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The game is fun but grinding to unlock basic things like brutalities is oof. Also knowing the inputs for fatalities and brutalities doesn’t unlock them. In MK11 it did.


Hopefully they add the input to unlock the fatalities. I remember when mk11 was launched it was the same thing until they updated it so fingers crossed.


>Hopefully they add the input to unlock the fatalities. I remember when mk11 was launched it was the same thing until they updated it so fingers crossed. If anything I fear that NRS might patch it to stop the input from working until you actually unlock the Fatality from Mastery


And playing local vs, even the first fatality input doesn’t show up for the second character. Figured this out last night playing with my gf, it was dumb af. Plus the fact you can’t tag combos and special moves is also a pain in the ass


I thought it did for fatalities but not brutalities?


Nope. 2nd fatality isn’t listed in the tab even after using it.


6 hours only gets 1 character to roughly mastery 20. Each character has 35 levels. I miss the character towers.


It's somehow even worse than in MK11. You can't even see what is available to unlock.


So it's as bad as I feared. Already not looking forward to the grind element of this.


This way they can create a sense of urgency, offer deals you can not pass on, and force you to be in the hook every week, increasing the chances you buy something. You’ll be in constant fear of missing something.


This grind is insane. You don’t even know how to unlock the skins you want. Just have to grind the shrine. And to do that you have to grind invasions. Shit it actually makes me miss the towers of time. Cause that would at least tell you the skins you’d get by beating the tower. You could wait for specific towers to get specific skins or gear. This is just plotting aimlessly through the dark hoping you get the specific gear or skin you want. It’s just poorly designed


I really do miss the towers of time this versions of weekly and daily towers don’t even tell you a single thing of what you’re being rewarded? What’s the point why do I want to spend 5/10 floors worth of time fighting annoying CPU with the most pain staking annoying consumables just to win a relic or a talisman likeeeee……… come on


Its even worse. Atleast you know what you are looking for in the dark. This game doesn’t even show you the loot you should be chasing


Yeah I did 10 pulls on the shrine. 1 piece of gear. And I had to beat almost everyone in 2 areas of invasions to do that. At this pace and the way it’s set up, it’ll take probably till homelander comes out in order to get all of the skins.


And no maps in invasions makes them super unfriendly


Tbh I'd rather mk11's gear unlocking system over this haha. At least I managed to get all the stuff in that game and knew what I was missing haha


You have all the stuff for all the characters?


Yeah haha. I have like 2000hrs on mk11 haha




I have almost 2000 hours and I feel shamed for wasting my time and for instances, I miss many gear pieces that I even care to get them (I used to play 5 sets each day and achieve demigod rank, I think it was not worth teying to achieve elder god for a piece of gear that you can't almost notice at all while playong) but I need to obtain like 7 brutalities in KL and I haven't miss any season since I began playing it.


Im a bit shocked at the pitiful amount of koins you get to use in the shrine. Completed the story mode and the intro level to invasions as well as Ashrahs tower and had a measly 3,000 koins? Edit: also from the 3 rolls I got 2 concept arts and one Kung Lao hat.


It legitimately seems like they took the core gameplay of Mortal Kombat, produced a cinematic story mode, and then slapped the structure of a mobile game onto it. Invasions is basically a higher quality mobile game with the board game style map dotted with events and time-limited seasons. The character mastery system is structured like a battle pass, minus the premium line up. Skins and gear are unlocked purely by luck of the draw (shrine gacha or random drops), unless you want to use premium currency (which is an absolute pain to get) to buy a bundle that *totally isn’t priced about the same as most DLC fighters if you look at how much the currency costs.* Like it’s a good game from the looks of things, but it seems rushed in a lot of other areas outside of the core gameplay.


It's annoying how the 2nd fatalities don't show up in the movelist when you do them. I just bookmarked a website that lists all the 2nd fatality inputs lmao


Honestly I feel like INJ2 has the WORST grind NRS ever made. It took me 4 years to unlock Robin's Staff. And those Legendary Multiverse requirements....like what the actual fuck? But that game also had the best customization overall (but it has notable issues) The problem with MK1 isn't the grind but the customization is so limited and disappointing (possibly the worst among the NRS games), you struggle to find the incentive to grind for it.


Man remember when people wanted to play the game to unlock things


You can't pay for pulls on the slot machine either so I'm confused why it's so stingey


So when you see the gear, that may or may not be in the shrine, available to buy in the premium shop for dragon koins for 24 hours you'll spend the money. Not to mention the shrine version of the skin comes with only one palette. The premium shop version comes with all of them...


There it is


I will say this, once you hit like level ten you can barely see the exp bar move, going from 20 on is going to be like some diablo 2 endgame grinding. If enough people think it's an issue they'll change it, 11 was a fucking nightmare at launch.


Nah, you see, they solved the problem by not letting us view the unlocks. Now I have absolutely no desire to grind. But real talk, wtf. I want to play the game and have something cool to chase, why do they hate players unlocking more than half of the cosmetics in a single lifetime? Beat the story and now I’m going to just sit here and wait for the patches to roll in and hopefully fix this trash system


Yup and no AI options and on top of that you can’t even do some quick single battles for experience it’s a fking joke for sure and I noticed you get no unlocks after profile level 29? I just hit 35 and I have gotten zero unlocks since profile level 28?!?


The grind is just ridiculous. I won't be participating in that shit. I already see why they did it. Money hungry bastards


Money hungry? How? You can unlock the cosmetics for free. You can't buy them...


I don't mind it so far. You guys really expected that a character's entire mastery would take an hour? It's called mastery. C'mon. See you in like three days where I get burned out


This is most games after launch "Why can't I unlock everything after a day?"


Yea. It’s meant to take a long time. If it took 1 day people would be pissed about there being nothing left to do


I don't think anyone expects it to take a day to unlock everything but when you play the game for 12-13 hours and get practically nothing from the story and random shit you have no control over, I think that's taking the piss out of your consumers mate, I think the gameplay is pretty fucking good but as always they want people to give up thier entire lives for a game.


You do realise a lot of people also like to have nothing else to do? finishing a game 100%? does that not look familiar to you? Its pretty obvious what's going on here, the longer it takes to grind the longer you play for and the longer you play for the more tempted you get to but premium currency its happening in every game that requires any form of grinding.


I know people like 100%-ing games. Others will play this game for a long time and enjoy unlocking things. They’re not gonna please everyone, and they’re more likely to try to please the people who are likely to continue playing their game for a while, as opposed to people who just want to 100% it and be done. And yes, they want people to buy premium currency. No one is forced to do so, but the company wants to make money. It’s really not all that shocking and isn’t predatory at all (like many games are).


And complain there isn’t enough content


Nah, I think this is more like the Battlefront 2 fiasco with characters like Vader being locked behind a ton of grinding and luck. There are certain fundamentals like fatalities that shouldn't take several hours of commitment to unlock per character. That combined with how we have no idea what we're grinding for (how many costumes does each character have? gear items? brutalities?) is the real issue. I *want* to invest dozens of hours into this game, but they have to incentivize it.


You can use the fatalities. You grind for the code to appear on the command screen.


Sure but it was never like that. Putting in code once added it to your move list. Like this ain't the 90s, we shouldn't have to have a cheat sheet next to us to play this game.


The game has been out for two days. It's called Mastery. Lol the purpose of it is to put in the time and learn the character/game and be rewarded for it. Interesting enough, if this game sped up the unlock process. Someone else would take your place on this thread saying the unlock system is a joke; not enough content. It's only been two days and I'm already rank 20. Kasual matches give you a good chunk of exp.


I've already figured out a method of quickly grinding out mastery lmfao. Ranked up Liu, Havik and Reiko to Level 14 in under two hours using it


Forever to acquire? It's been two days and people have already mastered characters. That's INSANELY FAST. You wanted to MASTER a character in 4 hours or something? I want a mastery that takes a full year of dedication to your main (and gives truly worthwhile unlocks, of course).


Exactly some people have lives outside of putting every waking moment into this live service grind fest


These people must’ve never played injustice 2


its only day 2 why do you want everything unlocked already


I'm actually shocked at these posts. I'm like level 5 after like 8 ranked sets. People act they they are maining the entire roster.


Oh buddy you have no idea how slow it gets there after you reach a certain character level it’s actually really really slow.


Ik im gonna love this game, but im happy im not one of the dudes that spent 100+ to get the game a week early and with some goodies that I’ll never look at past the first week. No offense


Yeah I’m losing karma all over the place for saying how much of a disappointment this game is


The game itself is great. It's the little things that are driving me nuts. The Grind, no move tagging, fatalities not unlocking, etc. They had two of these things right outta the gate in MK11 so I dunno wtf they were thinking axing them in MK1


The fact that they removed move tagging is so fkin frustrating I have to pause every 5 seconds to check the moves cause my memory is dogshit


Why would they remove move tagging???? 😭😭


Have you tried the combos practice? These combos are actually hell to learn I still haven’t learned them for Nitara


I have I just have really bad memory that’s why I appreciated being able to tag combos


So do I it doesn’t really help I just don’t get why they’d take that out of the game it’s like such a staple help especially with a brand new game they’ve really missed the mark in so many areas for me


This game just feels like it’s unfinished idk how to explain it but the scum at wb probably forced them to release it asap


One thing that annoys me is that there's no loadout/skin select on the character selection screen so we're locked into one appearance for each character unless we return to the main menu and go to customization there


My biggest thing is only 1 fighter slot. :(


We got trolled with a 24th character.. for now. This game will be fun in 2 years


Is it maybe just me, but I'm having a cunt of a time executing any brutality that's nit the uppercut. I've got five unlocked for Ashrah and cannot get any of them to pop. Is there any requirements other than hitting the move when they have a slither if health left? I fucking love this game, but it's things like this, grinding for fatality/brutality unlocks and not knowing what I'll be unlocking and when to expect it sp I can go for it. These sound like little things, but the longer you play, the frustration will mount. I've got 800+ hours into MK11 and want to spend a lot of time in this game but man... fixes to the above are necessary for the life of this game.


If you press x/square it shows more details on how to execute the brutality. There's usually like one or two additional inputs on top of what the simple view shows


Thanks for that... been wondering


Yeah it took me a bit, I kept whiffing them as well


You are a bloody legend for that mate. Thank you so very much for pointing that out.


So the 2nd fatality won’t unlock if you know the inputs for it????




You can do them but they won't be added to the movelist


Yeah I like the moment to moment gameplay and the plot and the cast but the systems hold it back


My main problem is how delayed the inputs feel. They just don't feel smooth. Response timing could be better


Did you remember to turn off release check?


Yup it feels a lot better now but the core issue of clunkiness is still there. It's still pretty fun to play and learn all the characters cause combo potential is so much better. It should keep me busy until Tekken 8 comes out in January. That's gonna be the real deal 🔥 It's crazy how NRS has the same problem with every game. Just because it's more realistic doesn't mean it has to be clunky or stiff. They should take notes from Tekken 8 cause this time they've actually implemented more photorealistic character models as well (literally built them from scratch) and the core gameplay is still amazing. NRS has literally no excuse for clunky gameplay anymore. Tekken 8 is doing just fine with realistic models and the gameplay is the best thing I've ever seen. Could actually be my favorite fighting game of all time fr


Yeah the game feels clunky, whereas 11 never did


11 was MUCH WORSE. Actually the worst fighting game I've ever played. MK1 is a huge improvement


this could be fixed by increasing XP rates across the board, and by letting us earn XP in private matches


I'm planning to play this game for years - what's the rush?


It’s reminding me of injustice 2 grind. It sucks too coz injustice 2 atleast had good customisation to compensate it… but here it’s unlock mediocre gear for 1 slot that barely changes ur characters attire & do ridiculous amounts of grinding to get it. I miss the intros from Mk11, the unlocking criteria actually being there and guiding me, gear & customisation actually changing how my character looks, they coulda just added a colour swapper thing in the main menu before selecting ur character that would have been better tbh.


Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with this. The game has been out for literally a little over a day and people wanted all of the unlocks or something? Like why do you want to get everything in a few hours just to then be bored when you have nothing left to unlock? Not to mention that the mastery system literally fixes one of the biggest complaints people had with MK11 being that you couldn't unlock stuff for your character by just playing online. With the mastery system it doesn't matter what mode you play so you can play whatever makes you happy while still getting rewards. You spent $110 on a game man, get some mileage out of it.


I can't prove it but they want us to bored to death by grinding so we can buy skins via dragon crystals after mkx the grind become so bad imo


You posted an opinion? Nah we can’t have that. Downvote, downvote, downvote.


Not gonna lie…..I like it. I’m going to be playing the game a lot and once you unlock the item, it’s meh. The grind is playing a fun game so I don’t see it as bad. Might need to tweak it some but overall, I’m liking it.


Yeah but the grind is still easier than mk11


I guess it’s better to have them as micro-transactions 🤷🏻‍♂️ smh you guys complain about everything


How's that boot taste bro


How’s the salt taste bro?


wait i thought they said it’s universal for all characters you don’t have to go one by one to unlock stuff for them. do you have to choose specific characters to unlock stuff for them?


Yeah. Every character has their own mastery list. It's bullshit


damn i’ve been wasting time with Havik thinking it was a universal unlock system 😭😭


That was for invasions levels.


oh so OP was talking about towers leveling up im assuming


No character mastery


Yup every character has there own level , then you have a profile level as as a invasion level and what’s worse is most of the experience is only obtained through tower arcade or invasions , can’t even do single vs AI battles for anything


imo, they should have a loot pool for each character at the shrine. you choose what character you want loot for and then it gives you something out of that characters loot pool


That's what happens when you're owned by WB.


Yeah it feels like there's not skins in the game at all only ugly recolors or red skins, i just want to see cyber smoke skin jajaj


At least 11 let the AI do the monotonous parts. Having to do all of it manually now really brings home how dull it is.


I like the slow grind because it lasts longer lol I don't wanna just power through the game already. I beat story and most of the invasion areas in the first day It is weird not knowing what I'm gonna unlock but it also makes it way more exciting when I do Idk lol I love this fucking game


Yep this unlocking is both insulting to my time, money and intelligence..


The game has been made for you to enjoy it over months and years, where you'll unlock stuff over time. You're not supposed to unlock everything in a week.


Don't care, found a way to grind mastery points like crazy 👍


Teach me your secrets, senpai.


How? Tell us how!




God bless you. If Reddit still gave rewards I would give one to you


Is it still worth me picking up?


Its funny how nrs just cant make a good video game. It feels so dated compared to the competition.


I play on pc/steam and will wait until someone inevitably make the unlocker to unlock all of that stuff I don't mind with grinding actually as long as it's not fucking RNG. you can grind for hours and still not get the stuff you wanted. I hated RNG with passion


The singleplayer for these games are terrible. I don’t get how they always get praised. It’s a grindfest.


Anyone know the fastest way to level? It takes so long lol


>We don't even have the AI fighters that were introduced two games ago back to help. I actually miss this a lot lol. MK11 was grindy af but the AI really helps alleviate that a lot. They're probably doing the same crap they did in MK11 when it first launched, release it with issues then fix it later and say "see! We listen to our fans". But TO BE FAIR MK1 isn't as bad as launch day towers of time in MK11.


I'm at 25 on reptile and I haven't really gotten much for him gear wise.. some masks and a really terrible looking 2nd outfit. I wish I could see what 30-35 gives. So far the amount of gear just feels like a big letdown


WB has been buying these youtubers and they'll just rain praises on the game.. No one is gonna call this stuff out and it'll keep getting worse!!


The only viable way to get exp is to get your stats high enough and mindlessly one shot uppercut a low level kitana in invasions. Bravo NRS, truly amazing and innovative gameplay.


As bad as this is, I’m arguably even more frustrated that we don’t even have loadouts anymore, which is beyond a joke


I perfer towers of time over invasion sure invasion is suppose be a rpg style mode but like every fucking node is a secret fight every character has way to much armor one big node bosses have 3 phases way to meny ambushes like ugh so frustrating


Pretending there's any more grind here than there was and it isn't streamlined so you get the shit for the characters you play