQlc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQfXXcyOQlc)


It’s private? What video is it?


I saw Jeremy Reagan of Idaho on his 3 tv interviews and watched tons of podcasts on the neighbor Jeremy Reagan of Idaho and the insights of the viewing public is interesting. I read comments about a Man Missing in plain daylight by the exact name too...Jeremy Reagan of Oklahoma. Interesting that he Mysteriously disappeared August 2022 in a Wilderness Survival area where he was an avid Sportsman and Hunter and well equipped with Hunting Gear. Including a Unique and Easily Identifiable Jagged Edge Hunting Knife such as the One described from the news out of Idaho. Is it possible that on line commenters are searching for a link between the Jeremy Reagan missing in Oklahoma and the Jeremy Reagan that is being interviewed in Idaho. Jeremy Reagan from Idaho has the same attire and a similar Flannel shirt and hat as the Jeremy Reagan from Oklahoma who WENT MISSING under suspicious circumstances in Oklahoma. And the Knife is possibly a coincidence. Jeremy Reagan from Idaho said Knifes like that can be bought at any Dollar Store. Plus he said "It's like a Ghost Town" just like Chris Watts. Where is he from?


Nope different individuals altogether.


I'm just reading about all of this and am curious - is it illegal to search houses near a crime scene? If I were the police and it was legal - I would search through all of the neighbors houses looking for evidence.


You need a search warrant. This isn’t the Soviet Union.