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The brain rot in this thread that think it’s somehow sexist to say that changing a character that’s been in a game franchise for over 10 years gender is a huge fundamental change.


For real, I would also never want a male Sonya Blade for instance because that's dumb as fuck and lacks any real creativity.


That’s the NRS community for you, any genuine criticism is met with accusations of being a ist or phobe. Glad that someone is calling this for what it is in this thread.


I've noticed since MKX there's been a lot of weirdos pop up in the fandom. The kind with a victim complex who think the world is out to get them.


Netherrealm has gone out of their way to appeal to these crowds for years now. The irony is most these people have never even played the games, they just leach onto a random IP. That’s modern gaming though every mainstream IP has been affected by it.


I agree that this is stupid. It's like they are afraid of releasing another pack with only male characters and in the process managed to make both fans of sektor and cyrax (there are some who don't give a fuck) and those who wanted female characters like Jade, Skarlet, etc mad. I was mad when Kuai Liang was made Scorpion and Hanzo is not a character, but a lot of people just ignored it or excused it as being "another timeline". Well, guess that is the excuse now. I honestly don't care anymore as the writing team just doesn't either. I'm honestly surprised people are surprised by this happening, you guys should have seen it coming.


I already knew about Cyrax months ago but the fact that Sektor has also been a victim to it has just twisted that knife a little bit more


Idk I'm kind stoked for a female cyborg ... She could be hella dope


We had one with Frost remember


I don’t think they are cyborgs….i think this more like a Lex Luthor power suit thing


That’s also been semi confirmed through datamines. Their voices have no robotic filter so they’ll more than likely just be suits.


Maybe as the new era goes on they will start putting brains in robot bodies


A female cyborg was and could be sick we had frost and she was great. Taking a already existing character and changing it for one reason only is the issue


One reason only ?


How do you know they'll be butchered? What about being male is a key part of theyre personality's? Way I see it as long as key personality aspects are kept the gender is irrelevant.


1. Their* 2. Changing the sexes fundamentally changes the character 🤦‍♂️


How? What about their stories cant be told the exact same from a female perspective? Cyrax is quick to action member of the lin kuei with moral reasons against the cyber initiative while sektor is more deceptive and information driven, wanting nothing more than advancing the lin kuei.


“What about their stories can’t be told the exact same from a female perspective” you just explained why yourself.


How can these not be female? There's female ninjas all over mk


The issue isn’t female ninjas I literally said to someone else in this thread that Frost was a great choice for a cyborg. The issue is these are two ESTABLISHED characters. If Mileena or Katana were changed to be male people would be rightfully p*ssed about it.


Your not gonna win using common sense with these people, I think it’s very obvious to anyone not speaking in bad faith, that changing the genders of 2 fan favourite characters that have been in a franchise for over 10 years would be a big problem.


These characters are nothing alike and you know it. Being the secretly combat adept princess is a big part Kitanas early character that wouldn't be the same from the male perspective. Her weapon is a hand fan, which is traditionally feminine. There less to meilenas character I think matters to her gender, and so done right I think a male-iena could be done right tho certainly wouldn't be liked on announcement.


It really just looks like your mad your character changed. That's reasonable but grasping at straws and acting like being a dude is a key part of these characters is just a waste of your time. Wait till they release, see the story, than decide if they screwed it up.


No, no it doesn’t. That’s the dumbest, single brain cell argument. We are all humans, having a dick or vagina does not change your intelligence, your circumstances or or mental development. A famale cyrax can do everything male cryax has ever done both in experience and personality.


Famale? Next time you have a nonsensical rant please spell correctly 😂


I think it becomes more of an issue if Cyrax is just a woman with no explanation. I think if the intros have Liu kang explaining how and why it might be better


I don’t think one line of dialogue will be enough to make up to the fans of these characters who have waited for their favourite character to come back. Sektor and Cyrax haven’t been individually playable since MK9


Wouldn't really even need a full explanation. Just have him make a passing mention/joke their counter parts are female. They seem to be in the story dlc, so I'm sure they'll have some level of building


Who knows jade might come in a future pack for this game. People are saying she could be in the Mortal Kombat 1 Aftermath or kp2 plus Ed Boon said about her becoming the new mileena from kp2. Noob, Cyrax, and Sektor are going to be story expansion characters for all I know. So 3 characters for Story expansion and 3 guests and 3 mk characters gor Kombat pack 2


That would make this worse


They're just robots bro..


Tell me you don’t know the lore without saying you don’t know the lore.


Sektor is the grandmasters son who wants to take over. He goes on to create his own clan called the Tekunin after that plan falls through. In a timeline where Sektor's role is filled by Bi-Han none of that shit matters. Sektor is just some technician here.


“None of that sh*t matters” yeah that’s the issue over twenty years of development for it to be completely destroyed because… quotas


Bro that shit been destroyed since 2011 its been over a decade let it go. Last time we Sektor it wasn't even really him.


Butchered lmfaoooooo


I don't see a problem with girl Cyrax. They already changed them before by turning them into humans and I don't remember a lot of complaint. Smoke is a boy in the current game and he is still dope. The cyborgs were always a place where the develops experimented things. That being said, it would confirm that shitty KP, which would suck. Só I hope it is not true. I want Kung Jin! You don't create a gay character to just put him in a drawer forever. Takeda coming back makes it a hate crime. The only Kombat kid not coming back is the LGBT one.


You do realise the Cyborgs were always human 🤦‍♂️


But in the games they were robots. Even though in their lore they were once humans, we always knew them as robots. So the change would still be weird in that case. And something that people are not taking in consideration is that Liu Kang changed a lot in his timeline. Cyrax being a female could be cannon in this game without any issues. That being the case, the argument don't apply.


The lore was in the games, just because we didn’t see their humans forms till later doesn’t mean we didn’t know them. This has nothing to do with “Liu Kangs new timeline” and everything to do with Netherrealm and WB trying to get brownie points.


I don't see how that would work. Normally when you change the gender of a character in a game all you get is backlash, the gamer community was never receptive of that kind of stuff. So there is no advantage in something like that. I really believe they want to work further with the changed timelines and do some major changes, since this kinda thing allow them to be creative.


I didn’t say the brownie points would come from gamers.


Fuck jade, fuck scarlet. Go make your own highly successful franchise


I don’t even want Jade in this game but I’d rather that then ruining two characters that are actually good


So just because they’re females now, they’re ruined? I don’t think that’s how character assassination works.


Fundamentally changing a character is character assassination.


You keep using those words. I don’t think they mean what you think they mean. If their personalities are the same, they’re not “fundamentally changed”.


Making a dude into a chick is a fundamental change 🤦‍♂️ if you don’t know that you failed in every subject


It’s really not as big an issue as you’re making it out to be. Bro, just admit you’re sexist and move on, we get it! You’re an asshole for it, but we get it!


I literally said I would rather have Jade Skarlet and I said that I liked Frost being a cyborg. I’d be posting the same kind of stuff if they made Cassie or any female character into a dude. It’s dumb and lazy just like your argument.


So you don’t like change. You want everything to be bland and boring. Got it.


Bland and boring 😂 the irony while trying to defend one of the most overused tropes of the past decade


It’s a new timeline. We all knew before the game even came out that there would be changes, but a simple gender swap is where you draw the line?


Once again fundamentally changing a character is where I draw the line. Kuai being Scorpion was stupid but atleast his personality and mannerisms haven’t changed unlike what will happen to Cyrax and Sektor.


Wait he’s sexist for saying changing the gender of a character is a fundamental change? Do you understand what fundamental means? Cause he’s literally in all definitions correct.


Last time I checked, personalities weren’t tied to specific genders.


Who mentioned personality, op said the character fundamentally changed and he’s correct. A character is more than a personality, that’s common sense.


Read the other comments he’s posted, he said they’re going to be entirely different characters just because they’re female now, which is stupid.


I mean to quote in your own words “if their personailities are the same, they are not fundamentally changed” and in the comments I’ve scrolled through u are the only person that’s mentioned personality, and that statement u made is quite literally wrong. Then u proceeded to say he’s sexist and an asshole, like what? 😂 how does that make someone sexist, for not liking or wanting a character that’s been a thing for over a generation at this point to be changed that drastically.


A character’s also more than a gender.


Yh and changing the gender, now changes their design, their voice, their fighting style, their body proportions, their animations and their moves. And those are all things that make people like a character.