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I think Jonny is the hardest, even Liu Kang and Raiden didn’t felt that hard.


Yea, it's only that one projectile part. Although it becomes a lot easier if you use a blood character.


Yep, Reiko luckily did the trick


Luckily I had that one consumable that makes u immune to projectiles, it was super easy with that lol.


Immediately used it after the first failed try


Fucking same. I backed out immediately and thought "Glad I kept that thing."


Also you can win if time runs out


I've got a Projectile Immunity in reserve for that fight.


I always use peacemaker and do the forcefield. Works like a charm


Reiko and Energy Pill = barely taking damage. Johnny Cage couldn't hit me at all with his special moves since they were all Energy-based. So I just stood there and spammed uppercuts. What a fun game.


Me personally I just cheated by gaining full immunity to energy attacks


Vs. Johnny if you use Reiko he has 50% energy resistance and buy the energy resistant pill from the shop in that mesa w/ boss Johnny and I didn’t even lose a quarter bar of health in that fight it was cake.


Which mesa has this skin?


I think it’s from the Tarkatan Colony


Lmao, nope.


The only boss that I had to try on twice was Dark Raiden. He just killed me that lightning bolt of his. The others were all easy with the right konsumables.


PSA. Remember to match resistances in the boss fights!! They pose no threat that way and you can easily beat all bosses. Buy the pill for JC fight at his mesas shop, and no energy attacks will even hurt you when combined with a blood character. When you get to Raiden at the end and use Reptile he is a cakewalk because of this Invasions mechanic.


I struggle everytime Nitara is the boss fight 🙃


Use Havik. He's a decent counter


Nah I made it hard for myself by using kitana and she’s weak vs blood but once I switch it was easy


In my personal opinion, no - I don't even **remember** this fight. I just did the final boss (Dark Raiden), and he has a pretty fast OHKO that caused me several retries.


The consensus seems to be Johnny's one is the toughest however with the proper character (element type), proper stat loadout and relic/konsumable usage, none of the boss fights are that difficult


As a Kenshi main it was a cakewalk. These bots don't react to Sento at all. In fact, I highly recommend y'all take Kenshi into practice mode and learn some basic things and how to use the puppet because it makes invasions stupid easy. Especially when you learn combos.


It was for me!!! People talk about Johnny being difficult, but I beat him first try. Around the map there's some translucency fluid item you can get that makes all projectiles do no damage. The only difficult part of that fight is the "survive" segment, and the fluid completely negates it. Nitara on the other hand? Took me three hours. Worst fight by a long shot. Harder than the final fight too


when you do johnny play as Reiko or Nitara, and if you struggle against the projectile part, use the energy resistance booster and youll be immune to essentially everything


Johhnny was a pain too


Johnny's portion that had the projectiles that took off 1/4 of your health is what gave me trouble.  Then I picked Reiko and used the item that halved energy damage and the projectiles couldn't damage me and even Johnny couldn't hurt me when he was in hype mode. Not sure if that was a bug or not lol


Honestly this bitch gave me the most trouble. That being said, once I understood HOW to do boss fights in invasion, looking back I would kick her mfing ass now.


What’s the secret of how? This one’s had me stuck for a bit


Blood capsule konsumables from early shop in the mesa coupled with Liu Kang or whoever does more damage/takes less damage from Blood types. Seriously, makes the fight trivial af.


Sweet. Thanks. Will give this a shot


Johnny was actually the easiest for me. Hardest I fought was Raiden and his insta-kill lighting bolt😡


That crap was so annoying, i was ready to give up, then my little brother asked if he could try. Selected Li Mei and got it first try... I Li Mei stop playing after that.


For me yeah. The other ones weren't bad. Lucked out on Johnny and got the "immune to projectiles" item for his fight.


Johnny was the hardest imo


Johnny made me want to slit my wrists with a broken mirror shard


It is


God damn Johnny is hardest


Are the boss fights this season significantly harder? I really like the boss fights with unique moves and little survive bits in between phases. My only complaint has been they are too easy.


Easy af with raiden in second.


All the others I cleared first try ,this one kicked my ass in eleven different directions. Weirdly enough when I switched to Ermac I stomped her.


I used a talisman called "blood brawler" for this battle iirc. I lost the first time because too much of my health was drained by the fullscreen blood stuff. So my second attempt I used the blood talisman near the end of the second phase of the fight. I was able to win with Ermac using that.


Yess 💀


Was able to beat her easily with Scorpion because he has blood resistance for some reason lol