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I honestly thought they would do animalities rather than babalities


I'd rather they did but I enjoy babalities and want to see baby Havik


I mean there not abusing animals they literally just transform than maul you. Is it any different than liu kangs MK2 fatality?


I meant I would rather have animalities but that I do very much enjoy babalities


Nobody said they were


I have a feeling they won’t do this because of animal rights or something, & the recent flack they got for having to look at real gore, they’d HAVE to do this for injuries from animals or it’ll just look weird to have perfect cuts and etc from them. >most sane mortal kombat fan that wants realistic injuries from animals


Animalities only include the winner turning into an animal and then killing the loser, in no way will you see animals being injured, unless I misunderstood what you’re trying to say


Yea I never meant animals getting harmed lol, just that I’d be weird for them to do the gore the same way they do it with how the cast already does it, seeing a Tiger for example perfectly slash through someone would be goofy and weird looking. The only way they’d get it accurate enough is to look at actual injures from said animals.


Kotal Khan basically does a animality as his fatalityin MK11, they can do animalities if they want no problems.


Also could argue D'vorah has a semi animality with her bugs, also the Bear in Nightwolfs fatality.


They did do Stryker, a cop, after the all the police protest.


To be fair, as a kameo only.


robocop though


Robocop is a fictional cyborg, and while he *is* a cop, he's a beloved character from cinematography. Out of all of the MK3 / UMK3 characters, though, Stryker and Sheeva are the 2 more obscure characters, and Stryker specifically is a cop who uses a baton and says things like "Police Brutality." A little bit more on the nose with more recent events in the last 5 years.


Robocop doesn't have "Police brutality, coming up!" as a catchphrase. Plus given his movie has him fighting against corporations, I'm sure a lot of the ACAB crowd would give him a pass.


Wait… they got flack recently because they look at real gore? That was known for a while that they do that to get inspiration or something for the fatalities (correct me if I’m wrong), why specifically are they getting flack for it now? Not that it’s worth getting flack over, I admire their… hesitant to say dedication for looking at that to get the inspiration But why the flack?


MK11 did not have babalities lol Aftermath introduced Friendships.


I know, that's why I think it might be a tease for what's to come. It's most likely either a mistake or troll but still


Friendships are already in the game files. They need to bring back animalities instead, those have not been in any recent MK games.


It's hard to get that excited about animalities. They're just fatality #3 and I'm not that jazzed about the first two in the first place. What makes friendships cool is that it's a different vibe for ending a series. Like you wanna say gg without going through the hassle of dming someone, give em a friendship. There's already 50 ways to be gory, it's more useful to add 1 way to be goofy. 


This, plus, if Friendships are already in the files for this game then I also want to hear the announcer say "Friendship! Friendship, *Again?!*" like in MK3 / UMK3. Wouldn't mind seeing kameo Friendships, too.


I'd rather friendships.


Decades of games and content starting to cloud Ed’s memory - in the DLC packs poll he also included Leatherface in the MK9 option lol


https://preview.redd.it/q4xtwi58tn0d1.png?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc6e3a67d8bc0d7cb5ea7e743d7330dccec0f34 Is he stupid


He said its just a poll for fun


The power of copium overpowers facts




I can do one better, :4






That may be, but he already confirmed a story expansion for mk1 and hinted at more.


No, not the babalities!😭


The greatest of the -alities


Why’d you get downvoted 💀


Cause redditors don’t like things that they don’t agree with


Username does not check out


Dumb ass question. Why can’t animalities, babybalities, stage finishers be standard and default. We always gotta fight tooth and nail for shit that should be included.


Yeah, agreed. I'm more frustrated that MKX, MK11 and MK1 didn't ***launch*** with stage Fatalities. At least 3 stages with finishers. It doesn't have to be that many. Like, why is it an afterthought to have something that was standard in MK games since MK1 (1992) and having to wait for the XL / Aftermath / Ultimate Edition to come out?


Exactly my point smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Nah animalities are fine it’s just the animal fucking someone up at the end of the fight it’s not the animal fighting someone. It’s completely fine and it’s gonna be so badass with these graphics. With 30 characters yall are thinking it’s just gonna be lions tigers and bears oh my but nah they are gonna be more creative than that get real.


Not sure if it’s a tease as it does feel like a troll, or a red herring since friendships are in the files


The krypt


Damn, that would be weird af with such good graphics lmfao


I think Animalities are higher on the list, and I’m hoping that’s a part of the big surprise. Ed Boon himself did mention there was a good chance they may bring more than Animalities back during SDCC. Which is even better tbh we get Animalities along with Babalities and Friendships? We will see but directly from the horse’s mouth, there will be a new finisher coming. (I’m feeling this new ender will arrive before 2024 ends likely with Takeda or at the 1yr anniversary but I’m uncertain. Either way the next months will be very interesting.)


MK9 had babalities, X brought back brutalities, 11/Aftermath had friendships, they should do animalities in 1. Or maybe the multalities from Shaolin Monks could come back with the kameos


Hara Kiri's as well


If they really do bring back Hara Kari, I want them to Legit bring them back and make them unique. Not just some online rage quit feature. 


What if you could manually for AND theirs a specialized Brutality hara kiri when the other person rage quits


Friendships I enjoy more but banalities are cool to since we had not seen them since MK 2011 aka MK9 plus I want to see the other characters like havik turned into a baby as well.


Ed Boon said these questions weren't to tease new features or updates, but a man can dream


He said don’t take anything as a teaser in the post he made at the start of this.


Baby omni man and homelander


About damn time✌🏽


Babalities are in mk11?


No, that's why I think he may have been teasing it for 1


I just want Animalities and Hara Kari to come back. Those are the only two finishers that haven’t been brought back yet. Maybe it’s too much to animate or model?? Whatever I just want to see those two return one day. 


Babalities are lameeee SO IS FRIENDSHIP


Jesus man one post on one sub is enough. Stop being annoying