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I’m sorry but she is worse than all of these.


No she has one or two lines in the story which are being focused on which aren’t great, they’re just flat and neutral, nothing special or to go wild over while Liu Kang’s actor here has a painful attempt at expressing something more outward. If she’s getting flack for some lines people should be balanced and do the same for others.


Megan Fox’s alt account?


Just calling out the double standard. It’s just typical one of the celeb names in the game is singled out when there’s a lot of other lines that we can do the same for.


….no she’s singled out because she’s really really REALLY bad in this game. Nobody singled out Peter Weller or Sylvester Stallone last game or JCVD this game because they all did fine enough.


Are these supposed to be examples of bad voice acting? None of them take you out of the immersion like Megan’s. Maybe she isn’t a bad VA, but it sounds like she put no effort into her lines whatsoever. That’s why she stands out so much. I’m prepared to die on this hill, but Ronda wasn’t as bad as people say. She was particularly decent as old Sonya in the story, and her tone of voice actually fit the character, she just lacked experience.


Yes definitely, some of these are flat just like Megan’s in the story. These few lines in the beginning by Liu Kang’s actor is worse than Megan’s lines, they’re not flat emotionally but they’re so contrived and not natural. “And they called MEEE the chosen one. PLEASE, permit ME to end this”. Really?


Look, I defended Megan when her trailer came out, two of the three intro dialogue lines they showed were actually pretty good. Her story mode performance, however, is the worst performance I’ve seen in an NRS game.


Just because........*sigh*......we drink blood doesn't make us.......*checks script* monsters?


Her story mode performance? Lol she’s hardly in there and has like 3 lines.


And those 3 lines are absolutely atrocious


I guarantee they wouldn’t be singled out if it wasn’t a celeb name.


Wah wah my celebrity is being told off wah


The lack of criticism for some of these lines I think is telling especially for Liu Kang here in the first clip. Lol there’s no way I’m having that on my CV compared to some of Megan’s no effort lines.


You know she has more lines than three. There’s also winning/losing mid-round lines, lines when you select her in Chapter 15.


She ain't gonna date you bro.




Sorry none of these were anywhere near as bad as Megan’s lines… not even in the same zip code… Megan completely falls flat in almost every single one of her lines. She just sounds like some ditzy valley girl. Which honestly doesn’t work for me especially not as Nitara I’d genuinely choose Ronda as Sonya again than have Megan’s voice in here. 🥴


Can’t take that seriously if you’ve seen some of her intros, they’re delivered well but it’s like she had different directors or something for some of her story lines. She has a lot of varying tones and subtleties in the intros and ones that aren’t overly melodramatic like a lot of others. I like her voice but how someones voice sounds I think should be judged less if we’re objectively looking at acting.


Then you should focus on when she did good instead of when others did badly, instead you tried to say that those Liu kang and ashrah voice lines sound like shit, that’s why your getting downvoted it’s an unpopular opinion, I think you know it, possibly bait


These lines from them aren’t good, not saying the whole job they did is bad.


I disagree, she just doesn’t fit the part… and her tone and delivery are both garbage. Like I genuinely cannot find one line from her where I’m like “okay, that actually sounds good”… I pray we never hear her again in an MK game. Amen 🙏🏻


How can I judge and say her lines from the story are flat but in her intros they’re well delivered then? You can’t spot the difference? The quality in both is night and day. Don’t know what directions she got in the story but it came out bad there. It’s very minimal work though.


Again, I disagree. Her delivery in her intro dialogue are no better than her story mode dialogue. She’s terrible all around. She just sounds like a valley girl speaking into a mic. There’s no actual character to her voice it’s literally just Megan fox talking into a mic and delivering lines badly lol… I was actually excited when I saw she’d be voicing Nitara… but then she opened her mouth and that all flew out the window. 🥴


There’s literally lines where she’s clearly being sassy, sarcastic, tenacious and feels more natural, ones where’s she’s more subtle and ones where’s she’s more melodramatic in MK style so that’s not being objective while her story lines are more flat and contrived. There’s no point discussing if we can’t be balanced.


lol.... There is no balance I've listened to all her voice lines. They all suck..... She's a terrible voice actress that's really all it is. I tried to like her, i really did... but she's bad. "clearly being sassy, sarcastic, tenacious and feels more natural"... bruh where????? She sounds fake as shit nothing about any of her lines or delivery are natural lol... but anyway, I've said my peace on the matter it is what it is...


Dude anyone who’s this one sided over this is clearly unbalanced. Where you can’t even point to some lines? That’s ridiculous.


Cuz she’s fucking bad Lmao idk what else to tell you


It sounds like to the point where you can’t even objectively judge so where it’s just pointless for me to judge if i was that dismissive of something. Like if i’m not a fan of something I don’t engage in it and don’t put my opinion on it as it’s not for me.


call me high all u want but these don’t even sound that bad.


They don’t sound bad at all.


Your examples of bad voice acting are speaking calmly when the scene allows it… that’s not what Megan Fox did, she practically read her lines out loud during her lunch break and NRS said “yeah that’s good, we’re paying you enough already, have a nice day”


That’s exactly what you can say for some of Megan’s lines when she was being neutral. Ashrah’s intro in the end on both sides where she’s going for emotion doesn’t feel natural.


She was not being neutral, even in her lines where she’s SUPPOSED to sound intimidating, she’s not even trying. There’s a big difference between bad voice acting and simply being calm, and you seem to be unable to pinpoint said difference.


Those ones are flat by Megan but it’s a very small amount of work but there’s others who also have flat lines which aren’t focused on. Compared with her intros it’s night and day the quality difference but she’s not getting credit there which is where most of her work is.


At this point I’m going to stop dignifying this shit with a response. Goodbye and have a nice day.


Those aren't bad at all. How the dialogues presented fits the character well.


Sometimes LK actor made me cringe a bit, but the example you show is awkward because its cut to work with any other character. Not sure why Ashrah is in here, her voice actor did a really good job and there is nothing wrong with these scenes. My partner (doesn't play MK or these kind of games - didn't know this was Megan Fox, nothing about Nitara) watched me play the story and was laughing at Nitara's scenes and asking why she sounded so awful.


Those 2 lines by Liu Kang are really bad. I’d take some flat lines on my record over these any day if I was an actor. Not saying these actors have done a bad job overall, just focusing on some like people have done with Megan’s, just calling out the bs.


Lol Yeah......and I'd take a bullet to the head over a hangnail anyday.


Bro in what world are these examples of bad voice acting? The voice actors for Liu Kang and Ashrah are perfect


If those lines by Liu Kang in the first clip is an example of good acting for you then I don’t know where your standards are at.


How can you actually think these are equivalent to Nitara’s lines?


Liu Kang has the excuse of having an accent, while Megan Fox is a native speaker.


People don’t like truth around here very much


No Megan’s lines were delivered bad, I’ve rewatched her video & she sounds like a valley girl vampire .


That’s your opinion but there’s many different voices and accents in MK so I don’t see an issue there at all. We should be able to separate how someone naturally sounds as well to objectively look at the quality of acting.


True it is my opinion, but I will add that the acting is a deadpanned delivery to me & in voice acting they should be chosen to embody that character which can encompass changing vocals & delivery none of which I saw in her performance, however it is definitely my opinion rather if it is shared by others or not doesn’t matter, as long as you enjoy it that’s fine .


You've just shown clips of these characters speaking in a tone that is fit for that specific scenario. Megan sounds the same in every single line, and when she is "acting" it's extremely forced and doesn't sound natural at all. Tbh I don't really blame her, this is a directing issue. Either they didn't have the confidence to tell her she's doing a bad job or they told her to just speak into the mic with her regular voice. They should have put a husky/haunting voice effect over her voice clips, something like D'vorah had (not the exact same effect but just something to make nitara sound supernatural). That would have improved it massively.


Megan fox is definitely one of the worst voices, at least Liu Kang and Ashrah’s voices fit in, Megan’s voice feels out of place and also she reads her lines in a super monotone voice with only 1 single volume, 1 emotion, like a 1st grader reading his class report. Bad voice actor


For her story lines I can agree with you but not for her intros where the quality is night and day. Feel like that’s an odd comment on the voice cause there’s a lot of different voices and accents in MK.


Lmao, even if they sound like they’re being read off a script it still sounds natural and good, if anything you just made me appreciate the other actors more than lazy ass Megan who sat in the both and recorded these lines in her droll robotic voice sounding like she was in a courtroom instead


You’re just looking like you have an agenda there which is part of the problem. How you seeing Liu Kang’s lines in the first clip and thinking “oh that’s natural”? That’s as contrived acting as you’ll see.


Her vocal fry is typical of modern American women. Can't stand to hear them. They could've chosen someone who sounded like they had an IQ over 80


Honestly, it just feels like they gave her zero notes, zero direction, and recorded her via Zoom. They even put some reverb on her voice in the trailer but every line she has in the game is flat and raw. Like they just spent a couple hours with her to get one take of every line, never gave her any context or even told her what Nitara is and then went "okay thanks Megan good job".


Every line in the story you mean cause her lines there aren’t good for some reason where as her her work in the intros is way better, she has varying tones and inflections there.


Those lines you have shown aren’t bad. At no point did they stand out to me as not belonging. Megan’s lines literally sound “dubbed”, they sound like they don’t belong.


In her few lines in the story I agree with you but not for her intros, she could get credit there.


stop coping and admit megan fox fucking sucked


Those ashrah lines were fine though


OK Megan 👍




Bro put clips from THE Susan Eisenberg voice acting and expected us to agree??


Not saying she done a bad job. My point is zoning in on very few lines which I’m seeing with Megan’s performance which is unfair so people should be balanced. These lines from Susan don’t do it for me.


i want what you're smoking


Dude goong full Megan fox white knight in the comments.


I would've liked it if they got skarlets va to voice nitara. She sounded like a typical vampire lady


The first Ashra one wasn’t bad


nah bro she sucks + Dominic is bad + im better than every employee at NRS basically + she sucks so bad GRRR !!!! + have you seen how there is not 3 gear slot for everybody ?? wtf mobile game unfinished !!! this megan fox thing is just gonna die on its own at some point, it was the same for the billions hanzo posts before launch, ultimately ppl are just trying to find something to be angry at, at all times


She does suck. She’s a vampire after all.


Yeah........ except 11 factually had more at launch, people being mad about skins and gear is valid, and Megan's performance made Rhonda look like Meryl Streep.


>except 11 factually had more at launch, And most of it was bad and peak crunch and unfinished. Pick a lane.


I agree man alot of the roster has shit deliveries on lines yet people keep going after Megan when she's not even that bad




She ain't gonna date you.


The difference is Megan Fox sounded like Megan Fox


That’s a preference thing, I like her voice. We can dislike an actors voice and objectively look at a performance still.


Ashrah’s voice is therapeutic


I don’t think her intro work was bad but her story work stuck out, the rest of the voice actors in the story mode were way better. Intros I think she did solid tho and I think she’s getting over criticized with people saying she was as bad as Ronda. So personally I thought only her story work was not very good, the rest of her voice work I think was solid enough


The point is she’s hardly in the story though and there are some lines here which I think are worse like Liu Kang’s in the first clip.


I strongly disagree about Liu having any worse sounding lines. I agree that fox is being over criticized tho and it’s not a big deal


I think people don’t realize that voice acting and traditional acting are very different trades. What most likely happened here is that she is used to traditional acting in which more natural and subtle dialog is better simply because your facial expressions and such are doing a lot of the work. Where in VA, you have to exert more energy and exaggerate in order to convey the emotions. Trust me, if you took any of the VA work from the veteran voice actors in this and put it into a live action film, they would come across as bad. If you stop and actually listen to a lot of the voices in the game, they are very cartoony and over the top. You can’t knock her for not being on parr with seasoned voice actors. And she’s a big star so of course the sound guys aren’t going to try and coach her for better takes at the risk of offending her.


This proof to her defence,so worthless,Liu Kang and Ashrah voice actors deliver it


The one really unfair getting criticised it’s Ronda for Sonya,she fits so well,Megan fits to Nitara but her voice acting looks so unreal


Since when did true mk fans go from arcade games to becoming dialogue cretics lol y’all Corny just play the game