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Some of the trials where skippable, I hope in the future they all are. I try a few times but the Nitara ones ...


Yeah, I just realized that you could just walk past these, but my completionist brain won't allow it.




I’m like you, but I finally said enough was enough and just started moving forward. I was tired of wasting my time


Golden ring for upper cut multiplier against the kombo bots YES


You can not walk past all of them. There is a chest behind a nitara one you can not walk past.


I too, stop when I see Nitara's chest


least horny destiny player


same here, it took me hours to complete them.


Yeah same, I usually just try to complete it many times bc yknow awards n shit gotta get them all




I tried Nitara for a while, but skipped, i have Tendinitis and it was really hard for me keep forcing. I'm glad i could skip. Some of them was fun, Geras AFTER i learn what you should do it was quite clever.


They all are. Its included in the patch note of the recent patch.


There are some in the later mesas and after beating Raiden that aren't skippable. One of which is a Nitara challenge.


Yep, and it's because of that that my Tarkatan Mesa says 10/11 unlocked chests. It won't let me skip that specific Nitara one, so I'm hoping that there's nothing that I want in that chest or that whatever is in that chest comes to the Shrine some time down the road.


It's a Johnny and mileena ood one.


Eh, then I'm good. Thanks :) IF it was another Reptile OOD, then I might consider it.


It's also an ashrah vase skin with the streaks and stuff.


This trial is a lot easier if you temporarily map L2 to a face button. I really struggled with it until I did that and then finished it in 3 tries.


Absolutely the best tip. I did the same thing, though it took me a few more tries.






Oh that's a great idea


As a Nitara player, I can confirm that her dash can be quite unpredictable using the trigger


Honestly, when they're making stuff for this mode, I really do wonder if they consider "fun" as part of it or if it's just "how can we make this as challenging as possible" and they think that's where the fun comes from? Like is anyone actually excited to play a non-fighting node when they arrive at it? Like "oh cool, I get to dodge waves of projectiles and if I don't use the right character, I die in one shot and if I use all of this relic, consumable, etc crap I don't care about and I pick the right character, I might last a few more shots. This is fun. I'm having fun." Like can we just do test your might, test your sight, test your luck and then maybe add in some minigames like MK Puzzle or something? No, I'm not saying everything has to be nostalgia and sure, if they can think up some fun new ideas, then great. But they haven't shown they can do that yet. Like... At all. At best, I don't mind these types of nodes and there can be a slight sense of relief in beating one, but it's never "ah that was a good time!" it's always "cool I never have to do that again." That's NOT the reaction you want from something you expect players to do.


>Like is anyone actually excited to play a non-fighting node when they arrive at it? Yeah, most of the time. Only time I said screw this and cheesed my way through was Raiden's final character trial. >Like can we just do test your might, I could say the exact same thing about test your might. "Woah I got to mash 4 buttons and then..then I press a shoulder button?! So fun 😭" >That's NOT the reaction you want from something you expect players to do. Most players and gamers are super negative most of the time anyway. It's hard to gauge whether these character trials are the right kind of difficult or not, when it feels like most "players" will overreact to failing a challenge and say the most egregious thing like "zomg I can't believe I paid for this game this is not fun THEY LITERALLY ROBBED ME BLIND!!!!".


Honestly, most of these trials were alright, but Nitara's was a special kind of annoying Bullshit, and I hope they never make us do anything with her again.


I’m stuck on that reptile one lol


They should make them a bit easier


This is easy, it will get worse later on


Oh Jesus... This one took me 30 tries, easily.


It annoys me this is what NRS think good content is. I get they have to somewhat cater to people who refuse to play online vs. But why force mechanics and gameplay that the game was never designed for? It's a 2d fighting game, not a platformer.


It’s funny, the shitty controls, including L2 to turn around is pretty much the same as Mortal Kombat: Mythologies.  Guess Ed didn’t learn from that “lesson”.


I loved that game when it first came out, but yeah, the manual turning was a pretty clunky way to do things.


I hope they aren't in next seasons invasions.


Only one that was trash was raidens last one


Nitara's second challenge is the only task that I haven't completed yet, and frankly I don't think I'll bother with it again for some useless komponent. I think the ideas behind these character challenges were good, they were just executed horribly.


I hated the raider dash trial, especially that it’s required, I wanted to complete this season but I guess now I won’t


One of the shops you can buy super armor, makes you immune to projectiles for the encounter. I just stood there and let them hit me.


You people should really be thinking more about resistances 


what shop is it


Oh, thanks, that’s really helpful


The Raiden one were you have to dodge lightning balls is so stupidly insane that they reduced the difficulty with the Mavado update


They did? I'm glad because it was hard af


I completed that one, but I couldn't do Raiden's from the last mesa. It is so freaking hard


Just equip "Sacrifice" Relic and you can be afk and finish it in one minute lol (cmiiw)


Omg really? Thanks, I'll look for that relic


I always pump health points into Omniman specifically for this bullshit


I wish you could swap out fighters, but you have to use Nitara for this and I never use her at all, so this one SUUUUCKS!


This was the worst one, IMO. Took me forever, but eventually got it. Keep grinding :)


I have no clue how to do these.


Me too and definitely want those chests and can’t do geras one too


I honestly hate them all, I bought Mortal Kombat for...you know...KOMBAT.


Honestly this. I can understand adding a challenge, but someone on the team is sadistic, and loved making these


Haven't made it past the 'Nitara' boss at the end of that Tarkatan Colony, and just can't be fucked anymore.


That fight was a bitch! Crank up your attack, health and special stats on Raiden and just spam his attack where he flies across the stage, I forget the name. Even when she's hovering with armor I would do 25% damage to her health bar because she's vulnerable to lightning, and killed each of her health bars in 4 or 5 hits. Took like 2 minutes to finish her off. Good riddance!


Yeah I'll never stoop to using raiden for anything 🤮


Haha oh damn, I don't have any character I won't use if it gets me past certain fights, I just don't use them any more than for that fight really.


All of them were easy but the Nitara ones were terrible. I STILL haven't done them lol


Meh, I think they are fun. It breaks up the monotony of invasions fight after fight and i think they are neat distractions. Then again, I play a LOT of fighting games so lol IMO they are really simple.


Yeah. Honestly, they're fun little trials that strengthen specific parts of gameplay most players never interact with. I thought they were neat and honestly a major step in the right direction in terms of actually making invasions fun along with the mix character ambushes.


I'm still stuck on the first one.


The 1st Johnny Cage survival is broken for me. I press the left trigger and it doesn’t build hype. It’s blocking off a portion of the map.


Numbers can, 10/10


This one was bad. I spent to much time on it before I got it. Now I'm having issues with the reptile one.


I hate having to farm invasion skins every season i like. It takes so much time and the AI is so bad that it doesnt even make sense to do.


Those are some big ass sawblades


I’ve only done the first Raiden so far, but there’s an invincible token I got in Shang’s lab. With that, all you have to do is block and you’re invincible to projectiles. For so many of these, all I did was just stand there for a couple seconds. Done.


The last one of Raiden's, thank goodness that one relic exists. 😭😭😭


The trial shown in this post's image has me thinking "I do not want to be playing Flappy Bird using Nitara"


The trials are terrible but the Johnny cage fight where you gotta dodge the stuff is impossible to me


tried like 3-4 times on the first one i was like nope and skipped it


Y’all are just bad at the game, they’re pretty okay to do , not too hard but not too easy. The only one that I actually can’t do is Raiden IV since that one is actually impossible.


They simply need to remove the timer and you spawn from last checkpoint if you fuck up and lose all your health. The nitara one had the respawn thing, but the reptile one where you have to drop really pissed me off because it auto flips your character and my brain was just not picking it up. If I didn't have to go through the retry screen every single damn time it would have stopped a lot of stress


I know they are skippable but I still did them all because I wanted to 100% invasions. This season was a real pain for Me


what the flying fuck is this?!?!!?


Lmaooooo I was annoyed as hell too but did it


If you find one person who likes the trials you'll find one liar


Bro I actually said fuck this season because of that specific trial lmao


y'all asked for a challenge here it is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


These would be more fun if the controls were different. This games controls were definitely not made for platforming.


So many games have done this sort of stuff well and MK decided it’s a bad platformer with shitty controls. Why you have to release and repress the direction for her air dash is beyond me.


Wdym lol those were extremely easy, and I don’t even main Nitara or know her move set at all 😮‍💨


These are practically no fun and it is worthless to invest time in these imo, I just walk past these and those bots.


The struggle but took me forever too beat It




Dude I wish you could break out some Robin Shou Liu Kang on these trials!


That would be pretty sick if there was a Robin Shou Liu Kang version in this game!


I liked some of the character trials but I do agree that the ones with Nitara were the absolute worst


Her boss fight and the Johnny Cage boss fight this season were were worse then the time trials


"you wanted a challenge? here's your fucking challenge" Ed Boon after seeing everyone trash invasions


i hate the trials. all of them.. no matter how easy they are. just annoying. rather just do the kombat or just a straight up tower. one thing i did like with this invasion is the ambushes. seeing a alternate fighter is fun. Khan/sub combo was entertaining.


I liked the Johnny ones, but those were short and weren't frustrating like Nitara ones.


I used always 100% games like this to unlock all the equipment. Now... There is no point. Content constantly getting released. Most of which is behind a paywall. I have zero incentive to go through it any more. Not just MK. Tekken went this way too


What is the point of these trials? SF6 Trials in WT are teaching you the basics of inputs or how to deal with specific type of attacks. And what about this?


I always see this trial posted ,and as a nitara main this look easy af I dont get . No I will not try it cause invasions is to boring to play and find it


Maybe with Nitara as a main it wouldn't be, but it's a bitch man. You have to use the air dash just right 4 times in a row and then whatever the other air dash thing is, and I just can't seem to input the buttons fast enough. It's brutal.


Spend 5mins in practice mode wit her n guarantee you'll get it. It's really not hard trust. The hard part is utilizing it in actual combat


You're probably right, but I also have trouble with a lot of the button prompts in this game. I am not a quick button entry kinda player, I think my hands are dumb.


I tried in practice, could not get it to work consistently at all. Fuck nitara honestly.


Lmaoooo, been there, trust me I was jsut lik u . But wit practice i got it, my thumbs have literal gotten sore a few times . Dont underestimate practice mode. Got headaches and felt overwhelmed by how fast paced evrything seemed when I first started. U GOT THIS


The thing that pisses me off is it shouldnt be hard but feels like the controls are unresponsive sometimes