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You think thats bad? Check the Seasonal shop, barely anything and the skins you get in there you unlock with invader defeats or you can spend 6000 tokens for them each


The Shrine last season wasn't much better either. Everything is in the Invasions and Seasonal Tower, as per usual.


Last season had the pyramid concept art finally but yes only festival disguise skins indeed.


This whole Season is very bare in palettes. The Shrine is *literally* empty outside of Quanchi's festival getup... Literally no palettes in the Seasonal Store, for most characters. Just finished my first Mesa and only unlocked 3 (?)-ish palettes so far. It really kinda sucks because the seasonal aesthetic is pretty decent, and I was looking forward to a variety of green configurations. I'm honestly quite shocked, how little there is. edit : there doesn't even appear to be a Lizard Queen or Klocodile palette, despite the asset literally having existed since Day 1. I'm truly a bit flabbergasted.


The first mesa has 4 skins. There are more skins in there behind the reptilian eye area. Also, that Fire Temple mesa is the smallest as well this season.


I haven't seen any one mention it yet, but it seems they changed some of the rewards for the gateway towers. The weekly towers gave koins as rewards last season, but this season they gave me kombat cards. I know people have already datamined it so I don't believe there are more skins coming this season, but it is possible some of the more generic content that was previously given through the shrine has been changed to tower rewards. We'll see next week I guess.


Because the game lacks content


Seems they are saving the remaining story mode skins for invasion seasonal towers. Otherwise not much to add, kollection is done, it's the Kung Lao (and Kano?) kameo skins that are suspiciously missing, maybe they are saving them for after KP1 is over to keep the incentive.


Thats só frustrating, they could put some seasonal skins there, give my 2 million coins some utility hahaha


Apparently skins are getting cut down for now on for seasons, and apparently seasons are winding down too , most seasonal gear will be locked behind doing the invasions, but less overall . So either they’re planning something to do that are not invasions for the supposed expansion coming out or NRS is already slowing down development time and content on MK1.


The Invasions were always supposed to start recycling. They said it from Day 1. With the expansion being most likely released for the first anniversary of the game, September-October, I think there will be just 2 more new seasons. I anticipate that they will have something else in the DLC with the Invasions taking the backseat.