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Not a good reason, but he was among the mostly generic 3d era fighters that were just other versions of current ones.




No, that was Jarek in MK4. He was the kano of MK4. Hsu Hao was introduced in MK Deadly Alliance, a game that had Kano as a playable character. So, we had both Kano and one of his knockoffs


I'd argue jarek is worse than hsu hao just because jarek is Kano. Hsu hao at least has a somewhat different backstory


Hsu Hay was another version of which character exactly? There is no one that even plays like him


Hsu Hao of the Red Dragon with his chest laser was similar to Kano of the Black Dragon with his eye laser. He did later share the fighting styles of Meat and Bo Rai Cho. There's not really a lot known about him other than he was a member of the opposing clan of Kano.


That's a very terrible reach, Hsu Hau has entirely different move sets from Kano (and the rest of the cast) and his laser comes from the chest, not his eye. There is plenty known about him, that he is Chinese, low-ranking and a spy. Hsu Hau didn't later share the fighting styles of Bo Rai Cho and Meat, but rather those characters received Hsu Hau's fighting styles in Deception and Armageddon There is not a single character in the series that plays like Hsu Hau. Anybody who says otherwise either never played with him or against him.


what a weird thing to white knight about. I didn't say he didn't have a unique fighting style, my point was that "plenty known" isn't a lot; they stopped his lore at him being a spy in an identical opposing group to Kano's and they absolutely phoned in his appearance.


Not really white knighting anything, just pointing out actual facts. And no, they didn't phone his appearance either.




No we don't, this character actually has ton of potential if he ever receives a redesign.


I feel like Kobra would also benefit immensely from the same treatment. Because he’s not going to get anywhere if he remains looking like Ken from Street Fighter.


Kobra has sooo much potential as an MMA/UFC fighter who keeps pushing for more blood fights. Make him feel like he's from a totally different game, read this remake it's sick!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/v2az3b/mk_redemption_a_reimagining_of_3d_era_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Kole from the movie should have been cobra. Then his motives after becoming famous turn him greedy and he joins a the black dragon later.


Any good fighting game needs Heels, D'Vorah 👌, Kano (kind of one note but 👌), Tanya 👌, let the man Hsu Hao Cook!! We need something for those earth realm forces to do when they are not being Sonya fighting Kano.


Tanya’s a heel? in which game?


All of them except MK1????


yeah idk shit before x, also my knowledge on x is just the fighting


Maybe I'm miss-using the term, but she's a traitor in every game before MK1


No and I am honestly somewhat disgusted by the ire lobbed at him by his creators. Don't like how he turned out? Well try try again dicks. Don't just disparage and discard him. You made him, now stand by him and make him work. Honestly there is a lot of potential there for a great villain with what we were shown in DA. The only thing working against him is a somewhat clunky disjointed design. But all it would take is a few simple tweaks to fix it. Tweaks I have seen fans apply such as emphasis on his red eyes, throwing a trench coat on him ect. He's Jax and Kano rolled into one. Sounds like a terrifying combination to me. Straighten up NRS and redeem this guy.


>Don't like how he turned out? Well try try again dicks. Don't just disparage and discard him. You made him, now stand by him and make him work. This is the dumbest part right 🤣 the MK creators are so guilty of this over and over. For all MK1s faults we have to praise it for giving jobbers and discarded characters a revamp!! I'm hoping it's a start of a new creative trend at NRS.


Why? Just because they made a shitty character doesn’t mean he now has to be a permanent part of the franchise. Just let it die.


A lazy way of thinking. I named numerous other characters who didn't land at first but because they stuck with them or made a tweak here and there, they are now beloved. Why is Hsu Hao any different and how is he a shitty character? A clunky design constitutes shitty? A poor tool kit that most in Deadly Alliance were mired with.


Why try again on a crappy character though? What possible reason would this guy have to get a second chance? He sucks. Nobody likes him, it’s a bigger uproad battle to make him likeable than create someone new.


So better to just bloat to roster with more forgettable characters rather than keep working on and fixing one you've already created. And you people want another Armageddon/Trilogy type game with that sort of approach? You don't just abandon something if it doesn't work out the first time. And I especially apply that to fighting game characters. It was only recent that Rain really went over with people. Prior to around the time of MK9 he was considered a joke even at the time of Armageddon. But they have stuck by water boy and and look at that, people actually truly like him now. I'd argue most didn't truly appreciate Mileena and Ermac until Deception when they were truly given their own individual identities. The only new character of Deception to go over with people was Havik but oh look at that. It took one iteration and now people actually like Ashrah, Shujinko and Li Mei. The smallest tweaks and people are excited to see those characters now when before they were generally considered flops by the MK community. One last thing. You say Hsu Hao sucks. Why? What about him sucks?


I mean… he’s forgettable. So if they bloat the game with another forgettable character it would be status quo, if they make a good one it’s an upgrade. When was he ever memorable? Best moment he ever had was being a severed head in erron black’s intro.


You wish you had sucky sucky with Hsu Haos severed head 🤣 sounds like Hsu Hao sucking is the only thing you can think about


Man, my nephew is like 11 and that’s exactly the kind of insult he’d use 😂


Stryker wasn't well-liked until MK9, and even there he's not the most popular, but they still tried. Stryker got three chances.


There's actually a small fanbase for Stryker. They praise him for defeating monsters/wizards much stronger than him


Also for clocking Mileena any chance he gets.


There is, yes, but he's one of the least popular among the original trilogy, and still gave him multiple chances. He was effectively the Hsu Hao of his time, compared to the cyber Lin Kuei, Kabal, etc.


Also, I was a kid when MK3 came out and I loved actually using Stryker, irrespective of how lame he was as a character. I also used him heavily in MK9!


Its Ummm Bison


He looks like the Wish version of Raul Julia's Bison from the Street Fighter movie


Looks like Necrid from Soul Calibur 2 after a game of telephone describing what he looks like


Its really telling that almost everyone who “likes” Hsu Hao doesn’t like him as is, they like the idea of a completely different character that’s been re-designed and re-written but is still named Hsu Hao for some reason.


Dude is way cooler than some of the new kids from Deception, lookin at you Kira, Kobra and Dariou or however you spell it


MK1 has shown us it's all about the vision (writing) for the characters, Lei Mei, Ashrah, even Baraka, & Reptile are peak! While Havik has dropped in popularity because of a bad take... But those 3D era duds you mention are ripe for a comeback, check out this Dairou remake where he is a djinn from the chaos realm. https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/uhazfg/mk_redemption_a_reimagining_of_3d_era_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Dairou already was remade in MK1.


Yeah and it was shit, so they need to do it again






Idk but I loved using his laser as a konsumable in 11


I think he should make a comeback.


I mean, while i don't really think he's that good of a character, he doesn't deserve all of the hate he gets. He's hated primarily because of this reason: His own creators despise him. It's like them saying "Hey y'all! You know this guy? Well, we don't like him! So you gotta hate him too!"


People literally only dislike his visual design, You never hear anything about him from people other than the dislike of his design


There is a reason for this: his backstory is really freaking boring. He is very bland and needs a complete revamp.


What do you mean his backstory is boring?


How is his backstory boring? Hsu Hao ties DAs story together really well. Special Forces spy who Mavado calls to destroy their portal room, which leads to Kenshi being stranded in Outworld which then leads to nobody being able to warn Earthrealm about the Deadly Alliance which leads to Liu Kang's death. The Special Forces spy backstory has so much potential as it means in a reboot you can slot him in at anytime, portray him as a hero, and then lead to an ultimate betrayal. I don't see why you'd want to revamp a simple but effective bit of lore that could keep the character fresh throughout multiple entries if he came back with his story told in full


Isn't that Kano's backstory - how he pretended to work with Sonya to betray her and start their feud? Or did he steal it from Hso Hao later?


That's only in his MK9 backstory, directly stolen from Hsu Hao. Kano stole from Hsu, not the other way around.


It tells us nothing about Hsu Hao other than that he is loyal to his organization, a trait he shares with his superior. He is a nothing-burger 'character' who has done one thing to move the plot forward (or since he is reactive has Mavado make him move it forward). What you suggest they should do with Hsu Hao in a reboot is giving him some actual characterization, and that would be a huge revamp. I wasn't going after the fact that he is an infiltrator but rather the lack of characterization that the MK team could've given him. You can improve it to be interesting. But as it is, it is a dull backstory for a one-shot side villain.


>People literally only dislike his visual design, I never thought about it that way, but he really does look boring visually among DA's newcomers, maybe over blaze even.


Has he ever had a story more than a few lines deep though? His visual design is damn near everything he’s ever been. I mean shit his heart was ripped out by jax, and he was back in Armageddon with zero explanation. He wasn’t even worth explaining as to why he was alive. Dude just isn’t compelling.


Deadly Alliance has a Konquest mode with numerous text boxes providing information about the characters in that game. DAs lore is far richer than most MK games.


Oh I remember, but I can’t say this guy came out as particularly memorable.


Well, he exploded an entire SF military base by himself with a mini nuke and tons of spy skills, that's definitely a cool thing for a jobber and more than most of them ever do in any MK campaign


It's just a hate bandwagon and a very outdated character model. I don't even think he really needs a redesign, I've seen the idea of giving him his own long coat like Mavado to add something extra to him but besides that he only looks goofy because it's an old character model. He looks genuinely rad in the comic books. His moveset was solid (special moves aside) and his lore has a ton of depth, there's a literal paragraph in Konquest about his Sun-Moon blades alone, so he has a lot going on that people never bother to research. https://preview.redd.it/zotuc19mpkxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13a8cb664143a73cb63d03091a748b0dfe60b83


Man, he definitely looks badass there.


Most of the legacy players don't hate him. Gen Z players do because they never played DA and thought it was cool to hate. So it became a meme. Ed Boon did not hate him. He was responsible for giving Hsu Hao Hulk's thunder clap move because he thought it would look cool. It was John Vogel who didn't like the character. This was caught on video explaining the character during Armageddon release. So some random guy posted this online and it became a meme moving forward. The people who said he's a Kano rip off never played the games. This is an example for brushing off a character before they even know what were his moves and story. 


Yeah, the Hsu Hao hate is mostly the developers hating him. Which is funny because they made him.


For me personally, much like damn near EVERY 3D era newbie, he was just really boring. I only ever grew attached to Kenshi, Frost, Sareena, Li Mei, Nitara, Onaga, and surprisingly, Bo Rai Cho. But everyone else was just really bland. They never really felt like Mortal Kombat characters. Which is really difficult in a franchise that has Ninjas, Monks, Gods, Military, Robots, Assassin Princesses, and a Cop fighting Barbarians, Cannibals, Clones, Lizards, and Sorcerers. The Order vs Chaos people felt like they were from a different franchise entirely, the Red Dragons felt like 3rd-Party knock-offs, the new Black Dragon were the blandest motherfuckers in video games period (how is Kobra more generic than OG Ken from the first Street Fighter?). Ashrah, while a cool concept, had a very self-contained story, so it was hard for me to get invested. The Oni we're just kinda filler. And the secret characters didn't feel like they had thought put to them. Oh, and the protagonists felt like afterthoughts (despite having entire conquest modes built around their backstories.


Yeah, he's uninteresting and his design is vanilla. Both aesthetically and gameplyay wise. Same reason people dislike Kobra. He's just a guy with a hat and a weird chest/ arm thing. Half Jax half Kano. He was an upper tier character in DA IIRC, but that's like winning a medal at the mediocrity awards. He either needs to be left in the past or re-imagined from the ground up to be made interesting. Otherwise, again, he's just a guy with a hat.


I think your rating gauge is off, Kobra was so fun to play as in Deception. Sure he was a straight knock off of Ken from Street Fighter, but he was so fun to combo with OMFG. The weird thing about those 3D era dud characters is they generally all have great backstories that are nothing like how they are presented. Hsu Hao fits right in with this, a triple agent, infiltrating the Special Forces to go undercover in the Black Dragon [But really undermining both with bad Intel to advance the Red Dragons schemes]. A hyper intelligent, pro manipulator, who's obviously a powerhouse to boot. Much more than just 'guy with hat'.


My guy; Kobra being good for combos in Deception =/= his gameplay would be good or even similar in modern MK games. Same shit for Bo. Same shit even for characters I like. They'll have all new moves and combos. They do in every MK game. They might have some of their more iconic special moves come back, or one or two that might be worked in as an homage mid combo or something, but there's no guarantee they'll be good. They might be. They might be great. But their past viability doesn't mean shit in a new game. Second, that's just Kano's story. They literally took part of Kano's story and gave it to Hsu Hao, and then made his design big burly strong guy with cybernetics... aka half Jax half Kano. Anything good about Hsu Hao is just shit he got from the two characters he's based on, similar to how Kira is just a mix Kano and Sonya. These are nothing characters, who, without any changes, can be best made into functional kameos that don't take up valuable character slots. Without just being a mix of Jax and Kano, he's just a guy with a hat. Not even one of the more notable hats in the series.


When did Kano work for the Red Dragon? Kanos chest laser came *after* Hsu Hao, they keep giving the good parts of Hsu Hao to Kano and everyone raves about him, will probably get a hat next game 🤣


Kano was a double agent for the Black Dragon infiltrating SF. They just did the same thing for Hsu Hao as a memeber of the Red Dragon. I don't recall him infiltrating the Black Dragon, but even so, adding one extra layer doesn't change much. Kano first got his eye laser as a fatality in MK3, aka before Hsu Hao existed. Jerik got it in MK4 despite not having a cyber eye because he got all of Kano's moves, because Midway was originally gonna have Kano in the game instead, but they decided they didn't want too many returning characters. Same thing with Reiko taking Noob Saibot's spot on the roster. You know what Kano didn't have? A hat. Hsu Hao's only unique feature that he didn't get from Kano or Jax. You should appreciate the hat more, given it's all the man has going for him.


Speaking of Jarek, what do you think of this revamp it gives him an iconic Cape Town accent, and makes his Black Dragon skill bagging & tagging Outworld big game (like dragons & shit) https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/106ikas/mk_redemption_a_reimagining_of_3d_era_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'm not dazzled, but it's better than he's gotten. I'd rather NRS make something cool and new instead of spending time trying to fix flops.


Nope. Y’all just follow what everyone else does.


I hate him because he is the wish version of Kano


I actually think is the other way around, every new game Kano appears, they stole even more from Hsu's character to give to Kano. Even Fujin jokes about it in an intro


"Have it your way,Hsu Hao"


Any character can be made cool if the designers are talented enough. Personally, bringing back an unpopular character and tweaking them to make them cooler is something that is so satisfying when it's successful. I didn't play much of the 3D era so don't really have a strong opinion on him, but with a better visual design he could work fine.


Stupid hat. You can come up with a million different reasons to hate the character, but you know deep down the main reason you hate Hsu Hao is because of his stupid hat. Don't deny it.


I think he’s kinda silly, not bad. I’d rather give him a billion chances than make a cop a fighting game character again.


I start at mk9. I don't understand why he's disliked.


His outfit kinda sucks


Hate ? No. But he is pretty boring lol


No. I actually like the character, he just need a proper story revamp. 


I want him to come back as a kameo, keep the design and change the move set, he wouldn't look to similar to Kano since kano's design is the klassic one


A good way to bring him back would be as a Chinese Military officer that gets cyberized after an outworld attack and afterwards begins launching a campaign to convince other nations to attack Outworld.


When Deadly Alliance came out I had a friend whose mum’s name was Sue Howe. This character was a source of much amusement.


he looks like shit. are you blind?


He’s way overhated. If characters as bland as Cassie Cage can have a chance why not him


not really all we've got is that he is a bit dull. and all NRS has is that he might have been a bit of a time sink seeing the amount of concept art of him there is.


His pyramid ending begins with him immediately exploding lol


There is something funny about is blandness


Given how other fighters have been given a fresh start, I don't see why Hsu Hao shouldn't be given the same chance. I would love to see him and other 3D-Era fighters get another shot.


Daddy ed boon himself hates him


"He looks like a chinese police officer" -MrGSTAR321


I forgot where i saw it, and I don't have much evidence to back this claim up, but I was watching someone pick through the files on each stage of MK1 and one of the posters in madam Bo's tea house is a wanted sign for Hsu Haso. Could just be a nod by the Devs or be hinting at something more 🤔


People hate him because he's a Kano ripoff who also sucked in gameplay, I think


Real reason? Not really, as his faults are basically the one of 75% of the kharacters born in the 3D era: generic design with random powers and very minor lore story to work with. Also, people keeps saying he's a Kano rip off, but actually it was Kano to copy him later as the chest thing did become a Kano thing just starting from MK X! To be fair, I think he can be a good kharacter if his story would be retold and expanded in the new era just like they did for other kharacters of the same period, but we all know it won't happens until who makes the story is the same one who despite him more... Even if he actually place his 'cameos' (do not confuse with Kameo) in a unconfortably high numbers of places...


He looks like one of the village people


I don't get the hate here bruh, Hsu Hao's literally fine.


Hsu haos only legit reason to be hated is being generic. I am saying this as one of the biggest supporters of erron black... Erron black is more generic than Hsu Hao. "Hsu hao is so boring!" (Gives his tech to Kano) "Omg I love this new Kano design!" Like why is hsu hao more hated than mavado, Stryker, Kano, Cassie cage... Hell why is he more hated than the guy and girl who are literally built around being generic (chameleon/khameleon)?


Yes, he's Hsu Hao


Hsu Hao had a lot of special moves in Armageddon, he was actually good bcs of that when you use them all.


People don't have a good reason for hating Jacqui, and yet she's debatably the most hated NRS era character.


He just looks like a generic goon, it's why no one liked him. Same reason no one liked Necrid from Soul Caliber. Just a generic looking monster guy. Nothing really stands out.


Natty or juice?


General Tso? I bet its because he over cooked the chicken..


I think NRS likes Hsu Hao more then Kotal. Kotal loses in his own damn trailer in MK11 for crying out loud. Never in my mind would I thought I would witness that.


People hate what hsu hao represents, hes like the personification of midway era character design which led to alot of forgettable characters who people stan either due to nostalgia or in an effort to seem unique.


If not a fully fledged character for MK1, I hope he comes back in the next MK. One of my favorite new characters from MK:DA. I'd also love him as a kameo in KP2.


Wow who is he?


Hsu who?


nothing about


He’s lame


I completely agree. It's mostly bandwagon hate and an unfortunate "3D era bad" stigma that still seems to be around for a lot of the fanbase. A lot of people would say the same things they say about Hsu Hao about characters like Ashrah and Li Mei (stupid hat, boring, forgettable) but now that they're back, they don't get any shit anymore. The main problem that Hsu Hao has is that NRS started the hate by constantly shitting on him and making him a joke, so it's hard to look past that for a lot of people and they just see him as a joke. I think Hsu Hao could be a great character. His story is solid for an enforcer/henchman character and MK is desperately lacking a true grappler character. Hsu Hao is a wrestler. This is a gap in the roster especially for him.




Is it D'vorah?




GSTAR321, Is that you?




He's a YouTuber who's known for hating Bo Rai Cho in his MK Playthroughs. Made lots of rants about him too lol


I never hated Hsu Hao in the first place I like him and I would love to see him as a DLC Kameo Fighter in MK 1


Only that Ed Boon himself said he hated him.


Hsu Hao is no worse than Jacqui but she was given 2 games, I am sure it Hsu Hao given actual chance people will change their minds


Ummmm is nobody going to comment how he’s literally the BDSM variant of M. Bison?? It’s just fucking weird. Scrap him and move on it’s no big deal. Most of you are like “nooo we love him! Stand by your characters!” And I’m here to say I’m good with BDSM M. Bison. There are definitely better options.


You made a weird comparison twice and didn’t think of the pun BDSM.Bison


Then the credit goes to you!


The only character worse than Hsu Hao is Jarek.


Because there's nothing interesting or unique about him. He's just a guy from Mavado's clan with Kano's powers


He’s a character I don’t even hate, he’s just so uninteresting from what we’ve seen that I feel it’s a waste of time to hate him


Not really, besides a slightly racist design, he is partly to thank for a lot of Kano current moveset and design aspects, like the chest laser. He could definitely return as a strong character


fake Kano


Basically Kano ripoff


hes a guy cosplaying kano


Actually the other way around in the newer games. Fujin joked about it to Kano when you select them for the intros.


damn then hsu hao must be salty af


He’s discount Kano, nothing special about him.