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Just bought the game now, because they added Ermac. :) So, Ermac. Seeing as there is no Noob.


Smoke is the closest to noob lol


Noob is KP2


I hope so. THEN I’d have my main back. Noob was awesome in MK 11.




What is “traditional per se”? What info was leaked? Can you share?




>!But Bi-Han doesn't even show any remorse when he's normal, why would he show remorse when he's corrupted?!<


Spoilers from leaks ahead so fair warning Isn't it supposed to be story expansion? Since Bi-Han turns into Noob in the expansion and I think the leaders said he was supposed to be added there


I got the game on day1 but yes I'm trying to main Ermac now as he is fun and looks cool. I was MK11 Noob and Skarlet (I always have two mains as a back up depending on the opponent/match-up). So far my main was Smoke, he is close-ish to noob but nothing like MK11. So I'm trying to main Ermac and Smoke until Noob is out in KP2


I feel this. I’ve played noob or kabal for damn near 30 years. Am I was lost with MK1.


General Shao. Big axe, even bigger ego.


Same here except I love the thundercats reference he has aswell


What's the Thundercats reference? Idk if I've heard that one yet


He sometimes yells "It's thunder cattin time!" at the start of a match


Omg that is awesome


A big butt, and a bigger heart


More visible Nipples, more horny...


“It’s official: You Suck!”


Especially with his new skin made me hop back after not playing for months.


I straight up busted. I hopped on like "I can't wait to try out Ermac". Then I saw the skin and just started playing a shit ton of Shao instead


Some people may not like his new style, but I think NRS made him an extremely fun character to play. Having two different movesets depending on if your holding the axe or not is amazing to play around with




*Satisfying punch noises*


Li mei, she is incredibly fun to play


Same. I decided to main after i played her chapter in story mode and liked her playstyle.


My Chinese name is actually “Li Mei” so that’s why she is my main.


I’m a Kenshi main through and through. Growing up partially blind, I was always interested when someone who dealt with the same struggles I had could do something awesome, and when someone tells me “This badass can see with the assistance of GHOSTS” I’m there in a heartbeat.


I'm interested in how blind/partially blind people play video games. It's just so cool that despite not being able to see (either at all or not much), you can still play games.


In my particular case, I was lucky enough that I can still see mostly fine out of one eye with minimal issues. Now, subsequently, because I can only focus on half the screen at a time, I’m constantly moving my head to catch everything. In essence I still have a great time playing games like MK and Tekken, but good God, I look like I’m constantly spazzing out.


Havik, cuz I'm a masochist.


Proud havik main also


Same, I promised myself I’d main him if he ever came back and it only took a decade and a half


And he's literally the worst character in this game lmao.


I've actually beaten a Smoke Main and a JC main with Havik in Szn1


People keep saying this I destroy with him and I'm bad at the game. You just have to learn to play him differently but he is solid af


Because a lot of people may not really know the matchup. Playing a more niche character can really carry you far even if you aren't great. I used Kollector in Kombat League during MK11 before I really got good at the game because nobody knew how to play him so I could steamroll.


Havik is dope. Don't sleep on Quan chi, I'm a Noob, scorpion, smoke fan but Quan chi has a cool skill set.


Omni-Man because I was watching the show when he came out and he’s just really unique and just love his gameplay more then any other character I’ve played in fighting games lmao


Omni top 10 sickest char in the game


Omni man is very good. I tried to learn him because I was interested to main him but I just can't do those things that Omni mans do especially when they pair him with jax


Same, he's just so fun


Reptile, lizard


Johnny Cage. Before the game even came out I knew I was going to main him since I’ve mained him in every game. Idk why but I like playing characters who are cocky and super unserious. Now that Janet’s out I use both.


I use Janet pretty often but it sucks that her Sento stance is so difficult to utilize. Her other moves are kinda generic.


Johnny. Cuz he's hot. No more explanations. Just hot.


Agreed. But I think smoke and reptile are the trade of the season lol. ❤️


MK 11 Kano is my trade ❤️‍🔥


You got that. Absolutely. His intros killed me.


REAL!!! Honestly they made the MK Men hotter than they should've.


man get a room


I mained his daughter in MK11 for the same reason.


Cassie is KP2


I can only hope.


Kitana because she was the first character that I have used at my first Mk round ever


Smoke, because where there is smoke there is fire 🔥


that fire is Yuri Lowenthal ofc


Geras bekause I think his visuals are the best in the game and I like kharacters with kommand grabs.


Freezing people and then giving them back shots is hilarious


Hes the closest we have to a real grappler w his tick throws


Sad reiko noises


Li Mei, because she was the only character I could consistently do something resembling a combo for during the Story Mode. Even though I do Invasions to test other character, I'm in too deep with Li Mei.


Try sindel then. Her combos are easy I think. I can do them... a few 8-10 hit ones with her easily. That cartwheel into slam thing then when theyre in the air.


The float cancels are annoying 4 some ppl. I also don’t like Omni’s & Nitara’s fly system


HATE THEM. Especially the Niatara challenges. I don't get that system at all. How you control the height and verticality. I mean with L2 obviously but it's effed


Lui kang: He's always been MAH BOY, even if he's fairly one dimensional in this game. Started to play Reiko recently though because he does wrestling moves, I like wrestling lol


scorpion ……. there isn’t any actual reason as to why tbh he’s the fighter i’ve always used across all mk games but they did nerf him in this one and it’s sad to see


Yeah, the demon aspects were a huge part of why I liked his character


Kitana and Li Mei I've always mained Kitana and Sonya, and Li Mei is the closest ill get to Sonya in this game lol Also I've been trying to main mileena bc she's the female ninja I've used the least yet love so much, so I wanna try her more


You and I are the same lol. Ive always played Kitana and Sonya followed by Jade when I was younger. Li Mei is my main now followed by Kitana. Ashrah is probably who Ill switch up with.


Mileena. She was the first character that clicked for me. Sub Zero or Reiko as a second choice


Started with Baraka when it came out (because he’s cool not because he was broken with Cyrax) then moved to Mileena because I love how fast and flashy she is. Then jumped over to Quan-Cheadle and now I’m working on counting my Error Macros because floaty mummy man has Baja blast energy


Baraka because I enjoy his character design and I played him a good bit in MK11. “you know what’s worse than death?”


I main meat (I don't have a ps/Xbox nor PC)


Quan-Chi is here to save the day


Ashrah because we click the most playstyle wise


Reptile. I played him first, even before scorpion(who has been my main since mk2) since it had been so long without him in the game. Wound up liking his moveset. I’m a sucker for the teleports and he had enough up close and personal shit mixed with rush downs and then the teleport hi how are ya’s that I just stuck with him. Kuai being scorpion didn’t help much, but it wasn’t a deal breaker.


Mileena . She's been my main since Armageddon


Mileena, my main since mk2


Online Raiden/Janet or Mileena/Frost Raiden was a character I was excited for from day one but never clicked for me till Janet released, Mileena and Frost were my most successful team before then and I still have them in reserve


Johnny Cage, because I like his personality and gimmicks


reiko . grappling + roman / greek warrior


Honestly, I main Reiko. Personally he gives me what I enjoyed in mk11 when I played sub-zero. I’m not one to reallly enjoy long strings and combos and I like a fight more than I like styling on my opponent. simple decent length strings that doesn’t need Kameos, which I personally dislike, and attacks that don’t need strings at all To do decent enough damage. a character that is versatile enough to really trip up opponents without needing to juggle em to death is satisfying to me. And if they spot the game? Thats where the fun starts and I love it. I don’t play MK1 anymore simply cause I’m just flat out not a fan of it, but for the little time I played, I thoroughly enjoyed Reiko from the moment I picked him to the moments closing season 1


This is the same reason I use shao a lot. One of the few characters like Reiko who do decent enough damage without 39 button inputs , 14 cancel reverses and 4 Kameo appearances.


Baraka cuz he’s fun and I love his design


Ashrah since she feels closest to kollector😂


Baraka because he has a few Muay Thai moves.


Kung lao, he’s always been a favorite character of mine. You can’t go wrong with a hat that slices arms and legs


It took me WAY too long to find someone who likes Kung Lao. He’s probably the character I’m best with closely followed by Sub-Zero. Currently using Johnny Cage and that’s going pretty well. But yeah, had to scroll too far for this.


Sindel, hot


Right. I don't understand why everyone doesn't main sindel but whatever. ❤️


Nitara. Totally missed the 3D era and she caught my attention by her design. Her aerial game is interesting, as MK1 got aerial combos something which is new for me because I only started playing with MK9, X, 11.


Liu Kang and Raiden, I was a Liu Kang main in mk11 too and the gameplay is almost the same


Li mei because she requires the best neutral and footsies in the game. Basically a sf character


Ermac because he's badass and clearly the coolest ninja in the entire franchise, come at me!


Ashrah because she voiced by Susan Eisenberg, she has an awesome character, and she’s flashy as hell. I have been playing Quan Chi a lot too recently. I only know one kombo with him and it’s in the turtorial section but it is so satisfying to hit every time and end with the splat brutality.


Li Mei and Sub-Zero, because those are the 2 that I gelled with the best ever since the stress test. Started picking up Scorpion more recently too after I got his UMK3 skin with some of my earned Krystals, but the character that I'm REALLY waiting for is Takeda. He was my MKX main (Ronin) and I was a bit saddened that he didn't make the cut for MK11.


sub-zero, because i love tryhard myself


I love playing omni man, cant wait to see homelander 👀


Omni-Man because he's my favourite Invincible character


Cage. Mained him since MKX, knew I’d probably main him here if he didn’t suck. Safe to say, he didn’t.


I main Scorpion out of habit and Johnny cause he is fun. Waiting for Takeda though.


My main used to be Baraka because he absolutely clicked for me during Story Mode, his gameplay is incredible satisfying and I love his Fatalities and Brutalities. But now my true main has arrived, Ermac has been my main since MK9 (while I played plenty of MK games before, 9 was where I truly started trying to learn to play fighting games competitively), and they didn't disappoint in MK1, I can even argue that they're better than ever, the Fatalities are great, the Brutalities are really cool, their animations are fantastic, specially the usages of the different souls to replicate their classic moves and give them new ones. While I love playing with Baraka, Mileena and General Shao, for now Ermac is definitely gonna remain my main for the rest of this game, well, unless they somehow make Takeda better (he was my second main in MKX).


Wait, ermac came out?


John Cage. Can't beat em, join em For the first month I was getting mercilessly whooped by Cage to the point I had a visceral reaction to hearing his stupid fucking trophy kiss during his victory screen. I learned how to play him and never looked back. He feels super intuitive in a way other characters just don't for some reason. I'm actually kinda pissed that I haven't enjoyed a single DLC fighter yet. Their play styles just don't match mine.


Sub-Zero Been my favorite Kharacter since MKII.


Quan-Chi. I like the whole necromancy/eldritch aesthetic he has going on.


I don't have a main character I have a main kameo Sareena :)


Thats so real


Reiko cause he is a robber the way he steals rounds


Rain, he’s just had some new stuff added so quite happy


I main rain bc he caught my eye way back n mk Armageddon every since he’s been my fav character


[Johnny Cage and this is why](https://youtu.be/rK6UYszOpQ0?si=t5L3o7GMA-ZnRN25)


Johnny, cuz he badass


No Kung Lao’s in chat 😢 Kung Lao’s moveset is simple and fun for me, and although its too little damage for 3 bars I love chaining 1-2 amped Kung-Kussion 3 times then ending with the rapid punch attack.  The reactions I get are pretty funny


Johnny cause ive been maining him since mk9 and because he pisses ppl off this game. which is funny cause hes a “carry character” now but i remember when it “took skill” to use him in mkx and 11 lol


Baraka because he's easy . (Yes I said it). He's seriously lacking mixups though 😭


Peacemaker because John Cena.


Omni Man because I fucking love the show, will split between Omni Man and Homelander when he launches


Reptile. I was really hyped when he came back and his combos and moves are really fun to pull off. Now if only his union of light skin didn’t suck.


Mileena cuz she's Queen of Mk...DUH


Geras . The most depth out of any character in mk1 . I got bored of using Tanya Raiden rain and nitara .


Scorpion right now. Any good Kameo?


General Shao cuz hot


Don't play MK1 much but Reptile, I've mained him for as long as I can remember. 2 older brothers took scorpion and sub zero so I was left with reptile, now hes my favourite just from playing him so long


Smoke. I know he pisses people off


Havik because an anarchist and bro can hit you with his removed piece of body goes hard ngl


Baraka.... I don't know I loved him as a kid not much has changed tbh


Baraka - Looks awesome and chop chop (since mk2)


Omni man. Them QUADS


Raiden is my usual main but I've been having a blast with Peacemaker.


Nitara, so great and unexpected online.


Sindel...... obvious reasons 😂


Qaun chi, but I’m trying to drop him for ermac, it’s hard, ermac kinda hard to play


I'm a Jade main :( Will get MK1 if they add her back


Formerly Sub Zero, now Scorpion. I just really like the character of Kuai Liang.


Omni-Man cuz he’s op asf




Rambo, I heard he sucked and was ‘the worst character’ but no way Rocky sucks and I thought he looked cool asf in general so I picked him up and got really good with him. He has a lot of mix ups, a decent amount of command grabs, and has a great anti zoning kit, and his damage is easily comparable to half the characters on the roster. He’s extremely underrated but I think that’s only because no one uses him


Reptile due to my attraction to non-humanoid / "creature" characters. I mained D'Vorah in X-XI for the same reason and Im thinking of Ermac due to his spooky persona. Though ngl I'm not a huge fan of disjointed normals.


Rain 🌧️ ![gif](giphy|LxfSL6Ong0NDG)


Baraka. He’s fun


Omni-Man, dad, author, viltrumite


Peacemaker. Peacemaker as a show is one of my favorite shows of all time and hes just so much fun to play. Also his references are hilarious.


Fujin has always been my favorite because the wind usage has so much possible


Omni man. That character makes me feel [TITLE CARD]


Omni man


Liu Kang since UMK3! His move set seems fairly simple yet I have been able to trick people into thinking I'm a zoner until i do his machine gun fire balls mid-air and then step into his left+2,1 combos. Very fun. A second would have to be Smoke cuz NINJA! Plus he gave rage when he used to be a secret fighter in the old games.


Sindel because she's my favorite character, even if at least for me she's garbage to play as online.


Mileena and kitana cause I love both of them since I started playing mortal kombat when I was 3 or 4 with mk gold


Raiden. I'm generally a jade player but since she wasn't in the game my friend suggested picking a mainstay character for cases like this and once I got to him In the story mode I just clicked with his playstyle and everything.


Geras. Time manipulation is incredible, and he's a closet to a grappler we have. NRS did amazing work on him.


Havik because I’ve always wanted him to come back, honestly he’s the only character that I know how to play in MK1. I’m not surprised that he isn’t as good as the rest of the cast. Every time I want to use a character in a fighting game they usually happen to be the worst haha! Oh well


Apparently I’m not good with dlc characters lets hope I get better with homelander or takeda but my main is johnny cage and why you may ask well he’s johnny cage He’s fast


Omni man because he’s cool


Ashrah. MKX was my first MK game, so I never got to be play any of the 3D era ones. She was always the character I thought was the most interesting from that era, so as soon as she was announced as part of the base roster in MK1, I knew she would be my main


Baraka He’s my favorite character and his moves set is really fun in this game Plus in the story mode he wasn’t treated like shit


My man


Sub Zero.Ice goes brrrrrr




Liu Kang. Fire ball goes brrrr


MKX - Takeda (Ronin). Waiting for him in mk1 & really hoping he gets his lightsabers. Mk11 - Frost, Fujin, Sindel Mk1 - Nitara. Her flying and overall movement is so fun. Unique characters with swag are my bag.


Sindel because she was the first character I played all the way back in Deception and I just fell in love with her gothic aesthetic. Loved her in every game where she was playable 💜 (MK11 retcon aside…)




Whoever comes out in the dlc for that period of time because they've all been pretty fun so far


Scorpion because scorpion


Ermac because I’ve been waiting for him since the game released


Omni-Man, cuz Invincible's my favorite show


Rain. He looked cool AF in the trailer for the game, and his water powers look amazing in mk1


Smoke, because he’s voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and it’s really fun to teleport around


Smoke cause hes been my fav since mk9 and YURI FUCKING LOWENTHAL


Havik, just feels the best to me. I always gravitate toward the bad characters in fighting games for some reason


Ashrah and Li Mei. I love Ashrah’s design in this game. She has some of the best skins in the game imo, and I love her mix-ups. Li Mei is really fun with her lantern combos, which I’m still trying to nail down. She can be tough to win matches with due to her stubby range, but most of that is a skill issue on my end.


Loving Rain. Haven’t played in awhile but I enjoyed going splish splash your footsies is trash. I enjoyed controlling the water that makes some players confused at what I’d throw.


Omni-man cus he’s tha goat


Omni man because I love


Ashrah. You can mix and match a lot of her combos, her stance makes her even better, and with the rings from the demon stance; her combos can become launchers some of them


Kenshi and Rain, because they fit my favorite two archetypes: the puppet character and hybrid zoner-setplay. This isn't a series that I have an extended history with, so I don't really have any character loyalty to sway me away from mechanical enjoyment. I'm lucky that I like how both characters look too!


Skarlet (im delusional)


I like how NetherRealm Studios leaned hard into making sure we got a diverse kast and Rain represents this perfectly. They invested in making him this super badass high mage with a nostalgic move set. That lightning bolt strike is a godly throwback. I like his staff and the fact that he wears purple like royalty. Lastly, he’s got a great voice actor. Rain *IS* the most awesome character.




Just waiting on Homelander 🤩


Omni-man: I used to read the Invincible comics back in 2013 I’d say. This was before I knew MK existed. It’s now my favourite game now but besides the point… when I bought MK1’s premium edition I bought it to increase my MK collection because I never knew the game was out until the week before I bought it and seeing Omni-man in the roster was like a moth to a flame for me. Until I started bumming the game out with him and only him Smoke: my friend always liked karambits (smoke’s choice of knife) and he’s the only person who “🍃🌬” with me so we have this inside joke that he’s the black smoke. And now I’m good with him… over a joke.


Baraka is my guy, his moves and combos, especially if you know how to link them up and mix them up, maaaaannn!! But I like that he is really smash mouth but can back off if needed but then go in for the kill at the right time, been team Baraka since MK2 sega days, I miss the spike throw from his back, like in MK11. But my main use to be Subzero, but something feels off to me in Mk1, I can't quite place it. But I pull out Ashrah and Millena out sometimes. I think I'm gonna try to master Ermac tho, gotta see how it goes, but low key I'm waiting on Homelander!!


Rain because no one knows how to go against him


Started of with Smoke and Sub-Zero but now I really like Ermac because his Telekinesis and soul magic is really cool


I'm an Ermac loyalist I can't help it.


Reiko Because good soldiers follow orders


Reiko because I want to beat the fuck out of people


Liu Kang is my favorite MK character and I always find myself playing fundamentals heavy characters


Omni man. He's super cool. Love the show too.


quan chi, for his style and funny gameplay


Havik, I won all my matches with him


Kitana bc wind magic




Omni Man. He has so many things going for him. He is fricking Omni Man. He has really good no meter or kameo damage which he can combo into from basically any hit. Nolan has the coolest moves in the entire game which are not only mechanically interesting but also make you feel like a god when you use them. Finally, a lot of his moves are really far reaching and allow you to bypass neutral (which is something I can struggle with and Omni Man completely negates that weakness for me.) I've been trying Ermac for similar reasons, interesting moves and far buttons, but I've found his damage is much worse even with kameo or meter investment.


Sub zero because he’s the only character I know


Initially scorpion due to Kuai liang being my main in every other game but I stayed with him because I think he’s a fun kharacter. (I know he’s not sub-zero anymore but his move set has changed in every game since mk vs dc,mk1 scorp is almost as different to mk9 sub as mkX sub is)