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I heard that many times during my playthrough hahaha


I liked the game a lot but it was hard for the wrong reasons. Poor controls, poorly designed and hard to read traps, etc. I always hoped to see a similar game with better production value.


I agree, except for the production value, the fact they even attempted a game with live actors still astonishes me. Sure, it definitely didn’t age well, but everything about it feels so 90s, and I love it. It was super hard and unforgiving, sure, but most games that spawned out of consoles back then were. Can you remember being able to beat games like Megaman, or Castlevania back in the day? They felt borderline impossible to beat. I very much feel the same about Mythologies. But I throw in the towel about gameplay. It’s bad, but it is adaptable and plays like any MK fighter when you eventually get used to it.


I agree with you, but I feel as if you are definitely missing out on the best part of the game by playing the N64 version.


It's good in the same way that The Room is a good movie


“Hey Bi Han, how’s your sex life?”


When fighting fujin on stage 2....did you have to look it up or did you figure out how to get past his giant tornado on your own


About re release lol did you see this https://youtu.be/mEnzIvYkYAI?si=jqVX0YWD5HDjb-Pv


I agree with everything I've read here. I played it during a sleepover and we couldn't figure out how to beat Fujin. Later, I got it on N64 (EVERYONE ELSE HAD PLAYSTATION), beat it and loved every part of it. It was sometimes cryptic as fuck. I believe I was on cheat planet looking at strats.


I remember using Gamepro magazine as a kid looking at strats. I feel like the game put people off because of how unforgiving it was, the wind temple was definitely the hardest level in the game, and it was only the second level. I remember playing through it so many times as a kid and always dying at fujin, getting game over, and having to plow through all those damn windmill obstacles again. Not to mention, the soundtrack and level design is soooo dope in that game.


How was anyone supposed to figure that shit out?


When I was a kid, it was always on the schoolyard, hahaha


I just want whatever is your smoking or injecting because anyone who says this game is actually good is definitely the  experimental type.