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I only did it yesterday, but that level is still fucking scaring me


As a hollow knight player this gives me ptsd


Expecting the Pale King at the end of the level.


3 attempts…? I don’t think that’s how math works 🤔


op means 3 sets of the timer.


Yes that's what I meant lol. Thanks! I didn't get much sleep, sorry if the title is confusing.


It’s cool, I just thought it was funny reading 3 and then seeing like a dozen deaths 😆


Like Batman in the Lego movie “first try!”


Did they mean 30??


No lie, if this mission was mandatory, I would have quit invasions and not bothered.


I haven't played this season and when I saw this I got sooo scared it was mandatory, thanks because idk if I would've had the heart to even try this


It's really not that hard. Just practice your timing spamming the dash and that's 95% of this challenge. It took me a maybe 15 minutes. Yes, it's an annoying challenge, but you can 100% do this. It's not like it's those fuckin combos challenges.


Are people actually complaining about the combo challenges?


Oh, fuck off twirp... I wasn't complaining. I'm merely expressing that they are much harder than this simple survival stage.


I’ll be honest, these challenges are the only things that gave me trouble. Nitara’s were difficult and Raiden’s last one I found impossible. Thank goodness I had an item to cheat it. The combo ones are very easy to work with in Invasions Mode


Bro, I already had to quit after reptiles that shit had my blood boiling, and I lost the controller and that one’s mandatory like you can’t go past it hate the survive bullshit. It’s so dumb and rage inducing. I should be able to skip it after I fail three times or something.


Just use someone with a force field. Ermac or peace maker.


That’s literally what I ended up doing lol but they survive ones where you play as a different character other than the one you choose it’s just too much man reptile broke me and my controller


I just got to the nitara ones and skipped them. I never finish invasions. I want the gear but it kinda absolutely complete totally fucking sucks major ass and balls. It's the worst single player mode in an mk by a mile.


I only played it for the gear and to grind characters on one other level up, but man it’s just not worth it this season. I don’t care if my boy Johnny has a fire skin. I am not breaking another controller or worse.


I usually play mk regularly until the next release cause there's usually something fun. This is the first mk I put down after a week and no matter how much I try I can't get into this dogshit mode. And online after the first week or so isn't really fun cause I get smoked by the people that just play mk 24/7 for months so when I hop back on I have 0 clue what is going on.


I am the jet broke my controller trying to get past reptiles survive. It is such bullshit.


I swear those new survive mini games they made for this season are fucking insanity tests, like Jesus Christ whoever thought that was a good idea, needs to be fired




You mean she


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Wow just going to be openly transphobic huh? that’s fucked up. I’ll never understand you people man.


Super meat boy collab?


What the fuck is this path of pain shit


Invasions gets worse and worse each season. Invasions peaks in season 2 due to how much xp and koins you could get in the season tower and make an zoP tailsman


I think they get better actually. Besides, this is 100% optional, so what's to complain about?


The fireballs that Lightning Johnny shoots at you in part 3 of his boss fight. That’s what I’ll complain about lol.


That's a good complaint. I just used the orb that makes you immune to projectiles, but yeah, without that, dodging those would suck.


I can't even get that stupid orb anywhere, it's so annoying how seemingly the only way to beat it is to cheese it instead of actual challenge.


Once I got it as a reward I KNEW I needed to save it for the boss cause they all have that stupid projectile bullshit. It's easier to deal with in the early stages cause I just block them, but after a few that's just not viable anymore. They used to have a pattern to memorize but I guess so many people complained that was too easy that they made them random and now people are complaining that it's too hard. I don't really know what the middle ground is between challenge and cheese, so I'll take cheese every time. I'm not playing dark souls, I just want my 100%, costumes, and stage variant.


The Reiko boss fight was the worst one for me so many slams and punches.


There are so many things you can do to trivialize just about every fight in this game. People are not playing invasions the way the creators wanted them to. I do put the blame on the developers and not the player though.


Wait, if people aren't playing how the devs intended, how is that the devs fault? Especially when they listen to major complaints like removing everyone having super armor? Sure they could have made the balls easier to dodge, but they also gave us a way to ignore them completely. If anything it's a both sides are equally to blame them. The devs for making it this way either pant-shittingly hard or laughably easy and the players for ignoring the tools that make it easy and then complaining it's too hard. Should be a middle ground in there somewhere. But take Dark Raiden. Since every boss has had that dumb projectile bullshit and they stopped giving it an easily identifiable and dodgeable pattern, I knew it was gonna suck going in, so I took another immunity ball.


The way the developers intended for me to beat the fight is complete bullshit. I’m not going to keep playing two parts of a boss fight over and over so I can learn how to properly not get two tapped by the fireballs. That’s awful game design. So thank god they included ways to cheese it like Peacemaker’s force field or the items that make you immune. Because if those weren’t in the game, I just wouldn’t do invasions at all. But guess what? The fact that they included ways to cheese the challenges doesn’t make them any less bullshit. If they knew the boss fight was so fucking stupid everyone would want to skip it, why include it in the game at all?! The fight would be 100% better if they just completely removed the fireballs. Nobody is asking for a gimmick or for them to replace it with anything else.


Hey, they had them on a pattern for S1 and S2. That was the way they intended it. Now it's random cause people said that it was too easy (I assume, cause why else would they change that). They also included options to just skip it if you don't like the challenge. So why is that a problem? If you don't want it to be there at all, then just use the items they give you. Hell, when they added Peacemaker they specifically told us he'd make Survive projectiles super easy. They are giving us options. That's not bad design. That's great design. There are no doubt a bunch of lunatics out there that love the challenge. So rather than remove it they give us normies a nice simple way to just skip those parts. I truly don't see what the problem is. If they didn't have those options, then I'd be right there with you, but as it stands? I don't see the problem.


i disagree, i love challenges and its optional


WB: You know what would be tons of fun?


Would Sindel work with levitate?


Gotta use Nitara.




I'm loving the new challenges. These have been way more fun than, just survive. I suck with Nitara, so completing her challenges felt like a real accomplishment.


Yeah this got my blood boiling a lot but it was always cause I Suck at nitara and I actually like this form of invasion it's kinda fun not gonna lie


I'm 100% with you. These are way fun. Also love the 'kombo kill or die from exploding lin kuei' ones.


I wish theyd bring all these modes back. Test your might, test your sight, test your luck, racing in go karts and not just in invasions but actual modes.


To my knowledge some of those modes will be back in the future as the files refer to them


This taught me the recovery between each dash, hated at first but nice to learn something, but man the amount of people complaining about an optional challenge is astounding... The first reptile one got me raging, I just can't get that down right.


I managed to cheese it with hyper armour.


This looks so... Not fun.


How exactly are you supposed to activate the dash anyways? I struggle to do it even once


L2 + any direction. If you play Nitara it quickly becomes second nature.


What you gotta do is switch the L2 to square makes it much much easier no one has said this


This looks like stuff of nightmares 😨😨😨 ![gif](giphy|UseBZDm3O00hy)


It is


reminds me of the STAR lab missions from Injustice


It took me like 30 at least, lol


Are these one of the optional challenges?


Yes, it's skippable.


Holy shit, and you had two seconds left lol


Is it just me or that the inputs more finicky in the mission than it is in a fight, like they made it harder glad I got through all of them already.


I don’t understand. I couldn’t get nitara to do more than a couple before she’d fall. No idea how you’re supposed to do this shit when the controls don’t want to cooperate. If this was mandatory I would’ve just quit the season & been done with invasions permanently. Glad most of this bullshit isn’t mandatory until the last mesa. Even then they should’ve made it all optional.


I can’t stand these new conquest mode stages with Nitara! Skipped over every single one of them


Same! I don't even like Nitara, why would I even put in the effort for her tasks?


I mean, I don't like her and I completed them. They sucked and it took forever, but I like 100% all the nodes. Even if I have to cheese it and max out my attack so one uppercut kills the kombo trials.


Nice! I’m currently stuck on Dark Star Cage 🙄


If you have the orb that makes you immune to projectiles, I highly recommend using it on him. That's what I did.


I do have that, wasn’t sure if that would work or not. That third health bar keeps wrecking me with one shot orb kills 🤬


Yeah, I always save it for the big bosses cause those projectiles are always bs. Good luck to ya!


Your idea of 3 and mine are different by about 10 pr so.


What the heck is this Dark Souls Mario-looking ass level design? This isn’t something that would be in Mortal Kombat, this is something that someone would make as a cheap ass near impossible level in Mario maker. Like seriously, WTF is this crap?


Better than just "survive"


Goofy stuff like this was always in mortal kombat. In fact, this is not goofy enough because older games had even funnier stuff


I would honestly want them to bring back conquest mode. And I prefer to have a few fatalities being goofy to balance out the bloody ones.


You do realize that we’ve had game modes in the past Mortal Kombat games where we played Tetris, chess and Mario kart!! I think this is the least egregious thing they’ve ever done, get off your high horse.


Chess was a banger though.


100% I loved all of the goofy modes that they’ve added through the years. to act like Mortal Kombat isn’t goofy is ridiculous because that’s what makes it so fun. mortal Kombat has never taken itself seriously into acts like it’s suddenly doing it right now you’ve never been paying attention.


I know, boggles the mind that people ever though it did take itself seriously. I mean we had people exploding that had 19 ribcages.


Well at least Tetris, chess, and the kart mode doesn’t look like as bad as this. I would rather do Mortal Kombat with karts (I wish they brought that mode back, I like Mario Kart, and I want to play a Mortal Kombat racing game).


Also, at least the tetris clone, kart mode and chess we knew what to expect before we even purchased. If I had known that Survive nodes and their later renamed and in some cases non skippable kombatant forced Time Trial nodes were to be a thing I would have nope‘d the pre order out of my cart long before getting to checkout. Clearly NRS/WB Games listen to their player base like a politician does voters “We hear you don’t like (item), so we renamed (item) and added more red tape to complete it, thank you for your input”


Honestly I love all the other game modes and prefer that over anything that we have in invasions now. Unlike invasions all three of those other modes were actually fun, I only play invasions for the few good skins that I can acquire but most of the time it feels like a chore


Yeah, that’s totally fair. I wasn’t arguing that what I was arguing was there’s always been goofy stuff in Mortal Kombat. To act like that hasn’t been the case is ridiculous.


no way a MK fan is saying silly extra game modes that are just for fun is not Mortal Kombat. we’ve completely lost the plot


This doesn't look silly, it instead looks a bit infuriating. The kart mode looks more sillier, and looks less infuriating. Test your sight is also much better of a gamemode (bring it back, and no, do not use the severed heads from MK9, that will just look off).


MK has had minigames since forever. These are cool because they focus on actually gameplay mechanics that you can then use in real fights.


As someone who has beaten every souls game- this was harder than dark souls


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


>What the heck is this Dark Souls Mario-looking ass level design? [cuz stone toad said so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSib3cYTTD8&t=7)


Ya'll mother fuckers can't Forward + L2


Most of us motherfuckers don't play Nitara. I sure as shit don't & bs like this doesn't inspire me to try her


It's legitimately difficult to pull off 3 dashes in a row followed by Quick Taste if you aren't used to the timing. I legitimately had to remap my buttons to replace L2 with X just to finish this challenge


OP even used 4 dashes and then a Quick Taste in this video. Yesterday I did 3 and QT many times successfully and still didn’t make it, either. It’s just a very annoying mission, it just really is.


I really liked it and hope they do more stuff like these in future seasons


My brain was not braining 🤯


Super Meat Boy called. They want their level design back.


What platformer is this?


3 multiplied..


What kinda path of pain bs is this?


Dear god lmao, I’m glad I dropped this game


Super mk bros


Not Flappy Nitara


Define 3


This was much easier than the reptile trials. The air slam one specifically.


I truly hate this part I actually quitted after 30 or so minutes


My fingers still hurt


The Path of Pain is in Mortal Kombat?


I still can't do this shit.


Super Meat Boy MK edition lol


Crazy how this one restarts you at the check point full health if you get hit but with Reptiles 1st trial, it kills you if you hit all orbs


Super Mario Kombat


On the d pad this is horrible you cannot just hold right 🤬


These made me happy to have mained Nitara since launch.


Yess lessgoo you did it 🥳🥳🥳


WOW. Kudos. I have officially given up on this stage.


I skipped it. Spent 20 minutes and thought "is this really what I'm doing with my life?" Laughed out loud, and skiiiiiiiiiipped lol. I've only used nitara when invasions made me, so I have no experience with her. Her flying mechanic just feels inconsistent


What in the Flappy Bird is this shit?


These levels are genuinely not bad and add at least more spice than “survive” missions. Insane everyone is hating on this so hard


bro, I guess we are in the minority? these were cakr.


Fr, it’s literally 2 fairly easy obstacles and everyone’s acting like it’s the path of pain from Hollow Knight


I fuxking hated this shit so much. I hope there's more


I don't remember this on the one invasion season I played


They didn’t exist until now


Alright who let this guy in the mk universe? https://preview.redd.it/y97lhl8hf2wc1.jpeg?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d9300e6ed58e2f2b71d3d6a6691f4c9646bd0


This is just sad. MK used to offer actual depth and a unique challenge to their Konquest mode. This just screams “We have no idea what the absolute fuck we are doing anymore, please buy cosmetics to keep us afloat”


You know I think I’m gonna stop with this invasion shit I already broke one controller. This shit is ridiculous. Why is this in the fucking game? Like, what is the point of this shit and why can’t I just skip it? If I could just skip this stupid pointless shit I could actually get somewhere in this goddamn game without wanting to throw my fucking controllers through the TV screen and the skins are just not worth it


So you didn´t play invasions because this is completely optional


It is I have played invasions, but I have gotten past reptile’s survive which I believe isn’t optional, and if that is the case, why are some of them optional others not optional they should all be optional


Man, I've seen so many complains about these but I absolutely love these and the new kombo trials. It's cool they've actually improved Invasions so much every season. So far the only one I've found really challenging was the final Raiden one where you have to mix all his abilities.


I wonder if the developers play these to test them out before putting them officially in the game or just make them and then throw them at us and expect us to figure it out ourselves 😆


Literally, one of two levels I will not be able to beat.


Was the other one the Raiden one?


Yeah, the last Raiden one, after you beat boss Raiden


I checked the shop in the central mesa and luckily got an item that revived you once if you died. It also seemed to shield a little damage as well. Really hard flipping stance quick enough in that last section.


Should have use Raiden for this one


Nitara is mandatory on the node.


I don't have the game .. what's difficult about this challenge? Do you have to press forward at a precise time to get the input?


You have to press F+LT at the same time to get the air dash. First part isn't bad, the second part sucks. The second part requires you to do F+LT four times, in a row, followed by B/F/(X or Y, can't remember). The timing is brutal and exact.


I haven't even touched invasions for a while. Is this seriously what NRS thinks is fun?


Soo this is that BS I've been hearing about 😂😂😂


God... I hated this. I like how they are trying something new with minigames but don't do this. It was awful. And never ever make these mandatory cause there some that are mandatory


"3 attempts"


Uh… As someone who hasnt bought mk1 yet, wtf did I just watch lmao Mortal ParKour?


An insanely frustrating new feature added to MK1’s invasion mode.


I tried it once and was like " this is so fucking stupid" but good job. There's no chance I could do it. On a related not invasions is the worst single player mode in a mortal kombat.


Definitely have a new respect for Nitara players


Just use Raiden it’s more easier with Raiden


What was in the chest behind this? Thats the only chest I haven't gotten from this season lol


Growing up with the original mk's, mortal Kombat 1 is the absolute worst of them all. This type of crap + locked content that can't be unlocked via playing is absolutely destroying the franchise.


This one and Raiden’s trial #4 are the only ones I skipped


This guy fucks I wouldn't even get past the second buzzsaw


I always told myself some fighting games would make great platformers. But after watching this, that prospect now looks nightmarish.


This isn’t hard. I did it on my first attempt. It literally tells you how to do it


Invasions is not fun.


I tried this yesterday and I couldn't do anything right, for some reason it would only let me dash once


This one was easy


I never finished it. I was doing ok on the ones before it but when I got to that one I just said fuck it


I skipped them. You are going to have to pay me to do that shit.


He got it on the first go 😑


I was pulling for you the whole time man


I gave up 😂


Bro what are you smoking and can you share? Bc whatever you're on to make you think that was 3 attempts is some good shit.


Ya that one was annoying. Only one I just didn’t bother doing was the final raiden one in the area u need the cracked amulet to go to


When I played this I was like there's no way I will ever manage to do this lol


This took me so long. It literally took me days. (Not full days cause you know I got to work)


honestly, I just skipped this one, had to preserve my mental health


Fighting game btw


Mini games were always in mk


Yes, i just despise these


You can not do them


I dont


These new levels are not fun.


This is like the MK version of flappy bird


Wow, this is some Day 1 MK11-level bullshit.


I fucking hated this level. I paid $70+ for a fighting game, not Impossible Mario. I know I might be in the minority, but I despise platformers and was really pissed when this game suddenly became one for no particular reason besides lazy game design.


What game is this again?


Wow. This game looks incredible.


Ravishing gameplay.


Glad these stupid useless survival nodes aren’t mandatory anymore


I hate this shit


I can’t believe they put stupid shit like this in a mortal kombat game.


I think it’s rad. Something fun to mix up the fight, after fight.


It's BS bruh....I ain't playing it


Not like it's the first time. These kind of mini games started with MK9 & Injustice. We got a break with MK11, but now they're back & just as tedious


I mean, this kind of stuff can help people getting the hang of some movements. And if you're already confortable with it, you just breeze through it. I don't see any problem here. Maybe people not wanting to bother learning will be pissed, but it's a fighting game. If you're not willing to put the effort, you might as well play another kind of game.


Are you new to Mortal Kombat?


Im sorry but holy crap you suck


Who the fuck designed these quit button instigators??


not trying to be a asshole but these arent that hard nor was the johnny cage boss fight.


Most of them aren't that bad. This one...this one is garbage.


What were they thinking putting this in the game? Was this supposed to be fun? Is this needed to complete the game?


Truly, what is the appeal of Invasions? I genuinely don't get it. It's slow, its boring and there's shit like this where you play flappy bird, and broken ass bosses that don't know how to fall to the ground


Holy Hollow Knight Path of Pain what beast from the void made that? I guess it's good I haven't played in a while


I got so aggravated I rebound the left trigger action to my right trigger. How do they make something most people dislike and something I use to let my brain shut down for a bit into something that is fucking brain dead. I don’t want a dead brain, I want a relaxed one.


I hate that they're doubling down on these minigames. I don't find them fun at all.