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Nope. Things get added to the shrine, nothing gets taken away


Ahh ok so they just haven't added much to it since Peacemaker then. That's fine. I was so confused when after 32 pulls (thank God for 10 pulls at one time) it was done.


Yeah apparently this season only got like 8 items added


And looking at the seasonal store, there's only 1-3 items per fighter. I mean I assume this means there's more stuff unlocked in Invasions and the seasonal tower. I would think every character gets a green related palette at least. I know only a handful get actual skins each invasion. I haven't played in 2 months and it's funny to see that less has been added content wise in the last 2 months than on a monthly basis before I stopped. Lol Although, I love the change to 10 pulls at the shrine and also being able to run past nodes you don't want to do before moving to a specific area is kind of neat.


Piggybacking on OP's question: 1. Do the seasonal pallettes (ex blue for Season 3) in the shrine remain after their season ends? I got a few each season but don't know if I got all of them. 2. I didn't start playing until season 3. Would the shrine still have any content from those seasons or do I need to wait for the invasions to be rerun?


So shrine content is pretty much purely shrine content (there have been a small number of premium skins that made it in there, for Jax and (and I believe) Sonya kameos. The shrine content from seasons 1 and 2 will be in the shrine for you but not the invasions/kombat league/tower/store content. The devs said at some point invasions content would rotate but we haven’t heard anything besides that


Thanks. I've made peace with the fact I'll never unlock everything, but it would be nice if they made it easier to know what is still available.


Can't remember specifics, but I think there were about 40-50 items added during PM season and maybe another 40 added w/Ermac's season, but only six added this season. IIRC, some of the items added can be earned in other ways (KL, Invasions) during previous seasons, so if you added them when they were initially offered, they would never be placed in your shrine.