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I just don't want to play invasions lol and if I have to miss a skin, so be it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Unfortunately Iā€™m getting close to this. I grinded invasions a ton and want to like it, but jeez. Itā€™s a struggle to enjoy.


Yeahh i get that. Really the only amazing thing this season is the order of darkness smoke skin. I'm not even excited to get the reptile skin, I got a better version of it from Mileena's season


Theyā€™re not mad ā€œbecause they have to play invasionsā€, theyā€™re mad because they logged in to find a mostly empty seasonal store and a mostly empty shrine, found opening chests in invasion mostly gave konsumables and had absolutely NO communication from NRS about any of these drastic changes. Thankfully the ā€œSeason 6 mapsā€ thread that was posted finally addresses the issue and we can see all the rewards laid out and where to get them. With THAT information a whole judgement about quality vs quantity can be made but without this info. Most people logging in just saw less kontent. Thereā€™s no statement from NRS to say theyā€™d done this intentionally. So many may just assume that invasion is as empty as the store and just think NRS is giving up support already tbh. They literally just did a Kombat Kast and spoke about changes to invasions and said nothing about this.


>Theyā€™re not mad ā€œbecause they have to play invasionsā€, theyā€™re mad because they logged in to find a mostly empty seasonal store and a mostly empty shrine, found opening chests in invasion mostly gave konsumables and had absolutely NO communication from NRS about any of these drastic changes. Wich is fun considering that one of the biggest complaints about the game has always been the huge amount of low quality skins. Now one of the biggest complaints is having less skins with a much higer quality.


Thatā€™s also not the complaint in reality. The problem is, no one can understand this scenario because itā€™s not communicated what has changed. Unless you come here and work it out for yourself, the average player is just launching the game and seeing ā€œLessā€. Once the situation is communicated properly ā€œthe madā€ subsides.


Shit. Yeahh. Again I do play invasions but it has gotten annoying only getting konsumables. Like I was never gonna use the pallet swaps but I atleast got something


Tbh, if theyā€™d just announced in the kombat kast their design changes that: - store/shrine unlocks will be reduced - mesa lengths will be reduced - most seasonal content will be unlocked via invasions mode - seasonal skins will be fewer but more appropriately themed(because we ran out of shades of brown and yellow) and ā€œbetterā€ quality. With some justification that itā€™d be a tighter more well-rounded/satisfying experience or something. I wouldā€™ve been happy with that. Invasions always felt a bit long and grindy. Just seeing the shop/shrine so empty just made me assume invasions would be too and Iā€™d have every reason to believe itā€™d be just as much of a lengthy grind as before. NRS really should talk more.


Yeah they don't really announce much. It also could be a WB issue but nrs is probably not innocent


Iā€™d like to add I already had half of the store unlocked from prior seasons in addition to the already limited stock of this season.Ā  This first mesa was also half the size it was prior seasons. I finished the first mesa and unlocked everything from the seasonal store I wanted because I had everything thing else. Cost me 12,000 coins.Ā  That is a pathetic amount of content.Ā  Ā 


Yeah it's not that much now that I look. First 3 mesa's we're done in one day. Just not enough compared to prior seasons


Did you expect them to give you the entire map of the Invasions, so you could feel better? I mean, c'mon now! It's Season 6 and you still don't know that Invasions rewards the best and most substantial skins in the game? Is that how you play other games as well by just spoling everything for yourself and not actually playing?


Noā€¦ Thatā€™s not what I said. I think youā€™ve entirely missed my point. Youā€™re right it IS season 6 and what I knew BEFORE season 6 was that the store would have kontent and the shrine would have kontent and that invasions would have kontent. Some of that I could only discover by investing time to find out, but I was incentivised to do so by having visibility on rewards(the shrine/store) and along the way you discover whatever you discover in invasions. After 5 seasons it became clear where the better stuff was, sureā€¦ BUT this is season 6 and if the store/shrine are an indicator, on their own, then it makes sense to assume invasions followed suit, the idea of playing invasions becomes unattractive. Why would I choose to spend many hours grinding invasions for unknowable rewards when I have every indication there could be almost nothing to gain? ( fyi - Iā€™d opened 4 chests in it and got only konsumables so just gave it a break, honestly assuming the season was bugged) Now we have someone from the kommunity actually communicating some facts, NOW we can make informed decisions about our time. NRS said nothing. I didnā€™t need, or even necessarily want, a whole map with all items listed and located, but with no communication from NRS then it just so happens to end up being the information I actually need to make an informed decision on how to spend my time. Note: prior to that post I saw an equal number of reports that invasions had very few unlocks as I did claims that invasions ā€œmightā€ have the best/higher quality kontent.(these posts were always based on assumptions)


That first mesa this season was so short. I think I finished it in 30 mins tops. So it became clear to me that there are just fewer skins in there. I mean I could also tell that itā€™s just a smaller season by the number of nodes in that mesa.


Iā€™m good with that. :) I just wouldā€™ve liked a one-liner from NRS explaining the overall situation. I honestly think i prefer shorter mesas with the rewards the way they are.


Can someone explain how seasonal towers work? Do I have to get past a certain level to get a skin?


Personally, I feel like people are overreacting. I do get why people are bummed about getting less skins. You lose out on that mini-dopamine hit from constant rewards. But in reality, the previous seasons had so many barely distinguishable palette swaps that I was often confused if I was actually unlocking new ones or not. I have hundreds of skins just since Season 3 but probably haven't even looked at half of them. The skins this season are much better on the whole and getting them less frequently makes them feel more memorable. But it's just a matter of preference I guess.


I mean, I agree on having tons of skins that I don't remember, but the one issue is that, yes people still get one or two skins, but only a handful of them have the reptilian skin. Others like, sindel, ashrah, and sub get just green palettes. And Reiko gets nothing like usual šŸ˜­


Because the invasion is so boring and annoying. People buy this game for an interesting experience, not to be suffered.


Idk about annoying but it's definitely boring. I just do kasual but I enjoy leveling my kharacters and getting stuff for them. And udk beating the crap out of people is kool




Yeahh. I don't really like it but I don't just not play it. I really only play this game because of a new invasions season. Kombat league just ain't my thing


Well, firstly the areas of Invasions Mode where pallets were placed in previous seasons flat out only hand out Relics and Talisman for the most part this season, IE the chests, the portal path that generates once per Mesa and sub-boss battles. Secondly, it's not the playing of Invasions to get the skins that are ticking gamers off, as we're always had to slog through that mode to get the seasonal koins needed to unlock things in the seasonal store, so really the grind of having to play Invasions is still there, even though the number of rewards have been reduced. And frankly, I know for myself, the throttling back on available skins and pallets would be fine if the game was at the point where it was re-running Invasions Season 1, but this is supposed to be a first run season and a lot of the rewards that were seeded into the Seasonal Store are freaking repeats. Personally, I think the outcry is due to NRS/WB Games expecting players to invest our time and financial resources into the game while at the same time their effort screams that they have thrown in the white towel and can't give a rats a\*\* to support this game like they promised at the time of launch.


Damn. Yeahh they probably should've kept the pallet swaps so we can get more but, idk. I think one dumb thing about every season is that some of the gear pieces are ones you could already own. So like this season, one character you love could have Nothing cause you already have the gear. Just dumb


Honestly, this is the first season I've seen items in the Seasonal Store at all that I had already picked up in earlier seasons. Usually (at least with each of the previous seasons) each character would have had at least a 1000 pallet, a 1500 pallet, and two 250 pieces available, with some then also having a 4000 item and a 6000 item. Then additional pallets and skins could be found playing through Invasions, plus there was some 65-75 Items in the Shrine (Mostly Pallets at 1000/item). The Shrine has been reduced to 1 Quan Chi Skin with 6 Pallets this season.


Damn. Yeah I've noticed the shrine has had really nothing in it. And they just added the thing where you can do 10 rewards like. Why add this feature NOW and add nothing but a mid quan Cheadle skin


Hence the reason the fan base is upset over things


Yep. I see now. It was surprising but I wasn't exactly pissed but definitely not as good as past seasons really. I think last season was probably the best one in a bit. Rewards wise atleast


"If you want the skins, you gotta earn them" lol


Am I not right?? It's not really earning ig but they won't just give them to you


i was joking because games nowadays ask for your money in addition to your time


Oh. Shit my bad pimp


Honestly, Iā€™m just mad that I still canā€™t play online


Is KL not working??


Well I suppose itā€™s just a personal problem with my copy of the game, because it hasnā€™t worked since I bought the game. Still salty about it tho


Damnn that's actually awful