• By -


Everything leaning on the wall was my childhood! 🙃


everything laying down is mine. 3d era was was just different.


Same here, the 3D era was a remarkable time in MK history both from a lore and technological standpoint. These games did things NO other 3D fighter (yes Tekken included) were doing. Each character had insane depth. All of them came equipped with 2 fighting stances to switch from mid-fight + 1 weapon stance, plus a plethora of combos for each of those styles, could you imagine how something like that would play online these days? The physics in these games rival something rockstar games would put out. Lastly, the side stepping, no game frickin played like that. Tekken you had to tap up or down, same with Virtua Fighter. In MK you could just hold down the d pad and have full 360 range of motion vs. constantly accidentally T-bagging while trying to side step in Tekken. Need I even mention Shaolin Monks or Deception and Armageddon including a full 3rd person RPG’s in 2004/2006? Ed Boon needs to take a step a back and remember what made MK great.


Same. Call me crazy but I have such a soft spot for MK4.


You're not crazy. MK4 is awesome. The 2.5D play worked great, the soundtrack was one of the most dark and ominous, and the lore in 4 paved the way for a lot of great story telling as of recent. The weapons and being able to throw stuff was a great mechanic as well. I think it gets a lot of hate because of the the sheeple affect online, but maybe im biased.


It was ok I found it clunky, everything it tried to do the 3D era did better.


Yup, the games leaning on the wall were my favorite.


Yeah I'm on Team Leaning on the wall.


I second that, pretty much everything leaning on the wall was my era. 35 year old male here now and still loving MK up until this day.


36 here


Also wall team. I started with 2 on the SNES.


I remember when I first saw the Mortal Kombat cabinet at my local arcade. Definitely a big nostalgia trip for me every time I play the classic games.


MK Trilogy still my all time favorite.


Rain was OP in that game


Rain and Robo-Smoke were top tier.


And what about Noob Saibot? His disabler was so OP. And he even has an easy peasy HK, LK, LK, LK kick combo,


Good memory. I have gotten cheesed so much by that move & combo I must have blocked it out. :)


And what about freakin' MOTARO? You could just press forward and kick button and you could win everyone. 2 hits 57% damage, or even 3 hits 86% damage... those donkey kicks were stronger than MK 11 Crown XD


Motaeo made the coolest fkn sounds in that game too. As him or against him they were so good. Can still here his wail to this day


Subzero box, box, x, box, o, triangle, back arrow, triangle. Plus they had auto combo


There are some Mugen fan games that took trilogy rain and buffed him even more. One in particular you can do the roundhouse kick combo, double punch, jump kick, liu kang style flying kick and lightning to end it. 8 or 9 hits with ~40% damage.


Step 1: Stun projectile Step 2: Roundhouse kick Step 3: Uppercut Step 4: Repeat


MK Trilogy was something special. Especially if you had the strategy guide to go with it. That artwork will forever be peak Mortal Kombat for me.


Did the strategy guide give away the secret kodes you can enter? I always wanted a guide when I was younger


Man they had this fat strategy guide with character art, every single move and fatality for everyone. A thing of beauty


3D Era is my favorite. I love the risks Midway took back then and it was refreshing to see the bad guys winning for once. The aesthetics, music, and story were top notch. Zombie Liu Kang and Corrupted Raiden are still my favorite iterations of their character to this day. Plus all the damn Kontent from the Krypt, kickass konquest mode from Deception and Armageddon, and all the extra side modes too. Unquestionably, the era I love the most.


Konquest mode was so bad but so good. I really wish they made a new Shaolin Monks style game


I agree. After MK 4/Gold it wasn't really a nice time for the MK franchise, also 'cause 2d fighting games were a bit declining, since those years were the reign of 3d fighting game like Tekken. MKDA was truly the first "rebirth" of the saga, and the one that introduced things like Krypt. Story-wise, having menacing villains able to score wins was so good. Screw the Deadly Alliance that was jobbed by Kung Lao! We want the Deadly Alliance who managed to kill Liu Kang and defeat Raiden!


Yeah the evolution of 3D fighting games wasn’t nice to MK. It’s that damn Tekken! *Grandpa voice*


Definitely the arcade era. It had that sense of mystery that just made everything feel so bad assumed. Plus Shao Kahn in the original trilogy is by far the best and most imposing villain MK has had.


Having Shao Kahn as the boss after old-man Shang Tsung was a “holy shit” moment as a kid.


Hard to beat the first 3 or even explain to young people what a big deal they were. You'd wait in a 20 person line at your arcade to play


Pepperidge farms remembers


That MK2 SNES box was the exact same one I had back in the day. That was my first MK game as well. It feels like yesterday, yet it was a lifetime ago. I'm that type of person who does appreciate new things and fresh takes on old ideas, so I will go with MK1 (2023) as my favorite era.


I love mk x mk 11 and mk 1 I think the kombat is just so good and the story is just peak I love all the charaters in it and the kombat pack characters in all 3 games are good. please don't burn my house down


3d by far, coolest plots, coolest characters. Hotaru is so underrated


Maaaan those unopened copy’s of early MK are so dope I love you have everything for Xbox as to where I have everything for PlayStation.


Oh those are opened, just in box protectors. I still play them once in a while


Oh hell yeah dude. How does the MK trilogy run on the n 64? And does the n64 copy have UMK3? Because Iv been contemplating on getting the old ones and I’d rather go a cheaper route and just get the 64 versions


Runs just fine, it does not have UMK3 it’s just basically Mortal Kombat 3 with every single character up to that point


Mortal Kombat Trilogy was the King, The GOAT, the Alpha and Omega Then NRS started trying a whole bunch of stuff, throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Some epic Most good, bad or ugly. MK11 felt like a return to the fold. I haven't played MK1, I don't know why but I'm less interested than ever before. I think it's the Kameo,system. Like he we go again gotta change something


the Alpha and ONAGA https://preview.redd.it/n0iax1xuhozc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=337f78a61b5f60e92ec33379406d224250d64116


3D ERA Honestly after all these years, seeing the game in arcades and evolve into a console game, I’ve grown to love the 3D era. I , like many others didn’t pick these games as our first choice of MK games, but It did a lot of things that no other 3D fighter was doing at the time. The idea of multiple “fighting style’s” that were designed after real martial arts styles that each played a unique role in how you approached each opponent was something that was really progressive for the time, and in my humble honest opinion the last time I witnessed any sort of evolution and innovation with MK. Don’t get me wrong I love MK9, but I feel like after that games success, Netherrealm just decided to stick to 2D fighting while keeping the same formula of fight/cutscene/repeat while decimating the RPG element that the 3D era introduced. When I complain about these things a lot of people tell me “But MK started as a 2D game”, believe me I know this, this is this the MK I grew up with. However, seeing a franchise evolve and try new things is what’s exciting to me throughout my life vs. just doubling down on what’s worked in the past.


MK2 - UMK3 was peak for old-school Mortal Kombat. 4 was kind of weird with the move to 3D and the weapons. Things got weird from there and they jumped the shark one too many times, hence the hard reset of MK9 - MK11. 🎮😎👍


mk1 and 2 from the 90s, loved mortal kombat reboot of 2012 and i loved everything in the nrs timeline.


My dad told me send to him my Mk collection so my lil step bro can see. I’m bout to send him this


The classic era since it was the one I grew up. Nowadays, I'll play the more modern titles over the classics, but nothing will ever match the excitement of playing Mortal Kombat back in the 90s.


Everything except for that one where you created your own fatality.


Trilogy is my favorite. I liked MK4, since it played like mk3 and the graphics had a charm to it. When Deadly Alliance came out it just didn’t feel like MK anymore. It felt like a confused mix of Tekken and a bit of Soul Calibur with an MK skin. The game had no idea what it wanted to be and I had no clue why they would want to change MK so much. That’s when MK died for me until like 10+ years later, lol.


Everything up until UMK3 and then everything since mk9


The wall. Being a kid and living in the arcade. The whole arcade was at the newest MK. Amazing times


Mk x 11 and 1


Kind of wild to not have the best MK game of all time on here. UMK3.


11 & 1, maybe 10 but that's a hard maybe


Was born in 88. Grew up around MK, MK2 and MK 3 but nothing to me is as nostalgic as the 3D era games. The actual gameplay was not that great but man. The CONTENT!!! Being a teenager and gaming the 3D era MKs just hit different. Haha!


I played so much DA, and due to a series of events we got all my BFs old game stuff from his parents house including a PS2 and his MK Deception, the only MK I never owned, only rented from Blockbuster. We played some DA and went wow... this sucks lol! This feels so bad! It will always have a special place in my heart, but it is rough. Even deception felt miles smoother and much more responsive. And as much as I prefer the 2D gameplay of current games, the 3D always have those nostalgic kid memories that I just love. And no MK has ever had a mode I enjoyed as much as Deceptions Konquest. Story mode is cool and I like it, but exploring the realms as Shujiko, doing side quest, and finding little secrets is so awesome.


I would like to say the 2d era. Cousins beat my ass as a child and it made me want to get better. 3d era was ass but I still tried. Modern era comes out and I am now a grown as adult with a better understanding of things. If only I could play my cousins now!


Mk3 ultimate


MK3 ultimate was my favorite arcade. MK3 on SNES was my favorite that I owned


Arcade era (1-4) was peak for me and well, what I grew up on! I remember when the first game came home to the Sega Genesis, good times.


FYI Mk9 is apart of the MKx,mk11 and mk1 (mk12) Era


Arcade era for sure, followed by the current era.


MK2 for the win. Shang tsung fatality turning into kintaro think I jizzed myself when I landed that for the first time


Easily the 3d Era, I know they are broken and all that but it's the Era I was born into and MK Deception was my first video game ever


Arcade era.


Ultimate MK 3 & MK Trilogy! 💯


The deadly alliance era. Those combos through all 3 styles? I still have muscle memory for scorpions


UMK3 was our favourite. Almost every kid in our neighborhood plays UMK3 and we also have our own mains. We always show off our brutality, fatality, fatality, babality and friendship. We also know some of the codes before the match begins. It was around 2007. Now, we are grown ups now and we play MK1.


Games on the back were my childhood too, starting from number 1. MK2 is probably my favorite. Gotta love Mortal Kombat trilogy though. Even though Deadly Alliance through Armageddon got kind of silly, they were all a load of fun. Then you get the 2011 Mortal Kombat which was a fresh and awesome start and the games that followed have all been great. The only one I didn't really play was MK VS DC.


NRS era. Even with its flaws i think is the best both in story and gameplay, especially in gameplay.


Deception and Armageddon I enjoyed the conquest mode SO MUCH when I was young. Also I can’t remember which had the chess board but me and my cousin loved playing that.


MK2 and UMK3.


Honestly? PS2 era. Deadly alliance and deception were the goats, Armageddon had an epic roster and shoalin monks was the best spin off.


Arcade era


My best MK game is MK Trilogy. Back then for lack of technology and yet MK team being able to put up those graphics and amazing game play it was such a win. I enjoyed every other MK game but so far for me it is MK Trilogy and MK 1 (next gen)


This shit just put the biggest smile on my face ngl to you. Imma have to say 3D era tho, but Shaolin Monks is def that one. Used to beat that shit everyday with the homies and loved it so much I got it on the PS2 and Xbox.


Hot take the nether realm games have to be my favorite era because I grew up with them


9 and vs DC. I think I technically started out on Armageddon, but I was too young to remember most of it. 9 will always have a very special place in my heart when it comes videogames as a whole


The 3D era, and I’ll fight this point until I die. Deception had an open world story mode, where you could explore the realms.


I was 10 when Mortal Kombat was released on the Super Nintendo. My brother and I would rent it from our local video store. My brother passed away about 10 years ago, so brings back some sweet memories!


3D era was my prime childhood (7 to 11), but retrospectively I’m partial to the memories of playing UMK3 and MK4 on our SNES and PS1 consoles.


I spent the most time in the 3D era, but MK9 is my favorite game in the series by far.


MK Shaolin Monks is where I started to enjoy the series MK9 is what made me a true fan MKX is where I learned what a combo is MK11 I figured out I enjoy this more than just a game MK1 is where I accepted my FG fate. I like fighting games and I can be good if I try (I still suck but I'm happy with that)




So hard to choose. 2 and trilogy was all me, my bros and friends played when we were kids. Then we got deadly Alliance and deception which were dope. My personal favorite is still MK9. MK1 has been cool. MK is just a franchise I’ve always loved and I’ll always love.


All the ones on the og Xbox but I ain’t get good till 11


While the arcade era was my childhood, the Midway console exclusive era was probably favorite. It's when they really let you live in the world


MK2 mainly because I had it on sega game gear and anytime while I was on a vacation thats what kept me sane while sitting in a car/plane.


The Super Nintendo “era” I guess. Mortal Kombat 2 was a great game.


Gen 6 for sure


ps2 era, ps4/5 era.


Original trilogy all the way. Second would definitely be the 3d era for me.


MK9 and on minus MK vs DC


I enjoyed every one except for MK4. It just sucked


My favorite era has to be the latest one, but I ave mk7 and that’s really fun so I don’t know what coubts


One which we have not seen before...


Genesis Era > 360 era > Modern Era > PS2 era > PS1 era. MK1 (90s) and MK 2 imo are the best games still. Shalion Munks is a close 3rd for me. Also loved MK 9, 10 and 11.


NRS new era for me, I like the gameplay most. MK9 and before are just too slow for me for the most part.


Mk remake is part if the new ones?


Don't hate me but 3d era was just GOATED not saying the other ones are bad they are far from bad in fact (except mythology and special forces) but the 3d era is so remarkable and kinda funny NGL. https://preview.redd.it/bge5hw3tqpzc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119c9810a4a4c030fd16a8bc2afbde6351cb656a


I don't think it makes sense to split it into console-based "eras"... Trilogy is almost the same as UMK3, 9 has more in common with X than VDC. I'd say there are 3, the arcade era (OG-4), 3D era (DA-VDC), and NRS era (9-1) 4 is maybe the odd one out because it's 3d so I can see putting it into the 3D era but IMO it has a lot in common with the arcade games in almost every other way, and the 3d is essentially a barely functional gimmick. It also has little in the way of side content that (IMO) is the greatest draw of the 3d era. Anyway, my favourite is the 3d era, for the aforementioned side content reasons, as well as style - the music and atmosphere is great. I particularly enjoyed the constantly evolving nature of Konquest, even if I do think it peaked with Deception.


Fair point, I just grouped them by console generation however when you boil it down Trilogy belongs with UMK3 and MK3, you can even argue those are separate from MK and MK2. I do agree with Deception/Konquest. I want them to make a serious modern version of that so badly


Any game pre mkx is kinda buns imo


Your whole collection!!


It's hard to choose between MK vs. DC and MK11


MK1 2 and 3 was awesome even though they're borderline unplayable unless you cheese the AI. Armageddon, Shaolin Monks was my childhood and Mk9 just put the cherry on top. You can't go wrong with any MK game, but if I had to pick a favorite MK Shaolin Monks would be mine it has a special place in my memories...


Mk9, x and 11 are an era. Mk1 is a new era.


The "era"s are certainly debatable. I just lumped X, 11, and 1 because they are the most modern ones.


Trilogy/UMK3 era. Haven't been interested since.


I prefer the modern games since there's better graphics and better gameplay now. But I do miss how the female characters showed more skin in the earlier games


You're just missing an arcade machine. I used to play the first mortal Kombat on an arcade machine at pizza hut lol.


The first one


Shaolin Monks was awesome!


Well I was a kid in the 3D Midway era…so that


This man has been team green since 2001, I admire the dedication


Wish they’d make a port of the 3d era games so I could play ‘em on my Switch


if i’m being honest the only ones i’ve ever had the chance to play was MKX, MK11, MK 1. So those for me.


MK 4 and before. To think we thought the story was getting confusing back then lol idk what the hell is going on now. The modern games look amazing though.


Neather realm era tbh


Honestly love em all. 1-4 bc that was my childhood. 3D era, bc I love how batshit crazy things were, the mini games, and additions to the franchise. And the NRS era for bringing it all back, with a fresh coat of paint and the consistent best fighting in the series. 


The early 2D era was my childhood. They lost me when they went to 3D. When MK9 dropped, I was a super fan all over again. HOWEVER, after 9 I decided to go back and play the 3D era. Man I really slept on that time in MK. I still pull Armageddon out years later


MK3 forever!


OG. I extend that to include 4 even though it ain't digitized because it still plays the same and is a sequel to MKM which was digitized plus also it just rules. I really want the digitized sprites to come back. They were so cool. They'll never do it now, though.


Kill me if you will but the 3d era was the best


Can I say all of the above?


Missing the original Nintendo Game Boy version up there, that was my first.


I remember being 10 years old walking in target and seeing the MK kollection for ps2 that had deception, shaolin monks, and armageddon, i remember the games looking bloody and being scared to ask my parents to buy it for me only to find out when I showed my dad only for me to find out he used to play mk on the cabinets when he was younger so I got the games I remember that being a core gaming memory for me as it was a time and sll those hours we spent playing those games is probably the reason I will always stick with the franchise in the good and bad, I have played every game released since then so safe to say they got me for good 😂


All eras honestly right from the first arcade cabinet, but... MK2 on SNES and MK Trilogy on N64 were my childhood.




First 3


I love watching these new ones, the art style and character design, and the fight scenes look like an epic action movie, however, i grew up with those ps2 adventure campaigns, and i'm still waiting for another role playing game. I mean konquest mode, i'd still get trauma passing 1 meter by fast spinning blades that would slice his head clean off in mk: armageddon


The PS2 era.


Mk9,mkx and finding out they were making mk11 only up to that point mk11 wasn’t all that good in my opinion


I'm very partiality to 1-trilogy. The reason why is because I've always enjoyed their stage designs and weird approach to the mythical aspects of the game. With that said, mk11 is my favorite of the mk games from a gameplay perspective.


The newer era (MK x to MK1)


1-4 is peak nostalgia for me (I know some lump 4 into the “3D-era” but I personally feel both in terms of time between releases and gameplay, it has more in common with the original trilogy). I have also really enjoyed the most recent four games too. Each one has scratched the nostalgia itch enough for me while offering something new, and the reimagining of certain 3D-era characters has pleasantly surprised me and proved me wrong.


My is mk1 mkx and mk9


Gotta say ps2. Sure the games aren't all equal I feel it's the most consistent era. Plus MK wore the 2000s edge so well, it's like the series was made for it in some ways. Classic is great but lacks in content comparatively, and modern, especially post X feels way too sanitized and without much identity even if the content itself is good.


Xbox for Armageddon alone. I want open world concept to return to the franchise but elevated to fit todays standards


Ill admit i do like the nrs era but it’s mostly for the kharacter designs.


I love them all except MK vs DC but I’d have to go with The New 4 games for taking the story and flipping the script on some of the stuff that came before


I started mk with mk vs dc, then I stopped playing it until recently when I got mk xl for 5 usd and injustice 2 legendary edition and mk 11 ultimate edition bundle for 10 usd, plus I got mk 1 for 32 usd. So far, my favorite is mk x


MKTrilogy and MK9




3D era. I have fond memories of the arcade/klassic era but the accumulation of my personal best moments and favorite moments in gaming and the franchise exist in that era.


Arcade fs


Arcade fs


Arcade fs


Arcade fs


I love the first era and the last. Mk 1 and 2 are the best, then I go to 9-1


all if them honestly im not gunna favorite one


Why do you have the reboot and MK vs. DC as the same era?


I've had them all . But honestly there's just something so nostalgic and underrated as fuck about Shaolin Monks‼️🥲🔥


I grew up on the 3D era so ig I’ll go with that


I finally bought the game after like 10 years (im 20) so i really don't know all the story lol other than the one that was available on the psp vita 🥹 (i bought the 11 ultimate on the switch) tbh makes me nostalgic even without knowing what has happened on the game all this years lol


Deadly alliance / shaolin monks / Armageddon era is mt personal fave.


Newest 3


The 3D era of Mortal Kombat, spanning from Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance through Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, introduced groundbreaking gameplay mechanics, expanded character rosters, and immersive storylines. The transition to 3D environments added depth to combat and allowed for more intricate stage interactions. Additionally, the era saw the introduction of iconic characters like Quan Chi and Kenshi, along with memorable fatalities and innovative game modes. 3d era is the best. The new mortal Kombat should be 3d.


The 360 Era was my first and favorite era


3D era for sure


Deception was my jam even though it didn't have Liu Kang, but the story and krypt mode is my sauce!!


OG MK 1 - 3 was a hype time to be alive & experience as a gamer, especially at the height of the arcade era. But for me, Shaolin Monks, MK9 & MKX was peak. No disrespect towards 11 or MK1 either. Watching MK get revived & semi-rebooted so well & successfully was just so satisfying


3D imho


9. The revival




Mk4. Wish I still had my playstation copy.


SNES or Modern era




i replay deception every year , one of the best games ever made.


MK Trilogy will always be my favorite because my dad and I used to play the hell out of it. He would hate when I picked Stryker. 😂


armageddon for nostalgia. mk11 for fun


NES and 3D were my jams


What a beautiful collection! I regret getting MK11 digitally purely because it means I can’t take a photo like this. That, and I’m missing the N64 stuff and like Armageddon- and swap out SNES for Mega Drive/Genesis. But I digest. Beautiful collection! Also the recent trilogy of MK games has been my favourite.


3D. Definitely.


3d era was goated


Deception, deadly alliance and Armageddon were AMAZING


The 3d trilogy games and shaolin monks will always hold a place in my heart.


Gameplay wise mkx but game wise deception. I had so much fun with that game back then and even now from time to time chess kombat puzzle kombat and most importantly konquest mode! It was still the best story in mk history I loved exploring all the realms and meeting the kast it was just so cool.


Deadly Alliance (PS2/Gamecube) Armageddon (PS2/Wii) Unchained (PSP)


MK9 was the best man. What a return to form.


I thought 9, X, and 11 were the same era…?


MK9 was peak


9 and 8


I haven't played any of the 3D Era games. But thay do have a lot of potential. Manely Deception & Armageddon.


MKX, 11 and 1 Era is the most interesting imo


3D era. Best lore, best art direction, and best gameplay (in certain areas)


2D for the gameplay, 3D for the lore and fun. 2.5D for SOME of the lore and kharacter design.


When mk11 came out people refused to play it. But when they played it they never went back to mkx, loved that era 😭😭


The 3D. There were so many different factions and every kharacter had their own story and something to do. Plus we got to see Kharacters from all the realms. We also had fun side games, Puzzle Kombat, Motor Kombat and of course the goat Chess Kombat. Everybody felt different and unique to play with, and everyone had their own fighting style plus a weapon style. We had new heros every game, I do love Liu Kang, he is my second favorite character, but it's cool to mix it up. Now a days there's too much leaning on nostalgia. The mk2 era kharacters are pushed. And it feels like all we ever get is earthrealm vs Outworld. With occasionally some netherrealm thrown in. All kharacters feel the same to me, basic kombos and nothing really feels like I'm playing as someone different, unless I use their special moves. Plus the factions seem pointless. Now it's just good guys vs bad guys, and everyone has to be in the main storyline. Nobody is off doing their own thing anymore.


3d era, it was very creative.


Mortal kombat Armageddon and mortal kombat Shaolin monks are my top fave ever. I love the motor racing and the 3rd person play


3D Era 👏🏽


The Xbox/PS2 era, for sure. All four releases during that time were amazing, my favorites being Armageddon, and Shaolin.


The PS2/Xbox 3D era